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1、最新公共英语二级试题及答案第一部分听 力第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the woman doing?ABuying a handbag.BTrying on a piece of clothing.CDrawing a picture of the countryside.2. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?AFamily me

2、mbersBClassmates.CCo-workers.3. What is the man angry about?ATelephoning while driving.BSome women drivers.CTraffic lights.4. What does the woman mean?AShe will choose the man.BThe man was late in asking.CShe may run for the position.5. What does the woman want the man to do?ASet up a museum.BStart

3、doing exercise.CStop buying cameras.6. How will the mans brother go to South America?ABy ship.BBy plane.CBy train.7. What will the man probably buy for his brother?AA toothbrush.BA silk tie.CA clock.8. Where is Rick working now?AIn a travel company.BIn a hotel.CIn a law office.9. How does Rick feel

4、about his trip?AExcited.BCurious. CNervous.10. When will Rick leave?AIn three days.BIn a week.CIn a month.11. What do we know about the grandmother?AShe lives by herself.BShes as healthy as before.CShe often does some cleaning.12. How long has the grandmother lived in Kentucky?ASince her husband die

5、d.BSince she was married.CSince her son moved away.13. What does the grandmother enjoy about her present life?ABeing busy with housework.BBeing with relatives.CBeing with friends.14. What was the woman talking about at beginning of the conversation?AHer story of completing a task.BHer experience of

6、being lost.CHer trip abroad.15. What did the man do in the bar in Germany?AMet his friends.BAttended a lecture. CGave a performance.16. How did the man find his way back to bar?ABy following a man.BBy looking at a map.CBy asking an old woman.17. What do we know about the man?AHe cannot stand the noi

7、se in the bar.BHe doesnt like to wear T-shirts.CHe doesnt speak German.18. Who is the speaker?AA radio announcer.BA police officer.CA taxi driver.19. What makes driving a taxi a hard job in London?ABad traffic.BConfused street names.CLarge pollution in London.20. What will the speaker probably do if

8、 hes stuck on the road?AHave a map ready.BBe understanding.CChange directions.21. Ann has gone out. _ What time did she go?AWell, isnt she?BYes, she has.CNo, she hasnt,DOh, has she?22. You _ be mad if you think Jake is going to lend you any money.AneedBshouldCmustDcan23. In 1871, a fire in Chicago d

9、estroyed_ 1800 buildings.Aas manyBjust asCthe same asDas many as24. Hello! I_you were in London. How long have you been here?Adont knowBhadnt knownCdidnt knowDhavent known25. I wasnt sure whether I had come to _ right office. There was no name on door.Aa;/Bthe;aCa;theDthe;the.26. Would you like some

10、 help with the packing?_ . My neighbours offered to help out. But thanks anyway.AAll the sameBIts all rightCTake it easyDCome on27. The crowd wished the newly-married couple well as they left _ their honeymoon.AtoBinCforDabout28. Id never have guessed he was a Wilson-he doesnt look _ his brothers.Ao

11、neBthatCanybodyDanything29._the success of our products in Europe, our next step is to move into the Ameri-can market.AFollowBFollowingCHaving followedDFollowed30. The question_ he should accept the offer or not troubled him greatly.AwhichBwhetherCthatDwhy31. He_ forward to our camping, holiday the

12、whole week, but unfortunately it rained every day.Ahad lookedBis lookingChad been lookingDlooks32. Johanna is the woman _Maria is studying the piano.Aof whomBwith whomCby whomDin whom33. Bella is very kind and beautiful and works hard._, she is a good girl.ATo sum upBAs a resultCBy the wayDIn the en

13、d34. Television, which first appeared in the 1920s, really changed the_ people viewed the world.AideaBdirectionCmethodDway35. Marks first year at college was a time _with excitement and enjoyment.Ahaving filledBbeing filledCto be filledDFilledIm told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋)

14、, many beautiful moves couldbe made on a chessboard. In a decisive36in which he was evenly matched with a Russianmaster _ 37_, Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of _ 38_,and since the queen is the most_39_piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturallymov

