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1、九年级综合训练7初三英语综合测试卷七(2005年罗湖区模拟试题)( 共90分)第一卷I听力测试(25分)A根据你在录音里听到的句子,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答句,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(每小题念一遍,共10小题,每小题1分)1AHi, Jane. Where are you? BOf course, we are.CHi, Jane. Glad to see you again.2AThe radio says it will be windy. BIts very hot here in summer.CId like to swim tomorrow.3AI

2、wont . BI cant. CI didnt .4AIm getting on well with my French. BIve studied French for two years. CI studied French very hard.5AYou are quite right. BWhat a good idea! CSee you tomorrow.6ATheres something wrong with me. BWhats the matter? COh, I feel terrible!7ANeither. She is a Japanese girl. BYes,

3、 she is an American girl. CNo, she is an English girl.8AHello. Im Jimmy. BHello. Its Jimmy speaking.CHello. Are you Jane?9AIts Monday. BIts May the tenth. CIts Jims birthday.10AShe does morning exercises. BShe is an English teacher. CShe cooks very well.B下面各组对话后均有一个与对话内容有关的问题,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选择能回答这

4、个问题的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(每小题念两遍, 共5小题, 每小题1分)11What does the man mean? AHe doesnt like the story. BHe has nothing to say about the story. CHe agrees with the woman.12When did the woman go to the Great Wall? AShe went there last spring. BShe went there last autumn. CShe went there last winter.13Wha

5、t time is it? AIts eight oclock. BIts eight twenty. CIts seven forty.14Where is the woman? AShes in a shop. BShes in a restaurant. CShes in a library.15What did the man want to do? AHe wanted to buy a bike. BHe wanted to borrow a bike CHe wanted to sell a bike.C听短信,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的

6、字母编号涂黑。(短信念两遍,共5小题,每小题1分)16What sport is Paul best at?ATennis. BVolleyball. CBasketball.17Why does Paul play so many sports?ABecause he has the chance to do many different sports at school.BBecause he has PE lessons at school.CBecause he studies at a PE school.18What does Paul do on Saturdays?AHe ri

7、des his mountain bike around the neighbourhood. BHe goes to the countryside.CHe goes to the cinema.19Who goes with Paul when he goes out on Saturdays?AHis friend . BHis dog. CHis sister.20When does Paul watch TV after school?ARight after he arrives home from school.BAfter he has finished all his hom

8、ework.CHe watches TV while doing his homework.D听对话,并根据对话所提拱的信息,完成下面的表格(念两遍,共5小题,每小题1分)。 On weekdaysTime for watching TVFor (1) _ in the eveningProgramme to watch(2)_ At weekendsFavourite programmesTV films and (3) _ Time for watching TV(4) _ in the eveningSuggestionsabout TV programmesless time on a

9、dvertisements,more programmes about (5) II选择填空(共15分,每小题1分) 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上相应的字母编号涂黑。21 Must I wait here now? No, you . You may be back in half an hour. Amustnt Bcant Cneednt Ddont22 people watched the game on TV.AMillions BTwo millions CTwo million of DMillions of 23My glass

10、es are under your desk. Will you please for me?Apick it up Bpick up them Cpick them up Dpick up it24I heard that one million people the Beijing City Marathon(马拉松)two days before. Alooked at Bhad looked at Chad watched Dwatched25 How long have you here? About four years.Acome Bleft Carrived Dstayed 2

11、6I dont know when she our company. If she , please let me know.Avisits; visits Bwill visit; visits Cwill visit; will visit Dvisits; will visit27 Could I put this box in your car? Sorry, we already have four people in the car, so there for this box.Ais little room Bare no rooms Cis a little room Dare

12、 few rooms28The policeman told the old woman the road till the light turns green.Ato not cross Bnot to cross Cnever cross Dnot crossing29 Where is the ball made? I guess it is made Greece.Aof Bwith Cin Dfrom30Could you tell me when ?Adid the accident happen Bwas the accident happened Cthe accident w

13、as happened Dthe accident happened 31 What beautiful flowers! So they are. They very well every day.Aare looking after Bare looked after Chave looked after Dshould look after 32“Have you got to tell us? ” “Yes ,I have some good news.”Aanything interesting Binteresting anything Cinteresting something

14、 Dnothing interesting33He more than 100, 000 yuan for a new car. Apaid Bspent Ctook Dcost 34We couldnt stay indoors, there was an important football match in our school.Awhy Bbecause Calthough Dhowever 35Mr and Mrs Zhang for nearly twenty years.Ahave married Bwas married Cmarried Dhave been marriedI

