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1、分词分词分词也是一种非谓语形式,分为现在分词和过去分词两种,它们在语态和时态方面的含义有较大的差别。一般说来,现在分词有主动进行的意思,过去分词有被动和完成的意思(个别过去分词大多由不及物动词构成,并不表示被动,而只表完成)。分词主要起形容词和副词作用,在句中作定语、表语、补语和状语。现在分词在时态和语态上还有完成式和被动式,而过去分词只有一种形式。1、分词的作用:表语、定语、补语、状语、独立结构 Eg1. the music is very pleasing to the ear. Eg2. the frightened children burst into tears. Eg3. eve

2、ry student came into the classroom,carrying a heavy bookbag on their backs. Eg4. wounded ,the brave solider continued to fight. Eg5. he saw a strange experssion coming over the face of the hostess. Eg6. the examination being over,the students went out of the classroom one by one.注释:现在分词和过去分词承担以上成份。2

3、、现在分词时态、语态变化及意义 Eg1. I heard him singing . Eg2. during rush hours there are a lot of vehicles comings and going at this moment. Eg3. we must keep the secret of the matter being disscussed here. Eg4. having hurried through his breakfast, he went to school. Eg5. this having been said , lets return to

4、our subject.注释:(1)、现在分词时态、语态变化表:时态主动被动一般时DoingBeing done完成时Having doneHaving been done(2)一般时表示分词的动作与谓语的动作是同时或几乎同时发生的。如:eg1。(3)一般时还可以表示经常性的动作或状态,如:eg2。(4)过去分词与现在分词一般时的被动式的区别:过去分词只表示“动作已被完成”;而现在分词一般时的被动式则强调“正在进行中的被动动作”,如:eg3。试比较:the boy being criticized is my deskmate,Charles. The book written by Thom

5、as is worth reading.(5)现在分词的完成时强调分词的动作在谓语动词之前已经完成,如:eg4。(6)分词的逻辑主语是分词的发出者,就用主动语态;反之,就用被动语态。3、现在分词与过去分词作表语的区别 Eg1. the story is very moving. Eg2. Im much moved to tears. Eg3. hes gone . Eg4. she is sunk in thought.注释;(1)从逻辑上讲,现在分词表示主动的概念;过去分词表示被动的概念,如:eg1,eg2。(2)现在分词意为“令人感到.”;而过去分词则意为:“使自己感到”如:eg1,eg

6、2。 (3)现在分词常用可以用very修饰(当已转化为形容词);而过去分词用much,quite修饰,如:eg1,eg2。(4)过去分词有时表示已完成的动作状态,如:eg3,eg4。附录:Amazing 令人惊异的 amazed使人惊异的Amusing 逗人笑的 amused有趣的Exciting 令人激动的 excited兴奋的Exhausing 令人筋疲力尽的 exhausted疲乏的Encouraging 令人鼓舞的 encouraged受鼓舞的Disappointing 令人失望的 disappointed失望的Puzzling 令人为难的 puzzled感到为难的Frighting

7、令人害怕的 frighted受惊的Confusing 令人糊涂的 confused 混乱的 Misleading 令人误解的 qualified合格的Promising 有希望的 worried 感到忧虑的Satisfied 满足的4、现在分词与过去分词作定语的区别 Eg1. his surprising recovery delighted everyone of us . Eg2. the interested passers-by soon gathered around the building. Eg3. China is a developing country. Eg4. Ame

8、rican is a developed industry country. Eg5. do you know the girl standing by the school gate?(=who is standing by the school gate) Eg6. China stretches across a vast area covering the cold, temperate and tropic zones.(that covers the cold ,temperate and tropic zones) Eg7. the objects displayed in th

9、e history museum attracted many middle-school students. Eg8. he turned out to be the escaped prisoner.注释;(1)现在分词与过去分词的主要区别在语态和时态概念上,现在分词(除被动式外)表示主动意思,过去分词表示被动意思,在时间上,现在分词表示动作正在进行,过去分词则表示动作已经完成。(2)分词作定语,如果说明中心词的性质,则用现在分词,如果说明中心词的“感觉状态”则用过去分词,如:eg1,eg2。Encouraging news Encouraged soldierPuzzling words

10、Puzzled expressionA surpring look A surprised lookA exciting discoveryA excited crowd A frightening noiseA frightened child(3) 现在分词表示动作正在进行;而过去分词表示动作已经完成,如:eg3,eg4.The changing world The changed world Boiling waterBoiled waterThe rising sun The risen sunThe falling autumn leavesThe fallen autumn lea

11、ves(4)现在分词短语必须放于名词之后作后置定语,如:eg5。相当于定语从句,但不是所有的定语从句都能改为分词短语,试分析下例:Is she the girl who came to help the blind old man?因为从句动作的时间与主句动作的时间不一致,所以不能用现在分词短语作定语。(5)现在分词短语可以表示“事物的性质”,如:eg6。(6)从逻辑上讲,中心词与现在分词是主动关系,而中心词与过去分词是被动关系,如:eg5,eg6,eg7。过去分词短语也须后置。(7)不及物动词的过去分词只表示已经完成的动作,没有被动含义,如:eg8。A retired doctorRutur

12、ned students5、现在分词与过去分词作宾语补足语的区别 Eg1. I heard someone laughing . Eg2. I saw the net being hauled in . Eg3. we watched the students training on the playground. Eg4. I felt a great load taken off my mind . Eg5. she wont have someone cleaning his room. Eg6. she will have that dress altered to fit her.

