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1、牛津高中英语模块四语言点牛津高中英语模块四语言点牛津高中英语模块四语言点 Unit 1 Advertising一、Reading说服某人(不)做1. persuade sb (not) to do sth: persuade sb into(out of) doing sth:persuade sb that / of sth: 使某人相信 persuasion: pswein n. (1) 说服U (2) 信仰,信念singpersuasive: psweisiv adj. 有说服力的 How can we persuade her to come out with us? We persu

2、aded him out of buying unnecessary things. We are persuaded of the justice of her case. 我们相信对她案件的审理是公正的。2. be meant to do sth: 旨在做;应该做 The program is meant to show the different stages of the progress. I think the police are meant to protect people.3. altogether: adv. (1) 完全地;(2) 总之;(3) 总计 I dont al

3、together agree with you. The weather was bad and the food was dreadful. Altogether the holiday was very disappointing. 天气又坏,吃的又糟。总之,这次假日很扫兴。 You owe me 68.03 dollars altogether.4. innocent: adj. (1) 无罪的,清白的 (2) 天真的,纯真的 innocence: n. 无罪,清白;纯真 be innocent of sth: 没犯罪He was innocent of murder. 他没犯谋杀罪。a

4、n innocent girl: 一个纯真的女孩 5. make a fool of sb: 愚弄 fool sb into doing sth: 欺骗某人做 be no fool: 为人精明 You should not make a fool of yourself with this joke. Dont be fooled into believing into their promises. She is no fool in this case. She has earned much with great efforts.6. cure: vt. 治愈;解决 n. 药物,疗法;对

5、策 (for) cure sb of sth: 治愈解决 The doctor cured her of cancer. The nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness forever. 那沉重的教训根除了他凡事爱打听的毛病。 What is the cure for the difficulty of the homeless?7. be pleased with sth: 对满意 be pleased at sth: 因为而高兴 be pleased to do sth: 乐意做;因为做而高兴 Are you pleased with yo

6、u new flat? All the teachers are pleased at the exam result. The Governor is pleased to accept the invitation. 总督欣然接受了邀请。8. comment on make a comment on sth: 评论 comment that: no comment: 无可奉告 Have you any comment(s) to make on the recent development? 你对最近的时态发展有什么评论吗? Asked about the date of the elec

7、tion, the Prime Minister commented that no decision had been made yet. 首相对询问选举日期一事称尚未作出决定。 -Will you resign?-No comment.9. fall for sth: 上的当;爱上 They met, fell for each other, and got married six weeks later. The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it.10.

8、 play a trick on sb: 欺骗捉弄 trick sb into doing sth: 欺骗某人做 trick / cheat sb out of sth: 骗取某人 Clients were tricked into doing the business. Her partner tried to trick her out of her share. 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份。11. aim: n. 目标,目的; 瞄准 take aim at sth: 瞄准 He has only one aim in lifeto become rich. Take careful ai

9、m at the target before firing. vt. 瞄准,针对 aim sth at sb: 把瞄准;将针对 be aimed at sth: 瞄准针对;旨在 He aimed the gun at the door. This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers. The measures are aimed at gaining complete control over the government. vi. 瞄准,对准(at) 致力于,旨在 aim at sth: 瞄准 aim at / f

10、or sth: 力争 aim at doing sth: 致力于旨在做 The hunter aimed at the lion and fired. She is aiming at / for the scholarship. We aimed at doubling our production. 【例题】1. The farmers built long fences, _ keeping the wild dogs out of them. A. aim at B. aim for C. aiming at D. aiming for 答案为C。 2. The education p

11、rogram_ combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread through the country. A. to aim at B. aim at C. having aim at D. aimed at 答案为D。12. benefit: (1) vt. & vi. 有益;受益 benefit sb: 有益于 benefit from sth: 受益于 These facilities have benefited the whole town. Who can benefit most from the new

12、 tax law? (2) n. 益处U;救济金,保险金U,C be of benefit to sb / be beneficial to sb: 对有益 The credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers. Many laid-off workers in the city live on unemployment benefits.13. When it comes to sth / speaking of sth: 当谈到时 When it comes to classical music, we often think

13、 of Beethoven.14. promote: vt. (1)促进,增进 The organization works to promote friendship between nations. (2) 提升,晋升 promote sb to sth: He was promoted to sergeant(中士). (3) 宣传,推销 Your job is to promote the new book. promotion: prmun n. 提升,晋升;促进,推销15. consult: v. 咨询,请教;商量;查阅 consult sb about sth: 就咨询某人 co

14、nsult with sb about sth: 与某人商量 More people are consulting him about social security(社会保障). He went to town consulting his doctor. consult a dictionary. The president consulted with European leaders about refugee issues before taking action.二、Grammar1. recommend: vt. 推荐,建议,劝告,介绍 recommend that / doin

15、g sth: 建议. recommend sb to sth: 建议某人做向某人推荐.recommend sth to sb:recommend sb sth:recommend sb for sth / as sth: 推荐某人做为 He recommended that we (should) read the novel. I recommend buying the dictionary. The government always recommends people to live on their own. I will recommend him as the general m

16、anager.2. purchase: vt. 购买,采购n. 采购;购买的东西 purchaser: n. 购买人 purchasing power: 购买力 The purchase price figures out at about two million dollars. 交易的价格计算在200万美元左右。 China has sent two large purchasing groups to the U.S. since last year. 去年以来,中国向美国派去两个庞大的采购团. Inflation reduces the purchasing power of peop

