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1、开放专科期末考试英语I1试题及答案完整小抄考试必备“开放专科”期末考试英语I(1) 试题及答案选择填空: 阅读下面的句子和对话、从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填人空白处的最佳选项.1. Liu Fan is working on TV advertisement, but right now he is ( B ) holiday.A. in B. on C. for 2. She work next Monday. ( B )A. start B. starts C. starting 3. Polly goes to a gym twice ( B ) week with her fri

2、ends.A./ B. a C. the 4. Rose is ( C )easy-going than Frank in the interview.A. much B. many C. much more 5. Would you like to( A ) a reservation for dinner in the restaurant this evening?A. make B. give C. hold 6. A: bike is this? Bt It% mine. ( A )A. WhoseN B. Who C. Whos 7. Im hungry. Could you ge

3、t a sandwich for, please? ( C )A. I B. myself C. me 8. My father is a programmer and he works in ( B )A. computer B. computers C. a computer 9. A: Can you get a coffee for me? B: Yes, ( C )A. I get. B. I can get. C. of course. 10. Mary is in maths than John. ( B )A. little interested B. less interes

4、ted C. as interested11. Thehouseisveryclosetotherailwaystation,soitsvery_C_fortransport.A.expensive B.noisy C.convenient12. -_ B _wasthemeetinglike?-Itwasveryexciting. A.HowB.WhatC.Why13. -IamfromEngland.-_ A_. A.SoamI B.SodoI C.NeitheramI14 . Imbadatspelling,butJaneis_B_me. A.badwithB.worsethanC.le

5、ssthan15. -Theclassroomisnotbigenoughfor50students.-Yes,Iagree.Its_A_.A.toosmall B.nobig C.notsmallenough16. Hello,_A_FrancoRossispeaking.CanIspeaktoPollyWilliams?A.thisis B.heis C.Iam17. Shehasaproblem_A_theflatadvertisement. A.withB.for C.of18. -ShouldItakesomemedicine?-No,you_B_totakeanymedicine.

6、A.shouldnot B.dontneed C.havenot19. When_A_forLondon? A.issheflying B.sheflies C.sheisgoingtofly20. _A_peoplearemyfriends._peoplearemyhusbandsfriends.A.These,Those B.This,That C.Here,There21. Idontneed_C_mineralwater,butIdlike_tea,thanks.A.some,any B.any,any C.any,some22. Youcanpaintthewallsand_A_po

7、sters.Youcandowhatyouwant.A.putup B.putdown C.puton23. Illgive_A_ A.themanthebook B.thebooktheman C.thebookfortheman24. IdontlikeLondon.Itis_A_Beijing.A.differentfrom B.differentas C.asdifferentas25. _ _B_doestheflatcostamonth? A. Howmany B.HowmuchC.Howabout26. Davidsyoungerbrotheris_B_engineer. A.a

8、 C.the27. Thisishisbook.Couldyougiveit_A_him? B.with C.for28. Imsorryshesnotin.Wouldyouliketo_C_amessage?A.keepB.restC.leave29. Itoften_C_inwinterinthenorthofChina. A.snowB.issnowingC.snows30. LilyandLucyare_C_apicture-bookintheirroom.A.looking B.watching C.reading31. Whats _C_ job? Are _

9、British? A. your, your B. you, your C. your, you32. London is C capital of Britain, and it is _ great city, too. A. a, the B. the, / C. the, a33. This is his book. Could you give it _A_ him? A. to B. with C. for34. Does David A ? A. like flying B. likes fly C. likes to fly35. A: _B_ you like a drink

10、? Wine? Beer? B: A beer, please.A. Could B. Would CShould36. Mr Manning _C_ in Paris today and tomorrow. A. work B. working C. is working37. The area is convenient transport. C A. at B. on C. for38. A: I like documentaries on TV. B: _B_. A. So am I B. So do I C. So have I39. You can paint the walls

11、and _A_ posters. You can do what you want.A. put up B. put down C. put on40. Tell me about your new friend. _B_ is he like? A. How B. What C. Why41. This watch is that one. A A. as expensive as B. very expensive than C. more expensive to42. A: _A_ ? B: Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford.