13、Eg7. the candidate made his influence felt through his speech given by travelling around. Eg8. my joke set everyone laughing.注释:(1)宾语与宾补在逻辑上是主谓关系,若是主动的,则用现在分词,若是被动的,则用过去分词。(2)感觉、感官动词之后,常用分词作宾补,如;eg1,eg2,eg3,eg4。这类动词有:see hear watch notice observe smell listen to look feel find catch etc.(3)使役、致使动词之后

14、常用分词作宾补,如:eg5,eg6,eg7,eg8。此类动词有:have get make set leave keep (4)make之后的宾补只能用过去分词,不能用现在分词,但可以用不带to的不定式。He couldnt help himself understood by others.I made him work for me .(5)set之后的宾补一般常用现在分词 His words set me thinking deeply.6、现在分词与过去分词作主语补足语的区别 Eg1. the suspected man was seen entering the building.

15、Eg2. the boy was caught stealing the supermarket goods. Eg3. he should be kept informed of the news . Eg4. the retired teacher sat surrounded by his former students. Eg5. the girl remained confused after I explained it .注释:(1)主语与主补在逻辑上是主谓关系。若是主动,则用现在分词,若是被动,则用过去分词。(2)当作谓语的感觉、感官、使役、致使动词变成被动语态后,分词就从宾补

16、转变为主补。(3)在动词remain sit stand be become go come 之后,常跟分词,作主补,如:eg4.eg5.7、现在分词与过分词作状语的区别 Eg1. turning around ,he saw a car coming toward him . Eg2. having prepared dinner, she stood at the front door waiting for her husband to return. Eg3. when leaving home .my father waved me again and again. Eg4. bei

17、ng sick ,I stayed at home . Eg5. Robert used the phone to cancel his lunch date with Basil ,having suddenly remembered a previous engagement . Eg6. the old scientist died all of a sudden .leaving the project unfished. Eg7. seen from the hill top , the lake scenery is beyond description. Eg8. knowing

18、 all this , they made me pay for the damages. Eg9. he died a glorious death, fighting the bandits for us . Eg10. the girl , being very shy , dare not answer the teachers questions.注释:(1)分词可作时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、伴随、方式状语成分。(2)分词作状语成分,其逻辑主语是句子的主语,若是主动关系,则用现在分词,若是被动,则用过去分词。(3)如果分词的动作先于谓语动词的动作,用完成时形式,如:eg2,eg5

19、.(4)如果有些分词的动作是瞬间动作,则尽管发生在谓语动词之前,仍可将这类分词用一般时形式放于句首,如:eg1,eg8.这些动词有:Hear turn learn approach return turn know understand see (5)当要特别强调分词动作和谓语动作同时发生时,可在分词前加when while 如:eg3.(6)分词作状语,可位于句首,句中,句末,但结果状语须放于是于句末,如:eg6.8、现在分词与过去分词作独立主格结构的区别 Eg1. he sat in front of them , never moving ,his dusty face masking

20、his age. Eg2. all things considered ,we had to call off the planned trip. Eg3. the dark clouds having disappeared ,the sun shone again. Eg4. the storm having destroyed their hut , they had to live in a cave . Eg5. Mike entered the classroom with his head being held high. Eg6. he felt more uneasy wit

21、h the whole class staring at him . Eg7. the county was organized in 1945, with Tibetan herdsmen making up about 40 percet of its population. 注释:(1)“名词/代词+分词”构成分词独立结构作句子的状语。它与分词短语作状语的不同点在于:分词作状语的主语是句子的逻辑主语,而分词独立结构的逻辑主语是分词前的名词或代词。(2)若名词/代词与分词是主动关系,则用现在分词,若是被动,则用过去分词。(3)with+n/pron +分词构成with 结构,它与独立主格结

22、构差不多,仍作句子的状语成分。9、现在分词与不定式作宾补的比较;v+n/pron+doing /to do Eg1. we watched our class volleyball team win the game. Eg2. we watched our class volleyball team winning the game. Eg3. he had me post his letter on my way home . Eg4. he had TV set operating all day long Eg5. she felt her heart beating widely . Eg6. she felt the earth shake slightly. Eg7. we saw the sun rise. Eg8. we saw the sun rising behind the tree .注释:(1)不定式可表示动词的全部过程;而分词只表示动作的一部分。(2)不定式可表示将要做的一次性动作,而分词则表示反复性动作。(3)不定式表示短暂性动作,而分词表示持续性动作。(4)不定式用来陈述事实,而分词带有描写性。

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