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本文(黑龙江省大庆外国语学校高一英语 知识点 B3M2学案学生版 外研版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

黑龙江省大庆外国语学校高一英语 知识点 B3M2学案学生版 外研版.docx

1、黑龙江省大庆外国语学校高一英语 知识点 B3M2学案学生版 外研版黑龙江省大庆外国语学校高一英语 知识点 B3M2学案(学生版) 外研版Introductionincome, pay, wage, salary1)从含义上看:income 指“收入”,可指挣来的收入,包括指投资挣来的收入;salary 与 wage 两者都指“工资”、“薪水”,在含义上这是两个互补的词,前者多指脑力劳动者的工资,通常按月或年发放,而后者多指体力劳动者的工资,通常按周、日或小时付给,多用复数形式;pay 则主要指因工作或劳动所获得的报酬,可包括salary 和wage, 但更多的地是指军队的薪饷或津贴;A. wa

2、ge B. income C. pay D. salary2 My monthly _is over 3000 yuan. A salary B wage C income D payReading1. 1. , 147 world leaders agree to work together to(P2 L4)agree to do同意做某事 (to do 为不定式作宾语,to为不定式的符号)agree to+n 同意某人的建议/计划/安排等。(此处的to为介词)例:1). Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 2). He has agreed t

3、o help us out of the difficulty. Please be relaxed.agree with sb./ones words_1). Do you agree with me about the need for more schools?2). We all agree with your words/what you said.agree with 除了上面用法外,还可以用来表示“与一致”,“(气候、事物)适合某人”等。1). What you did didnt agree with what you said.2). This kind of food do

4、esnt agree with me.注: agree不用于被动语态。“I couldnt agree more.”(=I completely agree.) 用于口语中, 表示“完全同意”。如:-I think its a bad idea.-I couldnt agree more.agree on :1). We couldnt agree on a date / when to meet. 关于日期/什么时候见面,我们未能取得一致意见。2). Do we all agree on the best course of action? 我们是否一致同意这一最佳措施?练习: 1. We

5、_ _ making an early start. 2. The climate here doesnt _ _him. 3. I dont _ _ you to make friends with such a man. 4. The manager has_ _ improve the working condition in the company. 5. When did you last hear _ Jay?-He phoned me this morning, and we agreed _ a time and place to meet.A. of; to B. about

6、; with C. from; with D. from; on一言辩之:Tom asked me if my wife agreed to spend the holiday in the north. I said that she agreed to my idea, so we agreed on a date for it. And my wife ageed with what we did._2. The index measures a countrys achievements in three ways: life expectancy( how long people u

7、sually live), education and income. (P 2L4)1 measure: v. 评估,衡量,测量 n. 措施,方法,计量单位He measured the length of the desk. 他量了桌子的长度。This room measures 6 meters by 4. 这个房间有6米长、4米宽。The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime. 政府正引进更强硬的手段来反击犯罪。They took strong measures against dangerous driv

8、ers.他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。拓展: make to ones measure 按某人的尺寸做 adopt / take measures to do sth 采取措施干某事beyond measure 过度,极其,非常 in large/ some measure 在很大/ 某种程度上measure up (to ) 合格,达到标准,胜任set measure to sth.限制measure the length/width/height of.测量的长/宽/高measure up to 符合(期望);达到(标准)measure表示“措施”的含义时,应用其复数形式measur

9、es。measure表示“测定;测量;评估”时,是及物动词,后直接加名词作宾语;或用于be measured in/by.结构中,表示“用来计算”。measure表示“量;有长(宽、高等)”时,是不及物动词,后跟量的结果,不用被动语态及进行时态。练习: 1. The job failed to _ to her expectations. 这项工作没有满足她的期望。2. The government has _ to help college graduates to find jobs. 政府已经采取措施帮助大学生就业。3. The cloth easily if on a table.A.

10、 measures; spreading B. measures; spreadC. will be measured; spread D. has been measured; spread4. What measures have been _ to control the crowd at Saturdays football match?A. imagined B. made C. given D. taken 2 expectancy U 预期,期望,期望的事物I saw the look of expectancy in the childrens eyes. 我从孩子们眼中看到了

11、期待的眼神。There was an air of expectancy among the waiting crowd. 等待的人群中有一种期盼的心情。expect v. 预期; 预计 expectant adj. 预期的;期待的 expectantly adv.练习:翻译句子You cant expect to learn a foreign language in a few months._We were expecting him to arrive yesterday._Many people were expecting that the peace talks would br

12、eak down._She looked at him expectantly._3. position n. 位置,方位; 处境,状况 ;地位,身份,职位(P2L11) v. 安置;安装; 使处于The machine can figure out the position of the sun in the sky.The financial position of our company is becoming worse and worse.The position of women in the society today is much higher.Large televisio

13、n screens were positioned at either end of the stadium.She quickly positioned herself behind the desk. 拓展: in a position 处于的地位/处境 in/ out of position 在/ 不在适当的位置take up ones position 就位; 占据位置 get a position获得某职位 in a good position情况好 hold a position 担任职务 shift ones position改变立场练习:财富和地位对她并不重要。_2) 现在这家

14、公司已准备好在国外市场竞争。_3) Until the 1960s, the Chinese American began to enter such as doctor, lawyer etc.A. careers B. jobs C. professions D. positions4) From their_ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city.(2009. 陕西高考) A state B position C condition D situation state/situati

