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必修一Module 1讲义.docx

1、必修一Module 1讲义Module 1. My First Day at Senior High1. Introduction: 1. Which of them are not academic subjects? academic adj: 研究的,学术的academy noun: 学术团体,学院The scientists are having an academic discussion to prove the idea of life on the Mars. 科学家们就火星上存在生命的想法展开了学术讨论。Most students dont like the subjects

2、 that are academic, they are not interesting at all. 多数学生不喜欢学术型科目,太乏味了。 He worked hard in order to enter the Shangdong Arts Academy. 他学习非常努力,力争考入山东艺术学院。 2. Which are your three favorite subjects? 数词放在所有格后面,表示所属的数量情况.放在形容词后,这些形容词包括another, past, first, second等表示“还有”、“过去的”、“开始的”等含义。需要注意的是,more的位置应该放在数

3、词之后,名词之前。 His three students joined in the games. Mother brought another two chairs to the dinning room. In the past two months, Lilei has learned a lot about music. Students of grade 1 usually feel fresh in the first few months. Xiao Ming was very thirsty and he had three more cups of water. Please

4、 give me 10 more minutes. favorite adj: 最喜爱的无比较级和最高级 His favorite folk song is Country Road, Take Me Home by John Denver. Toms favorite sport is surfing. 3. I like Chinese because I enjoy reading stories and poems. enjoy vt: 喜欢,强调享受某种乐趣。后面跟名词、代词、动名词,不能跟不定式做宾语。类似的动词有:finish, suggest, excuse, pardon,

5、give up, avoid, risk, advise, practice, consider(考虑),delay, escape, miss, imagine, mind, keep, cant help(禁不住)。 My cousin Jim enjoys TV plays very much. Who doesnt enjoy rock and roll today? Thanks a lot for your birthday cake. I really enjoyed it. Young people like you enjoy reading Jin Yongs action

6、 novels. (武侠小说)。 Thank you very much for the party. We enjoyed ourselves very much. 2. Reading and Vocabulary 1. What are the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school? main adj: 主要的,侧重于总括含义general. The main things we learned today is how to make sentences with “if”. between

7、 prep: 在两者之间among prep: 在。之间,指三者或三者以上 This is a secret between us. The relationship between Tommy and Jimmy is quite unusual. This song is popular among the young students. junior adj: 较小的,年幼的。常放在人名后,表示同名人中的较年幼者,缩写Jr. be junior to sb: 比。年幼 senior adj: 较年长的,较高级的。也可放在人名后,表示年长的人。缩写Sr. Sen. 或Senr. be se

8、nior to sb: 比。年长 Martin Smith Jr. got married in 1931. 小马丁。史密斯于1931年结婚。Malin is three years junior to me. 马林比我小三岁。 Bush Sr. was president of the United States in the 1980s. 老布什20世纪80年代任美国总统。 In China, senior citizens are well respected. 在中国,老人受到了很好的尊重。 My father is thirty years senior to me. 父亲比我年长3

9、0岁。 2. Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers? similar adj: 类似的be similar to: 与。相似的 He was advised not to eat bread, cakes and other similar food. This dictionary is similar to that one. 3. Describe your attitude to studying English. attitude noun: 态度hold / have attitude to sb / st

10、h: 对。有看法、意见 Whats your attitude to our service? He was dismissed because of his poor attitude to the customers. 4. Do you behave in a serious and polite manner? behave verb: 行为,举止behave oneself: 听话的,守纪律的 behaved adj: 听话的,老实的 That boy used to be naughty, but now he is well behaved. “Behave yourself,

11、or Ill beat you.” Said Tommys father angrily. manner noun: 方式,样子 manners noun: 礼貌,礼节 The speaker talked in a manner that attracted a lot of listeners. It is good manners to give your seat to a senior person on a bus. If you know much of the table manners of the western countries, you can make yourse

12、lf more comfortable when having dinner with the people there. 5. Do you all sometimes get noisy? sometimes adv: _ sometime adv: _ some time: _ some times: _ Tom is late sometimes. The American president visited China sometime last year. He stayed in Shanghai for some time. He said that the Pudong In

13、ternational Airport is some (several) times bigger than that of Chicago. get noisy: 变得乱哄哄的,吵闹。get 是系动词。其它与get有关的系表结构如: get angry: get worried: get anxious: get nervous: get happy: get excited: noisy adj: 是noise在词尾加-y变成形容词,类似变化的词如: anger - angry blood - bloody hunger - hungry mess - messy dirt - dirt

14、y oil - oily cloud - cloudy ice - icy rain - rainy sand - sandy 6. What do you find most difficult about English? 形容词做宾补与宾语一起构成复合宾语,其结构一般为:vt + sb/sth + adj. 经常这样用的动词有:find, think, consider, find, get, keep, leave等。 What he did made his father angry. I think it wrong to hunt and kill monkeys. Scient

15、ists tried to make the idea true that human beings would be able to fly to the moon. Mr. Tompson asked some workers to paint the walls of his office green. 7. Read the school diary and find something about this school which is different from Li Kangs Junior High school. be different from: 与。不同 diffe

16、rence noun: 不同,差异,常与between连用。 His hand writing is different from that of Toms. The idea of the students today is quite different from that of the students in the past. What he said was different from what he did. What are the differences between a normal TV and a digital TV. 8. and Im writing down

