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1、高二英语58单元高二 Units 5 - 6 【单词聚焦】【考点1】advantage 的用法 搭配: have / win / get / gain the / an advantage of / over 胜过;优于 (be) to ones advantage / disadvantage 对有利 不利 take advantage of = make ones advantage of 乘机利 用;利用别人的弱点占便宜;欺骗【考例1】2005 南京模拟 British students only have alanguage _ for jobs in the USA and Aust

2、ralia. A. chance B. ability C. possibility D. advantage考查目标 本题考查advantage的意思。答案与解析D 本句的language advantage的意思是。语言方面的优势”。2. advantage n. 优势,优点 反义:disadvantage 劣势,缺点 词组 take advantage of 利用 Boys have more advantages over girls in finding jobs. 男孩子找工作比女孩子更有优势。 You must take full advantage of the unloade

3、d information. 你应该充分利用这些下载的信息。【考点6】agree 的用法构词: disagree v. 不同意;不一致 agreement n. 1. U 同意,一致 2. C 协定,协议 disagreement n. 意见不同搭配: agree on sth (双方)商定某事;决定某事;在某方面达 成共识 agree to sth (plan, suggestion, idea, arrangement) 同意 sign / break an / the / ones agreement 签署撕毁协 议 reach / arrive at / come to an agre

4、ement (with sb) (与某人)达成协议 句型: (quite) agree with sb (on / about sth) agree with (ones opinion / view / what clause) (在某方面)赞成某人的意见;同意某人(的观点或看法);与某人的意见相同 (on后接讨论的具体内容;about后接讨论的主题) sth agree with sb 适合(某人);适应(某人) sth agree with sth. 与一致相符 agree to do sth 同意做某事 agree that clause 认为;认同 agree to ones doi

5、ng sth = agree to let sb do sth 同意某人做某事 sth be agreed 大家都同意 Its generally agreed that. 人们普遍认为 (be)in agreement with sb (about sth) / what sb said(在某方面)与某人意见一致 (be) in agreement with sb. (on this / that point) (在这那一点上)同意某人 友情提示:英语中绝不能使用agree sb to do sth 句式。【考例6】(1999上海) The manager has _ to improve

6、the working conditions in the company. A. accepted B. allowed C. permitted D. agreed考查目标 考查动词的搭配与用法。答案与解析D allow和permtt相同,经常接doing或sb. to do;accept一般接名词或代词作宾语;而agree后面可以接动词不定式作宾语。8. cheat vt. vi. 欺骗,作弊 n. 骗子 常用结构:cheat sth. (out) of sb. 骗某人东西 The beggar cheated money of the old lady at the railway s

7、tation. 乞丐在车站骗了那位老太太的钱。 Its wrong to cheat in exams. 考试作弊是不对的。 注:作名词时通常用 cheat,也可以用 cheater。 He is nothing but a cheat. 他只不过是个骗子。【考点3】employ 的用法 构词: employer n. 雇主;老板 employee n. 雇员;雇丁 employment n. 雇用;就业;工作;职业 unemployment n. 失业;失业状态 搭配:be employed in 从事,忙于 句型: employ sb (主动) sb be employed (被动) em

8、ploy sb as + 职业in 或 at + 地点(主动) sb be employed as + 职业 in 或 at + 地点 (被动,更常见) 在某单位任某职;受雇于某单位当任 employ sb to do sth (主动) sb be employed to do sth (被动) be employed in doing sth / on sth. 忙于干某事从事于某事,时间花在 employ oneself in doing sth / on sth 忙于干某事,从 事于,时间花在 employ ones spare / free / much time in doing s

9、th. 花业余更多时间千某事辨析:employ; engage; hire; let; rent; take on该组词均意为“雇用”,但employ较正式,官方文件一般用employ。受雇人员较广,甚至包括社会地位较高的职业人员,有“聘请”之义,强调工作,不像hire那样侧重于报酬。engage作“雇用某人”解,常指临时或短期的雇用,侧重于雇用专业人员,侧重于动作。hire和rent都有“花钱使用某物”和“把某物使用权出让给别人以收取费用”之意,rent在英国英语中多指用于长时间的场合。如:rent a house,a flat,a TV等;hire多指临时租用某物。如:hire a boa

