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1、重庆市九校联盟届高三上学期第一次联合考试英语试重庆市重点中学2018级“九校联盟”第一次联合考试英语参考答案第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)15 BACAB 610 ACCBB 1115 BACAC 1620 BACCC第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)2125 ADCAD 2630 ADCAC 3135 AABCA第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)3640 BDAGE第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)4145 DCABC 4650 BDBBC 5155 DDCCA 5

2、660 DCCDA第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61to be awarded 62announcement 63responded 64proud 65if/whether66Discussing 67that 68But 69values 70of第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Sorry to hear that you failed in the monthly examsAs is known to us that life is not a smoothlyIt smoothjourney,which i

3、s full of ups and downs,so never lose the heartBut there are some tips for you to to followFirstly,learn from your experiencesIts strongly suggested that you figured out andfigurereflect on your mistakesTo avoid make the same errors,you may as well turnyour teachers for helpmaking toSecondly,work ou

4、t a detailed planMake sure it is easy and practical to carry out and you shouldreward you when goals achievingThirdly,moderate relaxation is a must,because all work and noyourself achievedplay make Jack a dull boyLast but not least,stick to your ideal,which serves as a compass,guidingmakes and motiv

5、ating you across tough timesWish you good luckthrough第二节 书面表达(满分25分)【参考范文】Dear David,Im glad to know that you are launching a campaign,“Approach to China”,aiming to introduce your peers to a thriving China,and be of some helpFrom my perspective,the activities may range from Chinese calligraphy compe

6、tition to paper cutting,martial arts,appreciation of Beijing Opera and so onAs for Chinese elements,the Great Wall with a long history symbolizes the national fighting spirits while high-speed railway representing the cutting-edge technology takes the lead in the worldChinas booming economy is marke

7、d with bicycle sharing and One Belt and One Road InitiativeBy the way,mascots like pandas and Monkey King will enjoy great popularity among participantsWish your campaign a success Yours sincerely, Li Hua【解析】第二部分 阅读理解第一节 A【语篇导读】久坐伤身,但是适当锻炼,哪怕是走路都可以有效缓解对身体带来的伤害。21A 词义猜测题。一天需要怎样锻炼能“弥补”长期伏案工作对身体造成的危险呢?

8、make up for弥补;break away from摆脱;give up放弃;take the place of代替。22D 推理判断题。从第三段最后一句可知,新的锻炼目标比之前建议的要高,所以C项是错的;结合最后一段可知,锻炼的时间虽长,但是可以灵活处理,哪怕是一天中随便什么时候散散步也是好的;从第一段可知A和B项都是以前研究的结论,不是新的研究结果。23C 推理判断题。从第三段最后一句和最后一段可知,虽然要求高了,但是锻炼的时间和强度比较灵活,操作性强。A,B 两个选项说法都太绝对了。24A 篇章结构题。通过举例子来说明伏案工作的时间和锻炼的时间的比例。B【语篇导读】Crisp,一个

9、没有CEO的公司居然取得了巨大的成功,这跟激励员工的主观能动性、主人翁意识是分不开的,当然还跟决策更高效有关。但这一做法在大公司行不行得通呢?25D 事实细节题。从第五段最后一句可以判断,公司董事成立是为了法律的需要,也是为了避免公司发生严重的事情的需要,所以选D。公司开始是有CEO的,只是后来给取消了,所以A不对;员工不是老板,所以B不对。26A 事实细节题。从第三段第一句可知,没有CEO可以让员工更有责任感和动力。27D 事实细节题。从第四段可知,like a family而不是真正的家庭。最后一段可以推断大公区性司就不能普及,会造成混乱,A是对的;从倒数第二段知,没有老板,决策更快,更快

10、地反馈客户,B是对的;最后一段第一句得知员工之间也是要讨论和参考意见的,所以C是对的。28C 推理判断题。从第三段可知员工的责任心和动力是公司成功发展的重要因素,所以B,D是正确的;从倒数第二段可知迅速决策,回应客户是这个公司成功的重要因素,所以A是正确的;最后一段虽然说没有CEO的管理模式在大公司不能推广,但不能得出公司规模的大小是决定其成功与失败的因素,因为大小公司都有其成功或失败的案例,所以此题应选C。C【语篇导读】打开网页,随意地浏览,这是病,要治。它不仅会浪费时间,降低学习、工作的效率,还和一些消极的性格密切相关。29A 通过一些常见的现象来引入话题,随意浏览网页。30C 作者讲述了