15、II完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,从短文所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上相应的字母编号涂黑。My grandfather was a businessman. He had a(n) 36 pocket watch and he liked it 37 much that he was always wearing it across the front of his coat when he went out. When I was even very small, he often said that he would 38 it t

16、o me when he died .But that will 39 happen now. About one week ago, my grandfather came to London to visit us. The first Sunday 40 after he arrived, my youngest son said he would 41 to go to the park with the old man. “Lets do 42 more interesting than that, ” said my grandfather. “We are going to se

17、e a very interesting film.” And off they went. About lunch time they 43 back. My grandfather was looking very 44 .“My watch is missing,” he said slowly. “I must have lost it in the cinema 45 we were coming out of it when the film was over. ”36Aexpensive Bcheap Cbig Dlittle 37Avery Bquite Ctoo Dso38A

18、bring Bpass Cleave Dgive39Acertainly Bnever Cnearly Dalmost40Amorning Bafternoon Cevening Dnoon41Ahope Bwish Cwant Dlike42Aeverything Bnothing Csomething Deverything43Areached Barrived at Creturned Dcame44Apleased Bunhappy Cpoor Dquiet45Aafter Buntil Cwhile DbecauseIV阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的A

19、、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上相应的字母编号涂黑。(A)Junnie Kiersey is starting a new life.The 72-year-old lady decided two months ago that she wanted to help her greatgrandchildren, 5 and 8, with their maths homework. So she started to learn maths at a high school in Michigan, the United States.“I decided

20、it was time for grandma to go back to school,” Kiersey told a newspaper. Kierseys fans include the headmaster and her teacher. “I think its great,” said the headmaster. “Its great to see an old granny come back just to learn . Its wonderful she wants to do this for her greatgrandchildren. ”“I feel a

21、 bit out of place ,” Kiersey said, “But all the teachers have been very nice to me.” Kierseys teacher likes her a lot.Kiersey said she wanted to learn a computer class and a few more subjects.46This reading is about .Aa high school in Michigan Bhow Kiersey taught her greatgrandchildren maths CKierse

22、y going back to school Dwhether Kiersey liked studying or not 47Its clear that .Anot many people know about what Kierseys doingBwhat Kierseys doing interests many peopleCher greatgrandchildren are very poor at mathsDthe high school is famous for maths teaching48The word “include” in the reading mean

23、s .A崇拜 B包含 C了解 D帮助49The teachers of the high school .Aare pleased with Kiersey Bknew Kiersey well before she came Cwanted to teach Kiersey many other subjects Dasked Kiersey to be headmaster 50Kiersey wanted .Ato be a star Bto make friends with the teachersCto be a fan of newspapers Dto learn someth

24、ing new at her old age(B)Dear Roni,Italy is wonderful. We started in Rome two weeks ago, drove to Florence last week and now were on our way to Venice. Three weeks just isnt enough.The country near Florence is so beautifulhills, olive trees. And red roofs of the houses look so nice far away.I am afr

25、aid I am getting biggerthe food here is so delicious! Love, Akemi RoniRoni Lebaver222 Main St.Laguna Beach, CA92651U.S.A.Hi Roni, I cant believe you went to school here in Honolulu! Why did you leave? I spend each morning on the beach and in the water. The sand is so soft and the beaches seem so lon

26、g, The water is just the right temperature. One afternoon, I left the beach to walk in mountains near Honolulu. I enjoyed myself very much there.How I miss you! MariRoni Lebaver222 Main St.Laguna Beach,CA92651U.S.A.Dear Roni,Maybe Im strange but I love the desert!Last week our group spent four days

27、in the desert. At times, it felt like the moon.I always thought deserts were all the same! They are not. Some parts look like mountains; others are really different . And when we find something greena few palm trees, a little water, we feel good and great. See you in September, KimRoniRoni Lebaver22

28、2 Main St.Laguna Beach, CA92651U.S.A.51Who seems to have eaten too much?AMari. BAkemi. CKim. DRoni.52Who went to school in Honululu?AAkemi. BMari. CRoni. DKim.53Who spent four days on the moon?ANobody. BKim. CRoni. DAkemi.54Where dose Roni live?AFlorence. BHonolulu. CLaguna Beach. DVenice.55Which of

29、 the sentences is true?AAkemi arrived in Rome two weeks ago. BMarl spends every morning and afternoon on the beach.CDeserts always look the same. DMari had a good time in Honolulu .(C)Although English is not as old as Chinese, it is spoken by many people around the world every day. English speakers are always creating(创造) new words, and we are often able to know where most words come from.Sometimes, no one may really know where a word comes from. Did you ever think abo

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