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第八板块必修四Module 6Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World.docx

1、第八板块 必修四 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World第八板块 必修四 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World高考对接题.单项填空(建议用时8)1.(2010山东德州高三模拟)Jean,darling,this is the fantastic flat I heard about almost nothing $50 a week.A.going for B.dropping inC.putting on D.getting in解析:句意:简,亲爱的,这就是我听

2、说的特棒的公寓,它几乎不收什么费用,一周才50美元。go for在此为“想得到”之意;drop in“顺便拜访”;put on“穿上”;get in“到达”。答案:A2.(2010扬州调研测试)Changes will be made to the laws.A.exists B.existC.existed D.existing解析:句意:对现行法律将作变动。此处需要定语,A、B两项只能作谓语,所以应该排除;exist为不及物动词,不能用existed表示被动;existing“现存的,现行的”。答案:D3.(2010浙江宁波余姚中学质量检测)You may be my sister,but

3、 that doesnt mean you have any on B.intervalsC.justice D.extension解析:句意:你和我可能是姐妹,但是那并不意味着你有权占用我的时间。have a claim on sb.“有权占用某人的时间”;interval“间隔,距离”;justice“正义,公平”;extension“延长,伸长”。答案:A4.(湖南12校联考)To make sure that relics in the museum are wellpreserved,Tibets cultural preservation instituti

4、ons have modern technologies to monitor the conditions of the relics.A.adapted B.appliedC.appointed D.abolished解析:句意:为了确保博物馆里的文物保存完好,西藏文化保护协会采用了现代技术来检测文物的情况。apply“运用,使用”;adapt“使适应,改编”;appoint“任命,制定,约定”;abolish“废止,革除”。 答案:B5.(2010温州十校高三模拟)The environmentalists said wild goats on the vast grasslands w

5、as a good indication of the better environment.A.escape B.absenceC.attendance D.appearance解析:考查名词辨析。句意:环保主义者说大草原上野羊的出现是环境变好的迹象。escape“逃跑”;absence“缺席,不在场”;attendance“出席,出勤,到场”;appearance“出现”。答案:D6.Look at the rainbow!Its over there!Oh,it it will be fine tomorrow.A.predicts B.signsC.indicates D.resort

6、s解析:考查动词辨析。predict意为“预言,预知,预告”;sign意为“签署,署名于”;indicate意为“显示,预示,标明”;resort意为“求助,诉诸”。A、B、D三项不符合题意。答案:C7.Do remember to see a doctor tomorrow!.A.Got it B.Heard itC.Made it D.Taken it解析:考查交际用语。对方说:“务必记住明天去看医生!”说话人回答说“知道了”。A项符合句意。答案:A8.His reliable words warmed her heart so that a strong feeling of thank

7、s began to her.A.put up with B.throw light uponC.take possession of D.break away from解析:考查动词短语辨析。put up with“忍受,容忍”;throw light upon on“使了解,使更清楚”;take possession of“获得,占有,占据”;break away from“突然离开,脱离,逃离”。句意:他的可信的话语温暖了她的心,一种强烈的感激的心情占据了她的心。只有take possession of合乎语意。答案:C9.The policeman said the accident

8、last night careless driving,so much money be paid by the driver.A.was due to;was due toB.due to;was due due to;is due due to;was due to解析:句意:警察说,昨晚的事故是由于开车不小心造成的,因此司机应付许多钱。主句是过去时,从句应该用过去的某种时态。第一个空be due to意为“由于,因为”;第二个空处due意为“应付的,正当的,适当的”。故选A。答案:A10.More and more living things are .A.d

9、ying away B.dying downC.dying out D.dying young解析:句意:越来越多的生物即将灭绝。die away侧重声音或感情等的“消逝”;die down意为“熄灭,平息下来”;die out意为“灭绝”;die young意为“夭折”。A、B、D三项均不符合题意,故选C。答案:C11.(2010福建顺昌高三模拟)What are you doing,dear?Im watching the football game.What?Youyour homework first.A.would have done B.must have doneC.should

