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1、牛津译林版英语必修五Unit1导学案M5U1 Getting along with others 一、课前自主预习课文重建根据本单元reading 课文在下面短文空格中填入所缺单词(每空一词)。Dear Sarah, You have every right to feel _ by your friend if she did tell your secrets to others, but it seems unlikely that she did. You say that you are best friends; well, best friends talk about thei

2、r problems and try to solve them. If she is a good friend, you should_ for blaming her. If you still have doubts, you should think about why you dont believe her. Was it because you were ashamed of your_ or your behavior? Did you feel jealous of your friends mark? If so, the problem lies with you, n

3、ot her. Try not to sound too _ of yourself when discussing your marks in front of others. However, if you feel that she is very bad at keeping _ and likes to embarrass you in public, you had better find a new friend.Dear Andrew, It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend! D

4、ont forget that some things are important to people, even when they dont shout about them. The _was probably very important to Matthew and he felt _ about losing, and bad about not being as gifted at football as you are.A football team needs all the players to work together and help each other. Each

5、 player should play to their strengths. Shouting at your teammate was unfair and just made him feel worse. Although you both said _ things to each other, one of you has to be first to say sorry. Dont be stubborn.You say that your _ is as important as football. Well, then you should be _ to get your

6、friendship back. Dont let a small disagreement ruin your friendship. Do not delay. Talk to your friend and Im sure that before long, youll be back playing football together.二、课内合作探究、考点导练一、 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。(每空限填一词)1. A good friend never b his friends even in time of danger.2. Jill w

7、as in a d whether to go out with Bill or Joe.3. How can you learn something when you are often (走神的) in class?4. Johnson is (开朗的) and easy to get along with.5 She is scolded by the teacher for she broke my bicycle lamp_(故意地).6. They (承认) that they were completely failed.7. As a student, you should f

8、 your attention on your studies.8. When they were still in p_ school, they made good friends with each other. 9. You should not be b_ about not getting the job. 10. Cruel Shylock was always mean to others but never felt guilty. However, he asked theDuke to f_ him. 11.Generally speaking, a successful

9、 scientist should be both_(学术性的)and open-minded.12Youve put me in a very a_ position and now I dont know how to deal with the matter.二、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空和动词适当形式填空。stand. base yell apologize dilemma hesitation guilty mean deliberately outgoing teasing betray help brilliant determine admit overlook hesi

10、tate puzzle academic 1. Though he is a popular student, he is not very .2. I dont know what to do. Actually I am in a .3. After saying sorry to her, I didnt feel any longer.4. He is quite and has lots of friends.5. Dont get upset I was only .6. He is so that he can always think of new ideas.7. It is

11、 impolite to at the old.8. I dont think the young boy run into the old woman 9. I was to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.10. He kept on saying really things to hurt me.11. I cannot wondering if he wants to be his best friend instead of me.12. But I cant seeing out team lose.13. Wh

12、en asked they usually before responding.14. Girls who have been asked can usually answer the question without .15. Friendships between girls are usually on shared feelings and support16. There are some things about Amanda and her friends that Robert.17. If you _your friend ,you will lose him.18. Fin

13、ally he _committing that crime.19. He pretended not to find his mistakes ;it is foolish of him to _ (忽略)his own mistakes. 20. If you are late for class, you should _ to your teacher.三、 请用方框内所给短语,并用其适当形式填空。be to blame for,be admitted into,regardless of,rely on,be absorbed in,suffer from,get through,i

14、n response to,discourage.from.,end up1Its Toms fault,so he_ what happened.2The difference is important_ industry and company size.3Tom is trustable,so I _ him paying back the money.4The restaurants were all full and we _ eating hamburgers at home.5Last night,she_ the research work and worked till mi

15、dnight.6He _ poverty all his life.7We tried to_ him _ going out,but failed.8I rang you but didnt _ .9He only shook his head slightly _ my questions.10He studied hard and _ Beijing University.四、 汉译英。1.他承认偷了她的钱。He _ _ _ her money.2.我想他是个信守诺言的人。I think he is a person who can _ _ _.3.她不能容忍别人大喊大叫、吵吵嚷嚷。Sh

