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1、译林版九年级英语上册第5单元课时练习题含答案Unit 5 Art world第1课时Comic strip &Welcome to the unit前置性学习 一、翻译词组1、发现比艺术更令人高兴的东西_2、不同种类的艺术形式_3、更喜欢流行音乐_ 4、他的音乐天赋_ 5、举行一次艺术节_二、根据句意及中文提示完成单词1. I _ (更喜欢) rock music in the past, but now I like lightmusic.2. My father likes _(摄影),he took lots of beautiful pictures.3. In my spare ti

2、me, I often go to the theater to watch _ (戏剧)4. My uncle is an _(艺术家).5. There is going to be a _ (才能)show at our school hall in two days.三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. How beautiful the Chinese_ (paint) are! 2. Sandy plays the piano well. She is a _ (music) girl.3. Yang Liping dances well. She is one of my fa

3、vorite _ (dance) in China.4. last night I saw an _ (pleased) thing in the parkrubbish lay everywhere.5. _ (film) is a kind of interesting art form.自主探究四、单项选择( ) 1. Mum, can I have to eat? Im hungry. You can get some in the fridge. A. something delicious B. anything delicious C. delicious something D

4、. delicious anything ( )2. important information it is! Id tell to my mum. A.What an, it B.How, them C.What, it D.How, it( )3. Dont you think the paper is very good? Yes. It is very pleasant . write on write in be written on be written in( )4. She sang a song I believe I can fly

5、in Yangzhou English Classics Reading Contest. I have never heard a _ voice than that before. A. good B. well C. better D. best( )5. We need to book two double rooms for the first week in November.一 _ . The hotel is not busy then.A. Never mind B. My pleasure C. It doesnt matter D. No problem( )6. -Wh

6、at do you think of our football match?-Wonderful! Our football team has never played _.A. worse B. worst C. better D. best五、根据中文提示完成句子1、我已经发现了比看电影更令人愉快的一些事 _2、-你最喜欢什么艺术形式? -我对摄影很感兴趣。_3、我更喜欢呆在家看小说。_4、朗朗擅长弹钢琴,他的音乐才华是令人惊奇的。_5、他们正在谈论即将到来的艺术节。_巩固延伸六、根据首字母提示补全短文Happiness is for everyone. In fact, happines

7、s is always around you if you care about it. When you are in t at school, your classmates will help you; when you study hard at your l , your parents are always taking good c of you; when you get success(成功), your friends will say congratulations t you; when you do something w , people around you wi

8、ll help you correct it; and when you do something good to o , you will feel happy, too. All these things are your h . If you pay attention to them, you can see happiness is always a you. Happiness is not the same as money. When you are poor, you can say you are very happy, because people cant buy ha

9、ppiness w money. When you meet problems, you can also say loudly you are very happy, because you have many friends to help you. So you cant always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you agree with me, you can be a happy and l person 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_七、完形填空We are lucky to live in

10、a rich country where we have many things. However, most of us usually 1 some things.Electricity is one thing that we waste _2_. Lights, TVs, 3 and other things are often kept on even when no one is using them. We should turn them off when we do not need them. It 4 less than a second to do it. Anyhow

11、, not wasting electricity save money, because we do not have to 5 the electricity we do not use.The second thing that we often waste is water. Fresh water is precious(宝贵的), 6 it shouldnt be wasted. It is only a simple matter of turning off a tap*. I am sure 7 can do this easily if he wants to. 8 big

12、 waste is food. My mother 9 cook so much food that much of it was thrown away. I told her we had wasted so much 10 . She thought I was right and now cooks _11_ what we can eat.It is not 12 to be wasteful. I find there is a simple 13 of not wasting things. That is to use only what we 14 . Do not touc

13、h what we do not need. 15 this way we can stop being wasteful.( )1 A. use B. wash C. waste D. forget . ( )2. A. little B. most C. few D. least( )3. A. radios B. apples C. bikes D. doors( )4. A. brings B. costs C. keeps D. takes ( )5. A. afford B. save C. pay for D. care for ( )6. A. though B. becaus

14、e C. so D. but ( )7. A. nobody B. something C. everybody D. nothing( )8. A. Others B. Other C. Another D. The other ( )9. A. planned to B. used to C. was able to D. was afraid to ( )10. A. electricity B. water C. food D. money ( )11. A. mainly B. only C. mostly D. specially ( )12. A. right B. fine C

