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1、四级英语作文训练第一节作文“三段式”的写作我们常爱说考试作文像“八股文”。的确,在形式上是有些八股,但是这些规范又是我们所必须掌握的,因为老师就根据它来评分,也由不得你喜欢不喜欢。四级作文要求至少120个词一般都是写130160个词,大都是“三段式”的写作,即不论什么题材都要有开头、展开和结尾三部分。而且每个部分的写法都有一定的套路,掌握了这些套路,就可以使你的文章看起来有条有理。当然能拿高分还取决于你的内容和形式是不是结合得很好,你对形式会不会灵活编排以避免呆板,你的内容是不是充实丰富以避免单调。这就要靠同学们自己在基本功训练阶段的努力了。1、Well begun is half done:

2、好的开始是成功的一半。文章的开头是你留给阅卷老师的第一印象,所以这第一炮一定要打响才行,也就是说既清楚明白又引人注目。开头是总领全文的,有一定的统摄性,因此一定要言简意赅,不要写得太长。关于开头的写法,比较常用的有:1)开门见山。这一般都用于谈及对某个观点或现象的看法的文章,在文章的开头就简单的谈出个人看法,然后在下文里展开论述。如:A. The benefits of television: With the improvement of peoples living standard, almost every family can afford to buy a television s

3、et. Television is becoming increasingly popular because of its values in entertaining and educating.B. Chinese people in my eye: The Chinese have a 5000 - year history, and modesty, industry, bravery, kindness are the flower of their virtues. In my opinion, they still remain true in reality.2)引用名言。用

4、名人名言或谚语开头,往往比直接用个人的话更有说服力,也给文章增添色彩。在引用古语或名人名言的时候要注意引用的准确性,如果把握不准的话,不如不引用。A. Can money buy everything? As the saying goes” Money makes the mare go”, but there is something that can t be bought with money, such as time and true love.3)自问自答。通过提问的方式引起读者对文章的兴趣,你可以在篇首就简单给出答案,也可以将答案放到接下来的段落中。这一般都是用在作文题本身就是

5、提问式或是结论式的文章中。比如说Should people be always honest?Dont hesitate to say“NO”!A. What is a good student? Different people may have different answer to this question. Someone thinks that a good student should be good at academic work. Others claim that a good student should be one who is all round developm

6、ent of morality, intelligence and physique. But I think, in addition to the above mentioned, a good student, above all, should be capable of doing practical work, and must be competent in the future work.这是自问自答式的B. “Reading makes a full man” is a saying of the famous English philosopher Francis Baco

7、n. It means that anyone who wants to be a full man must keep on reading. But books are ot various kinds and different contents, dealing with different things in the world. Then what kind of book should we read? And how to read?用名言开头,最后用问句点明主题,很精彩。没有按常规在开头即交代两种相反的观点,然后说as far as I am concerned而是在认识到读

8、书的重要性的前提下提出我们该读什么样的书和怎么读,使文章在认识上有一定的深度。4)对比式。在命题作文中,它往往会给出一些提示,表明两种不同的态度,再要求你写出自己的看法。用这种开头的方法要考虑一下整个文章的布局。如果你的主体是论述个人的看法而非别人的观点,那么在开头就有必要交代一下对于这个问题目前存在的一些看法。比如以下的例考题的提示是:有人说成功主要靠运气,有人则认为成功主要靠勤奋,而与运气无关。你的观点是什么?说明你的理由。这其实就是要你以你的理由为表达主体。如果按照作文提示要求是要把别人的观点单独成段的话,则不需要在开头展开对双方看法的论述,留到下面再说。如下面的How to achie

9、ve success: Some people say that the key to success is the luck, while others claim it is hard work. There is no doubt that successful people take advantage of opportunities. But if he works little and just waits to see opportunities pass by, he still cant succeed. So, in my opinion, diligence, devo

10、tion and perseverance are three fundamental factors to success.5)讲故事。这种方法比较新颖,能使文章活泼有趣,但是要注意故事的长短。如果你整篇文章都要围绕该故事展开,你的开头即是故事的开头。如果你仅是用其做个例子,就要写得简单清楚,往往可以是生活中常遇到的一些情景。Most of us may have such experience: when you go to some place far away from the city where you live and think you know nobody there, y

11、ou are surprised to find that you run into one of your old classmates on the street, perhaps both of you would cry out: “what a small world!”6)数字开头。这一般都是用于图表题,将图表显示的数字先概括性的总结出来。然后再提出问题,给与分析和解答。A. Changes in peoples daily expenses in the past five years: In the past five years, there have been great

