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1、专四真题详解长喜英语2010年真题答案详解PART I DICTATIONFreshmens WeekBritain has a 1well-respected 2higher education system /and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world. /But to those who are new to 3this system, /it can sometimes be confusing.October is usually the busiest month in the 4a

2、cademic calendar. /Universities have something called 5Freshmens Week for their newcomers. /Its a great opportunity to make new friends, /join lots of clubs and 6settle into university life.However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, /the prospect of meeting strangers

3、in classrooms and dormitories can be worrying. / Where do you start? /And who should you make friends with? /Which clubs and 7societies should you 8join?Luckily, there will be thousands of others 9in the same boat as you. /They worry about starting their university social life 10on the right foot. /

4、So just 11take it all in slowly. /Dont rush into anything that youll regret for the next three years.【听写提示】第一遍听音时掌握短文主题,记下关键词education system,universities,Freshmens Week等,这样便于把握一系列与主题相关的词和词组,如academic calendar,university life,dormitories,clubs,societies。1well-respected是由“副词+动词的过去分词”构成的复合形容词,类似的词有wel

5、l-known,well-established等,注意不要漏写中间的连字符。 2按照英语习惯,“高等教育”一般用higher education来表达,正如“高等数学”要用higher mathematics来表达一样。因此higher不能写成原级。3因为this词尾与system词首都发/s/音,故this的/s/音省略不发。考生容易将this误写成the。4academic calendar之间不完全爆破,calendar的拼写较有难度,考生可根据读音进行推断。5Freshmens Week属于专有名词,首字母需大写,第一个单词用的是复数名词的所有格形式。6 settle into un

6、iversity life意为“在校园里安顿下来,习惯于大学生活”,注意此处settle后接介词into。7societies在此与clubs并列,意思是“社团”,是可数名词,因clubs采用复数,根据逻辑societies也要用复数形式。8join作“参加,成为的成员”讲时是及物动词,后面没有in。9(be)in the same boat为固定搭配,意为“处于同样(常指不幸的)境地”。10on the right foot意思是“有一个顺利的开始;处于有利地位”,最后一个/t/音发音很轻。11注意这几个词之间的连读。PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTIO

7、N A CONVERSATIONSCONVERSATION ONE【听前预测】由题干和选项中的travelers,flight details,tour,price,travel insurance可以推测,该对话与旅行安排有关,可能涉及游客向旅行社询问乘飞机去旅游的具体安排情况。听音时注意旅游细节安排的电话核实、有关的费用说明,以及关于travel insurance的询问。【听力原文】W: Ok, so lets go through the travel details again. 1Two adults. Eight days in Britain from April 26 to

8、May 3. Flying from Beijing to London and back with Air China. And youre in a double room.M: Yes, thats right. Umdo you know what the flight times are?W: The outward flight from Beijing is, erlet me see. Yes, 10:30in the morning. And the return isI think, its early eveningyes7:15. Fifteen past seven

9、in the evening. Local time, that is.M: Right, thats fine. Ohsorry. I cant remember 2what else you include in the price apart from the air tickets. Is it all meals or just breakfast?W: 2Yes, its full boardso all mealsand transport from the airport to your hoteleverythings included.M: Good.W: Now, can

10、 you tell me if you need travel insurance?M: 3Yes, yes, we do.W: Ok, well, thats an extra 300 Yuan each. Is that OK?M: 3Well, there is no choice, is there? I mean, we have to have it, dont we?W: Yes, Im afraid so.M: 3Well, all right then.【答案解析】1. The following details have been checked during the co

11、nversation EXCEPT【解析】选D。录音一开始,就是一位女士在核对旅行详情,然后提到Two adults. Eight days in BritainFlying from Beijing to LondonAnd youre in a double room.这里的Two与Eight分别对应A与B,“从北京飞往伦敦再飞回北京”显然是飞行细节,故C也排除,答案选D,对话只提到双人房间(double room),并未提及客房服务(room services.),2. What is included in the price?【解析】选D。男士不记得报价里除了包含机票费用还包括其他什