15、. bad D. necessary ( )13. A. way B. thing C. plan D. project ( )14. A. buy B. need C. bring D. get ( )15. A. On B. In C. For D. At【答案】一.略二.略三.1.paintings 2.musical 3.dancers 4.pleasing 5.Filming四.ACACDC五.略六.1.trouble 2.lessons 5.wrong 6.others 7.happiness 8.around 9.with 10.lucky七.CBADC

16、CCCBC BAABBUnit 5 Art world第2课时Reading(1)前置性学习一、翻译词组1、最著名的的作曲家之一_2、被谭盾写的音乐_3、显示出对音乐的兴趣 _4、最好的音乐来自自然_5、用诸如石头、纸张一样的普通物件来制作音乐_6、喜欢流水和微风的声音_7、进入中央音乐学院_ 8、中国古代编钟的声音_二、根据句意及提示完成单词1. _ (中心的) Park is far away from here. Youd better take a bus there.2. Tan Dun doesnt use any musical _ (乐器)in his work3. _(尽管)

17、 he has read the book three times, he hopes to read it.4. Ability and effort are conditions of_(成功) .5. My music is to dream without _ (国界,边界).6. He went on _(sing) after dinner7.The music at the party _ (write) by my father8.Driving safety can be realized by _(control) the speed of the car9. Last S

18、aturday we went to the airport to meet those_(win).10. He had his computer _(fix) shortly after it broke down.自主探究三、单项选择( )1. _ she had no money to afford the expensive car, she had to give it upAso B. because Csince Duntil ( )2. The book _ be Toms. His is on his table A. couldnt B. mustnt C. may no

19、t D. cant( )3. You can stay at home alone or go shopping with me,JimWhat do you prefer? WellI prefer_ at home to_ shopping,Mum Astaying;go Bstaying;going Cstay;go Dstay;going( )4-I hear you _ get up late in the morning? -But now I _ up early. A. are used to, am used to getting B. are used to, used t

20、o get C. used to, am used to getting D. used to, used to get( )5. -When can they finish the work? -_. Just wait. A. Until next month B. Not until next Friday C. Several days ago D. For several days( )6. He works hard and is often_. I hope he will have more_ at his business.A. successful; success B.

21、success; successful C. successfully; successful D. successful; successful( )7. Would you like to eat more food? No,thanks_ AId rather not BId love some CId like to not DId love to四、翻译句子1、作为一名作曲家,可能他最为人们所知的是赢得了奥斯卡奖的电影卧虎藏龙的音乐。_2、谭盾通过控制水流的速度制造出了50种水的声音。_3、每一次奖牌被颁发给2008年北京奥运会的选手,颁奖音乐就会响起。_4、8年后,他们继续在美国学

22、习。在那他开始了解来自全世界的伟大音乐家。_5、谭盾在湖南中部浏阳河边长大_巩固延伸 五、根据首字母提示补全短文What does a weightlifter(举重运动员) look like in your mind? Can you believe that a girl can lift(举起)almost two-thirds m_1_ than her body-weight? This is exactly what Zoe Smith is able to do. Zoe Smith c_2_ from London. She is 14 now. She is 1.57met

23、ers in h_3_and 57 kilograms in weight. Zoe Smith is named as the s_4_ girl in the UK. She has made a world record by lifting a total of 159 kilograms. Whats more, Zoe Smith will take part in the London Olympics in 2012.People believe that she will be a sports s_5_. Zoe Smith started weightlifting at

24、 the age of 12.In the b_6_,she was asked to make up the number in a team. It is her strength and her special natural a _7_that make her perform well in weightlifting. Like many teenagers, Zoe Smith makes a list of w_8_she likes, including chocolates, and international competitions at her own webpage

25、. When she was asked about the London Olympics, she said,” My d_9_seemed to come true when I was chosen. And of course I want to w_10_a gold medal.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _六、完型填空One day I was putting some donated tents into my truck when something sharp got into my left eye. Immediately I fell down and knew it was_1_. I was taken to a _2_and the doctors there operated on me but couldnt_3_my eyes.When they told me the news, I really wanted to die. Everything seemed_4_in front of me. Every after I got my man-made eye, I still felt very sad. To make things wor

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