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1、翻译技巧总结英汉互译技巧1. 重复法(Repetition)在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不得不重复某些词语,否则就不能忠实的表达原文的意思,这种在句子中重复使用某些词语的方法就叫重译法。(1)They forget the democratic centralism whichsubordinatesthe minoritytothe majority,the lower leveltothe higher level,the parttothe whole,and the whole Partytothe Central Committee他们忘记了少数服从多数,下级服从上级,部分服从整体

2、,全党服从中央的民主集中制。(2)We have advocated the principle of peaceful coexistence,whichis now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa我们倡导和平共处的原则,这项原则在广大亚非国家受到越来越多的欢迎。(3)Later,people will undergo a progressive loss of their vigor and resistance which,though imperceptible at first,wi

3、ll finally become so steep that they can live no longer,however well they look after themselves,and however well society,and their doctors,look after them随后,人们将持续的丧失精力和抵抗力,这个过程开始的时候难以察觉,但是最终将会变得十分急剧,不论他们自身如何加以注意,不论所处的社会条件如何优越,不论医生的治疗如何精心,他们都活不长。(4) The monkeys most extraordinary accomplishment was l

4、earning to operate a tractorBy the age of nine,the monkey had learned to solo on the vehicle这只猴子最了不起的成就就是学会了开拖拉机。到九岁的时候,它已经可以独自开了。(5)正如不行的家庭各有各的不幸,大家庭也有大家庭不为人知的难处Just as every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way; all big families have their own unknown trouble.重译法有三个作用,第一:为了使译文明确或强调某些内容,就要设法消除任

5、何可能出现的误解。要消除这些误解,在某些文体中,特别是在条约、合同等正式的应用文体中,要少用代词而重复使用名词;第二:为了明确,有时需要重复宾语,英语常用省略,但为了明确,也为了强调某些内容,在汉语中常常要将省去的部分重译出来;第三:汉译英时,往往还有下面两种情况:一是汉语重复,英译时也重复;而是根据两种语言各自的习惯用法,以不同的表达方式进行重复,通常是为了传达原文的生动性。2. 增词法(Amplification)所谓增词法,就是在翻译时按意义(或修辞)和句法上的需要增加一些词来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。用增词法翻译技巧的目的是为了更加准确、通顺和完整的表达原文的内容。当然不能无中生

6、有地随意增词,而是增加原文中虽无其词而有其意的一些词。(1)I have heard many of your collogues complains for many times, and you must work hard from now on, suppose the preparatory work should not be completed.我已经听到你的很多同事抱怨过多次了,从现在起你必须努力工作,要是完成不了,你可怎么办?(2)Just as a cutting tool is useful only if it is sharp, our knowledge must

7、be accurate and reasonably extensive before we can make good use of it.正如刀具只有锋利无比时才能得心应手一样,我们的知识必须广博专精才能运用自如。(3)看粮食,要看中国的农业;看农业,首先要看市场。To understand food situation in China, we must take a full view of her agriculture, and to know the agriculture we mush first look at the food market.(4)Happiness en

8、joyed alone is a pleasure, so is sorrow tasted privately.独自享乐是一种愉快,独自忧伤也是一种愉快。(5)在人权领域,中国反对以大欺小、以强凌弱。In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak。翻译中增词法的使用可以分为四类,分别为词汇、语法、逻辑以及修辞方面的增词。词汇方面,首先可以适当添加表示具体范畴的词汇英语中常用一些含有动作意义的名词表示


10、在英语中的应用非常灵活,它往往包含一些附加含义,因而,翻译时需通过分析或根据上下文,必要时应将附加的含义译出来。逻辑方面,某些句子在英语中,就原文的表达形式来看,逻辑上是通的,但在译成汉语时,若不加上适当的词,在逻辑上就显得欠缺一些。因而,出于汉语逻辑上的考虑,翻译时必须加上适当的词,把隐含的意思充分表达出来,使它形式上合乎思维规律,意义上顺理成章。在修辞方面增加词语主要是对翻译出来的句子从修辞上进一步润色,以提高译文的质量使之具有准确、鲜明、生动的特点。3. 减词法(Omission) 减词(omission)即将原文中需要而译文中又不需要的词语省去,词的省略目的正是为了使译文符合英语的表达

11、习惯和修辞特点。(1)There was not a sound in her-and around us nothing moved, nothing lived, not a canoe on the water, not a bird in the air, not a cloud in the sky. 船上悄然无声,四周一片静谧,死一般沉寂,水面不见轻舟飘动,天空不见小鸟浮云(2)Virtually all governments have taken significant steps to widen the role of private enterprise in econo

