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1、数据清洗之网页中文过滤数据清洗中文过滤实现 编制人马飞所在部门研发中心编制时间2016年5月23日 目录目录 2一、概述 3二、过滤规则 3三、实现代码 32.1表说明 32.2初始化 42.3包说明 4四、程序源码 53.1包头代码 53.2包体代码 63.2源代码附件 14一、概述 根据项目要求,需将HBASE分库式数据库中存储的HTML代码按要求过滤操作,只保留中文、标点符点及部分HTML标签。现通过PL/SQL代码对其进行实现。二、过滤规则1、保留、table 标签,保留汉字及标点符号。过滤其它字符。2、保留、标签,保留其中汉字及标点符号,过滤其它字符。2、保留、h标签,保留其中汉字及

2、标点符号,滤掉其它字符。3、最终以文档,UTF-8编码返回结果。4、通过创建规则表,存储各种保留规则。三、实现代码2.1表说明表名功能描述代码UTF8_NOFILTER_CH非过滤字符表create table UTF8_NOFILTER_CH( CH NVARCHAR2(10), SM NVARCHAR2(100), BZ VARCHAR2(20);UTF8_WRITE_CH_TMP逐字符存放网页内容create table UTF8_WRITE_CH_TMP( V NVARCHAR2(1), V2 VARCHAR2(10), R INTEGER);UTF8存放测试数据,其中V列存放网页内容

3、,V2列存放处理好的网页内容,XH表示序号为主键,表示一共有多少个网页需处理。create table UTF8( V NCLOB, V2 NCLOB, XH INTEGER primary key);UTF8_WRITE_LINE_TMP将UTF8_WRITE_CH_TMP表中的字符合并为行create table UTF8_WRITE_LINE_TMP( V NVARCHAR2(4000), R INTEGER);UTF8_HANDLE_LINE_TMP存放UTF8_WRITE_LINE_TMP表中的每一行按过滤规则处理后的结果create table UTF8_HANDLE_LINE_T

4、MP( V NVARCHAR2(4000), R INTEGER);2.2初始化规则表名功能描述代码UTF8_NOFILTER_CH初始化非过滤字符数据,目前只包括,全、半角标点符号、部分需保留的HTML关键字。.scriptsinsertUTF8_NOFILTER_CH.sql2.3包说明包头子程序名功能描述接口代码(包头)filter按过滤规则批量处理UTF8表中的列“V“中的网页内容。procedure filter;filter(n_xh int)按过滤规则处理UTF8表中某一行的列“V“中的网页内容。procedure filter(n_xh int);包体子程序名功能描述接口代码(


6、个字符是否为UTF8编码的汉字。入口:一个字符出口:1 为是,0为否详见包体中is_ch_filter函数is_sign_filter功能:检测某个字符是否为UTF8编码的全角、半角标点符号。入口:一个字符出口:1 为是,0为否详见包体中is_sign_filter函数is_valid_filter功能:检测某个字符串是否为UTF8编码的HTML关键字,具体支持列表详见“UTF8_NOFILTER_CH”表中的BZ=HTML的结果。入口:一个字符串出口:正数表示 是,0为否详见包体中is_valid_filter函数process对表“UTF8_WRITE_LINE_TMP”中的每一行内容进行


8、ilter(n_xh int)按过滤规则处理UTF8表中某一行的列“V“中的网页内容。详见包体中filter(n_xh int)过程。init过滤前的初始化工作详见包体中init过程。四、程序源码3.1包头代码create or replace package dp_filter_ch is /* 方法:filter 功能:按过滤规则批量处理UTF8表中的列“V“中的网页内容: 规则如下: 1.保留中文字符 2.保留全角、半角标点符号 3.保留HTML保留字,详见规则表:utf8_nofilter_ch */ procedure filter; /* 方法:filter(n_xh int);

9、功能:按过滤规则处理UTF8表中某一行的列“V“中的网页内容: 规则如下: 1.保留中文字符 2.保留全角、半角标点符号 3.保留HTML保留字,详见规则表:utf8_nofilter_ch */ procedure filter(n_xh int); end dp_filter_ch;3.2包体代码create or replace package body dp_filter_ch is p_xh int; procedure read_ch_from_nclob is directions nclob; buffer nvarchar2(1); amount int :=1; n_len

