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1、鲁教版九年级初四词组U11. in style 时髦的out of style 过时的2. shoes with special heels 有特殊鞋跟的鞋子shoes with lights 有灯的鞋子3. serve ice-cream scoop 舀冰激凌 run on electricity 靠电力驱动4. change the style of the shoes 改变鞋的样式5. see in the dark 在黑暗中的看清6. be used for doing 被用来做7. the subject for my school project 我学校的项目课题 8. chang

2、e the world 改变世界9. think of /about 想起/考虑10. an invention 一项发明11. With pleasure. 非常愿意 -Thanks you. -My pleasure. / It s a pleasure. 别客气(回答感谢的)。12. be pleased with 对满意 (主语是人)a pleasant journey 愉快的旅行 (修饰物)13. in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中14. have a point 有道理15. the pioneers of 的先锋16. different invention

3、s 不同的发明17. it mentioned that 它提到 mention sb./sth. (to sb.) (向某人)提起某事mention doing sth. 提到做某事 18. Dont mention it. 回答感谢或道歉19. the most popular drink 最受欢迎的饮品 one of the worlds favorite drinks 世界上最受欢迎的饮品之一20. by accident 偶然;意外地21. by mistake 错误地;无意中22. It is said that 据说It is believed that 据认为It is rep

4、orted that 据报道It is known that 众所周知It is supposed that 据推测23. a Chinese ruler 中国统治者24. discover tea 发现了茶25. as a drink 作为一种饮品26. boil drinking water 烧饮用水27. over an open fire 在篝火上28. tea leaves 茶叶 leaves from a (the) tea plant 一(这)棵茶树的叶子 tea culture 茶文化 the nature of tea 茶的本质29. fall into the water

5、落入(掉入)水里fall asleep 入睡 fall down 倒下;落下 fall in love with 与.相爱 fall over 摔倒,被绊倒 fall off 跌落;从.掉下来drop into 落入30. remain + adj. 保持 remain doing 保持做remain there 保存(留)在那31. some time 一段时间 32. produce a nice smell 散发出一种香味33. the saint of tea 茶圣34. make tea 沏茶35. nation n. 国家national adj. 国家的;全国的nationali

6、ty n. 国籍the national drink 全国性的饮料36. bring to (a safe place) 带到安全地带37. during the 6th and 7th centuries 在6、7世纪38. less than 少于39. the tea trade from China to Western countries 从中国到西方的茶叶贸易40. take place 发生;出现 (指有计划或有安排的) happen 发生(偶然性的、没预料的)41. spread to other countries 传播到其他国家spread the popularity o

7、f tea 传播茶的普及42. without doubt 毫无疑问43. lead to 导致44. at a low price 以低价45. take photos of/ for sb. 为人拍照46. advise sb. (not) to do 劝人(不)做某事 47. go out alone 独自出去 48. translate into 把翻译49. all of a sudden 突然50. in class 在课堂上51. break the rule 破坏规则52. the hungry kids 饥饿的孩子53. work on 从事54. send musical

8、notes 发送音符55. in the end 最后 56. potato chips 薯条57. a much-loved and active sport 一项备受喜爱的、充满活力的运动58. for fun and exercise 为了娱乐和锻炼59. in history 历史上60. become an event at the Olympics 成为奥运会的比赛项目61. a Canadian doctor named 一位名叫的加拿大博士 62. create a game 创造了一种运动63. play inside 在室内玩64. on a hard floor 在硬地板

9、上65. divideinto 把分开;把划分为66. play his new game 玩他的新运动67. on the same team 在同一队 at the same time 在同一时间68. work together 共同合作69. in the other teams basket 在另一个球队的篮筐里70. stop sb. (from) doing = prevent sb. (from) doing = keep sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事71. the competing team 竞争队 72. The popularity of basketb

10、all has risen. 篮球运动已经普及开来。73. dream of = dream about 梦想;想象74. the number of +单动 的数字 a number of +复名+复动 许多75. look up to 钦佩; 仰慕 76. encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事77. achieve ones dreams 实现梦想 (主语是人) come true 实现梦想 (主语是梦想)78. come up with 想起初四 UNIT 2 Section A1. get his drivers license 得到他的驾驶证2. be worrie