12、mic activity.各国政府大都采取了重要措施来扩大私人企业的作用。(3)As the weather was fine, we decided to hold the reception in the open air and have lunch together after that.天气很好,我们决定举行露天招待会,会后共进午餐。(4)To both industrialized and developing countries, this is an issue of growing concern in which international cooperation is e

13、ssential.国际合作的重要性是工业国家和发展中国家日益关切的一个问题。(5)中国政府历来重视环境保护工作,并为之做了大量的努力。The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection,and has made great efforts to it.减词法主要用于物主代词,非人称词it,以及连词、冠词、前置词和修辞角度在英语中重复出现的短语的省略。4. 转换法(Conversion)英语和汉语分属两个不同的语系,在语言的表达方式上存在着很大的差异。如果在翻译过程中,把英

14、语句子中的词性、句式照搬过来,则汉语译文会变成外国腔,使读者不易理解或无法理解。使译文不通顺不流畅且带有明显的欧化语言,其中一个主要原因就是不善于应用词性转换和句子成分转换的翻译方法。这种方法不仅指词性的改变,而且还包括词性作用的改变和句子词序的改变。(1)客观现实世界的变化永远没有完结,我们在实践中对于真理的认识也就永远没有完结。The changing movement of the objective world will never end, neither will our knowledge of truth in our practices.(2)由于我们实行了改革开放政策,我国

15、的综合国力有了明显的增强。Thanks to the introduction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved.(3)学习外语的方法和学习游泳的方法一样,必须把实践放到第一位。 The way of learning foreign languages is the same as that of learning swimming: Practice must be put first.(4)It is well known that too

16、much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children.众所周知,孩子们看电视过多会大大地损坏视力。(5)And we would recommend subsidies ,consistent with GATT ,only for a demonstrably competitive industry whose products are used in a variety of manufactured goods.我们建议在进行补贴时,要符合关贸总协定的规定,并只限于明显有竞争力、其产品用于

17、加工各种制成品的产业。转换法主要包括两大类,一是词性的转换,而是句子成分的转换。 由于英汉两种语言表达方式不同,不应当机械地按英语原文词性译作汉语中同一词性,把名词译成名词,把动词译成动词等等。为了确切表达原文的内容,就必须改变英语的语言形式,因此,在翻译过程中,词性转换是必然的,又是普遍的。例如名词、动名词、形容词和介词转换为动词,动词、形容词转换为名词,以及名词、副词转换为形容词等。 英译汉时,往往不能按照英语句子结构格式原封不动,否则译文生硬无法理解。在翻译过程中,很可能由于被动语态变成主动语态,使英语句子中的主语译作汉语句中的宾语。这就是句子成分的一种转换。例如主语、宾语之间的转换,主

18、语转换为定语、谓语等等。5. 词序调整法(Inversion)Inversion作为一种翻译技巧,指的是在翻译中对词序作必要或必不可少的改变,并不 只是纯粹的颠倒词序或倒装。(1) The moon is completely empty of water because the gravity on the moon is much less than on the earth.因为月球的引力比地球小的多,所以月球上根本没有水。(2)The football students can be removed from the university with no exception if th

19、ey fail to pass their examination.作为足球运动员的学生如果考试不及格就会无一例外的被开除。(3)It may call the attention of the Security Council to situations which are likely to endanger international peace and security. 它会提请安理会注意那些足以危及国际和平与安全的形势。(4)At thirty minutes past three p.m. on the 30th of April, 1945, Hitler and his br

20、ide killed themselves in the bedroom. 1945年4月30日下午3点30分,希特勒和他的新娘在他们的卧室自杀身亡。(5)然而,从长远来看,泰国作为东盟最受欢迎的旅游胜地的地位,可能要让位于印度尼西亚。In the long term, however, Thailand may have to give way to Indonesia as ASEANs most popular tourist destination. 词序调整法主要包括定于位置和状语位置的调整。英语中,单词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词前,汉语中也大体如此。有时英语中有后置的,但译成

21、汉语时一般都前置。而英语中修饰名词的短语一般放在名词之后,汉语则反之,但间或也有放在后面的,视汉语习惯而定。英语中单词作状语修饰动词时,一般放在动词之后,而在汉语里则放在动词之前。表示程度的状语在修饰状语时可前置也可后置,而在汉语中一般都前置。短语状语可放在被修饰的动词之前或之后,译成汉语时则大多数放在被修饰的动词之前,但也有放在后面的。英语中地点状语一般在时间状语之前,而汉语中时间状语则往往放在地点状语之前。时间状语、地点状语的排列一般是从小到大,而汉语中则是从大到小。 6. 正说反译,反说正译法(Negation)Negation 作为一种翻译技巧,主要指在翻译实践中,为了使译文忠实而合乎