10、 int; n_exists int; begin select count(0) into n_exists from utf8_write_ch_tmp where xh = p_xh; if n_exists =0 then delete from utf8_write_ch_tmp where xh = p_xh; commit; select v,length(v) into directions,n_len from utf8 where xh = p_xh;,dbms_lob.lob_readonly); for i in 1.n

11、_len loop, amount, i, buffer); insert into utf8_write_ch_tmp(xh,r,v) values(p_xh,i,buffer); if mod(i,500) =0 then commit; end if; end loop; commit; DBMS_LOB.CLOSE(directions); end if; exception when others then null; end; procedure read_line_from_ch is v_buffer nvarchar2(400

12、0); n_offset int := 1; begin delete from utf8_write_line_tmp where xh = p_xh; commit; v_buffer:=; for i in ( select xh,v,r,ascii(v) ch from utf8_write_ch_tmp t where xh = p_xh order by r ) loop if i.ch10 and length(v_buffer)0 then if to_number(replace(asciistr(P_str),),XXXX) between n_begin and n_en

13、d then n_ret:=1; end if; end if; end if; return n_ret; end; function is_sign_filter(P_str nvarchar2) return int is n_exists int:=0; begin select count(0) into n_exists from dual where exists (select 1 from utf8_nofilter_ch t where = BDFH and = asciistr(P_str); return sign(n_exists); end; f

14、unction is_valid_filter(P_ch nvarchar2,P_pos int,P_str nvarchar2) return int is begin if P_ch =0 then n_len :=is_valid_filter(v_tmp,n_pos,P_str); v_ret := v_ret |substr(P_str,n_pos,n_len); n_pos := n_pos +n_len ; n_len :=1; -其他情况移动一个字符 elsif is_valid_filter(v_tmp,n_pos,P_str)= 0 then n_pos := n_pos

15、+1 ; n_len :=1; end if; end loop; return v_ret; end; procedure handle_line is v_buffer nvarchar2(4000); n_offset int := 1; begin delete utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh ; v_buffer:=; for i in ( select r,v from utf8_write_line_tmp t where xh = p_xh order by r ) loop v_buffer := v_buffer | process

16、(i.v); insert into utf8_handle_line_tmp(xh,r,v) values(p_xh,i.r,v_buffer); v_buffer:=; end loop; commit; end; procedure merge_into_nclob is begin for i in(select r,v,ascii(v),lengthb(v) from utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh order by r) loop write_line_to_nclob(i.v); end loop; end; procedure hand

17、le_exception is begin -删除一行中只有一个字符且该字符为ASCII=10 delete from utf8_write_line_tmp t where length(v)=1 and ascii(v)=10 ; -删除一行中ASCII字符为空或每行长度为1或2的行。 delete from utf8_handle_line_tmp t where ascii(t.v) is null or lengthb(t.v) in(1,2); commit; -将连续两个字符为以下情况的都替换为空 for i in(select r,v,ascii(v),lengthb(v) f

18、rom utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh order by r) loop update utf8_handle_line_tmp set v=replace(v,.) where xh = p_xh and r=i.r; update utf8_handle_line_tmp set v=replace(v,) where xh = p_xh and r=i.r; update utf8_handle_line_tmp set v=replace(v,.,) where xh = p_xh and r=i.r; update utf8_handle_l

19、ine_tmp set v=replace(v,.,) where xh = p_xh and r=i.r; update utf8_handle_line_tmp set v=replace(v,.) where xh = p_xh and r=i.r; end loop; -以.或,开头的去掉开头字符,或以.结尾的字符 for i in (select rowid from utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh and ( v like ,% or v like .% or v like %. ) ) loop update utf8_handle_li

20、ne_tmp set v=substr(v,2) where rowid=i.rowid; end loop; -以.结尾的字符 for i in (select rowid from utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh and v like %. ) loop update utf8_handle_line_tmp set v=substr(v,1,length(v)-1) where rowid=i.rowid; end loop; -当一行内容只有以下字符时,删除改行 delete from utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh

21、 = p_xh and v is null; delete from utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh and v=.; delete from utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh and v=,; delete from utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh and v=.; delete from utf8_handle_line_tmp where xh = p_xh and v=.; commit; end; procedure init(n_xh int) is begin p_xh := n_xh; update utf8 set v2=null where xh= p_xh; commit; end; pr

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