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1、八年级上册第五单元第一课时教学设计Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?教学设计学情分析: 我教的班级是八年级169班,全班学生80人,学生基础比较薄弱,接受能力不是很好,学生学习英语的兴趣不浓,不够积极主动,大多数学生不愿意开口读英语,就算是读,也是声音很小,缺乏自信。经过一年的调教,已经有一部分学生的积极性调动了起来,一些学生能够非常积极参与课堂活动,并且带动了少数学生大胆地读和说英语。对英语的学习兴趣明显有所提高。但是,仍然需要更多的努力,改变整个班的英语学习面貌。教学工具:各种表情图片、多媒体、电视海报图片、扩音器、无线话筒、U盘、PPT课件、

2、各类节目视频教学资源:猫和老鼠CD1-杰瑞的远亲.mp40001.江苏网络电视台-一站到底 20161121 1.mp4新闻联播 .mp3甄嬛传.mp3体育在线.mp3快乐大本营.mp3家有儿女第6集.mp3中国达人秀第四季.mp3鲁豫有约.mp3新闻联播 .mp4家有儿女.mp4花千骨第6集.mp4八年级上 U5 Sa 1b.mp3教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:sitcom, news, soap opera,mind ,stand能掌握表示喜好的单词和短语:love, like ,dont mind, dont like,cant stand. 能掌握以下句型: Wh

3、at do you think of talk shows? I like/love it/them. I dont like it/them. I cant stand it/them. I dont mind it/them. 2) 能了解以下语法结构: want to do sth.2.能力目标: 能够用所学内容陈述自己的看法;学会谈论自己的喜好。3.情感态度价值观目标: 学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视和电视节目的名称和自己喜欢的节目。注意引导学生们形成正确的文化观念, 培养学生们的跨文化意义,形成自己独立的个性。教学重难点:教学重点:1)学习掌握各类电视和电视节目的名称。2)掌握本课所

4、学的句型。3)want to do sth.教学难点:1)让学生运用所学知识谈论电视节目。2)让学生初步建立动词不定式的意识,了解动词不定式结构做动词的宾语。教学方法:1、悬念思索法 教师在引入新课时,提出问题,以引出下文。 在导入时先设悬念,Do you like talk shows? / What kinds of shows do you know? 引导学生回答。2、拓展延伸法 鼓励学生大胆质疑,英语教师针对教学内容人为地设计思维障碍,造成疑惑。3、品德感悟法 英语新目标教材的编写特别注重渗透思想品德教育,有利于学生形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。词汇教学:采取图片,Who has

5、 the best memory 和听声音猜TV show游戏环节进行教学, 让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用。语音教学:手势音标记忆单词发音,使抽象的音标具体化,形象直观,降低了学习的难度,又能很好的记住发音; 让学生能在朗读或对话练习中正确使用连读。口语教学:采取小组之间互相操练和pair work问答式操练口语。听力教学:采取根据听到的内容先后排序,听后填空和做选择等方式。 检测学生对本节课的单词掌握情况和对篇章听力的理解。教学过程:.Lead-in - Watch Whos still standing?(一站到底)(2minutes) T:Hello, boys and gi

6、rls. Do you like watching TV? Do you know this TV show name?. New words(10minutes) 1、Activity 1:利用图片或剪切的视频逐步呈现不同电视节目类型并学习电视节目的相关词汇,同时利用手势音标来进行语音强化教学。talent show(中国达人秀视频),重点音标/,talk show(鲁豫有约视频),重点音标/:/ ,soap opera (甄嬛传视频)重点音标/u/,sitcom(家有儿女视频)重点音标/i/,news(新闻联播视频), game show(快乐大本营图片),sports show(体育新闻

7、图片)。 Activity 2:Who has the best memory?游戏挑战活动 PPT课件快速闪现不同电视节目类型图片,每组请一位学生依次说出图片中的节目类型,答对一个得一分,答错不扣分。 答错的题,机会留给下组回答。 Activity 3:Listen and guess the shows 通过专门的音频处理软件,将甄嬛传,中国好声音,鲁豫有约,新闻联播,家有儿女,快乐大本营,体育新闻转换成音频格式,让学生听声音猜出节目类型。 【设计意图】 词汇记忆是个枯燥的过程,为了让学生既有学习的兴趣,又能达到预期的学习效果。我抓住学生的好奇和竞争心理,采用了用图片和声音猜节目的游戏,既

8、复习巩固了单词,为后面的教学环节做好教学准备,又能提高学生的学习兴趣。2、Finish 1a T: Look at the TV shows, can you read them? Read them three times. Match the TV shows with the pictures a-g. Finish it in one minute, then check the answers. Presentation: Sentence structure learning(5 minutes) T: Yao Ming is my favorite basketball play

9、er. I like him best, so I love sports shows. What do you think of sports shows? I love them. Guide out the words and phrases by the faces ,such as like, dont mind, dont like ,cant stand. Draw the faces next to them. T explains“mind”and “stand”. (Write them on the blackboard.) What do you think of ne

10、ws/ game shows/ soap opera/ sitcom? I like it/them. I love it/them. I dont mind it/them. I dont like it/them. I cant stand it/them. PPT课件中,news用红色提醒学生是不可数名词,回答时用it. 利用图片引出表达对各类电视节目的偏好的句型,并反复操练,使学生逐步掌握并巩固。采取小组之间,师生之间,男女之间,个人与个人之间互相操练句型。 【设计意图】 学习表达各类电视节目的偏好的句型。学会运用句型What do you think of ? 询问他人对某事物的观点

11、并会正确表达自己的看法及应答。.Listening(8 minutes) Task 1. Pre- listening. T:Jack and Mark plan to watch talent shows tonight. Do you want to join them? Now here is a conversation between Jack andMark. What do they want to watch ? What TV shows are they talking ? Lets listen and number the shows 1-4 in order your