11、自己亲身体验了这种无所事事、漫无目的地浏览网络,同时也指出了这种现象的普遍性及危害,所以他是担忧的(concerned)。31A 影响效率低下的原因有很多,所以B项不是很切题;C侧重于网瘾,而文章重点在于核心词cyberloafing,即网络漫游(漫无目的的刷网页),先讲其普遍存在,后论述其危害,接下来就是怎么杜绝了,所以选A。D 【语篇导读】雅虎账号被盗,用于售卖牟利或者情报收集监测,俄罗斯间谍被指控。雅虎要加强其安全防范。32A 推理判断题。从第一段可知雅虎的安全保障比起其竞争对手而言逊色太多,成为黑客攻击的目标,当然口碑不好。33B 推理判断题。Bill说,雅虎由于安全做得不好,而那些多

12、年不用的账户就是潜在的宝藏,当然使其成为黑客攻击就可以轻易得手的目标。34C 事实细节题。从“doesnt have the same reputation for being on the cutting edge of security as Google”可知Google 是在安全方面处于前沿领先的位置,而其余三项文章没有证据支持。35A 主旨大意题。全文讲了由于yahoo的安保做得不好,账号又很有经济和情报价值,所以容易成为黑客、间谍盗取的目标。B是法网恢恢,疏而不漏;C是亡羊补牢,应重在讲补救措施。第二节【语篇导读】本篇是说明文,根据作者自己的经验来介绍在繁忙的工作生活中完成阅读目标

13、的技巧。36B 考查上文衔接。上一句说要做的事很多,整个人完全处于缺少时间的状态,所以这个时候拿起书来读觉得是不可能的,紧接着下一句就说尽管如此还是有许多成功人士能安排时间阅读,所以选B。37D 考查上下衔接。多亏了作家James给作者介绍了这个把阅读习惯:置于自己喜欢干的事之上的策略,我才能开始了我的阅读计划,完成了制定的阅读任务,所以选D。38A 考查段落小标题。根据后文,朋友和我分享书单并相互帮助完成阅读任务。所以选A。39G 考查上文衔接。这一段主要内容是把你的阅读目标和朋友甚至是书的作者进行分享,是有助于完成阅读任务的。40E 考查上下文衔接。上文说有些人买了书不读,积满了灰尘,这真

14、是浪费钱。接下来作者将针对这个问题提出自己的解决方案,所以选E。第三部分 语言知识运用第一节【语篇导读】本篇为记叙文,讲述的是爷爷的离世让奶奶意识到要享受晚年的幸福。她用舞蹈来充实找到了她的快乐和幸福。作者也是从不理解到最终接受了那个在舞台上优雅自信的奶奶。41D 考查名词。从上一句passed away可以判断“爷爷去世这件事对奶奶来说是很伤心的”。42C 考查动词短语。takefor granted忽略,不重视。爷爷的去世及生前和病魔做斗争让奶奶意识到身体健康是不能忽略的,要引起重视。for sure肯定的;for fun为了好玩。43A 考查副词。奶奶决定,她的晚年要过得充实、完整,所以

15、选fully。44B 考查动词。奶奶当着我们的面宣布她要去上舞蹈课。45C 考查副词。从下文知道,作者不太支持奶奶这么大年纪了还要去学跳舞,所以有些尴尬。46B 考查动词。作者认为像奶奶就应该在家里操持一些家务,给孙子们烤烤面包。47D 考查连词。过了许多年,我们才学会了去欣赏一个会跳舞的奶奶。before表示过了许久才;或者没有过多久就。48B 考查现在分词。49B 考查形容词。从上文奶奶跳舞的动机是为了交往,下文说奶奶个子高,体重大,而爷爷又比较爱静,可以推测奶奶性格是害羞,内敛的,跳舞给了她一个结交朋友的机会。50C 考查动词。培养了对自己外貌的自信和优雅。51D 考查介词短语。on t

16、he other hand另一方面。而另一方面,舞蹈让奶奶接触的是与以前的生活完全不一样的人或东西。52D 考查连词。although,尽管舞蹈课没有改变奶奶巨大的体型和体重,但是她在舞池的活力让所有的人都感到惊讶。53C 考查动词。尽管奶奶体型很大,又重达两百多磅,但是她在舞池所展现的活力让所有的人都成到惊讶。54C 考查非限制性定语从句。which引导一个非限制性定语从句,指上一句她在舞池里面展现的活力。55A 考查副词。从下一句很快就参加舞蹈比赛得知她学习舞蹈应该是很轻松的。56D 考查名词。从下文得奖来看,应该是参加比赛。57C 考查副词。奶奶跳舞出色,要参加比赛,邀请家人去观看,当然

17、应该是很自豪的事。58C 考查副词。我那个时候对奶奶参加跳舞比赛仍然不是很热情。59D 考查名词。event 比赛的项目。60A 考查名词。从她得奖来看,最重要的是要征服评委。第四部分 写作第一节 短文改错As改为It 这是it引导的主语从句,it是形式主语。smoothly改为smooth 这里需要形容词修饰名词journey。去掉lose the heart里的the lose heart灰心,沮丧。figured改为figure suggest从句用should加动词原形,should可省略。make改为making avoid后面接动名词。在turn后面加to turn to sb.

