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1、建筑总承包合同GeneralcontractAgreement协 议 书This agreement is concluded and signed on _本协议于2012年 月 日签订Between签订双方: (Hereinafter referred to as Owner)(在此称发包人)公司地址Add: And和 (在此称承包人)(Hereinafter referred to as Contractor)公司地址Add: The Owner and the Contractor shall be referred to, individually, as a “Party”; an

2、d, collectively, as the “Parties”. 当分开使用时,发包人和承包人应称为“一方”,同时应称为“双方”。Whereas the Owner wishes to engage the Contractor to undertake the General Contract Works of Design and Construction of the New factory for _Co., Ltd. located at, Zhejiang Province, PRC. 在此,发包人希望邀请承包人进行合同工作,即对位于浙江省_的_有限公司新建厂区工程”进行设计施

3、工总承包合同工作。The agreement is concluded as below 现达成协议如下:The wording in this agreement has the same meaning as the General Conditions of Contract. 本协议中的措词与合同通用条款具有相同的含义。2 The following documents shall be deemed to be an integral party of this agreement:下述文件作为本协议整体的一部分:第一部分 Letter of Acceptance中标通知书 第二部分

4、 Commercial Terms商务条款(专用条款)第三部分 General Clauses通用条款第四部分 Safety Terms安全条款第五部分 Design Drawings设计图纸第六部分 Quotation报价书第七部分 Project Schedule工期进度表3 In consideration of the payments to be made by the Owner to the Contractor according to the contract contents, the Contractor hereby covenants to execute and c

5、omplete the Works, remedy any defects, conform to all provisions of the Contract. 考虑到由发包人按本合同内容向承包人付款,承包人与发包人签订协议应是执行完成约定工作内容和修改任何错误并能满足合同各条款。4 The Owner hereby agrees to pay the Contract Price to the Contractor according to completion of the works and the remedy of defects, at the time and in the w

6、ay stipulated in this agreement. 发包人在此同意按工作内容的完成情况以及对任何错误修改的情况向承包人支付工程款,该付款应是按本协议所约定的时间和陈述的方式支付。5 The Contractor promises the Owner that (i) all of the Contracted Work will be done professionally and legally, and (ii) the report of the Contracted Work provided by the Contractor to the Owner shall be

7、 true, accurate and complete which can be fully relied upon by the Owner for its design and construction of the new facility; Should the performance of the Contracted Work or the report of thereof fail to meet the standards of this agreement, the provisions of inspection& acceptance, laws, regulatio

8、ns, or any official standards or requirements of PRC, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for any and all of the direct and indirect losses, damages, costs, expense of the Owner (including without limitation arbitration fees, legal fees, expert fees and lawyer fees) caused by Contractor fault.

9、 承包人应向发包人承诺(i)所有的合同工作应以专业及合法的方式进行。(ii) 承包人提供的工作报告应真实、准确、完整,并可保证发包人可以利用和使用这些数据进行工厂的设计和施工;如果承包人的工作或报告不符合本协议的相关标准和验收条款、中国的法律和法规或其他的正式规范和要求,承包人应承担所有因此造成的直接或间接的损失及损害, 及由合同商过错造成的成本及费用(包括但不限于仲裁费、法院费用、咨询费及律师费)6 This Agreement is written in English and the Chinese version is for reference purposes only. The

10、governing law of this Agreement is the law of the PRC. Any dispute between the parties herein regarding this Agreement will, if the parties fail to resolve it within 30 days after its arising, be submitted to the _Arbitration Commission for arbitration. The arbitration language is English. 本协议以英文文本为

11、有效版本,中文翻译仅供参考。本协议适用的法律为中国法律。双方的任何争议,如果在争议出现的30天后依旧无法解决,可提交中国_地方仲裁委员会进行仲裁。仲裁语言为英语。发包人(公章): 承包人(公章):代表人(签字): 代表人(签字): 日 期: 日 期:Part I Letter of Acceptance第一部分 中标通知书By this Letter of Acceptance, the Owner hereby accepts Contractors commercial offer for the Contract Works, subject to the following terms

12、 and conditions. These terms and conditions are formulated by both parties after many discussions. 通过本“中标通知书”,说明发包人在此已接受承包人根据以下的条款和条件对本合同工作所作的商务报价,本协议的这些条款及条件是在双方此前多次商榷的基础上制定的。1、Mutual Negotiation of Contract 合同的互相协商This Contract has been made based on mutual negotiation by both parties. It is speci

13、fically agreed that both parties have had adequate time to review the final Contract Document and to obtain independent technical and legal advice. 此合同是在双方互相协商的基础上而定。在此特别指出,双方都有足够的时间来查阅此最终合同文件,同时获得独立的技术和合法的建议。2、Language of Contract合同文字 It is specifically agreed that the valid and legal language of t

14、his Contract is English. The Chinese content is a translation for easy reading, not valid. It is specifically agreed that both parties have enough time to review the final Contract Documents and obtain independent technical and legal translation. Should there be any conflict between the Chinese and

15、English translations of this Document, the English version shall be read as the Contract. 在此特别同意此合同的有效与合法语言为英语。中文翻译仅为方便文件的阅读,并非合同的有效语言。在此特别同意合同双方有足够的时间来查阅最终合同文件并获得独立的技术和合法的翻译服务。如果合同中、英文字出现异议,合同应以英文为准。3、The Contractor shall be responsible for all construction works except as specifically stated other

16、wise. As part of Contract Price, the Contractor shall be responsible for and ensure: 承包人应对现场的所有施工工作负责,除非另有说明。承包人作为合同价的一部分也应对下列项目负责并保证:a、The free and safe access to work area for other contractors (if any). 向其他承包人(如果有的话)提供自由和安全进入工作区域的方便。b、Co-ordination the whole construction Works to allow other cont

