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1、港口调度业务用于语港口调度业务用语1. Hello, Captain. Glad to meet you.你好,船长,见到你很高兴。2. Good morning, chief officer.早上好,大副。3. Good afternoon, second officer. Sit down, please.下午好,二副。请座。4. Good morning, third officer. Have a cigarette.晚上好!三副,请抽烟。5. Good night, duty officer. See you tomorrow.晚安!值班副,明天见。6. Have a cup of

2、tea. Have a glass of cold drink.请喝一杯茶;请喝一杯冷饮。7. Good-bye. See you tomorrow.再见。明天见。8. Would you please tell me where the chief officers cabin is?请告诉我大副的房间在哪里好吗?9. Is the captain in? Will you please take me to see him?船长在吗?请带我去见他好吗?10. Who is on duty? Im looking for him?请问谁值班?我有事要找他。11. Allow me to in

3、troduce myself. Im the foreman on this ship. If you need anything , please keep in touch with me.请允许我自我介绍,我是本轮的装卸指导员,有事请和我联系。12. Please adjust the gangway, for the convenience of the stevedores.请把舷梯调整好,以便于工人上下船。13. Who is the sailor on duty? Please rig up the safety net at the gangway.谁是值班水手?请在舷梯口设置

4、安全网。14. Please inform the chief officer, Well not start to work until tomorrow 6a.m. Well let you know at five oclock when loading begins.请通知大副,明天早上6点以前我们不准备开工,什么时间开工5点以前再告诉你们。15. Our working time for the day shift are from 0745 to 1900 , night shift from 1945 to 0700.我们的工作时间白班是从07001800;夜班是从1800070

5、0。16. The stevedores work in three shifts, the day shift works from 0600 to 1400, the swing shift from 1400 to 2200 and the night shift from 2200 to 0600.装卸工人实行三班制作业,白班从06001400;小夜班从14002200;大夜班从22000600。17. Please get the derricks ready. Well start working as soon as the stevedores arrive.请准备好吊杆,工人

6、一到就开工。18. How many tons is the jumbos safe working load? What other matters deserve attention?吊杆的安全负荷是多少吨?要注意些什么?19. The cargo survey scale of the empty ship has not been finished yet, so we cant start working.商检空船计量还未完毕,所以不能开工。20. I havent received the loading order of the shipper, so we cant start

7、 working. 我还未接到货主的装船通知单,所以不能开工。21. How long will it take to get the jumbo boom fixed?重吊杆多少时间可以安装好?22. It is necessary to use a floating crane for these heavy lifts. Dont discharge them until the floating crane comes.这些起重件必须使用浮吊,等浮吊到后才能卸货。23. Well commence loading now, load hatches NO.2 and NO.4 firs

8、t. Please get the derricks ready.现在开始装货,先装24舱。请准备好吊杆。24. Chief, please fill in a copy of ships particulars.大副,请填写一份船舶资料。25. Please mark the safety draft scale and fore-and-aft full draft of the vessel in the stowage plan.请在配载图上标明本船的安全水尺以及满载后前后吃水。26. Is there any ballast water on board? How many tons

9、? What is the displacement tonnage of the ballast water per hour?请问船上有无压舱水,有多少吨压舱水?压舱水每小时排泄量是多少吨?27. When will you pump out all the ballast water? Please get move on.压舱水大约什么时间可以排空?请抓紧时间。28. If you require the hold to be made level, youd better apply for special trimming.如果您要求把舱内整平,最好申请特殊平舱。29. I wan

10、t a complete set of import manifest. 我想 要一套进口舱单。30. Sho w me a copy of the stowage plan, please.请给我一份配载图看看。31. Please write down the draft tonnage per centimeter of the vessel and give it to me.请将这艘船每厘米吃水吨数写给我。32. Please tell me the deadweight draft scale of the vessel.请将这艘船的载重标尺告诉我。33. The transpor