16、e cant _ people _ and _.4.妈妈阻止我上网聊天。Mother _ me _ _ on line late into the night.5.她为她的孩子向我们道歉。She _ _ us _ her children.6.Which dress _ _ _ (究竟、到底)do you want to buy?7.Dont _ _ _ (默默忍受痛苦)when you meet with problems.8.He continued speaking, _ _ (不顾)my feelings and objection on the matter.9.He _ _ _ (

17、感到羞愧)what he had done.10.The whole meal was good but the wine was _ _ (尤其、特别)excellent.11.Good friends usually have a lot to _ _ _ _ (彼此分享).12.If you are not _ _ (严格要求)yourself, you may _ _ (陷入困境) one day.13.杰克的新车肯定是花了大约两万英镑。Jacks new car _ _ _ him around 20,000 pounds.14.Their friendships _ _ _ (基于

18、)mutual respect.15.这样的辞典一本就够了。_ _dictionary is enough.16.汤姆为向残暴固执的上司出卖工友而内疚。Tom felt _ for _ his workmates _ the_and cruel_.17.The lady felt herself _ _ _ _ (被嘲弄)in public.18.Its no use _ _(与辩论) your husband about money. He wont take your advice.、考点探究考点1.betray 【观察实践】(课文原句)I feel betrayed by my frie

19、nd, Hannah.(P2 Reading Line 2)Confusion the guilty. 慌张显出有罪, 神色慌张必有鬼。【归纳总结】(1)_(2) _【拓展延伸】 n. _n. _ones country to the enemy 卖国, 做卖国贼_【即境运用】The boy sat there sad,_by his friends. Afeeling betrayed Bto be betrayed Cbeen betrayed Dhaving betrayed考点2.must have sounded【观察实践】(课文原句)I must have sounded very

20、 proud of myself after the text, saying loudly how easy it was and how I had scored the lowest grade in the class!(p2 Reading Line8)我当时的口气听上去肯定很自得.I _very proud of myself.你肯定是把钱包落在办公室里了.You _your wallet in the office.可能她发生了什么事.Something _to her.【归纳总结】(1)_(2) _(3)_考点3 admit延伸】 【观察实践】(课文原句)We went to

21、wash out hands in the girls toilets before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done.(p2 Reading Line13) 午饭前我们去女洗手间洗手,我承认了自己的考试成绩是那么糟糕。1 _ 打开窗子透透新鲜空气。 2 _ 这样的人不能吸收入党。3 _ 约翰承认是他打碎了窗子。 【归纳总结】(1)_(2) _【拓展延伸】 【即境运用】The girls _ into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start t

22、o work. Aaccepted BacceptingCadmitted Dadmitting考点4 keep ones word【观察实践】(课文原句)I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt keep her word.(p2 Reading Line21)【归纳总结】(1)_守信用(2) _失信,食言【拓展延伸】 _有消息说_换句话说_与某人谈话_与某人吵架_总之【即境运用】Harrys mot

23、her got very angry because he didnt_ Abreak his words Bkeep his wordsCbreak his word Dkeep his word考点5 forgive(课文原句) I dont think I can ever truly forgive her.(P2Line26)我觉得我真的无法原谅她。_如果孩子们出了什么事,我永远也不能原谅自己。_我不该说出我的想法,为此他不会宽恕我的。完成句子_ (你会原谅我吗),Sir Percival,if I tell you that it now belongs to another pe

24、rson?(2012福建卷,阅读理解B)_for not being able to help my sister when she was in trouble.我无法原谅自己,因为在我姐姐有困难时我没能帮助她。考点6 apologize 【观察实践】(课文原句)The things he said hurt me too, but he has not apologized to me.(p3 Reading Line23)1._ stepping on her foot.我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。2.I made _ what I saidit was a fair comment.我不

25、打算为自己说过的话道歉,我的评论是公正的。【归纳总结】(1)_(2) _【拓展延伸】 _【即境运用】I owe her an apology _ what I said yesterday.Afor BtoCof Dwith考点7 regardless of【课本原句】 The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same,regardless of the basis of these friendships.(P18)无论男孩和女孩友谊的基础是什么,他们所看重的朋友身上的品质似乎是一样的。_不管报酬多少我都要这份工作。_我们试图阻拦他不要在暴风雨中外出,但他还是不顾一切地出去了。用despite,in spite of,regardless of填空

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