15、on/condition/position(1)state多指身体、心理状况;也可以表示物质存在的状态。(2)situation既可以表示政治上的形势、局面,也可以表示人或公司等的状况。(3)condition表示条件;当表示周围的环境时常用复数conditions; 也可以指主语的“状态,状况”,常用于in good/bad condition等短语中。(4)position指影响自己行为能力的形势、处境;也可以表示职位、位置、地点等。 4. make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11. (P 3 L 5)up

16、 to直到;到为止up to是介词短语,用于表示地点、数量、程度、时间等词前。 直到(数目)up to 直到(高至)(程度) 直到=up till(时间) The tent can hold up to ten men. 这个帐篷可以睡10个人。 My German isnt up to translating that letter. 我的德语达不到能翻译那封信的程度。 What in the world are you up to? Stop it at once. 你到底在搞什么鬼?还不快住手。be up to打算做/正做(某种不好的事) be up to sth.打算做/正做(不好的事

17、);胜任Its up to sb. to do.应由某人做 Its up to you. 由你来决定。练习:1. Have you finished the book? - No. Ive read up to _ the children discover the secret cave.( 2010. 全国二卷) A which B what C that D where2. What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game._. Whatever you want to do is fi

18、ne with me.A It just depends B All right C Glad to hear that D Its up to you.3. I can take four people in my car. (我的汽车最多能带四个人). 4. I have never heard from her_(直到现在). 5.他无法胜任这份工作. _ 6. Whats (她在搞什么鬼)?5. example cn. 例子,榜样 (P 4 L1)example of 方面的例子He gave several examples of the ways to solve this pro

19、blem.set an example 树立一个榜样She arrived at the office early to set an example to the others. be an example to sb 是某人学习的榜样He is an example to all of us.follow ones example 仿效某人It would be a mistake to follow his example.练习: 1)这部词典有许多关于词语用法的示例。_2) 他的勇气式我们大家的榜样。_6but we need to make greater efforts. (P5

20、L2)I know you dont like her, but you could make an effort to be polite. 我知道你不喜欢她,但是你应该尽量礼貌一些。The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people.地方俱乐部正在尽一切努力来吸引更多的年轻人。We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。拓展: spare no effort 不遗余力 make every effort /

21、 (many) efforts/ a good effort to do sth 尽一切努力干 without/ with efforts 容易地,不费力地/ 努力地,艰难地 through sbs efforts 通过某人努力注意: effort作“努力”讲时,为不可数名词;作“费力的事情,花精力的事情”讲时是可数名词。They have put a lot of effort into their garden this summer.这个夏天,他们对他们的花园倾注了不少心血。It was a real effort to stay awake in the lecture. 在讲座过程中

22、不打瞌睡,真得费很大的劲。练习:1. In my opinion, it was really a great_ for her to be pleasant to people she didnt like. A trouble B sorrow C effort D horror2. I would no effort to fill it to your satisfaction. A. spare B. spend C. have D. tend3. Great efforts must be to improve the living conditions here. A. take

23、n B. made C. put D. through7. figure n. 数字,图形; 人,动物;雕像;人物;身材 v. 计算;认为,以为 (P 13, Activity 4)She does exercise every morning to keep her figure.她每天早上做运动以保持体形。His score is now well into double figures. 他的得分已经两位数了。She is always had a good figure. 她身材一向很好。Have you figured in the cost of food for our holi

24、day?你把咱们度假的食物费用计算进去了吗?I figured that he was drunk and shouldnt be allowed to drive. 我认为他喝醉了,不应该让他开车。拓展:keep ones figure 保持身材 the latest sales figures最新的销售数字a square figure方形 a historical figure历史人物 figure out 想出,理解出,算出 figure on 计划,打算,预料到 figure sth. in将某物考虑/计算在内 be / become a figure of fun 成为笑柄练习:I

25、 cant _ why she said so. 我无法理解她为何这么说我们认为明智的做法是等待。_Have you _ the cost of the meals? 你已经把伙食费算计去了吗?I cant what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning. A. look out B. take out C. work out D. figure out5).Last night he saw two dark enter the building, and then there wa

26、s the explosion. A. features B. sketches C. figures D. imagesListening:1. unfortunate adj. 倒霉的,不幸的;使人遗憾的 (P16)The unfortunate people who were playing near the sea lost their lives.I would like to apologize for this unfortunate mistake.fortunate adj. fortunately adv. unfortunately adv. fortune n. 运气,

27、机会U;巨款C make a fortune 发财be fortunate to do sth. I have been fortunate to visit many parts of the fortunate in doing sth. I was fortunate in having a good teacher.翻译:1 算他运气好,我准时到了。_2 让家里人吃味道好又健康的餐食并不需要花许多钱。_2. be connected with 与有联系 (P16)It can be a great help for you to be connected with t

28、he world. be connected to 连通,连接The printer is connected to the computer.connect up (to sth) 将(与电源、气等)连接起来She connected up the two computers.翻译句子:我们等待着电话接通。_他与那起犯罪毫无关联。_Cultural Cornerbe close to 靠近,接近(=be near to);即将发生 (P19)The two countries are close to signing a peace agreement. 两国即将签署和平协议。Our translation should be close to the original. 我们的翻译应忠实于原文。拓展: a close game 势均力敌的比赛 a close friend 密友 close up (商店)关闭、停业 close down (商店、工厂)倒闭close& closely adv. close 是指距离、场所、地点等的“接近,靠近closely 是指抽象意

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