12、A. Do you have any family B. Where are your father and mother C. Have you any family43. A: Hello. Im David Manning. Nice to meet you. B: _C_.A. Im nice, too B. Fine, thank you C. Nice to meet you, too. Im Xiaoyan44. A: What do you do? B: _ B_ _.A. I am washing the dishes now B. I am a policeman C. I

13、 do my homework45. A: The shower isnt working. B: _B_.A. I come to call the plumber B. Ill call the plumber C. I like calling the plumber46Did you A early this morning? Aget Up Bgot Up Cgetting up47 B stole his camera while he is lying On the beach AAnyone B.Someone C Everyone48. The baby is named C

14、 the nurse who was looking after her Awith Bfor C aher49. Afterthey hnished A fOOtball,theywent fOra drink ina pub Aplayng B. tO play Cplay50Shewillhavethecurtain(窗帘) B beforetheguestscome AtO be Changed B.Changed CChanging51. Shall we C a“me fOr our next meeting? Amake B .decide C fix52 . I have no

15、 idea whO st01e his wallet It A anyone ACOUld have been BShOUld have been C. must have been53. I C here fOralmost 20 years A1ive Bam gOing tO 1ive Chave been 1iving 54. DaUaniseast B Beiing, thecoast AtO,on BOf,on COf,at55. He C to the hospital after the accidentA. took B. was taking C. was taken 选择

16、填空。阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项( A ) 1.Ihave_smallnicehouse. C.the( B ) 2.Ihaveasister.Hername_Jane. C.are(C ) 3.Helives_thethirdfloor. C. on( A) 4.There_ashopnearmyhome. A.isB.are B ) 5.Igotowork_foot. A.byB.onC.with( C ) 6.Icandoit_. A.meB.mine C.myself( A ) 7

17、.IlikewatchingTV_theevening. C. on( B ) 8.Thereare_studentsintheclass. A.anyB.many C.much( C ) 9.Thispencilisnotmine.Its_.A.shesB.her C.hers( C ) 10.TeachersDayis_Septemberl0th. C. on( C ) 11.Ilikemydogs,butmyhusbanddoesntlike A.itB.its C.them ( B ) 12.Helikestea,butI_.

18、nt C.doesnt ( A ) 13.Wednesdaycomesafter_. A.ThursdayB.Tuesday C.Friday( A ) 14.Itisntfarfromhere,_? A.isitB.doesit C.isntit( C ) 15._moderngirlsheis! A.HowB.What C.Wh ata从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出划线部分读音不同的词( D) 1. A.catB.bagC.backD.paper(B ) 2. A.everyB.eveningC.wellD.American( C) 3. A.boxB.onC.thoseD.clock(A

19、 ) 4. A.sixB.writeC.niceD.rise(B ) 5. A.mealB.headC.leaveD.teach根据读音规则选出下列词的正确读音( B ) 1. doctorA./da:kta/B./dakte/C./daukta/( C) 2. carryA./keiri/B./keri/C./kaeri/( A) 3. cloudA./klaud/B./klaud/C./klu:d/( A) 4. warmA./wa:m/B./wa:m/C./wa:m/( C) 5. greenA./gren/B./grein/C./gri:n/从右栏选项中选出与左栏各项相配的答语,并将所

20、选项的字母符号写入各题.( G )1.Whatdayistoday? A.Itssixoclock.( E )2.Howareyou? B.Ittakesabouttenhoursbytrain.( A )3.Whatsthetime? C.ItisJanuary8.( H )4.Whendoeshedohishomework? D.Four.( B )5.Howlongdoesittaketogethere? E.Imfine.Thankyou.( D )6.towmanyseasonsarethereinayear?F.Yes,please.WherestheBank?( C )7.Wha

21、tisthedatetoday? G.ItisSundaytoday.( F )8.CanIhelpyou? H.Intheevening. 9. reply A. to write your name ( D )10. prefer B. to cook something in hot oil ( E )11. enjoy C. to make something smaller: or less ( G )12. fry D. to give an answer ( B )13. reduce E. to like something better than another ( C )

22、F. to tell someone that you want to help them G. to get pleasure from something14. comedy F (A) You need four of them for your radio.15. baggy D (B) If I won it, Id buy another restaurant.16. lottery B (C) They are very friendly and warm to their guests.17. battery A (D) You need to get a smaller ju

23、mper.18. hospitality C (E) A kind of bird that has got colourful feathers (F) Lets go to something really funny to make us laugh.(G) You dont look very well. Youd better go to see a docto完型填空: 阅读下面的对话,从对话后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项.1. Xiaoyan: Id like to do some exercise today, is there 26 swimmin

24、g pool near here?Polly: Yes, there 27 two 28Xiaoyan: Where are 29 ?Polly: There is the Springfield Pool just behind the shops and theres the New StreetPool further away. That one is much 30 .Xiaoya: Whats it 31 ?Polly: Well, it has two pools. One is Olympic standard and the other is smaller but32 wa

25、rmer. It is really 33 children, but I go in there when I am cold.It has a sauna and a really good caf too.Xiaoyan: 34 do I get there?Polly: You 35 the number 38 bus from the shops.1. A. a B. an C. / ( A ) 2. A. is B. are C. has ( B )3. A. finally B. actually C. certainly ( B )4. A. they B. them C. their ( A )5. A. good B. better C. best ( B )6. A. have B. look C. like ( C )7. A. more B. much C. very ( B )

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