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1、六年级上册英语复习卷六年级第一学期英语复习卷(一)根据中文意思完成句子根据中文意思,完成下列句子。1.我牙痛,我想去看牙医。I have a .I want to .2.下次早点起床。Get up early .3.“我感冒了。”“你应该躺在床上。”-I a .-You .4.汤尼头痛。Tony .5.他头痛,他需要去看医生。He a headache. He needs to see the .6.“他们正在做什么?”“他们正在挖一口井。”-What are they now ? Theyre .7.她口渴,所以她想喝一些水。She ,so she to have .8.别担心,我会做那个。

2、 , I can do that.9.“你妹妹怎么了?”“她牙痛。”-Whats with your sister ? She has a .10.“公共汽车站在哪里?”“在银行对面。”-Where is the ?-Its the bank.11.直走,它在学校旁边。 ,and its the school .12.在路上,我能看到很多交通灯。I can see many on the road .13.左转,你就能看到医院。 ,and you can see the hospital.14.不要在街上踢足球。 soccer in the street.15.直走, 在下一个拐角处右转。Go

3、 straight , and the next .16.你应该吃很多水果和蔬菜。You should eat and vegetables.17.我们每天需要大量的运动。We need every day .18.不要吃太多的糖果,它们对我们不好的。 eat , theyre for us.19.Mary 每天看两个小时的电视。Mary TV two hours every day .20.汉堡包是垃圾食品。 are 。21.我一天半喝两杯果汁。I drink two a day .22.他有着健康的饮食习惯。He eating habbits.23.那座城市现在既干净又整洁。That ci

4、ty and now. 24.昨天天气怎么样?很凉爽。What the weather ? It .25.今天早上刘涛的房间很凌乱。Liu Taos room this morning .26.“你的钢笔在哪里?”“之前在地上,但现在在文具盒里。”-Where your pen ?-It on the floor before , but in the pencil case .27.昨天你在哪里?我在泰国。 you yesterday ? I in .28.那条河以前是什么样的? 很干净,但是现在很肮脏。What the river before ? It ,but its now.29.那

5、个女孩来自哪里? 她来自上海。Where the girl from? he Shanghai .30.上个月,我和爸爸参观了一个博物馆。My father and I a museum .31.这里的食物怎么样? 很美味。 is the food here ? It .32.去年冬天的天气怎么样? 很温暖。What the in winter ? It .33.我今天早上有课。I this morning.34.今天早上,我妈妈洗了衣服。My mother this morning.35.我每年植树节都植树。I on the every year .36.我们不能把垃圾放的到处都是。We c

6、ant put the .37.医院的食物很难吃。The in hospital is .38.昨天你做了什么?我植树了。What you ? I /39.上个星期你看电影了吗? you a movie ?40.它们对我们有好处。They are us.41.我们每天需要大量的水。We water every day .六年级第二学期英语复习卷(一)根据中文意思完成句子根据中文意思完成下列句子。1. 你昨天干什么了? 我打篮球。What _ you do yesterday? I _ basketball.2. 我看见天空上有白云。I see a white _ _ the sky.3. 今天

7、早上你喝过东西吗?没有,我现在很口渴。Did you _ _ this morning? No, I _. Im _ now.4. 今天早上你吃过什么? 我吃过奶酪、巧克力和鸡肉。What did you _ this morning? I _ cheese,_and chicken.5. 你前天去了海滩吗?没有。我去了公园。Did you _ to the _ the day _ tomorrow? No, I didnt. I _ to the _.6. 我饿了。我们去吃午餐吧。I feel _. Lets _ lunch.7. 昨天我骑自行车上学,珍妮坐校车上学。Yesterday I

8、_ my bike to school.but Jenny _ her school bus.8. 我的哥哥是一位司机。他很喜欢画画。My brother is a _. He likes _.9. 杨利伟是中国首位航天员。Yang Liwei was the _ _ spaceman.10. Tony昨天发生什么事了?他忘记带功课了。What _ to Tony yesterday? He _ his _.11. 我今天很幸运。首先,我和朋友玩。接着,我赢得了比赛。之后,我获得了一份礼物。I _ a lucky day.First, I had _ _ friends.Next, I _ t

9、he game.After that, I _ a nice _.12. 我不见了钥匙。我去房间找,但没有找到。I _ my keys.I went to my room to _ _ them,but I _ _ it.13. 昨天下午我帮妈妈做家务。I _ my mother _ some _ yesterday afternoon.14. 你在游行中干什么了?我吹小号。_ did you do _ the parade? I _ the trumpet.15. 你为什么很累?因为我昨天熬夜了。Why _ you _? Because I _ up late last night.16.