10、 have done D.may have done解析:下句句意:“什么?你应该先做作业的。”should have done表示“本应该做却没做”。答案:C12.Do you still remember when we went to Chongqing?I cant remember now, but sometime last summer?A.could it be B.might it beC.could it have been D.should it have been解析:根据句意,表示对过去的推测,故选 could have done, 即 C 项正确。答案:C13.Je

11、nny,I have washed your clothes for you.Thanks.You it.I could manage it myself.A.neednt do B.neednt have doneC.mustnt do D.shouldnt have done解析:根据语境,考查的内容是对过去的推测。排除A、C,从B、D中选。B项意为“本没必要做某事”,D项意为“本不应该做某事”,根据I could manage it myself.可推断出第二个人想表达“你本来没必要做这件事的”,所以选B。答案:B14.Oh,I have a stomachache.I so much

12、ice cream just now.A.shouldnt eat B.mustnt have eatenC.shouldnt have eaten D.mustnt eat解析:“情态动词have done”表示对过去发生的事情进行推测。must 表推测时不能用在否定句中;shouldnt have done意为“本不应该做某事”。句意:我胃疼。刚才我本不应该吃那么多冰淇淋的。所以选C。答案:C15.I come all the way to say “Thank you”and we it without you.Think nothing of it.A.should have done

13、 B.mustnt have doneC.couldnt have done D.neednt have done解析:前句意为:我专程来向你道谢,如果没有你,我们一定做不了这件事。should have done表示“本应该做某事”,neednt have done意为“本没必要做某事”,放在此处都不符合题意。B项must表推测时不能用于否定句,couldnt have done意为“本来不可能做”。故选C。答案:C.完形填空(难度系数,建议用时17)Charles was a jet fighter pilot in Vietnam.Forty years ago,his 1 was de

14、stroyed by a missile(导弹).Thanks to his good parachute,he 2the crash and now he is giving lectures on lessons learned from that 3 to the people from different fields.One day,Charles and his wife were sitting in a restaurant,4 a man at another table came up and said,“Youre Charles!You were a fighter p

15、ilot forty years ago.And you were 5 in a battle!”Charles never met him.He was very 6 and asked,“How did you know that?”“I 7 your parachute,”the man replied.“I guess it 8!”“It sure did.” Charles answered him 9 “If your chute hadnt worked,I wouldnt be here today.”Charles couldnt 10 that night,thinking

16、 about that man.Charles says,“I kept 11 what he might have looked like in a Navy uniform.I wonder how many times I might have seen him and not 12 said good morning,how are you?or anything else because,you see,I was a fighter pilot and he was just a 13.” Charles thought of the many hours the sailor h

17、ad spent packing their parachutes,and serving them meals when they were 14 .Now,Charles asks his 15 ,“Whos packing your parachute?” Everyone has someone who 16 what they need to make it through the day.He also 17 that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot down.He needed his phys

18、ical parachute,his mental parachute,his emotional parachute,and his spiritual parachute.He 18 all this support before reaching safety.Sometimes in our daily life,we think we get lots of things;19 ,we miss what is really important.We may 20 to say hello,please,or thank you,or just do something nice f

19、or no reason.1.A.parachuteB.armyC.plane D.house解析:从后句的提示词parachute和crash可以推断他的飞机被导弹击中。答案:C2.A.left B.survivedC.lost D.missed解析:从后文故事发展的情节来看,Charles跳伞躲过了这一劫,因而幸存了下来。答案:B3.A.story B.accidentC.example D.experience解析:由上文可知Charles躲过了一劫,而由下文“Now,Charles asks his15,Whos packing your parachute?”可知他所讲的内容正是他这

20、捡回一条命的经历。这是一场战争,不是事故,故排除B答案。答案:D4.A.when B.whileC.then D.as解析:正在这时,一个男子走上前来。when在这里引导一个状语从句,表示“正在这时”的意思。答案:A5.A.put back B.held backC.shot down D.turned down解析:根据后文“that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot down”暗示了该答案是C项。答案:C6.A.excited B.surprisedC.proud D.happy解析:由上文“Charles