10、t,a car,a camera,a bicycle,an evening dress,a hall for a meeting等,指人时,有“雇用”、“受雇”两种含义。而在美国英语中,rent既可用于长时间的出租,也可用于短时间的出租,多指客户向主人租用房子、土地或其他物品,也可指出租。hire在美国英语中可用来指“雇用(give a job to)”。rent作“租用”时,一般指出租人向外出租房子、房间等。另外rent还可作名词,意为“租金;租费”。take on较口语化,表示“雇用某人”。例如:The firm employs the retired professor as an ad

11、viser. 这家公司聘这位退休的教授担任顾问。The foreign teachers were engaged from Canada. 这些外籍教师是从加拿大招聘来的。Our school hired the local theatre for its annual concert. 我们学校租用了当地的影剧院举行了一年一度的音乐会。Have you any rooms to let? 你有房间出租吗?She lets the cottage to holiday-makers in the summer.她把房子租给夏天来度假的人。Our house has been rented b

12、y a newly-married couple.我们的房子被一对新婚夫妇租去了。Boats are let / rent out in the park for 20 yuan per hour. 公园里出租小船,每小时的租金是20元。We have decided to take on a new clerk in the accounts department. 我们已经决定在会计部雇用一名新职员。 友情提示:英语中“雇用”的其他表达法:take on;hire;have sb doing sth;rent (租用);use (借用);“解雇;开除”的表达法:fire;dismiss;t

13、urn / send away;lay off。【考例3】(2003北京春招)- How long _ at this job?- Since 1990. A. were you employed B. have you been employed C. had you been employed D. will you be employed考查目标 考查上下文中时态的运用。答案与解析B 从问句中的how long和回答中的Since 1990都可以知道应该选现在完成时态表示对现在的影响。6. employ vt. 雇用,使用 The farmer employed more workers

14、 at harvest time.这个农场主在收获季节雇用更多工人。 Its important to employ words in writing poem. 写诗用词很重要。也可以解释为“忙于,从事”。 They were employed in writing when I came.我来的时候他们正忙于写东西。 注:要弄清 employ 几个名词的用法:employee (雇工雇员),employer (户主,东家),employment (就业,雇用)。【考点4】energy 的用法 构词: energetic adj. 精力充沛的,需要精力去做的 energetically ad

15、v. 精力充沛地 搭配: save ones energy for 为而保存精力 be full of energies 精力充沛,精力旺盛 devote ones energy to (doing) sth 致力于 concentrate ones energy on 集中精力在上友情提示:泛指一般意义的“精力”,不可数;具体指某人做事的“精力”,用复数。【考例4】NMET 1996Many countries are increasingtheir use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _. A. energy B. source C. p

16、ower D. material考查目标 本题考查 energy 及其近义词的区别。答案与解析A natural gas和wind属于energy范畴。【考点7】fact 的用法句型:英语中的“事实上。实际上,其实”可表达为: as a matter of fact in (actual) fact in point of fact The fact (of the matter) is (that). Its a fact that.在提供某种信息来强调已经说过的某物某事时,或在不同意某人说过的某物某事时,使用以上表达。【考例7】(2004浙江) The winter of 1990 was

17、 extremelybad, _ most people say it was the worst winterof their lives. A. At last B. In fact C. In a word D. As a result考查目标 考查短语在实际语境中的用法。答案与解析B at last 表示“最后”;in fact 表示“事实上”;in a word 表示“总而言之”;as a result表示“结果是”。结合上下文意思应该是“1990年冬天特别糟糕。事实情况是,大多数人都说是他们一生中最糟糕的一个冬天”。【考点2】form 的用法 构词: formation n. 形成

18、;组成 formal adj. 形式上的;正式的 informal adj. 非正式的 搭配: form in line 站好队;排成纵队 in the form of 以形式 fill in / out the form 填表格 be in / out of form 处于良好(不好)的竞技状态 in form 形式上【考例2】(2004全国卷III) Reading is an experiencequite different from watching TV; There are pictures_ in your mind instead of before your eyes. A

19、. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed考查目标 考查非谓语动词的实际运用。答案与解析C There be 句型后面经常接动词-ing形式表示该名词 pictures 与 in your mind 的关系是主动的而该动作表示主动进行。3. form vt. & vi. 组成;形成 n. CU形式;表格;种类 词组 in the form of 以的形式 fiIl in / out forms 填写表格 take the form of 采取的形式 in good form 竞技状态良好 form the habit of 形成的习惯 Form