11、d about your safety 担心你的安全3. sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的青少年4. have part-time jobs 做兼职工作5. stop wearing that silly earring 停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环6. seem to do 似乎7. spend time with friends 花费时间和朋友待在一起8. be excited about doing 对很兴奋9. the famous paintings by Picasso 毕加索的名画10. be allowed to do 被允许做 11. take photos of / f

12、or 为人拍照12. a tiny baby 一个小婴儿 13. cry all night 整夜哭14. sing to sb. 给人唱歌15. stay by my side 待在我身边16. give sb. warm arms to sleep in 给人温暖的双臂来睡觉17. run through the field 跑着穿过田野18. make sure 确保19. keep sb. from danger 让人远离危险20. give sb. a hug 给人一个拥抱21. lift sb. up 把人举起来22. talk back loudly 大声地顶嘴23. be ba

13、ck by ten 10点前回来24. I should not be told what to do. 我不应该被告知去做什么25. think back to those times 回想起那些时光26. cough for days 咳嗽了好几天27. be late for school from staying out past ten. 因为熬夜超过10点而上学迟到28. regret doing 后悔做事29. How do you feel about = How do you like= What do you think of 你怎么认为30. serious enough

14、 足够严肃31. learn a lot from working 从工作中学到很多32. keep teenagers away from internet 让青少年远离网络33. give teenagers chances 给青少年机会34. make ones own decisions 让人自己做决定35. move out 搬出去36. from a young age 从小时候37. in this way 用 这种方式38. manage ones own lives 安排他们自己的生活39. in most Asian societies 在大多数的亚洲社会40. the y

15、oung 年轻人41. continue to live with ones parents 继续和家长住在一起42. English -English dictionaries 英-英词典Section B:1. fail a test 考试失利2. pass the test 通过考试3. take the test later 晚一点考试4. be too strict with teenagers 对青少年太严格5. get in the way of their school work 妨碍到他们的学业6. worry about their success 担心他们的成功7. pr

16、actice their hobbies as much as they want 尽可能多的练习他们的爱好8. a fifteen-year-old boy from Shandong 一个来自山东的15岁男孩9. a running star 一个跑步明星10. see sb. achieve his dreams 看到人实现自己的梦想11. have nothing against doing. 不反对做事12. end up as a professional runner. 以职业跑步者结束的话13. decide for myself 为我自己决定14. enter univers

17、ity 进入大学15. be serious about 对是认真的16. spend more time on his homework 花更多的时间在他的作业上17. care about 关心18. make this choice 做这个选择19. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dreams. 只有那时我才有机会实现我的梦想20. keep off 关闭22. get ones ears pierced 扎耳洞Unit 3 Section A1. belong to sb. 属于某人2. must be 一定是 should

18、be 应该是 can be;could be;may be;might be 可能是cant be 不可能是;一定不是3. attend a concert 参加音乐会4. in the music hall 在音乐厅5. go for a picnic 去野餐at a picnic 野餐时6. the rest of my friends 我剩下的朋友7. pick sth. up 捡起8. Nothing much ever happened around here.没有太多的事曾经发生在这里9. something unusual 一些不同寻常的事情 something strange

19、奇怪的事情10. It must be teenagers having fun. 一定是青少年在玩耍。11. next-door neighbor 邻居12. in the area 在这个区域13. run away 逃跑14. feel uneasy 感觉到不安15. has ones own ideas 有自己的见解16. have no idea 不知道17. the noise-maker 噪音制造者18. create fear 制造恐慌 19. in the neighborhood 在社区20. in the laboratory 在实验室21. cough a lot 咳嗽

20、得很严重22. feel sleepy 困倦Section B23. right now = at once 立刻24. a woman with a camera 一位带着相机的女士25. run for exercise 在跑步锻炼26. give a choice 给出选择27. express a result 解释原因28. Britains most famous historical places 英国最著名的名胜古迹greatest mysteries 最大的未解之谜之一29. the sun rises 太阳升起30. on the longest day of the ye