17、my thoughts about it. write down sth (=write sth down): 把。写下来、记录下来 write about sth: 写关于。的东西 write sth on: 写关于。主题的东西 write sth on sth: 把。写在。上面 He wrote down what the teacher had written on the blackboard. The listeners wrote down what the speaker had said. My homework is to write about the life on th

18、e farm. The novelist has written a series of stories about his traveling in America. The reporter wrote a long article on pollution. His graduation paper was written on language study. Please write your answers on the answer sheet. 9. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classroom

19、s are amazing. enthusiastic adj: 乐观的,热情的 be enthusiastic about: 对。持乐观态度 If you keep enthusiastic in your study, you will have no difficulties at all. John was enthusiastic about his work and that was why he always did it very well. amazing adj: 令人惊讶的表示情绪的动词在词尾加-ing之后转化成了形容词,表示“令人。的”,常用来修饰事物。在词尾加-ed转

20、化而成的形容词常用来修饰人,表示“感到。的”。如: exciting: excited: amazing: amazed: astonishing: astonished: surprising: surprised: boring: bored: interesting: interested: moving: moved: tiring: tired: disappointing: disappointed: The exciting news made the football fans excited. They jumped with joy. Though what he said

21、 was surprising. It is true. The people listening to his speech were bored by his boring talk. 10. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. nearly 与 almost: nearly: 将近,差不多,是常用的程度副词,所指的差距一般比almost大。在肯定句中常与almost互换使用。 nearly不能与no, none, nothing, never, nowhere

22、, nobody, no one等否定词连用。 nearly前可以用very或pretty来修饰,而almost则不能。 not nearly是固定词组,意思是“远远不”,“相差很远”(= far from). almost: “几乎“、“差不多”,意思比nearly更肯定,指程度或时间、空间上相差无几。 almost可以和nobody, no one, nothing, never, nowhere, no等否定副词连用。 almost常与think, believe, wish等动词连用,而nearly则不行。 She is not a little girl any more, shes

23、 nearly / almost fourteen. They live nearly / almost five kilometers from here. The train is nearly / almost full. It took them nearly / almost a week to finish the preparation. He very nearly died. His car is new, or pretty nearly so. He is not nearly so clever as his brother. I have $500, but it i

24、snt nearly enough for my journey. He slipped and almost / nearly fell. Her French is nearly / almost fluently. I have nearly / almost finished the letter. Almost everything that is great has been done by youth. Almost no one believed her. The speaker said almost nothing worth listening to. He almost

25、 never goes out. Theres almost nowhere I can go. George thinks the food we eat is responsible for a lot of common diseases, and I almost think hes right. My wife is always threatening to leave me, and sometimes I almost wish she would. 11. The screens also show photographs, text and information from

26、 websites. show vt:. 露出,显示:导致或允许被看见;展示展出,陈列:为了销售或在展览、比赛中展示:showed her most recent paintings.展出了她最新的画作指引;带领:showed them to the table. 将他们领到餐桌边指示,指出:将某人的注意力引向; show them the biggest squash in the garden.给他们展示花园中最大的南瓜表示,表现:显露出(如感情或状态);揭示:showed displeasure at his remark; 对他的话露出不悦之色;a carpet that shows

27、wear .显得很耐用的地毯表明:如通过某人行为或状况揭示(本身):The old boat showed itself to be seaworthy. 这艘旧船已证明是经得起风浪的-vi: 显现,呈现:(变得)可见或明显的 didnt show for her appointment.爽了他的约,放他鸽子被公开展示:Whats showing at the movie theater tonight? 今天晚上影剧院放什么电影?表演,演出:作表演或进行展览-noun:. 展示;证明 迹象或指示 短语:show off:炫耀,卖弄:以一种炫耀的或显眼的方式展示或行动show up清楚可见的露

28、面;到达暴露或揭示的真实特征或本质show (ones) hand【游戏】 亮牌:将某人的牌正面朝上展示暴露:陈述某人的意向或透露某人的对策,尤指先前隐瞒的show (ones) heels从迅速离开;逃走show (someone) a good time使(某人)热衷于娱乐性事物;使快乐辨析:show, display, expose, parade, exhibit, flaunt这些动词的意思是将某物展示给人看。show 是最普通的一个, 的使用范围很广,是个非正式用语,它所表示的“展示”可以是有意的,也可以是无意的,甚至是由于疏忽而露出的。The jeweler showed the

29、 necklace to the customer. 珠宝商将项链展示给顾客看。She hated to show her feelings.她厌恶流露她的情感。display 经常暗示展示某物以获得最大利益的一种尝试, 强调“摆出来给人家看,或者把要给人家看的东西精心陈列出来, 以期收到好的展示效果。The dealer spread the rug out to display the pattern. 商人将地毯铺开以展示图案。Few “letters home” of successful men or women display the graces of modesty and self-forgetfulness。. 事业有成的男性或女性很少写信回家,这显示出廉逊与忘我的美德。expose 通常涉及揭露某事或使其从隐蔽处显露出来, 这一词通常可用来暗示揭露了被隐瞒或隐藏的事物。The excavation exposed a staggering number of Bronze Age artifacts. The term can often imply revelation of something better left concealed.这次挖掘使一批数目惊人的青铜时代人工制品重现天日。His comment

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