18、for help固定搭配,向某人求救。you改为yourself 这里的主语是you,所以需要反身代词。achieving改为achieved 这里是when goals are achieved的省略。make改为makes 这里把all work and no play当作一个整体。cross改为through through度过,通过。听力原文Text 1W:Excuse me,Mr. SmithM:Whats the matter? I dont want to be disturbed while Im talking to Mr. BlackW:But you have a mee

19、ting scheduled with the engineerM:Call him,please,and put off our meetingText 2W:Im hungryDo you have any cookies? I ate my last one this morningM:NoBut there are some nuts in the living roomText 3M:So many magazines on my deskWho did this? W:Maybe it was JustinHe said you were going to refer to the

20、m to finish your designM:Oh,thats rightI did ask him to bring the latest magazines to meI completely forgotText 4W:When on earth did you get home last night? 11:30 or 12 oclock? M:Not really,my watch told me it was only 11:20 when I opened the doorText 5M:What have you got there? W:Its my sun lampIm

21、 taking it down to the electrical repair shop to be fixedTheres something wrong with the wiringText 6M:How did you do on the exam,Nancy? W:I passed,but I didnt do so wellThe essay question was the worst part for meHow about you? M:I did all right on everything except for the essay question,tooI wasn

22、t really prepared to write about Arthur Millers playsWe study his plays for only a few daysI didnt think it would be on the testW:Me,eitherI thought Mr. Green would ask us something about Mark Twains novels or maybe Walt Whitmans poemsI studied most of the material on these two writers and didnt spe

23、nd much time on Arthur Millers playsText 7W:Im calling to confirm my flight to New York this SaturdayMy name is Jane Austin,and my flight number is K701M:Yes,Ms. AustinYour name is here in our computerYour plane takes off at 9:00 amAnd Id like to remind you to please come to the airport two hours be

24、fore your take-off time to get your seating arrangementsW:Thank youBy the way,could you tell me once again how long my flight will be?M:The total number of hours is 16 hours because you have a two-hour stopover at Los Angeles AirportText 8W:Could you check my tires,sir? I think they need airM:No pro

25、blem,madamWell,they are just all rightShould I check the air in the spare tire as well?W:I dont think soIts brand newM:Should I clean the windshield(挡风玻璃)for you?W:Yes,pleaseI also want you to check the radiator(散热器)M:All right,madamGosh,there is hardly any water in the radiatorThats dangerous,madam

26、You could break down because of the heat,you knowW:Please fill it up with water thenM:OK,madamW:Do you take credit cards or checks? M:Sorry,we dontIts ten dollars in totalW:OKHere you areM:Thank youHave a nice driveText 9M:So you studied art at college? W:RightBut I gave up my job as a painter when

27、my daughter was bornI thought about teaching art classes part-time,but instead I started making dolls for my daughterI love acting,so I often invented plays for the dollsI once used the dolls to give a show at my daughters partyThe children loved itAs a result,other parents asked me to do the show a

28、t their childrens partiesM:It must be a lot of work for youW:YesI love making the dolls,but I decided that I needed someone to help me with the showsLuckily my neighbor Lena was willing to perform with meHer husband recorded the music to go with the showsIt would be impossible to do everything on my

29、 ownM:Have you ever had any problems? W:Only onceI wrote a story about a lionThe children were afraid of the lion and criedI was worried the parents might complain,but in fact they laughed about itAfter that,whenever Ive invented a new story,I show it to my daughterShe always tells me exactly what s

30、he thinks of itM:And the shows continue to be successful? W:Yes,I have a wide range of different showsThey become so successful that I could do one every day,but I dont want to do thatThe reason the shows have become popular is that I love every minute of every show,and so other people love them too

31、Text 10Do you want to spend a holiday in space? Dennis Tito has become the worlds first“space tourist”He went on a 10-day visit to the International Space StationHe paid 14 million pounds for his journeyA year later,Martin wanted to do the sameHe was only 22 years old and probably very rich tooHe is still waiting for his holiday of a lifetimeMany people believe that this is only the start of something newWe made intervi

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