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1、1 消防设备检查1 消防设备检查、测试和养护的周期和内容Inspection and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment序No. 种类Description 检查周期Duration 检查内容和要求Requirements of inspections1 主消防泵Main fire pump 每周weekly 主消防泵的试验Test of fire pump2 应急消防泵Emergency fire pump 每周weekly 应急消防泵及其舱室的检查和试验Inspection and test of emergency fire pump and c

2、ompartment3 消防总管Fire main 每月monthly 消防总管的检查和试验Inspection and test of fire main4 消防栓、消防皮龙水枪Hydrants,hoses and nozzles 每周weekly 甲板、住所和机舱内的消防皮龙箱的检查General inspection of fire cabinets on deck, in the accommodation and in the machinery space5 手提式灭火器(泡沫、CO2,干粉)和手提式泡沫发生器Portable fire extinguisher (foam, CO

3、2, dry powder) and portable foam applicator units 每月monthly 根据防火布置图检查每种型号的手提灭火器数量Checking the number of portable fire extinguishers of each type according to the fire control plan6 防火门,防火闸,逃生路线,天窗,探火装置和通用报警Fire doors, fire dampers,means of escape, skylights,fire detection equipment and general alarm

4、 每周weekly 居住区,各种甲板和机舱的总体检查,尤其应注意防火门,防火闸,逃生路线,天窗,手提式和推车式灭火器,随机测试一些探火装置并试验通用报警General inspection of accommodation, various decks and machinery spaces with particular attention to fire doors, fire dampers, means of escape, skylights and portable and semi-portable fire extinguishers. Test at random of a

5、 number of fire detectors and test general alarm7 探火装置Fire detection equipment 每季quarterly 彻底试验整个装置和探测头Complete test of the whole installation detectors8 国际通岸接头International shore connection 每月monthly 检查通岸接头Checking the shore connection9 消防员装备Firemans outfit 每月monthly 检查消防员装备Checking the firemans ou

6、tfit10 固定1211/CO2灭火系统Fixed 1211 /CO2 fireextinguishing system 每季quarterly 检查和试验固定1211/CO2灭火系统Inspection and test of fixed 1211 /CO2 fire extinguishing system11 固定式泡沫灭火系统Fixed foam fireextinguishing system 每季quarterly 检查和试验泡沫灭火系统Inspection and test of fixed foam fire extinguishing system12 油漆间的消防设施Fi

7、re extinguishingarrangement in paint locker 每季quarterly 油漆间消防设施的检查Inspection of the fire extinguishing arrangement in paint locker13 惰性气体系统IGS 每季quarterly 惰性气体系统的检查Inspection of the IGS 1.1 消防泵及其消防皮龙等检查细节(每周)Inspection details of fire pumps and hoses etc. (weekly)序No. 种类Description 检查内容和要求Requiremen

8、ts of inspections1 主消防泵Main fire pump 消防泵工作是否正常,保持合适的压力,压力表正常,原动机处于良好状态Checking that the pump operates is in good order, the proper pressure is maintained, the pressure gauges are in order, the prime mover is in good condition.2 应急消防泵Emergency fire pump 检查原动机的启动和运转,检查为冷启动配备的加热装置,检查专用燃油是否足够供泵在最大负荷下运行

9、至少3小时,在机舱外是否储备足够燃料供泵再运行15小时。检查启动系统和/或止回阀的运行状况,截止阀和考克的工况。检查泵浦在所需要的压力下(20分钟)的运行状况。检查应急消防泵处所:泵处所四周是否被隔热,如与机舱直接相通,是否设有气闸或远控水密门且工作正常。Checking the starting and operating condition of the prime mover. Checking the heating arrangement for cold starting. Checking that the quantity of the designated fuel is s

10、ufficient to run the pump on full load for at least 3 hours. Checking that there is a sufficient reserve of fuel outside the main machinery space to run the pump for an additional 15 hours. Checking the operating condition of the priming system and/or non return valve, the operating condition of the