17、ractors to undertake their works freely and safely (if any). 协调整个施工工程,使其他承包人(如果有的话)进行自由和安全施工。c、Free and safe access to material storage areas. 提供免费及安全材料堆场。d、The Contractor will provide such services and co-operation to other contractors (if any) as part of his Contract Price and without further char

18、ge. 承包人提供给其他承包人(如果有的话)的上述服务和协调工作应作为其合同价中一部分,不再另外收费。4、Should the Contractor at any time refuse or fail to execute the Works with promptness and diligence in keeping with the agreed Time Schedule, or refuse or fail to perform any of its other obligations under this Contract, the Owner may reasonably e

19、xercise the rights in accordance the General Conditions of Contract, terminate the Contractors right to proceed with all or part of the Works by giving written notice to the Contractor. 若承包人在任何时间拒绝或未能及时和努力地按约定的进度进行施工,或拒绝或未能履行此合同下任何其他义务,发包人则可在按照合同通用条款的规定合理地行使权利,以书面形式通知承包人中止承包人部分或全部施工的权利。5、All prices

20、in Lump-Sum Quotation are lump sum amounts, inclusive of all materials, labour and equipments required for the proper installation and construction according to the requirement, as well as inclusive of any relevant taxes. Any revisions in Contract Price by the Owner or its representatives will be ca

21、lculated strictly in accordance with Quotations unit rates, or in accordance with other calculation method agreed between Contractor and Owner. However, if the Work carried out leads to the Contractor having to justifiably purchase additional material to continue to carry out the Works, then the Con

22、tractor has the right to claim for the additional materials, getting the Owners prior approval as premise. The additional materials will then become the property of the Owner. 在总价报价书中,所有价格均包括在总价中,其中包括了按要求进行合理安装及施工而所需要的所有材料、人力和设备,同时也包括了所有任何相关的税收。任何由发包人或其代理方对合同价的修改或改变的工程部分,可参照承包人提供的在第六部分报价书内的单价进行计算,或者

23、以发包人和承包人商定的其他方式计算。如果是因工作关系而导致购买增加材料,则承包人有权要求其增加材料的款项,前提为事先征得发包人的批准,同时增加的材料将成为发包人财产。 The Contractor has represented himself as an experienced Contractor and the Lump Sum Prices quoted are all inclusive prices to have a finished operational facility constructed, and conform to the national standards.

24、The Owner may from time to time issue drawings or sketches to detail the design or clarify the requirements. This issue of drawings or sketches is to assist Contractor and in no way constitutes a Variation from original design intent, rather than to form the basis for contractor to claim for additio

25、nal payment. While the Lump Sum Prices originated from the Contractors price submission, the Lump Sum Prices represent the final negotiated and agreed prices. There will be no reference to the original Contractors price submission as a basis of any claims for additional payment. The Contractor has i

26、nspected the Owners Site and fully understands the condition of the Site. The Contractor states that he is an experienced Contractor and understands that the Site condition will change between the date of Contract Acceptance and the date that Contractor stations in the Site, and has allowed for this

27、 in his Contract Price.作为一个有经验的承包商,在此接受所报价格包括所有为使厂房能正常运行并达到国家标准。发包人可能会时常地发一些图纸或草图以明确要求和使设计详细,此图纸和草图的分发是为了协助承包人并决不背离原设计意图,承包商也不能以此为基础来要求增加款项。因总报价是源于承包人的报价,此总报价代表了最终的协商和肯定的价格,故承包人不得以原报价为依据并以此来要求增加造价。承包人已经巡视了发包人的工地现场,完全明了现场的条件。承包人申明他们是一家有经验的承包商,并且明白实际进驻现场时的现场条件将有所不同,在制订合同价格时承包人已经考虑了这一因素。6、The Contracto

28、r shall be responsible for any strengthening of the ground required for access of his equipments on Site and storage of equipment and materials. 承包人应负责地面硬化,使其能承受现场施工设备及材料的堆放。 7、The Contractor shall keep Site and roads clean and tidy, In the event that Contractor fails to undertake this work, the Own

29、er will undertake this work at Contractors cost. 承包人将保持现场及道路的整洁,若无法做到,发包人将负责完成,费用由承包人支付。8、The Contractor shall be responsible for providing temporary drainage and pumps so that the Site is free of stagnant water. This Work will be at Contractors cost. 作为合同的一部分,承包人将负责提供临时排水和水泵以避免现场积水,费用由承包人自行承担。9、If

30、any, the Contractor agrees and allows that other contractors work on Site during the period of the Contract Works. The Contractor shall liaise and co-operate with these other contractors so as to ensure that construction Works proceed according to Time Schedule. The fact that the project is delayed

31、because the other contractors can not finish their works at scheduled time while making the Contractor have to suspend the contract works will not be accepted as reason for extention of Time Schedule or to form basis of any claims for additional payment of any kind. 如果有的话,承包人同意在其合同工作期间允许其他承包人进行施工。承包

32、人应和这些承包人联系并合作以保证施工按进度进行。发包人不接受承包人以等待其他承包人完成工程而造成的进度延误为由要求延期或者增加款项. 10、If any, the Contractor will co-operate with Owner and other contractors to ensure acceptance of his and other contractors work by State and Local Government Departments and Bureaus. 如果有的话,承包人将与发包人和其他承包人携手合作,以使他的和其他承包人的工程能得到中央和地方政府部门验收。11、The Contractor has reviewed the Contract documents and agrees that the information and details are enough to allow construction. The Contractor has inspected the Site prior to Contract signing and understands his responsibilities to complete the Works

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