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1、上海新世纪英语高二年级下学期Unit1教材精讲伴你成长高二新世纪(下)Unit One1重点单词单词词性中文含义衍生词相关常见短语eageradj.热切的;渴望的n. eagernessadveagerlybe eager for sth 渴望得到(某样东西)be eager to do sth 渴望或急切地想做某事expectv.预料;期盼nexpectationexpect sthfrom sb 要求某人某事物 expect sbto do sth 期望某人去做某事expect too much of sb 对某人期望过高complainv.抱怨;投诉n. complaintcomplai

2、n to sbabout sth 向某人抱怨某事complain of sth 诉说(病痛等)make fin complaint ofabout sth抱怨某事protestv.n.抗议;反对 n. protesterprotest against sth 抗议或反对某事make a protest against sth. 对某事提出抗议removev.移开;去除n. removaladj. removableremove sthfrom sth 将某物移到别处(从某处清除某物)remove sbfrom sth 免去某人职务settlev.定居;使安定;解决n. settler nset

3、tlement settle sbdown使(某人)安心、安静settle down to sth 开始专心做某事headv.向行进head for向(某处)行进explorev.勘探;探索nexplorationadjexploratoryn. explorerexplore the Arctic regions到北极地区探险explore the new continent考察新大陆exchangev.交换adjexchangeableexchange A for B把A换成Bexchange sthwith sb 和某人交换某物importn.v.进口;输入n. importerimpo

4、rtationimport sthfrom 从某处进口某物import sthinto 把某物引进某处revealv.透露;揭露 n. revelationadjrevealingreveal sthto sb向某人揭露(透露)某事liveadj有生命的,活的;现场直播的 live fish活鱼live broadcast现场直播live recording现场录音tricky adj智谋的;诡计多端的ntrick advtrickily a tricky problem需要慎重处理的问题a tricky fellow诡计多端的家伙presentv.赠予;呈现;递交npresentation

5、present sbwith sth将某物交给某人present sthto sb向某人显示某物 2. 重点词组乐意去做某事 be willing to do sth期望从某人身上得到某物 expect sthof sb抱怨某事 complain about sth长相奇怪的生物 strange-looking creatures砍树 cut down trees在.身上起到重要的作用 have an important part in高度重视 put great value on sth拿某物去交换某一物 exchange sthfor sth许多的,大量的(修饰可数名词) a number

6、 of对有把握 be sure of sth用抱起来 be wrapped in举起某物 hold sthup跳出 jump out谈论;涉及 refer to可以分为 fall into采用的形式 take the form of普遍真理 general truths把记在心里 keep sthin mind充分解释一个普遍真理 make a general point由组成 consist of和有关 be related to持某种观点 hold the opinion不再流行 go out of fashion向往常一样 as usual3. 重点句型sb. /sth. /is/was

7、 said/reported. to have doneexchange A for Bbe supposed to be/doUp/Away/Out.开头的倒装句4. 重点语法Word Formation (1) Derivation(派生)知识精讲Vocabulary and Patterns(一)Text 1expect v(1)expect sthfrom sbor sth 预料,期待,盼望Im expecting a letter of admission from that university 我在等待那所大学的录取通知书。 Frankly, I never expected t

8、here to be 说实话,我从未料到讨论会如此热烈。 You cant expect to master a foreign 别指望靠走捷径掌握一门外语。(2)(有权利,有责任)要求such a heated discussion1anguage by some short cutThe police officer expects abs61ute obedience from his men 警官要求他的手下绝对服从。(3)(不用进行时)认为,猜想I expect it was Jack who broke the recorder 我认为是杰克再坏了录音机。 Is he going

9、to study overseas? 1 expect soI dont expect so 他要去国外留学吗?我想是的我觉得不会。(4)expect too much of sb对某人期望过高Please dont expect too much of meI simply cant finish the work in just five days 请不要对我期望过高。仅仅五天之内我根本做不完这项工作。(5)(only)to be expected(某种情况的出现等)相当正常Its only to be expected that children will leave their par

