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版高考英语大一轮复习全一册专项复习试题 北师大版必修2.docx

1、版高考英语大一轮复习全一册 专项复习试题 北师大版必修2 Unit 4Cyberspace词汇积累分层单词写作词汇1. n.增长;生长2. adv.快,迅速地3. adj.平均的n.平均数4. n.& vt.攻击,进攻5. adj.有可能的6. n.课题;方案;工程7. vt.影响8. vt.建议,提议9. vi.消失10. n.材料,原料11. adj.明显的,显而易见的12. n.洪水,水灾13. n.时髦,时尚14. n.观光,游览15. vi.集中注意答案1.growth2.rapidly3.average4.attack5.likely 6.project7.affect8.sugg

2、est9.disappear10.material11.obvious12.flood13.fashion14.tourism15.focus阅读词汇1.crash vt. 2.arrangement n. 3.skip vt. 4.artificial adj. n. work n. 7.volcano n. 8.historical adj. 9.harbour n. 10.military adj. 11.locate vt. 12.suburb n. 13.chaos n. 答案1.(汽车、飞机等)撞毁;坠毁2.安排3.跳过4.人造的5.画廊6.网络7.火山8.历史

3、的9.海港10.军事的,军用的11.坐落于;位于12.市郊,郊区13.混乱,无秩序拓展词汇1. n.建议,提议 vt.建议,提议2. n.真实,现实 adj.真实的,现实的 adv.真实地3. adj.科学的 n.科学 n.科学家4. vi.定居 n.(新)定居地5. n.犯罪;罪行 n.罪犯 adj.犯罪的;犯法的6. n.时髦,时尚 adj.时髦的,时尚的7. vi.消失 n.消失 n.外表8. n.恐怖分子 n.恐怖主义 n.恐怖 vt.使恐惧;使惊吓9. vt.& n.伤害,损害 adj.有害的adj.无害的10. adj.吸引人的,有魅力的 n.吸引力 vt.吸引11. adj.明显

4、的,显而易见的 adv.明显地12. adj.定期的;规则的 adv.定期地;规则地13. n.& vt.攻击,进攻 n.攻击者14. n.指南;导游,向导 vt.指导,引路 n.指导;引导15.;款待 vt.使娱乐;款待答案1.suggestion;suggest2.reality;real;really3.scientific;science;scientist4.settle;settlement5.crime;criminal;fashionable 7.disappear;disappearance;appearance8.terrorist;terro

5、rism;terror;terrify9.harm;harmful;harmless10.attractive;attraction;attract11.obvious;obviously12.regular;regularly13.attack;;guidance15.entertainment;entertain高频短语1. 编造,构成2. 采取行动3. (和)取得联系4. (愿望、梦想等)实现5. 接收,接管6. 本人,亲自7. (电话用语)别挂断 well as known as 10.cut off 11.have problems

6、with 12.consist of up to if/though 15.whats more 答案1.make up2.take action3.get in touch (with)e true5.take the flesh7.hang on8.也,又9.被认为是10.切掉,切断11.在方面有困难 12.由组成13.做,从事14.好像,仿佛15.而且经典句型1.Ill have my(修表)because it doesnt work. 2.(是真的)that all that is done out of kindness.3.Why are

7、 you talking to me as if I (打破窗户)?4.He made a suggestion that we(更改日期).5.Once you get into a bad habit of smoking, you will find it (难以去掉).答案 repaired2.Its true3.had broken the window4.(should) change the date5.hard to get rid of it Unit 4Cyberspace课文与语法填空阅读所学课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In th

8、e last thirty years, the Internet 1(grow) rapidly. In 1983, only 200 computers were 2(connect) to the Internet;now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue.Now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. 3 the future, terrorists may “attack” th

9、e worlds computers, 4(cause) chaos. However, many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet. Already, users can buy 5(book), book tickets, and get all sorts of information from the Internet. “In the next few years,” says Angela Rossetto of Cyberia magazine, “it is clear 6 we are going t

10、o see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.” She also believes that, in the future, we will get 7(entertain) from the Net and that television will probably disappear. The mail service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail.Some experts see our future in virtual realitythe use of c

11、omputers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation. “ 8(personal), I think virtual reality will become a part of modern life,” says Australian expert Peter Anderson.“I see people living and working in 9 virtual world. We will work in virtual offices, shop in virtu

12、al supermarkets, 10 we will even study in virtual schools.”答案1.has grown根据时间状语和语境可知,此处应用现在完成时。2.connectedbe connected to为常用短语,意为“与有关联;与连接”。3.Inin the future为介词短语,故空格处填介词In。4.causing此处为现在分词作状语,且与主语是主动关系。5.books空格处作宾语,结合语境可知,此处应用复数形式。6.thatit为形式主语,that引导主语从句,在从句中不作句子成分。7.entertain

13、ment空格处作宾语,故填提示词的名词形式。8.Personally空格处作状语,故填提示词的副词形式。9.aworld为可数名词,在句中表示泛指,故填不定冠词a。10.and空格处前后是并列关系,结合语境可知,and符合题意。课文与短文改错根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It has population of just under a million people and is located on North Is