11、t markings of this cargo are indistinct. Would you please tell me what they are?这件货的运输标志不清楚,您可以告诉我吗?34. What is the contract number of this lot of cargo? How many pieces in all?这票货的合同号是多少?一共多少件?35. The transport marks disagree with those on the manifest. could they have been mixed up or misplaced?舱单

12、同运输标志有出入,是否混装或错装?36. After filling in the stowage plan, please hand it over to me.配载图填写好交给我。37. Your stowage is over the safety draft. Please recount it.您的配载超过安全水尺。请重新计算一下。38. Well stow dry sweet potatoes and rape cake in bags. Please estimate the space.我们在这个舱里装袋装地瓜干和菜籽饼,请计算一下舱容。39. According to thi

13、s plan, is the rotation of loading port correct?按这张图装船港序对吗?40. Maybe there are some mistakes in the plan. Id like to check it.船图上可能有些错误,我想核对一下。41. There are some mistakes in the stowage. Tea can not mixed up with the strong-smelling cargo.配载有错误,茶叶不能和有气味的货混装在一起。42. Will you please tell me hoe to drag

14、 these two lots of cargo to another hatch?请告诉我,这两票货怎样拉动到其他舱口?43. Chief, I have found 3holds of cargo have been mixed up at the loading port. Please go down to the hold and have a look at them.大副,我发现3舱货在装货港装混了,请下舱查看一下。44. For some reasons, this lot of cargo has not come so far. Could they have been s

15、towed in another hatch?这票货因故一时来不了,能否装到其他舱去?45. Chief, would you please tell me any special requirements for loading optional cargo?大副,请告诉我,选港货在装载时有什么要求?46. Well load some deck cargoes on this voyage. Please mark a line in advance in a suitable position.这个航次将要装一些甲板货,请在合适的位置画好表记。47. It is necessary to

16、 apply to the agent for the lashing to load the deck cargo.甲板货载需向外代申请捆扎。48. When loading the deck cargo, it necessary to leave a walking space around each hatchway?装甲板货时每个舱口位是否需要留通道?49. Well load some transshipment cargo to Hong Kong on this voyage.这个航次将装一些到香港的转口货。 50. All of transshipment cargo mus

17、t be separated from the through cargo. They must be clearly separated.转口货同直达货必须分开装,隔票必须清楚。51. It is not necessary to separate transshipment cargo discharging from the same port.同一港口卸货的转口货没有必要隔开。52. Each lot of the optional cargo must be stowed in one block, in this way we can discharge any lot at po

18、rt required by the consignee.这票选港货都必须堆成一垛,这样便于在收货人指定任何一个港口卸下任何一票。53. This lot of cargo is direct cargo, it must be stowed on top.这批货是挂港货,必须装在上面。54. In order to expedite the loading, please distribute this over length cargo in the main hatch.为了加快装货,请将这些超长货物配在大舱口。55. Please use the ballast water to ad

19、just the dead draft, so as to keep the ship on an even keel.请您们用压舱水调整水尺,以保持船舶平衡。56. Please discharge some fresh water from the forepeak to the bulkhead.请将首尖舱的淡水排一些到后尖舱去。57. Hatch NO.1 cant take any more load, otherwise the vessel will be down at the head.1舱不能再装,否则船将拱头。58. Cargo on the port side need

20、s to be shifted to the starboard side, since the ship is listing too much to port.左舷的货需移一些到右舷,因为船左倾。59. The ship is down at the head now, some cargo needs to be shifted from hatch NO.1 to NO.5.现在船拱头,需从1舱移些货到5舱。60. The ship is listing to the starboard side now, so well load the cargo in the port side

21、.现在船右倾,我们将把货装在左舷。61. The berthing position of the ship is listing too much to fore, please shift 10 meters astern.船舶停靠位置偏前,请向后绞10米。62. The berthing position of the ship is listing too much to aft, please shift 20 meters fore.船舶停靠位置偏后,请向前绞20米。63. The ship is too far off the wharf, please have tight t