17、le living on fixed incomes. 靠固定收入生活的人其购买力因通货膨胀而下降. 三、Task1. multiply: (1) vt. 乘,使乘以 Four multiplied by five is twenty. 使成倍增加 Such examples could be multiplied indefinitely.这样的例子不胜枚举。 使繁殖 Hot weather multiplied the bacteria in the food rapidly. (2) vi. 迅速增加;繁殖 As we climbed up the mountain, the dange

18、rs and difficulties multiplied. Rabbits multiply quickly.2. be optimistic about sth: 对乐观 She is not optimistic about the outcome.3. think twice about doing sth: 慎重考虑 You should think twice about employing someone youve never met.4. bargain: n. 便宜货;协议 vi. 讨价还价 make a bargain with sb: 与达成协议 be a barga

19、in: 真便宜 Thats / Its a bargain. 一言为定at a bargain: 以低价 bargain with sb about / over sth: 就与某人讨价还价 John made a satisfactory bargain with him. It is a real bargain. 真便宜 I bought the painting at a bargain. We bargained with her about the computer.5. get into sth: (1) 穿上 (2) 开始从事 (3) 开始参与 (4) 得到形成 (5) 熟悉

20、I cant get into these shoes; they are too small. 这双鞋太小了,我穿不进去。 He got into publishing in 1978. 他1978年开始从事出版业。 get into an argument: 开始争论。 get into bad habits: 染上恶习。 I havent got into my new job yet. 我还未熟悉新工作。四、Project1. reach: vt. 与取得联系;影响 Reach her at home on 0355-694162. 拨打0355-694162到她家联系她。2. hav

21、e sth in mind: 记得,想到 have sth on ones mind: 担心 What do you have in mind when seeing the scene? My daughter has been on my mind so much lately because I still havent got any letters from her. 我最近很担心我女儿,因为我仍然没有收到她的任何来信。3. figure out sth: 想出,理解,计算出 Can you figure out what to do?4. determine: vt. 确定,查明;

22、决定 determine sth: 确定,查明;决定 determine to do sth: 决定做 determine what happened exactly. He determined to learn Greek.5. determined: adj. 有决心的;坚定的;坚决的 determination: ditminein n. 决心,毅力,决定 be determined to do sth: 决心做 a determined attitude. I am determined to find out who is responsible for this. Obama h

23、as many measures since he took office, _ to strengthen the American economy. A. determined B. determine C. being determined D. to be determined 答案为A。6. appeal: (1) vi. 恳求,呼吁;吸引;上诉 appeal to sb for sth: 向某人恳求呼吁 appeal to sb to do sth: 恳求呼吁某人做 appeal to sb against sth: 就向上诉 appeal to sb: 吸引 The police

24、 are appealing to the public for information about the crime. She appealed to the kidnappers to release her son. The book doesnt appeal to me. She appealed to the high court against her sentence(判决). (2) n. 恳求,呼吁;吸引力;上诉 an appeal for help: 恳求帮助 The new fashion soon lost its appeal.7. get sb to do st

25、h: 让某人做 get sth done: 让被做 I dont know how to get other students to talk with me. The mother get her baby hanged on her back. 这个母亲把她的小孩背在背上。8. be concerned with sth: 涉及;关心 be concerned about sth: 关心,担心(=be concerned with) We will not be concerned with the development of the subject in this area. The

26、program of this morning is concerned with earthquake prediction.9. get sth across (to sb): 把传达给;使某人理解 He is good at getting his ideas across.10. put sth together: 整理出;拼凑;组装 Put a machine together.11. educate sb on / about sth: 在方面教育 We must educate people on the importance of protecting the environm

27、ent.12. convince sb to do sth: 说服某人做 What convinced you to vote for them?13. urge: vt. (1) 敦促,力劝 (2) 极力主张,强调 n. 强烈的欲望,冲动 urge sb to do sth: 敦促力劝某人做 urge that: 极力主张,强调(从句用should do,should 可以省略) The headmaster urged us to hand in our homework. My friends urged that we should apply for the position.14.

28、 shock sb into doing sth: 提醒某人做 We must shock people into noting the harm caused by the typhoon.15. die of sth: 死于(内因) die from sth: 死于(外因) The patient died of heart attack. Many drivers die from the accident caused by drunken driving.Unit 2 Sports events一、Reading1. be delighted to do sth: 乐意做be del

29、ighted that: 很高兴be delighted at sth: 因为而高兴 We are delighted that you have come here. I was delighted at the news that he had passed the exam.2. significance: n. 重要性,意义 be of significance: 重要,有意义 So far, research hasnt produced anything of great significance. What is the significance of the contract?

30、3. every: 每隔 every + 基数词 + n(复数): 每.every + 序数词 + n(单数): 每到第.every other + n(单数): 每隔一every few + n(复数): 每隔几 every 3 weeks: 每三周(每隔两周) every third week: 每到第三周(每隔两周) every other line: 每隔一行 every few days: 每隔几天4. compete: vi. 比赛,竞争 compete with / against sb for sth: 与某人就比赛竞争 competition: kmpitin n. 比赛,竞争 competitive: kmpetitiv adj. 比赛的,竞争的 competitor:

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