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高考英语选修七 Unit 3 The world online.docx

1、高考英语选修七 Unit 3 The world online选修七 Unit 3 The world online检测评价A卷.单项填空1The price of gold has jumped to _ new alltime high as debt worries in the US and _ Europe continue to trouble the world.Athe; / Bthe; theCa; / Da; the解析:选C句意:因美国和欧洲的债务忧虑继续困扰世界,黄金的价格跃升到一个新的历史高点。不定冠词a表示泛指,欧洲的前面不用冠词。故选C项。2The air in

2、Beijing those days was difficult for people _. As a result, lots of people had to stay at home, especially the old.Abreathing Bbeing breathedCto breathe Dto be breathed解析:选C考查非谓语动词。句意:那些日子北京的空气让人很难呼吸。结果,很多人不得不待在家里,尤其是老人。the air与breathe之间构成逻辑上的被动关系,需用被动语态,但因句中有形容词difficult,不定式在作状语时,用其主动形式表达被动含义,故答案为C

3、。3Believe it or not, your ship isnt quite sunk, as there are some ways to _ a new career even if its something youve never done before.Aburst into Bget throughCbreak into Dcomb through解析:选C句意:信不信由你,你的船还没有完全沉没(还没有完全失去希望),因为你还有办法从事一个新的事业,哪怕是你从来没做过的事情。burst into“突然闯入”;get through“通过,完成”;break into“闯入,进

4、入,成功打入(某行业、某领域)”;comb through“梳理,搜索”。根据句意可知选C。4Give me an undisturbed hour, and I _ the work Tom has left unfinished.Asee to Bwill see toCwould be seeing to Dhave seen to解析:选B句意:给我一个小时的安静时间,我将处理好汤姆留下的未完成的工作。此处是“祈使句and陈述句”的结构,陈述句中通常用一般将来时,故选B。 5Before the summer camp, the kids might have thought Amer

5、icans are difficult to _, but through the experience during the summer camp, they know Americans are very friendly.Arecognize BacknowledgeCapproach Dconfirm解析:选C句意:在参加夏令营之前,孩子们可能觉得美国人很难接近,但通过在夏令营里的经历,他们知道美国人是很友好的。recognize“认出,辨认出”;acknowledge“承认,认可”;approach“接近,靠近”;confirm“确定,证实”。根据句意可知选C。6(2019徐州高三

6、模拟)_ by the sharp fall of the stock market, thousands and thousands of stockholders sold out their stock at a sacrifice.AHaving alarmed BAlarmedCTo be alarmed DBeing alarmed解析:选B句意:股市的急剧下跌使得人们恐慌不已,成千上万的股票持有者亏本卖掉了他们的股票。be alarmed by“因而恐慌”,此处用分词短语作原因状语。7. (2019江苏扬州高三质检) Despite difficulties, we must b

7、ear in mind_ we set this goal, stick to it and move forward regardless.Athat BwhyCwhen Dwhere解析:选B句意:尽管困难重重,但我们必须牢记,我们为什么要制定这个目标,坚持到底,不动摇地向前走。why在从句中作原因状语。根据题意可知选B。8The more you like yourself,_,which makes you unique.Athe less you are like anyone elseByou are less like anyone elseCyou are the less l

8、ike anyone elseDthe less like you are anyone else解析:选A句意:你越喜欢你自己,你就会越不像别人,这会让你很独特。只有A项符合“the比较级,the比较级”结构。9I phoned you yesterday morning. A girl answered, but I didnt recognize the voice.Oh, it _ my younger sister. She was in my room at that moment.Amust have been Bshould have beenCcould have been

9、Dmay have been解析:选A句意:“我昨天早上打电话给你。一个女孩接的,但我没听出是谁的声音。”“哦,一定是我的妹妹。她那时正在我的房间。”由She was in my room at that moment 可知此处为肯定推测,选A项。10I agree about most of what my mother said about the plan, but I dont agree with _.Aeverything BanythingCsomething Dnothing解析:选A句意:我同意母亲对这个计划的大部分意见,但我并不完全赞同她。not . everything构

10、成部分否定,表示“并不完全”,符合句意。11If _ in wet sand, the vegetables can remain fresh for a long time.Abeing buried Bhaving buried Cburied Dburying解析:选C考查状语从句的省略。vegetables与bury之间构成被动关系,故用buried,此处省略了the vegetables are。12“Spittake” refers to an act _ someone spits liquid out of his or her mouth _ he or she hears