22、语言习惯地传达原文的意思,有时必须把原文中的肯定说法变成译文中的否定说法,或把原文中的否定说法变成译文中的肯定说法。(1)He admitted that there is a general lack of understanding of the social development in China by some countries and their people.他承认在不少国家,人们对中国社会的发展状况了解还是不够。(2)Each nation has the right to determine its own form of government and way of lif

23、e, free of the interference from other countries.每个国家有权决定自己的统治和生活方式,不受其他国家的干涉。(3)世界各地的伦理观点不同,因此对多利羊展开讨论很难达成一致意见。It is not easy to talk Dolly in a world that doesnt share a uniform set of ethnic values.(4)Mexico City is an earthquake zone and earth tremors are not unusual for local residents as they

24、have already got used to it.墨西哥城位于地震区,地震震动对当地居民来说很正常,他们已经习惯了。(5)Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among the citizens of this country.该国公民科学知识匮乏的现象日益严重,这种调查报告几乎月月都有。英语中有一些否定句,可根据词句的涵义、逻辑关系,按汉语表达习惯,把否定译肯定,才符合汉语思维和行文习惯。同样在英语中有一些句子,句式是肯定句

25、,意义却是否定的。可根据词句的涵义,按汉语表达习惯,肯定译否定,通顺自然,语言地道。正反译法是一个很有用的翻译技巧,虽然说法变了,意思还是原来的。之所以要改变,主要是由于词语之间的关系、句式的变化、习惯表达等方面的因素。“正话反说,反话正说”是提高译文水平的有效方法之一。肯定译否定,更能传神达意;否定译肯定,更能表达原文涵义。7. 分译法(Division)分译法主要用于长句的翻译。为了使译文忠实、易懂,有时不得不把一个长句译成两句或更多的句子。Division作为一种翻译技巧,它出了指句子翻译之外,还包括某些词语意义的分译。(1)The president said at a press c

26、onference dominated by questions on yesterdays election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a whispered defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in House. 在一次记者招待会上,问题集中于昨天的选举结果,总统就此发了言。他说他不能够解释为什么共和党遭了这样大的失败,这种情况最终会使共和党

27、推动在众院中长期享有的优势。(2)When Dr. Susan Chandler decides to use her daily radio talk show to explore the phenomenon of woman who disappear and are later to found have become victims of killers who prey on the lonely and insecure, she has no idea that she is exposing herselfand those closest to herto the ver

28、y terror that she hopes to warn others against.那些女性莫名失踪,而后惨遭杀害,凶手专门拿孤独和弱势人群开刀,当苏珊医生决定通过自己的每日广播脱口秀节目来探究这一现象时,她并没有意识到正在将自己和身边最亲近的人暴露于危险之中,而这种险境正是她竭力警告他人所要避免的。(3)And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy that strategic point in a couple of hours, has not yet been ab

29、le to take even the outlying regions, because of the stiff resistance that gets in the way.敌人吹嘘能在几小时内就占领战略要地,但是由于一路受到顽强抵抗,甚至连外围地带还没有攻下。这使我增强了信心。(4)One of the ugliest fights of Listers career was with the Glasgow infirmary where he had started his practice of antiseptic surgery, for they bitterly res

30、ented an attack upon the position of their buildings, which happened to be built a few feet above a cholera pit where hundreds of bodies were still decaying!李斯特一生中最险恶的战斗发生在格拉斯哥医院,那曾是他开始进行防溃烂手术实验的地方。由于抨击医院大楼的修建位置他招来了同事们的强烈反对。可是大楼底下几英尺处就是一个埋葬霍乱病死亡患者的大坑,坑里几百具死尸正在腐烂发臭呢!(5)So let us, in these next five y

31、ears, start a long march together, not in lockstep, but on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all men stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of gover

32、nment, free of outside interference or domination. 因此,让我们在今后五年里一起开始一次漫漫征途,不仅仅是一起迈步,而是在不同的道路上向着同一个目标前进。这个目标就是建立一个和平正义的世界结构,在这个结构中,所有的人都可以在一起享有同等的尊严,每个国家,无论大小,都有权决定它自己政府的形式,而不受外来的干涉或统治。英语重形合,而汉语则重意合,这种截然不同的外在表现形式要求我们在英汉翻译时要谨记这种差异,化繁为简,化长为短,化整为零。一般说来,英语长句比较多,汉语句子一般比较短。因此,在很多情况下,原封不动地对原文中的长句进行汉译,往往会使译文读者感到费解。为了符合汉语表达习惯, 也为了更清楚地表达原文意思,在翻译时可以改变原文结构,把原文的某个成分从原来的结构中分离出来,译成一个独立成分、从句或并列分句。此处所谓的句子不在于结尾处用句号,而在于有无主谓结构。英语长句不限于并列句和复合句,简单句有时也很长。它的一个重要特点便是修饰语较长。英语长句的翻译通常采用分译法分译成几个短句

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