14、land. It is the most excited city in New Zealand.His history goes back 650 years when the Maoris settle there. European settlement began in 1840.After 1945, the city of Auckland has grown but it now has large modern suburbs. From anywhere in the city, and you can see the sea. Auckland, called “the c

15、ity of sails”, had more boats than anywhere else. It has some of the best beach in New Zealand for do water sports:swimming, diving, sailing and surfing.答案第一段1.第二句:populationahave/has a population of为常用短语,意为“有人口”。2.第三句:excitedexciting根据名词city可知,excited应改为exciting。 第二段3.第一句:HisIts此处表示“Auckland的历史”,故将

16、His改为Its。4.第一句:settlesettled此处表示过去发生的动作,应用一般过去时。5.第三句:AfterSince根据has grown和语境可知,After应改为Since。6.第三句:butand两个并列分句之间并非转折关系,结合语境可知,but应改为and。第三段7.第一句:删除and分析句子结构可知and是多余的,故删除and。8.第二句:hadhas该句描述的是现在的情况,故用一般现在时。9.第三句:beachbeaches根据some of可知,beach应用复数形式。10.第三句:dodoing介词for之后应该接动名词doing。话题知识与写作()用所学词汇、短语

17、或句型翻译下列各句1.毫无疑问,现在地球变得越来越暖和了。 2.很明显,全球变暖给人类还有野生动植物带来了巨大灾难。 3.全球变暖导致气候恶劣,例如飓风、洪涝灾害和火山爆发。 4.全球变暖破坏了许多风景名胜,极大地影响了旅游业。 5.全球变暖应引起全世界的关注。 ()将以上句子连成一段语言流畅、逻辑严密的短文 答案()1.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer now.2.It is obvious that global warming brings huge disasters to mankind, a

18、s well as wild animals and plants.3.Global warming brings bad climate, such as hurricanes, floods, and volcanic eruptions.4.Global warming destroys many famous places of interest and affects the tourism industry greatly.5.Global warming should attract the attention of the whole world.()There is no d

19、oubt that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer now. It is obvious that global warming brings huge disasters to mankind,as well as wild animals and plants. It not only brings bad climate,such as hurricanes,floods, and volcanic eruptions,but also destroys many famous places of interest and affects

20、the tourism industry greatly. Global warming should attract the attention of the whole world.单元词汇拓展速记“-al”(adj.)词块agricultural农业的annual每年的,一年一次的,年度的beneficial有用的,有益的biographical传记的botanical植物学的,植物的casual随意的,非正式的central中央的,中心的chemical化学的classical古典的digital数字式的electrical电的;电器的emotional情感(上)的environmen

21、tal自然环境的facial面部用的;脸的federal联邦的formal正式的,合礼仪的general大体上的,笼统的global全球的,全世界的gradual逐渐的historical历史的,有关历史的industrial工业的informal非正式的local当地的,地方的medical医学的,医疗的mental内心的;精神的musical音乐的national国家的;民族的natural自然的normal正常的official官方的,政府的;正式的optional可选择的,选修的original起初的;最早的physical身体的;物理的 political政治的practical实用

22、的;实践的punctual准时的,守时的racial种族的social社会的,社交的special特别的,专门的technical技术的,工艺的 theoretical理论的traditional传统的typical典型的,有代表性的unusual不平常的 Unit 4Cyberspace.七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2018吉林实验中学考前模拟)We were high in the mountains of Xishuangbanna, as far south as you can get in Yunnan, skirti

23、ng the borders of Myanmar and Laos. The drive was typical, textbook beauty: mountains thick with rubber tree forests, pure tea plantations, banana palms and tiny Dai villages. Hidden among the fields of green, I spotted an odd collection of wooden boxes near a tent on the side of the road.1We run in

24、to the current home of Wei Dajing, a 17-year-old apprentice (学徒) bee-keeper who was manning his hives. Wei was fresh to the bee-keeping life, and had been on the job for just two months and was here to learn from a master bee-keeper. Their tent and hive set-up is always temporary.2“This particular s

25、pot was stationed at a sunny patch of yellow flowers. Once these flowers die, the rubber trees will be flowering, so we will move toward them,” he told Sam.Like thieves in the night, the bee-keepers will stealthily pack up their hives in the dark once the bees go to sleep. “They are most active arou

26、nd midday when they are collecting their nectar (花蜜). 3” Wei explained.The hives were humming, and bees were invasively buzzing around Wei as he spoke to us. Pieces of fruit laid drying among the hives, used to feed the bees and give them an extra boost of energy once Wei bottled up their hard-earne

27、d honey. Sam, who also had a couple of his own small hives in his backyard, told us you must always leave a little bit of honey in the hive.4We waved goodbye to Wei. Back at Sams house, he gave us a bowl of local honey. 5 Lacking the usual sweetness of honey but instead rich with a more savory, spic

28、ed flavor, it tasted just like China.A.It was smooth, thin and runny.B.Wei skillfully collected honey from the hives.C.Otherwise the bees would get fed up and abandon you.D.Maybe it is the flowers that give such unique taste to the honey.E.By 10 pm they are asleep in their hives, which is when we move.F.I asked our excellent guide and new best friend, Sam, to pull over.G.Wei and his master move their camp as the flowers bloom and d

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