11、 isolating valves and cocks. Checking the operating condition of the pump at required pressure (for at least 20minutes). Checking the space containing the emergency fire pump. Checking that the boundaries of the spaces are insulated, in case of direct access from the machinery spaces, checking that

12、there is suitable airlock or remote control watertight door provided and in operating order. 3 消防栓Hydrants 是否有足够的消防栓和皮龙接头,开关正常Checking whether there are adequate hydrants and hose couplings. Valves are in operating condition.4 皮龙和皮龙箱Hoses and fire cabinets 皮龙箱的铰链是否正常,每个皮龙箱均配备扳手,皮龙存放位置是否合适、数量是否符合防火控制

13、图的要求,皮龙密封圈是否正常The hinges of the cabinets in good condition. Spanners provided in each fire cabinet. All hoses in place and the number of hoses in compliance with the fire control plan. The hose ring seals in good condition.5 水枪Nozzles 消防皮龙附近是否有水枪,是否所有水枪均处于工作状态,水枪数量足够,两用水枪(喷雾/水柱)是否有选择(关闭)阀Provided in

14、 the vicinity of the fire hose. All nozzles in operating condition. Adequacy of nozzles. All nozzles of a dual-purpose type (spray/jet) incorporating with a shut-off.6 防火门Fire doors 检查是否开关自如无阻碍,自动关闭门没绑住或用钩子固定,远控操作正常(如有装设)Checking that they operate satisfactorily and are not obstructed. Checking that

15、 self-closing doors are not lashed or hooked. Checking the remote operation is in order. 1.1 消防泵及其消防皮龙等检查细节(每周)Inspection details of fire pumps and hoses etc. (weekly)序No. 种类Description 检查内容和要求Requirements of inspections7 防火闸Fire dampers 检查关闭装置,包括自动关闭装置(如有装设)是否处于正常状况Checking that closing arrangement

16、s, including automatic means of closure when fitted, are in operational condition.8 天窗Skylights 检查关闭装置包括远控和自动关闭装置(如有装设)是否处于正常状况Checking that closing arrangements including remote control and automatic means of closure when fitted are in operational condition.9 逃生路线Means of escape 检查逃生路线是否无障碍物,梯子踏板和扶

17、手是否处于良好状况,照明是否正常Checking that the escapes are unobstructed, that steps and handrails are in good order and that illuminating is operating properly.10 灭火器Fire extinguisher 检查灭火器是否放置在指定位置,其外部处于满意状况Checking that they are located in their assigned places, in external satisfactory.1.2 消防总管及其存放装置检查细节(每月)I

18、nspection details of fire main and other (monthly)序No. 种类Description 检查内容和要求Requirements of inspections1 消防总管Fire main 在有压力下检查和用小锤试听消防总管,特别注意到:污泥易积聚的地方、易腐蚀的地方,检查通向机舱的消防总管上的截止阀是否正常Inspection and hammer testing of the fire main under pressure, with particular attention to: areas where dirt may accumul

19、ate, areas prone to corrosion, valves isolating the fire main section in the machinery space from the other sections of the fire main in operating order.2 手提灭火器Portable fire extinguishers 根据防火控制图检查每种型号的的灭火机数量,位置,清洁保养,检查存放容器是否处于良好状况,无腐蚀,能否立即投入使用,检查有效期,记录在登记卡上Checking the number, location and maintena

20、nce of portable fire extinguishers of each type according to the fire control plan. Checking that cylinders are in good condition, without serious corrosion, ready for use. Checking the validity date and recorded on the labels.3 国际通岸接头International shore connection 检查是否配有带有标准法兰盘尺寸的通岸接头,四套罗栓和螺母,一个密封圈

21、Checking the shore connection with standard dimension flange, four sets of bolts and nuts, one gasket packing are available on board.4 消防员装备Firemans outfit 检查是否配有四套装备,根据防火控制图检查其存放场所是否处于正常状态;检查防护服、长统靴、手套、硬头盔、安全带、电池防爆灯、斧头等;检查带有防烟盔或防烟罩的储压式呼吸器,200%备用空气瓶且充足气。每一空气呼吸器是否有足够长度的耐火救生绳。Checking the four sets of