12、么费用,一日三餐还是只是早餐?”女士回答说该价格包含所有的餐费和从机场到宾馆的交通费用,答案很明显是D。 【点睛】听音前分析四个选项,air tickets与local transport几乎每个选项都有,因此,本题的听音重点在于捕捉价格中包括不包括一日三餐。3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?【解析】选B。当男士被问及是否需要旅游保险时,他表示肯定。虽然之后在得知需要再交钱时试探性地询问这是否别无选择,但在得知不得不买的消息后说了Well, all right then.由此判断B“这名游客已准备买旅游保险了”正确。【点睛】听音前就

13、通过浏览选项得知本题的关键是捕捉有关travel insurance的信息,而且涉及到是否决定买旅游险的细节,因此注意依此锁定听音重点。CONVERSATION TWO【听前预测】预览各题干和各选项可知,该对话主角是Linda与Mark,从第4、5题可以推测Linda似乎在向Mark核实具体接待的人数,而且与机场接机有关;从第6、7题可知讨论涉及到一些表演的安排,据此推测本对话涉及到会议的安排与准备情况。【听力原文】M: Pan-Pacific Tours. How can I help you?W: Good afternoon. Can I speak to Mark please?M:

14、Speaking.W: Oh, hello Mark. This is Linda from Johnson & Sons Events.M: Hello, Linda. What can I do for you?W: I was just wanting to clear up a few details of the conference event were organizing.M: Right. What do you need to know?W: Well, first Ive got to have numbers, delegates to the conference,

15、their husband or wives and so on for the transport as much as anything else.M: 4So far weve got 183 who booked up. And we might get a few more.W: Does that include husbands and wives as well?M: Not really. Ill email you the exact number because I havent counted them yet.W: Fine.M: And there will be

16、6 guest speakers.W: Six?M: Yes. Who want picking up from the airport by car not in a fleet of buses.W: 5Right. Youll let me know when they are arriving, wont you?M: Just as soon as I know.W: Now, special events. 6You wanted a local style dance for the opening ceremony, didnt you?M: That would be gre

17、at. Im sure everyone will enjoy it.W: And well have to fly the dancers especially.M: Sure.W: 6And then after the welcoming feast, theres going to be a piano performance, right?M: 7Yes, well have to contact the airline company about it. Theyre sponsoring this event.W: So well send the bill direct to

18、them for it.M: You could do.W: Well, thats all my inquiries for the time being.M: Ok, if you need anything else, just pick up the phone or drop me an email.W: I will. Thanks. Bye.M: Bye.【答案解析】4. Which of the following details is CORRECT?【解析】选C。四个选项都涉及number,因此数字信息为本题的听音重点。当Linda问及delegates的人数时,Mark说

19、So far weve got 183 who booked up. And we might get a few more。据此推断,Mark尚不清楚代表的确切人数,即C。Mark提到会有六位演讲嘉宾,故D错误。Mark没有提到机场大巴以及代表的配偶的数量,故A、B也排除。5. What does Linda want to know?【解析】选A。Mark在Linda没问的情况下说了演讲嘉宾的人数以及他们乘坐哪种交通工具,C与D皆排除;对话没有问及演讲嘉宾的出发时间,排除B;根据Linda所说的Youll let me know when they are arriving,可推出Lind

20、a想知道演讲嘉宾到达的时间,A为答案。 【点睛】四个选项中都有guest speakers,听音重点锁定为Linda想知道演讲嘉宾的哪个细节情况。6. How many performances have been planned for the conference?【解析】选B。Linda向Mark核实了会议开幕式有地方舞蹈(a local style dance),欢迎宴会后有钢琴表演(a piano performance),因此B为答案。 【点睛】此题需要注意对话中有关各项performance的列举,不要有遗漏。7. Who will pay for the piano perfo