11、something funny or surprising.Awhere; in which Bin which; whenCwhen; in which Din which; where解析:选B句意:“笑喷”一词指的是一种行为,即当人们听到滑稽或令人惊讶的事情时将液体从口中吐出。第一空是定语从句的用法;第二空后是时间状语从句。13He commanded that all the gates _ immediately in case the murderer escaped.Ashould shut Bwould be shutCshut Dbe shut解析:选D句意:他命令立刻关上所

12、有的门以免杀人犯逃走。command后接宾语从句时,从句使用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”。宾语从句的主语gates与shut之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此使用被动语态。14I hear Tom has failed in the spoken English test.You said it. The written record of his conversation didnt _ to what was actually said.Acontribute BcorrespondCdistribute Drespond解析:选B句意:“我听说汤姆在英语口语比赛中输了。”“你说得对

13、。书面形式的会话和实际表达还是不一样的。”contribute to“贡献,促进”;correspond to “符合,相一致”;distribute to “分发给”;respond to “对作出反应”。根据句意可知选B。15Unsatisfied _ with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience. Athough was he Bthough he wasChe was though Dwas he though解析:选B句意:尽管他对工资不满意,他还是从事了这份工作,只是为了获得一些工作经验。tho

14、ugh 引导让步状语从句时,可以倒装也可以不倒装,其倒装结构和as一样,即表语though/as 主语be,故选B项。.完形填空(2019苏北四市联考试题)The year I began my first year of college was also the birth year of Facebook. Unlike today, Facebook, in its _1_ form, was a way to connect you with your classmates. I used it to _2_ with my classmates about an upcoming s

15、tudy group or to _3_ the homework I missed if I was _4_ from class that day.Facebook and I had a good run, but I was _5_ when it stopped being a place to chat with people I knew and went to class with, and turned into a _6_ of selfabsorption, a virtual (虚拟的) platform for people to _7_ of very unimpo

16、rtant things.So I quietly deactivated my _8_ and havent looked back since. It was my personal _9_ to remove myself. I had to _10_ from this virtual world that was always connecting. But my friends would say they have no _11_ to “check me in” to the bar or cinema or restaurant we were _12_. They were

17、 genuinely upset they couldnt contact me on the Internet, _13_ I was still right beside them.Some would have thought I wanted to return to old ways; I _14_ did not. Its a foolish notion to even say we should go back to a time _15_ the rise of modern technology. _16_, every so often, put your devices

18、 down and _17_ what is in front of you.Experience things, climb mountains, jump into the ocean or go for a walk. Share a(n) _18_ conversation with someone without emoticons (表情符号). When you stop _19_ the world on every aspect of your life, you will realize how much time that _20_ to live.语篇解读:本文是一篇记

19、叙文。作者通过自己停止使用Facebook的经历告诉我们要多多关注眼前的事,而不是把大量能用来好好生活的时间浪费在虚拟世界中。1A.strangest BsimplestCeasiest Dclearest解析:选B与现在的Facebook不同,之前Facebook的形式是非常简单的。simple“简单的”符合语境。2A.communicate BmeetCagree Dcelebrate解析:选A根据上文中的“a way to connect you with your classmates”可知,此处指作者使用Facebook来与同学交流。communicate“沟通,交流”符合语境。3A

20、.mark BcomprehendCappreciate Dcatch解析:选D如果作者那天没有去上课的话,他用Facebook来及时赶上自己错过的作业。catch“及时赶上”符合语境。mark“评分”;comprehend“理解”;appreciate“欣赏,领会”。4A.absent BtiredCfar Ddistinct解析:选A参见上题解析。absent“缺席的,不在的”;distinct“截然不同的,有区别的”。5A.turned up Bturned downCturned off Dturned over解析:选C根据“Facebook and I had a good run

21、, but I was . went to class with”可知,当Facebook变得不再是作者和认识的、一起上课的人聊天的地方时,作者对它失去了兴趣。turn off“使厌烦,使失去兴趣”符合语境。turn up“突然出现”;turn down“拒绝”;turn over“移交,送交”。6A.tool BsceneCpassage Dworld解析:选D此处指Facebook变成了一个人们只关心自己的圈子,一个人们在上面抱怨非常不重要的事情的虚拟平台。world“世界;生活环境,生活圈子”符合语境。tool“工具”;scene“场景”;passage“通道”。7A.complain