10、我很兴奋因为我们打算去爬山。Im _ because were going to _ the mountain.17. 你为什么害怕? 因为我听到了一声响。Why are you _? Because I _ a noise.18. 你能拿出垃圾吗? 可以。我迟点拿出来。Can you _ _ the trash,please? Sure.Ill take _ out in a _.19. 你能挂起你的衣服吗? 对不起!我很忙呢!Cany you _ _ your toys,please? Sorry.Im _ now.20. 看,Tony!我正在帮你收拾它们呢。Look,Tony!Im _

11、them _ for you now.21. 看!他们正在湖里游泳。Look! They _ _ in the lake.22. 这个星期我想去探访下我的外公。I want _ _ my grandpa this Sunday.23. 在秋天,树叶是黄色的。The _ are yellow in _.24. 昨天晚上他练习弹钢琴了。He _ the _ last night.25. 今天早上书本在地板上,但现在在书桌上了。The books _ on the _ this morning,but they _ on the desk now.26. 我们在游行队伍中跳舞了。We _ _ the

12、 parade.27. 昨天玛丽使用电脑了。Mary _ a _ yesterday.28. 你今天早上学习英语了吗? 没有。我洗衣服了。Did you _ _ this morning? No, I didnt. I _ the clothes.29. 今天早上我吃了些面包,喝了一杯牛奶。I _ some bread and _ a cup of _ this morning.30. 今天早上John迟醒,没能赶上公共汽车。John _ _ _ and _ the bus this morning.31. 不要推,你必须要拉。Dont _. You _ _.32. 从现在起,我想每天做大量的

13、运动。_ _ _, I want go get _ _ exercise.33. 吃太多的果冻是不健康的。Eating _ _ jelly is _.六年级第二学期英语复习卷(二)按实际情况回答问题按实际情况回答问题1. Whats Wrong with you ?2. Where is the hospital ?3. Whats good for us ?4. Whats bad for us ?5. Are vegetables good for us ?6. Is too much junk food unhealthy? ?7. What was the weather like y

14、esterday ?8. Where were you yesterday ?9. What did you do last night ?10. What were your shoes like yesterday ?11. What is the weather like today ?12. Did you listen to music last night ?13. What are your clothes like today ?14. Did they plant trees the day before yesterday ?15. What was her hair li

15、ke yesterday ?16. Are you healthy ?17. Is your mother healthy ?18. How are you feeling now ?19. Do you get enough exercise ?20. Did your mother cook dinner yesterday ?21. Were you at school this morning?22. Do you often water the flowers in the evening ?23. What did you do last Tree Planting Day ?24

16、. Where was your father this morning ?25. Whats the matter with you ?26. Did you have classes yesterday ?27. Do you like English?28. Can you swim?29. How many days are there in a year? 30. How many months are there in a year?31. How many seasons are there in a year?32. How many people are there in y

17、our family?33. What day it it today?34. Whats the date today?35. Which season do you like?36. What subjects do you like?37. Whens your birthday?38. Whens the Childrens Day?39. What are you going to do for a vacation?40. How old are you?41. What do you want?42. What do you want to do?43. What do you

18、want to be?44. What are you doing now?六年级第二学期英语复习卷(三)选词填空一、用is , am , are , was , were填空。1. It _ clean but it _ dirty now.2. My books _ on the floor this morning.They _ on the desk now.3. Listen!They _ singing now.4. _ youa student? Yes, I _.5. _ you in Guangzhou last month? Yes, I _.6. _ your frien

19、ds cooking now? Yes, they _.7. What color _ the dress? It _ yellow.8. There _ a typhoon last night.9. _ your mother at home yesterday? No, she _ not.10. Look,Jenny _ dancing.二、选词填空。what (什么) how (怎样) where(在哪里)what time(几点) how old(几岁) who(谁)what color(什么颜色) how many(多少) whose(谁的)what day(星期几) how m

20、uch(多少元) which(哪一个) How often(多久) when(什么时候) why(为什么)1. _ is the bus? Its yellow.2. _ is the elephant? Its under the tree.3. _ is that? Thats Ben.4. _ is the book? Its Bens.5. _ do you go to school? At 7:30.6. _ is her birthday? Its March 8th.7. _ is it today? Its Monday.8. _ do you go to school? I

21、take a bus to school.9. _ are you? I am eleven years old.10. _ are the computers? They are 100 yuan.11. _ books are there on the desk? There are 100 books.12. _ do you go fishing? Once a week.13. _ season do you like? I like spring.14. _ did you do yesterday? 15. _ did you go yesterday?16. _ are you

22、 scared? Because I saw a snake.17. _ does he go to school? By bus.18. _ are you? Im fine.19. _ subjects do you like? I like music.20. _ are you? Im five.六年级第一学期英语复习卷(四)仿照例句写句子仿照例句写句子。Model 1.Wahts the matter with you ? I have a cold .1.him / toothache 2.her / fever 3.Tony / headache 4.your mother /

23、stomachache Model 2.You should drink some water father / take some medicine 2. Tom /see the dentist Model / plant / trees / No Did you plant trees last night ? No, I didnt.1.Peter / call / mother / Yes 2.Ben / listen to / music / No 3.Peter and his friends /study /English /Yes 4.your fat

24、her / watch / TV / Yes Model 4.Wheres the train station ?Go straight .Its across from the park.1.candy shop / turn right / behind / bank store / turn left / next to / supermarket Model / China / tasty What was the food like in China ? It was tasty / Thailand / spicy 2.2. food /

25、 Canada /yucky Model 6.I planted trees yesterday . Did you plant trees yesterday ? Yes , I did .1.I watched TV this morning . 2. They played soccer last Sunday .3. She painted a picture last night. 4. Tony called his friend yesterday . Model 7.What did you do yesterday ? I planted trees.1.she / wash

26、 the dishes 2.Gogo and Tony / watch TV 3.they / paint a picture 4.Jenny / cook dinner 5.Gogo and Tony / watch TV 6.the boy / play soccer Model 8.What was the weather like this morning ? It was cold .1.her hair / yesterday /messy 2.your shoes / the day before yesterday / dirty 3.Gogos clothes / last Sunday / dry 4.the desk / yesterday /dirty Model /

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