22、he forward and aft line and the side line.船舶同码头离档太远,请将首缆和尾缆绞紧。64. This lot of cargo needs to be shifted from hatch NO.2 to hatch NO.4.这批货需从2舱移到4舱。65. Our stevedores always make slings in fixed quantity. Take It easy.我们装卸工人做关总是定型定量的,请放心。66. Its rain. Please close all the hatches as soon as possible.天

23、要下雨,请尽快关舱。67. If there are hatchways on board, use the rain tents, please.船上如有舱口防雨罩请使用。68. Please tell the bosun to take the lashings off the deck cargo. We are ready to discharge the deck cargo.请告诉水手长把甲板货的捆扎拆除,我们准备卸甲板货。69. Well prepare to set all the gantry cranes to work. Please swing all the derr

24、icks to the off shore side.我们全部用门机作业,请把吊杆全部甩到外档。70. Please remove the railing at hatch NO.2 to prevent damage.请把2舱栏杆拆除,以防碰坏。71. Please adjust the derrick a little more outwards, a little more inwards, up a bit more, down a little bit.请把吊杆调整一下向外一些,向里一些,向上一些,向下一些。72. Its difficult to load bulk cargo i

25、n this ship, please ask agent to apply for special trimming.这艘船装散货有困难,请向外代提出特殊平舱申请。73. The stevedores are getting ready for loading now.现在工人正在做装卸准备工作。74. Its getting dark, please fix up cargo lights in the working hatch.天黑了,请在作业的舱内安装照明灯。75. The light in the hold is far from enough, please fix up som

26、e more.舱内照明不足,请增装照明灯。76. The electric light in hold NO.3 is out of order. Please sent lineman to repair it at once.第3舱内电灯坏了,请立即派人去修理。77. The cargo runner at hatch NO.3 is seriously frayed. Have it replaced, please.第3舱吊货钢丝绳磨损严重,请更换。78. Please turn on the high frequency and contact the agents, they ha

27、ve some business to talk about with you.请打开高频同外代联系,他们有事同您商量。79. Well use the ships crane to put on the beams; please get everything ready.我们需要用船吊吊大粱,请做好准备。80. There is something wrong with the hatch NO.5 winch. Please get it repaired.第5舱绞车坏了,请派人去修理。81. The isothermal van has not yet come; please put

28、 the plugs in.冷藏车还没来,请把小舱盖关起来。82. Well prepare to put a dump truck down the lower hold to collect the bulk sugar, so as to expedite the discharging of the vessel.我们准备吊斗车下舱集中散糖,以加快卸船进度。 83. Where to put the spare bags as stated in the manifest?舱单上注明的备用袋放在那里?84. Please tell your crew not to smoke on t

29、he deckduring loading of the dangerous cargo. The shipside is asked to coordinate the security work well.请告诉你们船员,装危险货时不要在甲板上抽烟,请船方协助做好安全工作。85. We are going to loading the imflamable goods,ask the ship to the fire extinguisher device ready, please.现在装易燃品,请船上准备好消防灭火设备。86. Its too cold in the hold, ple

30、ase stop cooling for half an hour.舱内太冷,请停止放冷气半小时。87. Please fix up rope ladder on the middle of the draft scale overside.请在外挡中间水尺处按装绳梯。88. Please fix up the cargo light on the middle of the draft scale.请在中间水尺处按装一盏灯。89. Delivery of the vessels subject to the draft scale.办理交接以水尺计量为准。90. During loading

31、 and discharging , changing stowage deadweight scales must go through the agent and shippers. The ship has no right to change them on one side.装载过程中修改配载水尺必须通过外代和货主,船方不能单方修改。91. When loading rice, planks and mats must be laid on the floors.装大米时舱底需铺上木板和席子。92. Please provide ventilators in order to ensure the ventilation in all the hatches.请提供通风筒以保证舱内空气流通。93. Hoe to fix the ventilation tunnels? How to join them to the ventilators?通风孔如何设置?与通风筒如何连接?94. In order to prevent the ships sweating, all the steel structures in the hatch must be properly covered with plastic sheeting.为了防止

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