15、e his queen to _ 40_Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the _ 41_. He picked up his queen,paused, and placed it down on the most _ 42 _ square of all-a square from which the queen couldbe_43_by any one of three enemy pieces.Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen-an unthinkable mo

16、ve. Everyone else was _ 44_Then the Russian, and the_45_, realized that Marshall had actually made a_46_move.It was clear that no matter how the_47_was taken, the Russian. would soon be in a_48_posi-tion. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat.When spectators recovered from the_49_of Marshalls

17、 daring, they showered the chessboardwith money. Marshall had achieved_50_in a very unusual and daring fashion-he had_51_bysacrificing the queen.To me, its not_52_that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard_ 53_to make such a move. He had looked_54_the usual patterns of play a

18、nd had been willingto consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter howthe game _ 55 _ , Marshall was the winner.36. AexperienceBbattleCgame Dchance37. AplayerBpersonCwinnerDenemy38. Asupport Battack CadvanceDescape39. Asuitable Bpowerful Crespected Ddan

19、gerous40. Acheck BfightCsafetyDdefeat41. AconditionBchangeCpiece Daction42.AprotectedBundisturbedCunexpectedDdeserted43. AfrightenedBguardedCdiscoveredDcaught44. AimfortedBdisappointed CdelightedDannoyed45. AplayersBmasterCcrowd Dorganizer46. AsmartBwrongCfree Ddifficult47. AgameBmoneyCqueen Dchessb

20、oard48. AlosingBfavourableCleadingDdoubtful49. AcauseBblowCaccidentDshock50. Aprize BvictoryCprogressDattention51. AwonBmadeCgained Dearned52. AimportantBexcitingCunforgettable Dunclear53. Aidea BthinkingCchess Dtraining54. AintoBfurtherCaheadDoutside55. Acame Bwas organizedCwas designed DEndedText

21、1I was in my third year of teaching writing at Ralph High School in New York, when one of mystudents, 15-year-old Mikey, gave me a note from his mother. It explained his absence (缺席)from class the day before. Dear Mr. McCort, Mikeys grandmother, who is eighty years of age, fell down the stairsfrom t

22、oo much coffee and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could goto my job. Please excuse Mikey and hell do his best in the future. P.S. His grandmother is OK. I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk. I said nothing. Most parental-excuse notes Ireceived were penned

23、by my students. If I were to deal with them, Id be busy 24 hours a day. Thewriters of those notes didnt realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull: Peter was late be-cause the alarm clock didnt go off.The students always said it was hard putting 200 words together on any subject, but when th

24、eyproduced excuse notes, they were excellent. So I decided to type out a dozen excuse notes and gavethem to my classes. I said, Theyre supposed to be written by parents, but actually they are not.true, Mikey? The students looked at me nervously.Now, this will be the first class to study the art of t

25、he excuse note -the first class, ever, topractice writing them. Everyone smiled as I went on, Today Id like you to write An ExcuseNote from Adam to God or An Excuse Note from Eve to God. Heads went down. Pens racedacross paper. For the first time ever I saw students so immersed (专心的) in their writin

26、g, theyhad to be asked to go to lunch by their friends.The next day everyone had excuse notes. Heated discussions followed. But suddenly I saw theheadmaster at the door. He entered the classroom and walked up and down, looking at papers, andthen said, Id like you to see me in my office. My heart san

27、k.When I stepped into his office, he came to shake my hand and said, I just want to tell youthat that lesson, that task, whatever the hell you were doing, was great. Those kids were writingon the college level. Thank you.56. How did the author know that most parental-excuse notes were written by stu

28、dents themselves?AThe excuse notes were written in dull words.BThe notes were more like stories than facts.CHe called their parents and found out the truth.DThe handwriting obviously looked like childrens.57. What did the author do with the students found dishonest?AHe reported them to the headmaster.BHe lectured them hard on honesty.CHe had the

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