12、changes in peoples daily expenses in XX city. According to the figures given in the table, the amount of money spent on food decreased gradually, accounting for 35 percent in 1998. However, there was a rapid increase in clothing expenses, which made up 17% in 1998. In addition, the table shows an up

13、ward tendency in recreation expenses. The same was the case with other expenses.2、Make mistakes as few possible这是对于中间段而言的,老师不会很仔细地去看,但是对于错误老师的眼睛是很敏感的。由于给分是采取总体印象法,因此尽量少犯不必要的语法错误,这对于提高印象分是很重要的。在展开段的写作中要尽量做到:1)一定要有中心句。中间段是用于发展、拓宽开头段中揭示出的文章的主题的段落。可以是一个段落也可以是数个,但在四级考试作文中一般都不超过两到三个。它们从不同侧面说明文章的主旨。在发展段中,它

14、又是由中心句、拓展句和结论句组成的。例如:How to solve the problem of heavy traffic.你可以先给出多种方案,如:Two solutions can be used to solve the problem.然后first、second分别进行展开。也可以只提供一种思路并给出相应的原因,如Many solutions to solving the problem of heavy traffic have been offered,among which I prefer opening up more bus lines to reducing the

15、number of bicycles and cars.这是对于一个发展段而言的,两个发展段的中心句则最好能互相呼应,句式也最好一致。如:The happiness of reading books.两个发展段的首句均为其中心句.也是作者在这两段中分别要进行论述的主题:Books are our friends.Books are teachers.中心句一定要写得简单漂亮,尤其是对于议论文这一经常考的体裁,中心句都起着分论点的作用。对于给出提示的考题,一般它分段的提示就可以写成一个中心句。这样整个文章的骨架就支撑起来了。2)注意文章布局的连贯。在写好中心句后,要围绕其做进一步的阐述,把文字材

16、料很好地组织起来,如:Why I take the college English test band 4?在发展段中第一句先表明了作者的态度:I,however,want to take CET一4.First,taking CET - 4 is a new challenge to me, which encourages me to study English harder and further raise my English level. Secondly, taking CET-4 is helpful to my English study. It can test my re

17、al ability; can tell me where to improve, what to study. Finally, English is of importance to my future work. It is a very useful tool in the 21st century. Maybe it is safe to say that we cant do the work well without learning English well in the future.在这个展开段中,围绕我要参加四级考试给出了三个理由,从不同的角度解释我要参加四级考试的原因,

18、连接词的使用使得文章展开得很有条理,脉络清晰。3)常用的展开方法。A.对比法:对比法在段落的展开中是最常用的。对比的双方可能是没有利害冲突的,也可能是互相对立的。比如说my view on jobhopping,在提示中它就指出有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,有些人喜欢经常更换工作,要你通过对比不同的想法而得出自己对这个问题的看法,一般来说都是要你将两种看法综合一下,以适应不同的情景。你可以说:有些工作需要长时间经验的积累才能有所成就,而且如果是兴趣所在我会一直坚持从事该项工作,比如记者;而就同种性质的工作,长时间在一个环境里会丧失工作的积极性和了解全局的眼光。因此我也会适当的考虑转换工作环境,比

19、如说仍然当记者但换一家报社或电台。B.因果法:这类作文一般都是先有个结论性的东西,然后让你做进一步的解释和说明。例如The career I pursue,提纲是这样:我理想的职业是做一个广告创意人(这是结论),其原因有以下几点(1)广告是浓缩的艺术,我喜欢动感的画面。(2)我喜欢以自己的努力促成别人改变态度观念的成就感。(3)广告是充满挑战和多变的行业,很符合年轻人的口味。这种理由的划分只要条理清晰,内容是你取得高分的关键,即你给出的理由是不是有创意。C.概述法:一般用于先分后总的段落结构中,即先给出原因再写结果,或先列出现象再总结根源。它是就全文的布局而言的,一般概述性的文字都会出现在最后

20、一段中,这在说明性的文章中比较多见。如下面这篇文章,题目是we need to broaden our knowledge,谈的是拓宽知识面的必要性。先谈科学技术是社会发展不可缺少的,然后指出社会科学和自然科学互相渗透,之后得出结论现代大学生需要广博的知识。 We Need to Broaden Our KnowledgeScience and technology contributes a lot to the social development. Broadening our knowledge, we can use it to change our living environme

21、nt, utilize natural resource, and create a beautiful and comfortable world for people to live in.Both social science and natural science are important in our life. Man achieves social science through social life, which makes people know more about the society and themselves. It teaches people what t