21、rmance?【解析】选D。Linda问Mark在欢迎宴会后是否有钢琴演奏,Mark回答说这个节目由航空公司赞助,于是Linda表示直接把账单寄给航空公司。因此为钢琴演出付款的是D“一家航空公司”。CONVERSATION THREE【听前预测】由第8题可知,Mary丢了公文包,由第10题的题干可知,公文包最后找到了,因此该对话涉及Mary的公文包是如何失而复得的。听音时注意公文包里所有东西的列举以及公文包的确认是听音重点。【听力原文】W: Sorry Im late, James.M: Its all right, Mary. Where have you been?W: At the po

22、lice station.M: Where?!W: At the police station. Ive lost my briefcase.M: Oh, no. What happened? Was there anything important in it?W: 8Yes, my cheque book, all the papers I need for work, my appointment bookM: Oh, thats terrible. How did you lose your briefcase?W: Well, as you know, 9I was with my

23、client at a meeting all morning and we had lunch together. After lunch I went shopping. And when I wanted to buy something, I couldnt find my cheque book. Then I remembered that it was in my briefcase. And my briefcase was in my car.M: So you went back to your car.W: Yes, I went back to my car. No b

24、riefcase. But luckily my laptop was there. M: And then you went to the police?W: Not immediately. 9Before I went to the police station, I called my clients office. No luck. They said the briefcase wasnt there.M: Excuse me. Ive got a phone call. Yes? Yes, there is. Mary Hopkins. Oh, really? Ill tell

25、her. It was very kind of you to call. Bye.W: Who was that?M: That was the manager of the Riverside restaurant. Just after lunch today, he found a briefcase under a table. When he opened the case, he found a lot of papers. He said they had the name of our company on them. 10And he found a cheque book

26、 with the name of Hopkins on it. M. Hopkins. M for Mary.W: Ah, thank God.【答案解析】8. What is NOT missing in Marys briefcase?【解析】选C。男士问女士公文包里有否放了重要物品,女士回答说是的,里面有支票簿(cheque book),她工作所需要的文件(all the papers I need for work)和预约记录本(appointment book),从而排除A、B、D,答案选C。 【点睛】本题答案可以根据常识推断,一般而言,笔记本是不会放在公文包里的。9. Where

27、 was Mary the whole morning?【解析】选C。抓住题干关键词the whole morning,听音时捕捉到I was with my client at a meeting all morning,后面又说I called my clients officethe briefcase wasnt there.,可见Mary整个上午都在客户办公室开会,C为答案。10. Why was Mary sure that the briefcase was hers in the end?【解析】选D。录音末尾女士说Ah, thank God.显然女士认定公文包就是她的。前面男

28、士提到饭店经理打来电话,说捡到一个公文包,包里有一些文件,文件上有公司名字,另外还有一本支票簿,户名是M Hopkins,M代表Mary。因此女士是听到支票簿的户名时才确认公文包是自己的,D正确。其他项不是最直接的原因。SECTION B PASSAGESPASSAGE ONE【听前预测】通过题干关键词courses,undergraduate tuition和financial assistance可知,该短文可能讨论大学的相关情况,并涉及课程、学费和经济援助等相关话题。【听力原文】Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri, is a me

29、dium-sized university. It has eleven thousand students. Twelve percent of them were international students, mostly graduate students.The university has schools for law, medicine and social work. It also has a business school, a school of design and visual arts and a school of engineering and applied

30、 science. 11But more than sixty percent of courses are taught through the Arts and Sciences program. 12The new school year that begins this fall will cost about fifty thousand dollars for undergraduates. That includes twelve months of living expenses estimated at twenty thousand dollars. Graduate tu

31、ition differs by program. Tuition for the Master of Social Work program, for example, will cost twenty-seven thousand dollars in the coming year. The Master of Business Administration program will cost about thirty-eight thousand dollars. The university offers financial assistance to international students, including first-year students, but says its resources are limited. Scholarships are available. The university also offers a monthly payment plan to spread out the cost of tuition. And it offers loan programs. 13Internation

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