12、 hear. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the shows1-4. Task 2. Listen again, fill in the blanks and answer the questions. Ask one student write the words on the blackboard. Mark: Hey, Jack, I plan to watch TV tonight. Do you want to join me? Jack: Sure, what do you want to watch? Ma

13、rk: Well, what do you think of _?(talk shows) Jack: I _ them, but sometimes they can be a bit boring.(dont mind) Mark: Thats true. Do you want to just watch the _?(news) Jack: I guess so. Maybe we can watch that new talent show after the news. I usually cant stand _ , but that one is quite funny.(ta

14、lent shows) Mark: OK, sure, but the soccer game stars at 5:00 p.m. Jack: Oh, yeah, I want to watch that game, too. Task 3: Listen again and choose the right questions. 1. What does Mark plan(打算) to do tonight? A. Go shopping B. Watch TV C. Go to the movies 2. What does usually Jack think of talent s

15、hows? A. He usually cant stand them. B. He usually doesnt like them. C. He usually doesnt mind them.【设计意图】 作为农村中学,没有语言环境,听力一直是他们的薄弱环节。那么,如何既能降低听力难度,又能使学生达到提高听力是我为之思考的问题。 在这堂课中,我设计有目的有步骤的让学生听三遍录音,同时要求学生在听时按照听力排序-到听力填词-再到听力选择的环节,从易到难,训练学生的多种听力技巧,培养听力能力。.Pair work(8 minutes) 1. Lets learn to talk about

16、 preferences.-What do these faces mean? If you want to know whether someone likes or doesnt like the program, you can ask like “What do you think of.?”“Do you like /love.?”If you want to answer the questions, you can use the words the words: love, like, dont mind, cant stand, dont love/like. 2. Acti

17、ng T: Hello, Wang Bing, what do you think of games shows? Wang Bing: I like them very much. T:How do you like talent shows? Wang Bing: I dont mind them. T: Do you like news? Wang Bing: No, I cant stand it. Can you make the similar conversation with your partner? Make a conversation using information

18、 in the chart of 1c. Ask one student in each group to do a report. 各小组pair work问答式操练,小组长汇报本小组情况。 Report Model汇报示范: In my group, Lucy likes soap operas. She doesnt like game shows. She cant stand news. Tom loves soap operas. He likes games shows but he doesnt mind news. 【设计意图】 以“调查报告”的形式达到在情境中使用语言,进行

19、口头输出语言的目的。.Exercise(3 minutes) Fill in the blanks 1.A: 你认为脱口秀怎么样? B: _ do you _ _talk shows? A: 我不介意。 B: I _ _ them. 2.A: _ do you _ news? B: Oh, no! I cant stand _. Theyre too boring! 3.A: Whatdo you think of soap operas? B: No, I cant stand _. 4.A: Do you _ _(想要) watch TV with me? B: Sure. Tomorro

20、w is Sunday. (What, think of, dont mind; How like, it; them; want to ) 【设计意图】 学会运用句型What do you think of ?询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达自己的看法及应答。.Summary(2 minutes) T: summarize the key points in this class(播放PPT) Ss take notes if necessary. Verbs: mind, stand Countable nouns: sitcom, soap opera Uncountable noun

21、s: news Sentences: What do you think of.?= How do you like.? love like I dont like it/them. dont mind cant stand. Healthy tips健康小贴士(1minute) Dont watch TV and play cell phones too much! Its bad for your health and study.【设计意图】在这个互联网+时代,出现了一个新词,叫“低头族”,这是一种不健康的现象。电视节目和手机在给人们带来娱乐的同时也带来了亚健康的负面影响。善意的提醒学生

22、不要做低 头族,鼓励他们做一个健康人。.Homework (2minutes) Talk about your favorite TV shows with your friends. 【设计意图】 和朋友讨论最喜欢的电视节目,活学活用。教学反思: 本节课是一节听说训练课,也是该单元的第一课时,故教学的重点是部分电视节目的名称(talent show, sports show, talk show, game show, sitcom, news, soap opera),谈论和表达喜好的句型(A:What do you want to watch? What do you think of?

23、 B:I love it/them. I like it/them, I dont mind it/them. I dont like it/them. I cant stand it/them.)。难点是学会询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达自己的看法。 本节课从课前热身猫和老鼠的视频,到开篇学生最感兴趣的节目一站到底导入,紧接着设计了一系列游戏,听力活动,小组活动,充分调动了学生的学习兴趣。 课堂上多元的评价方式,有竞争后的奖励、有笑声中的掌声,让每个学生均有展示的机会。但是练习的时间还是短了些,学生展示的面不广。以后的教学过程中,一定要多给学生自主展示的机会,以便更大范围内地激发学生的学

24、习热情。 在游戏竞猜环节,我有意识的进行了分层布置任务,但在时间上留给潜能生不够充裕。在小组调查汇报展示环节,机会更多的给了优等生。这些做得不足,以后注意多去关注英语能力稍微弱的学生,带动学生整体发展。通过本节课的教学,我感受到了学生的学习热情,也感受到了自己的责任重大。 同时我在教学中采用的信息技术手段有:1.应用互联网下载教学相关视频;2.运用视频编辑专家8.0截取所需视频片段,运用狸窝软件把截取的视频转换成MP3音频格式;3.运用PPT的动作设置达到相应教学需求,插入音频视频。4.计时器。使用计时器培养学生限时训练的习惯,提高学习效率。 本还想设计让学生使用手机用UMU做电视节目的喜好调查,但是考虑到学校是不允许带手机的,所以这个环节就没有了。由此看出,面向移动互联时代的教学准备还有一段时间让大家去接受,尤其是农村山区学校。

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