10、ents when theyve grown up孩子们长大后离开父母是再正常不过的事情了。expectation n 预料;期望The children waited patiently in expectation of the magician 孩子们耐心地等待着魔术师的出现。(不可数名词) She had high expectations of what university had to offer 她对大学所能提供给她的一切期望很高。(可数名词,通常作复数。)短语:contrary to expectationsagainst expectationsbeyond expecta

11、tionout of expectation 出乎意料;意想不到2suppose v(1)believe,imagine认定;猜想I suppose she will be there tomorrow 我猜想她明天能到那儿。(2)pretend that sthis true;assume假定;假设Suppose(that)the news is truewhat shall we do next? 假设那个消息是真的,那我们下一步该怎么办?(3)用于祈使句的开头以提出建议Suppose we go swimming this afternoon! 咱们今天下午去游泳吧!(4)用于be su

12、pposed to do sth句型,表示“被期望或要求做某事”You are supposed to finish your assignment by Friday.你们应该在周五之前完成这项任务。(5)supposing=if 假如Supposing(that)it rains, can we play the match indoors? 要是下雨的话,我们在室内比赛行吗?3complain v(1)complain to sbabout sth 投诉,抱怨,发牢骚She is always complaining 她总是发牢骚。My neighbor said he would co

13、mplain to the police if we keep on making noise. 邻居说如果我们继续吵闹的话,他就要向警方投诉了。(2)complain that+从句:投诉,抱怨The customer complained that she was challenged at the checkout 顾客抱怨说她在交费处受到了刁难。(3)complain of说自己承受的病痛She complained of haying trouble in eating她诉说自己进食困难。4. protest n.& v 抗议,反对The minister resigned in p

14、rotest against the decision 这位部长为反对那项决策而辞职。 Demonstrators are protesting against the governments defense policy 示威者们正在抗议政府的防务政策。 5.The expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal 可以对此句进行改写:It is said that the expression has come from the name of a hard-working animal. 类似的结

15、构有:It is believedreportedsupposedrecognizedadmittedpointed out that=sbsthis believedreportedsupposedrecognizedadmittedpointed out to doto be doing/to have done据信(据报道、据猜测、被承认的是、需要承认的是、应该指出的是.)It is reported that the bank was robbed yesterday =The bank is reported to have been robbed yesterday 据报道那家银行

16、于昨天被抢劫。It is widely recognized that English is an international 1anguage=English is widely recognized to be an international language人们普遍认为英语是一门国际语言。It must be pointed out that your pronunciation must be improved=Your pronunciation must be pointed out to be improved必须被指出的是你的发音有待改进。6.remove(1) remove

17、 sthsbfrom将某物(人)移开Let me remove the dishes from the table我来把碗碟从餐桌拿走。They have been removed from this school 他们已经从这所学校转走了。(2) remove sbfrom sth 免去职务He has been removed from his position as president of the bank 他已被免除该银行的董事长职务。(3) take off clothing,etc 脱下衣服等Removing his warm clothes,she started to hel

18、p Morn with the cooking脱下棉衣,她开始帮妈妈做饭。(4) get rid of;eliminate清除(污渍等);消除疑虑,克服困难等The principal called on us to remove whatever graffiti there is on the desk 校长号召我们把课桌上所有的乱涂乱画都清除掉。Doubts removed,were as united as before 疑虑消除了,我们又团结如初。7settle v.(1) to place someone or oneself as to be comfortable使自己或他人舒

19、适地处于He settled the child on the sofa and returned to his work 他把孩子放在沙发上就继续工作起来。(2) (often passive)to go and live in a place定居,移居The American West was hardly settled until the 1 9th century 19世纪之前,美国的西部几乎无人居住。(3) (+advprep)to start to live in a place(+副词介词)定居They got married and settled near Manchest

20、er 他们结了婚并在曼彻斯特附近定居下来。(4) settle down舒适地坐下She settled(herself)down in a chair with a cup of coffee 她端了杯咖啡舒舒服服坐到椅子上。 安顿下来,过稳定的生活I hate all this travel;I want to get married and settle down 我讨厌了到处跑,想结婚过安定的生活。 习惯于某种生活方式或职业He has been a teacher for ten years and feels quite settled down他做教师10年了,感觉已经非常适应了