21、ar. 在一年中最长的一天31. ancient leaders 古代统治者municate with the gods 跟神交流33. so many centuries ago 很多世纪之前34. another popular idea 另一个流行的看法35. on midsummers morning 在仲夏的清晨shine directly into the center of the stones 直射进石头圈的中心36. have a medical purpose 有医学的目的 for a medical purpose 为了某种医学的目的37. feel the energy

22、 from your feet 感觉到你的脚下的能量38. move up your body 传遍你的全身39. a burial place 一个墓地40. a place to honor ancestors 祭祀祖先的地方41. celebrate a victory over an enemy 庆祝一次对敌的胜利42. over a long period of time 在一段漫长的历史时期里43. a group of English volunteers 一群来自英国志愿者44. stop (from) doing prevent (from) doing 阻止某人做某事 ke

23、epfrom doing 45. such colorful clothes 如此多彩的服饰46. talk to sb. on the phone 在电话上跟人交谈47. at work 在工作中Unit 4 Section A1. has great lyrics 有好歌词2. be too loud 太吵3. sing along with 跟着唱歌4. dance to the music 跟着音乐跳舞5. play different kinds of music 演奏不同种类音乐6. electronic music 电子音乐7. play quiet and slow songs

24、 演奏缓慢抒情歌曲8. smooth music 悦耳的音乐9. at work 在工作10. in that case 既然那样11. serious movies 严肃电影12. give sb. something to think about 给某人一些思考的东西13. stick to 坚持14. feel like doing = would like to do = want to do 想要做.15. cheer sb. up 使某人振作起来16. have a happy /bad ending 有一个圆满/悲惨的结局17. seem less serious 似乎不那么严肃

25、18. feel much better 感觉好多了19. Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax.大笑两个小时是一种放松的好方式。20. make sb. feel even sadder. 使某人感觉更加悲伤21. provide plenty of information about a certain subject 提供了关于某个学科的大量信息22. shut off ones brain 关闭大脑 23. sit back 悠闲地坐着24. save the world just in time 及时拯救世界25. be scar

26、ed to do 做某事太害怕了26. watch scary movies 观看恐怖电影Section B27. movie poster 电影海报28. take sb. to a concert of Chinese folk music带人去听中国传统民歌的音乐会29. be played on the erhu 在二胡上演奏的 30. Moon Reflected on Second Spring. 二泉映月31. one of the most moving pieces of music 最动人的乐曲之一32. cry along with it 随着哭泣33. look up

27、the history of. 查阅有关.的历史34. be written by sb. 被某人写成35. in the city of Wuxi 在无锡市36. teach sb. to do 教某人做事37. play many musical instruments 演奏许多乐器38. continue to do 继续做39. on the streets 在街上40. in this way 用这种方式41. during ones lifetime 在某人的一生中42. It is a pity that 遗憾的是43. in total 总共44. for the future

28、 world 后世45. the popularity continues to this day 时至今日依然颇为流行46. all the great erhu masters 所有二胡大师演47. one of Chinas national treasures 中国的国宝之一48. its sad beauty 它的凄美49. paint a picture of Abings own life 描绘了一幅阿炳自己的生活50. make people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experience

29、s 使人们回忆起了他们自己悲伤或痛苦的经历中那最深的创伤。51. live a very poor life 过一种非常贫穷的生活52. touch the hearts of people 触动人们的心灵53. have plenty of dialogs which are very humorous 有大量幽默的对话54. do an excellent job = do well 做的好定语从句中先行词有以下情况只用that: (1) 先行词是all, much, little, none, something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词时。

30、(2) 先行词被最高级或序数词修饰时。(3) 先行词前有the only, the very, the last, the same等修饰时。(4) 先行词前有only, any, no, all等修饰时。(5) 先行词中即有人又有物时。(6) 主句是以疑问词which,when, who开头的特殊疑问句。初四 Unit 5Section A1. be (not) supposed to do sth.= be (not) expected to do sth.= should (not) do sth. (不) 应该做某事2. be expected to do sth. 被期盼做某事3. meet someone for the first time 初次见某人4. shake hands with 和

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