20、good habits while you are young.趁年轻时,养成好习惯。4. influence n. CU 影响(力),感化(力) U 势力,权力 vt. 对有影响;感化 A teacher has great influence over his pupil.教师对学生有很大的影响力。 Heredity and environment are influences on character.遗传和环境是影响性格的因素。5. judge v. 判断,判决 n. 法官,裁判 (1) 动词用法 Dont judge a person by his appearance. 不要以貌取

21、人。 Judging from his skin,he is from Africa.从皮肤判断他是非洲人。 注:虽然逻辑主谓上判断应该用Judged from.,但习惯用法是Judging from.。 (2) 名词用法 Who will act as iudge in the final match? 谁担任决赛的裁判? 注:作“判决,判断”解时名词用judgment。 He is a man without judgment.他是一个没有判断能力的人。【考点5】remain 的用法 构词: remainder n. 剩下的(东西、人) remaining adj. 剩下的 remains

22、 n. 剩余物;遗址;废墟 句型: remain + n. / adv. / adj./ 分词 / prep. phrase 仍 remain to do / to be done 有待于(remain to be seen / found 尚待分晓,有待于进一步观看,拭目以待尚待发现) There remain(s). 只剩下;只留下【考例5】NMET 2002 Having a trip abroad is certainlygood for the old couple, but it remains _whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. t

23、o be seen C. seeing D. seen考查目标 remain 的基本用法。答案与解析B remain 既是系动词,有时又作实义动词。作实义动词的时候可以接动词不定式的各种形式。包括不定式的被动式。7. remain vi. 仍然,留下 可作为特殊系动词来理解,相当于be still,后面常接形容词、分词等。 She remains weak after a year of rest.休息一年后她的身体仍然虚弱。作“留下”解释时,相当于stay后接副词或短语作状语。 He will not remain alone at home.他不愿单独留在家里。9. require vt.

24、 需要,要求 后面可以接名词、动名词,不定式和从句。 I require supper earlier today.今天晚饭我需要早一点。 She required that we (should) call her up soon. 她要求我们应该马上打电话给她。 The documents require taking good care of.= The document requires to be taken care of.这些文件必需保管好。 注:sth. require doing 以主动形式表示被动意义,相当于sth. require to be done。1. state

25、C n. 状态,国家,(美国等国)州 讲,声明,陈述 (1) 名词用法 Water has three states: solid, liquid and gas. 水有三种状态:固态、液态和气态。 Everything was in a state of order.一切都井井有条。 (2) 动词用法 I stated my views at the meeting. 我在会上陈述了我的观点。 注:表示“陈述,声明”时名词是 statement。 The government issued an official statement. 政府发表了一项正式声明。牛刀小试1用所给单词的适当形式填

26、空:(fact, advantage, remain, employ, agree, surprise,form, energy)1. It is generally _ that taking drugs is very dangerous.2. What _ me most was that a girl of only six could play the violin so well.3. After finishing his college education. Susan _ in a big company as a secretary.4. This method has t

27、he _ of saving a lot of fuel.5. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health _ poor.6. It is a _ that English is being accepted as an international language.7. Have a good rest; you need to save your _ for the tennis match this a|ternoon.8. A plan began to _ in his mind. 【短语归类】【考点5】clear up 和

28、clean up clear up 整理;消除;澄清;放晴 clean up 彻底打扫;清理干净例句 Would you clean up this room before our visitors arrive?客人到来之前,你打扫房间好吗?She WOUld like to have a talk with her classmate to clear up their misunderstanding. 他想和同学交谈以解除他们之间的误会。There are some points Id like to clear up. 有几点我要澄清一下。【考例5】On his mothers ar

29、rival,the crying boys face_. A. cleared up B. clearled up C. was lit up D. reflected up考查目标 此题主要考查短语辨义问题。答案与解析A light up此处不用被动态。D不合题意。【考点l】与 consist 有关的短语 consist of 由组成 (= be made up of) consist in 在于例句 The club consists of more than 200 members. 俱乐部南200多个成员组成。The beauty oF the village consists in its clean air and peaceful environment. 这个村庄的美丽之处在于它清洁的空气和幽静的环境。 友情提示:consist of 不用于被动语态。【考例1】The opening province which _ thirteen counties and three coastal cities will quicken its paces of economic development. A. consists of B. makes up C. is included D. is contained考查目标 此题主要考查相似意义的短语或动词的用法辨义

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