21、开始专心于某事,认真地开始做Well,I must settle down to my homework(5) settle up结算帐目我得安下心来做家庭作业了。The moment we finished dinner,we settled up and left the restaurant我们吃完饭后立刻结帐走了。8head v.(1) be at the top or front 在前列,头上Bin Laden has been heading the list of people that US government wanted to get rid of.本.拉丹一直以来都是美

22、国政府最欲除之而后快的人。(2) move in a certain direction (不及物)朝行进They were headed for the East,but somehow they landed in North America 他们朝着东方前进但不知为什么却在北关登岸。9explore v(1) 探险,探测The scientific team has explored the Amazon jungles for years and collected a lot of data. 这支科考队对亚马孙丛林探索了多年,积累了大量的数据。(2) (对某一问题、主题的)深人探讨

23、They explored several solutions to the problem 他们探讨了解决这个问题的几种方法。(3) 熟悉某一地方I believe the best way to explore this city is to walk it 我相信熟悉这座城市的最好方法是步行。10exchange v(1) exchange A for B;exchange sthwith sb 交换,互换He exchanged his radio for my walkman Once every two weeks,we exchange seats 我们每两周交换一次座位。 Th

24、e armies exchanged fires at the border(2)比较:change相同:交换change sthwith sbCan I change seats with you? 我能和你换座位吗?不同:change改变,替换The Lugou Bridge Incident is an event that changed the history of china 卢沟桥事变是一桩改变中国历史的事件。 Im changing my addressCould you have the clothes sent to my new home? 我就要搬家了。你可以把衣服送到

25、我的新家吗?11wrap v(1) wrap sth(up) in sth用包裹某物The children are busy wrapping the Christmas presents in colored paper. 孩子们正忙着用彩色纸包装他们的圣诞礼物。 The nurse carried in a baby wrapped in a warm blanket保姆抱着孩子进来,孩子身上裹着暖和的毯子。(2) wrap stharound sbsth 将(一块材料)缠绕或围住某人(某物)Please wrap a scarf around your neck 请把围巾围在脖子上吧。

26、(3) be wrapped up in sbsth(引申含义)注意力完全集中在某人(或某事)上They were completely wrapped up in their children他们把全部精力都用在了孩子们身上。 She was so wrapped up in her work that she didnt hear the knock at the door 她只顾埋头工作,根本就没听到敲门声。(4) wrap sthup 完成(任务) 。The salesman has already wrapped up a couple of deals by lunch 那个销售员

27、在午饭前已经做完了几笔生意。12reveal v(1) reveal sthto sb 透露,泄露,显露His anger revealed that he took it very seriously 他的愤怒说明他对这件事很看重。 A recent study reveals that Chinas economy is one of the most energetic in the world 最近一项研究表明中国经济是全世界最具活力的经济之一。(2) allow sthsbto be seen,show展现,显露出,使人看见Then the door of the classroom

28、 opened,revealing the class teacher MsZhang 这时教室的门开了,班主任张老师站在门口。(3) revealing(形容词)(衣服)暴露的;(信息,评价,话语等)揭露内情的She had on a rather revealing dress,which made her too striking at the party 她穿一件过于暴露的衣服,成了晚会上最惹眼的人物。131ive adj(1) 活的(不用于修饰人)What a surprise! The cat is playing with a live mouse 多奇怪呀!那只猫在耍弄一只活老

29、鼠。(2)(木材,煤,油等)在燃烧着Keep off the coalIts live离那块煤远点,着着哪。(3)带电的,通电的A certain type of engine runs on live rails 有一种机车是在通电的铁轨上运行。(4)目前令人关注的,重要的The education of children is a live issue in almost all countries 几乎在所有的国家,儿童的教育都是个引人关注的问题。(5)实况直播的This is not a recorded; its live.这不是录播节目;是直播。比较alive,livingaliv

30、e 活着的。可作表语和后置定语;还可以作补足语。The injured was still alive when the po1ice came to the scene 警察赶到事故现场时,伤者还活着。 No one knows for certain how many common Chinese were buried alive by theJapanese 没有人确切地知道到底有多少中国平民被日本鬼子活埋了。 She is the greatest woman politician alive 她是健在的最伟大的女政治家。living活着的,一模一样的人或物,(语言、习惯等)依然实施的,使用的;作定语。Is your grandmother still li

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