22、BapproveCadmit Ddespair解析:选A参见上题解析。complain of/about“抱怨,埋怨”符合语境。approve of“赞成,同意”;admit of“容许,有可能(指解决办法、解释等)”;despair of“失去希望,丧失信心”。 BdeviceCaccount Dlicense解析:选C根据下文中的“remove myself”“they couldnt contact me on the Internet”可知,此处指因此作者悄悄地注销了自己的Facebook账号。account“(互联网、电子邮件等的)账户,账号”符合语境。email“电

23、子邮件”;device“设备”;license“许可证”。9A.privilege BpreferenceCprejudice Djudgment解析:选B根据上文提及的作者开始也很喜欢使用Facebook,但后来Facebook变成了人们抱怨不重要的事情的平台后,作者不喜欢Facebook了,这才有了后来作者悄悄地注销了自己的Facebook账号。由此可知,此处指脱离Facebook是作者个人的喜好问题。preference“偏爱,爱好”符合语境。privilege“特权”;prejudice“偏见”;judgment“判断”。10A.recover BdifferCsuffer Ddisc

24、onnect解析:选D根据下文中的“from this virtual world that was always connecting”可知,此处与connecting相对应,表示作者不得不脱离这个虚拟的世界。disconnect“使分离,使脱离,断开”符合语境。recover“恢复”;differ“相异,不同于”;suffer“遭受”。11A.effort BtimeCaccess Dchoice解析:选C作者的朋友会说他们无法通过网络约他去他们常去的酒吧、影院或者餐馆。access“通道,入口”符合语境。12A.frequenting BexploringCwandering Dtrac

25、ing解析:选A参见上题解析。frequent“常去”符合语境。explore“探索”;wander“徘徊”;trace“追踪,发现”。13A.unless BthoughCas Dif解析:选B尽管作者仍旧在他们身边,他们真的很不高兴不能在网上联系到作者。分析句子结构可知,前后句之间存在让步关系,故用though“尽管,即使”引导让步状语从句。unless“除非”;as“当时”;if“如果”。14A.obviously BaccidentallyChopefully Dabsolutely解析:选D根据下文中的“Its a foolish notion to even say . of mo

26、dern technology”可知,作者绝对不想回到过去。absolutely“绝对地”符合语境。obviously“明显地”;accidentally“偶然地”;hopefully“有希望地”。15A.after BuntilCwhen Dbefore解析:选D甚至提及我们应该回到现代科技兴起之前的时代都是一种愚蠢的想法。before“在以前”符合语境。16A.Therefore BBesidesCHowever DMeanwhile解析:选C但是,时不时地要放下你的设备,关注眼前的东西。前后句之间存在转折关系,故However“但是”符合语境。therefore“因此”;besides“

27、除此之外”;meanwhile“与此同时”。17A.focus on Bkeep toCget through Dbuild up解析:选A参见上题解析。focus on“关注;集中”符合语境。keep to“遵守,坚守”;get through“处理;完成”;build up“创建;增强” 。18A.formal BactualCnormal Dindividual解析:选B根据下文中的“without emoticons (表情符号)”可知,此处指与某人进行真实的谈话而不是用表情符号。actual“真实的,真正的,实际的”符合语境。formal“正式的”;normal“正常的”;indiv

28、idual“单独的,与众不同的”。19A.basing BcenteringCupdating Dtesting解析:选C当你停止向世人提供关于你生活的方方面面的信息时,你会意识到自己腾出了多少时间来生活。update“向提供最新信息,给增加最新信息”符合语境。base“把基地设于,以为基地”;center“集中,使处于中心位置”;test“检查”。20A.affords BfreesCundertakes Dmanages解析:选B参见上题解析。afford“承担得起”;free“使可用”;undertake“承担”;manage“能做成,管理”。.任务型阅读(2019苏锡常镇调研)Sorr

29、y seems to be the hardest word. So sang Elton John on one of his biggest 1970s hits but not every public figure seems to find it so tough to let out that powerful fiveletter word.In recent months varieties of public figures, from politicians, to Hollywood actors and You Tube stars have all publicly

30、expressed regrets.But with floods of regrets on the airwaves, just how can we tell a forced apology from a heartfelt expression?In its purest form, saying sorry should be an “act of regrets, a realization that something you have said or done has hurt someone and you want to repair it”, says psychologist Geraldine Joaquim.Made early, a sincere apology can be hugely beneficial and can “relieve the tension and takes the wind out of an accusers sails”, she says.A need to say sorry can arise in someones public life and equally at home with their family and friends but, whatever the environmen

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