21、 never met him”以及下文“How did you know that?”可知,此时Charles感到非常惊讶。故答案为B。答案:B7.A.produced B.choseC.packed D.bought解析:根据后文“Whos packing your parachute?”可知答案为C。答案:C8.A.flied B.workedC.damaged D.disappeared解析:根据下文“If your chute hadnt worked,I wouldnt be here today” 可知答案为B。work这里的意思是“起作用,有效果”的意思。答案:B9.A.curi

22、ously B.anxiouslyC.surprisingly D.thankfully解析:由前文可知,这个降落伞救了Charles的命,因此Charles表现出了感激之情。答案:D10.A.sleep B.understandC.forget D.remember解析:由后文“thinking about that man”以及后文提到的那些默默无闻的海员,Charles无法入睡。答案:A11.A.believing B.admittingC.guessing D.wondering解析:根据上下文及“I wonder how.”的提示可知选项D正确。答案:D12.A.even B.alr

23、eadyC.only D.rather解析:根据上下文可知他们之间甚至连问候的话语都没有。答案:A13.A.worker B.sailorC.businessman D.officer解析:根据下文“Charles thought of the many hours the sailor.”,可知答案为B。答案:B14.A.tired B.thirstyC.relaxed D.hungry解析:由前文“serving them meals”可知,是在Charles他们饿的时候,海员们为他们上饭。其他三项与语境不符,故答案为D。答案:D15.A.children B.listenersC.stu

24、dents D.soldiers解析:文章第一段就表明Charles在作报告。故选B。答案:B16.A.gathers B.receivesC.sends D.provides解析:根据上下文可知每个人背后都有为他们提供度过每一天的东西的人。答案:D17.A.carries out B.finds outC.points out D.thinks out解析:根据下文“that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot down.He needed his physical parachute,his mental p

25、arachute,his emotional parachute,and his spiritual parachute.”可知,Charles同时指出当他的飞机被击落的时候,他需要许多种类的降落伞,故答案为C。答案:C18.A.called for B.turned downC.put up D.gave away解析:上下文理解。这里需要一个词汇能够表示前面need的意思。因此A为最佳答案。答案:A19.A.however B.soC.therefore D.then解析:前文是说我们获得了很多的东西,而后文却说我们错过了真正重要的东西,前后句为转折关系,故答案为A。答案

26、fuse D.manage解析:从前句“we miss what is really important.”可知,后面所列举的是我们错过的东西,故答案为C。fail to do something意思是“没能做成”。答案:C.阅读理解(难度系数,建议用时7)(安徽六校联考)In every society it is necessary to have a general system of laws to ensure justice. Laws are designed to make certain that peoples rights are prot

27、ected and that people respect each others rights. Sometimes, however,laws are passed which are specific to a time or situation. For example, a town in Indiana has passed a law making it illegal to shoot open a can of food. Apparently, some guncarrying citizens forgot their can openers and naturally

28、enough, used their guns to do the job. This disturbed other citizens, and endangered their lives,so a law was passed to prevent it.Specific laws sometimes remain in existence long after the problem has disappeared. The laws then seem strange. For example,the Indiana law was no longer necessary when

29、citizens stopped carrying guns and using them as can openers. Since the law was no longer needed, what once made sense now seems like nonsense.Sometimes laws designed to serve a good purpose were passed but somehow these became mixed up in their wording. As a result,the laws dont make sense. In one

30、state there is a law which says that it is “illegal to move or to attempt to move a motor vehicle”. Obviously, a massive traffic jam would occur if everyone suddenly obeyed that law. But no one does, of course, because the intention of the law was not to prevent owners from moving their own cars. It was to prevent people from moving (stealing) other peoples cars.It is often harder to repeal ( 废止 ) a law than to pass one, so many of these old laws remain in existence. Because they no longer fit the way people live or because the problem no longer exists, these laws are ig

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