22、 firemans outfit are on board. Checking that the stowage is in good order according to the fire control plan. Checking the protective clothing, boots, gloves, helmet, belt, electric safe lamp, axe. Checking the self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus with a smoke helmet or smoke mask and w

23、ith 200% spare air cylinders full charged. Checking that there is a fireproof lifeline of sufficient length for each breathing apparatus.5 应急逃生呼吸器Emergency escape breathing devices(EEBD) 配备数量是否符合要求(中国船检要求配5套,巴拿马船籍配备7套)外观是否清洁,完好,压力是否正常。The number of EEBD onboard meets the requirement (CCS requirement

24、: 5 sets, Panama Maritime Authorities requirement:7 sets), and if their externals are clean and intact, the pressure is normal.1.3 消防固定灭火系统及其存放装置检查细节(每季)Inspection details of fixed fire extinguishing system etc. (Quarterly)序No. 种类Description 检查内容和要求Requirements of inspections1 固定灭火系统(气体)Fixed fireex

25、tinguishing system (Gas) 检查放置固定灭火系统场所是否标志合适并处于良好状态,没放置笨重物品,操作须知必须永久显示,气体钢瓶完整且放置合适,气体钢瓶的外部状况无严重腐蚀,检查下次钢瓶的称重日期、管系畅通试验日期、钢瓶压力测试日期(两年一次),检查管系是否处于良好状态且无严重腐蚀;试验气体释放时的声音报警是否正常。Checking that the fixed fire extinguishing room is properly marked and in good condition, free of stored heavy articles. The operat

26、ing instructions must be permanently posted. The gas cylinders are complete and properly stowed. The external condition of gas cylinders in free of serious corrosion. Checking the next due weighing date of the cylinders, the next due servicing date of the piping system and the next due pressure test

27、ing of the cylinders (at least once every 2 years). Checking that the pipe lines are in good order and that there is no heavy corrosion. Testing the audible alarm for the release of gas.2 水灭火系统Fixed fireextinguishing system(Water) 检查喷水系统的操作须知是否永久显示,检查给水泵万一系统压力下降的自动启动的操作要领,检查管系是否处于良好状态,有腐蚀或渗漏迹象,机舱外部的

28、分配器处于良好控制状态,随机检查喷嘴。Checking that the operating instructions of the water spray system are permanently posted. Checking the operating order of the water feeding pump including its automatic starting in case of the pressure drops in the system. Checking that the pipelines are in good condition, showin

29、g neither trace of corrosion nor leakage. Checking that the distribution valves outside the machinery space are in operating condition. Inspect the water spray nozzles at random.3 泡沫灭火系统Foam fireextinguishing system 检查泡沫柜的液位显示仪是否完好,药剂是否渗漏,是否在有效期内,操作程序在明显处永久显示Checking that the liquid level indicator

30、of the foam tank is in good condition, without leakage of liquid. Checking the validity date of liquid. Operating instruction permanently posted on the obvious place.4 油漆间灭火系统Fire extinguishing arrangement in paint locker 检查消防系统是否处于良好状态Checking that the fire extinguishing system is in good condition

31、5 惰性气体系统IGS 检查操作是否满意,检查控制板上的报警是否工作正常Checking that operation is in satisfactory condition. Checking that the alarm on the control panel works in order.2 救生设备检查、测试和养护的周期和内容Inspection and maintenance of life saving equipment序No. 种类Description 检查周期Duration 检查内容和要求Requirements of inspections1 救生艇和救助艇及释放装

32、置Lifeboats, rescue boats and their launchingarrangement 每周weekly 救生艇和救助艇及施放装置的目视检查General inspection of lifeboats and rescue boats, lifeboat and rescue boat launching arrangements.2 救生艇和救助艇属具Lifeboat and rescue boats equipment 每月monthly 救生艇和救助艇内设备和属具检查Inspection of lifeboat and rescue boats equipment3 救生艇和救助艇施放装置Lifeboat and rescue boat launch

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