22、he society should be and what they should do for the future.As college students, we should learn as many kinds of knowledge as possible so that we can improve our life and society as well. Without rich knowledge, we cant serve the society well. In order to meet the future needs, it is very important

23、 for us to learn more knowledge at the universities.在主体段落的写作中还有一些需要避免出现的问题:A. 低水平重复用词:在文章的写作中,我们常会有这样的表现,遇见表示喜欢,就只会用like,其实还有很多表示喜欢的词,不要浪费它们:preferenjoyloveappreciate等等。还有在表达个人看法的时候,用来用去都是I think,其实I supposeI guesspersonally speaking,多样化的用词绝对可以提高你的得分率。英文报纸里可以找到你要的又新又实用的词汇。例如:A successful interview i

24、s winwin for both jobhunter and employer.成功的面试对于顾主和求职者而言是双赢的。相信这样的用词一定会给老师一个好印象。B.太过生僻的词汇:像不用decreaseremove,而用abate。不用stoppause而用cessation,不用homehouse而用habitation,其实这样做是没有必要的,所以还是不用为妙。C.句式单调:有些同学为了拿高分,非要“语不惊人誓不休”。在临场发挥的情况下,做到这点是比较难的。句子还是以简单的短句为妙,即能多表达几层意思,又能便于老师评判。那么如何在即使是同一个意思的表达下使句子显得有特点一些呢?那就要考句式

25、的变化了。看下面这个例子,对“粗心驾驶易引起车祸”,可以有这样一些不同的说法:a.Traffic accidents are invited by careless driving.b.Careless driving invites traffic accidents.c.Anyone who drives carelessly is to invite traffic accidents.d.Traffic accidents are what careless driving invites.e.The fact that you drive carelessly invites tra

26、ffic accidents.4)段落写作中常用的套路。在各种类型的写作中总是会有一定规律可循的,那就是句的的使用。记住一些实用的句型,在考试中可以提高行文速度。A.说明原因的句型:a.There are sometwomany good reasons forto do something.e.g:a.There are two good reasons for the changes in the way that people communicate with each other.b.The reason foris thatB.表示不同看法的句型:Some believe thato

27、thers argue thatstill others maintain thateg:a.Some people hold the opinion that it i8 hood to live with parents.b.Theydiffer greatly in their attitude towards pollution problem.C.辩论中常用的句型:a.There is no doubt that b.It is obviousclear thatc.As is known to all d.It goes without saying thate.What is m

28、ore important f.I am convinced that.D.举例表示法:for.example,for instance,lets shave an example,a good case in point3、wonderful ending,happy ending结尾和开头一样都很重要。结尾一般都是对全文的概括,或是提出建设性的意见,或有所展望。常用的方法有:1)概括总结。这是最一般的写法,也是最保险的。只要把你的意思归纳一下即可,不过要注意用与上文中不同的句子或句型,稍显变化。2)以提问的方式结束。这是比较自信的写法,因为你认为你一定能说服对方接受你的观点,因此明知故问,

29、留有回味的感觉。如:As the reason listed above。Why dont you choose the public school for your child?3)展望式结语。一般是针对目前需要改进或还没有实现的事情或事物提出一种希望。如:In a word,TV advertisement,I think,is a newborn thing in the development 0f our economy. Of course,there is much room for improvement in TV ads,but I believe the TV ads w

30、ill benefits both the advertisers and consumers.4)口号式结语。对问题分析完之后,提出一种解决方法以供读者参考,或是提出一种号召。这种结尾方法比较有感染力。如:Open your heart to your friends so that whether they are similar to or different from you. You may become the happiest man in the world.5)引语式结语。同样是以引语结束,但要注意,如果开头使用了引语,结论部分最好不要再用。引语会增加结尾的说服力。在结尾中常

31、用到的句型有:as a consequence,in short.I firmly support the view thatin a wordin generalas far as I am concernedI am sure my opinion is both sound and well grounded.至此,关于三段式写作的方法就介绍完了。套路不少,但若是陷到这个套中文章不免会干涩呆板。所以基本功才是最重要的。第二节:十二句作文法写作模板一. 现象解释型写作模板现象解释型模板一Topic sentence1.has become a common part of peoples

32、life.2Andhas always aroused the greatest concern.3.What impresses us most is .4.The reasonsare varied.5. Among the various reasons,plays an important role.6.That is to say,7.What is more,8.For example,9When talking about,10On the one hand11On the other hand,12In brief, 现象解释型模板二1.We have witnessed 2.According to ,

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