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英语校本教材 2.docx

1、英语校本教材 2丁家园小学英语特色活动计划根据凉州区教育局关于开展特色示范学校创建活动的通知、高坝镇丁家园小学特色学校创建活动实施方案,结合我校以“英语歌谣教学为辅,提高英语口语表达为主”的英语教学特色,制定本计划。一、活动目标学语言要从娃娃抓起,小学是学习语言的关键时期,而培养学生的兴趣,引发学生浓厚的情感是学好英语的关键。由于小学英语学习缺乏语言环境,学生遗忘现象比较比较严重,出现学时会、用时忘的现象。而有效的课外活动是用丰富多彩的学习形式来提高学生学习的积极性。课外活动是课堂教学的辅助形式,是课堂教学的补充和延伸,为培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发他们学习积极性,为了丰富小学生的课余生活,也

2、为他们英语学习打更好的基础,我们开设小学英语特色活动。二、活动重点增加学生的词汇量,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。三、活动目的1.有效的课外活动,培养学生对英语及英语学习的兴趣。2.授人鱼不如授人渔,培养学生英语学习能力。3.提高学生的词汇量、语感、常用话题等等整体素质,为孩子日后的发展打好基础。四、活动内容1.学唱少儿英语歌曲、英语儿歌、做英语游戏、看、听、学、讲、演英语小故事等。2以三年级英语为蓝本,内容主要包括学习生活常用句型和词汇,包括问候用语、见面用语、客套用语、公共场合特定用语。3.将大量常用词汇融合进课堂,让孩子们在讲演的过程中习得语言。五、活动对象 本校三至六年级学生。六、活

3、动时间三至六年级第二课堂活动趣味英语开展交叉进行.英语特色活动形式一、 英语角语言和环境氛围是紧密联系,不可分割的,因为人们的交际活动只是在一定的环境氛围中进行的,因此要让学生处于英语语言学习的气氛之中,必须给学生创造更多的语景,增加他们的外语输入输出量,进行“每日一句”活动是一个极佳的方法。教师在黑板上选取一个小角落,设计一个栏目“每日英语”,写下学生每天要掌握的一句简单英语用语(用四格线表示)。课前,教师在黑板上公布出当天要掌握的一句话,同时花一点时间教他们。每过一天,教师就把这句话写到英语角去。可供学生日后随时去查看、欣赏、朗诵。尽管黑板上呈现的是一句简单用语,可时间一长,可以积累很多。

4、也许当天学的内容,今天是记住了,过一两天又忘啦,我们可以利用英语角来做再学习和回顾的场所。从长远考虑,只要教师做好及时的巩固和落实检查,那将是一笔很不错的课外学习资源。在刚试行的几个星期,可以先由教师来提供资料。过一阶段后,发动学生来找资料:可以是书上看到的你不懂的一句话:也可以是你很欣赏的话,却不会读的;或是你自学的课外内容如此一来,教师既可以轻松一下,学生又很高兴:他们的东西有用武之地,更乐意在课外查看英语资料。教师又如何做好学生的检查工作呢?其实可以发挥班级里的优秀英语人才。以56人为一小组,选取小组长,每天小组长监督组员的背诵情况,教师负责随时进行抽查。二、“三七”俱乐部以 21 天(

5、三个星期)为单位,腾出一节英语课,让学生交流自己学习英语的体会,其实就是总结自己一单元的学习情况。复习在整个学习活动中是十分重要的一个环节。如何上好复习课是老师一直关心的问题。如果复习做得好,效果肯定不错。但在平时,我们听到更多的是老师不辞劳苦地在那边帮学生设计这样或那样的复习方案,替学生做好条条框框的复习工作,学生就跟着老师一直转,不敢也从没放手让学生自己来复习。我尝试采用“三七”俱乐部,在这俱乐部,学生会想尽办法回顾自己已学内容,把最精彩内容献给同学。1. 游戏式既将复习内容通过游戏的形式来完成。陈鹤琴老先生曾说:“游戏是人生不可缺少的活动,不管年龄性别,人们总是喜欢游戏的。”假如在读书时

6、代,我们也能化读书的活动为游戏,那么读书不是会变得更有趣、更快乐吗?复习英语内容,单词是一块很重要的内容。在复习英语单词时,我们可以采用“the last letter”来完成。比如:apple egggooseeleven 也就是我们语文常用的接龙。相信这样的形式,既能巩固学过的词汇,又能锻炼学生的思维和反应能力。2. 故事表演式一个单元学完以后,学生肯定有这样或那样的收获。通过充满童趣的表演活动,佩带自己动手做的头饰,自己亲自编排的故事串联,拓展和延伸了外语课堂教学内容,使同学们的语言、身心和思维得到充分的、协调的全面发展。那不正是我们老师所希望看到的吗?教师 也可以不失时机地和学生进行交

7、流,做到更好的互动。让学生体验到真实语言交际的新奇感和收获的愉悦感。3. 歌唱式马克思说:“音乐是人类的第二语言。”而音乐作为 一种艺术,可以给学生美感教育,以此来陶冶孩子们的性情。而部分英语歌曲更蕴含有思想教育的意义。PEP英语教材,每一单元都配有相对应的歌曲,学生们可以模仿这曲子,自编类似的歌曲或歌谣,在边编边唱的同时,学生的能力已经比以往大大提高啦!三、单元书画家 每一单元,都会涉及新的词汇、句型、结构等。班级中书法、绘画才子多少能有几个。我们也不该埋没他们的才能,感受英语老师对他们的器重。开始教授一个单元之前,让他们把准备要学的单词和相对应的图片贴在教室墙面上。每学完一个单元,又可以增


9、这样的环境氛围中学起来轻松,用起来自然,学用结合,激发了学生学习外语的兴趣。 英语小作文My favourite star My name is Sofia. Im 11 years old. Im from Spain. So my favorite Sport is Tennis, because tennis is a very popular sport in my country. My first language is Spanish, the second is Chinese, the third is English and the fourth is German. Th

10、e power of books In the world, there are many different kinds of books. Fiction books, comic books, novels, cartoons and so on. I love reading books not only because they tell me how to be a good person but also how to treasure my time. If I am unhappy, I.When I grow up When I grow up, I want to be

11、an engineer. I want to build a big house and a small house for my father and mother. We will live together. There will be a garden and playground in front of the house. We will grow beautiful flowers and fruit.A new friend Hello, everyone! Im a girl. My name is Jia Mingzhu. I have a new friend. Her

12、name is Lily. She is tall and slim. Her eyes are big and her hair is very long. She looks very pretty. Lily likes singing and dancing. She is polite and helpful. My favourite season Fall is my favourite season.Because fall is a golden season.People like the beautiful season and its also a harvest se

13、ason. The sky in fall is high and bule, and the air is clean and clear with the clouds here and there. My Family Hello,Im Yin ziwei.Im a student.Im ten.I have a big family.There are four members in my family,my father,my mother,my brother and me. My father is very handsome and clever.He can mend tel

14、ephone and lights. My mother is very pretty.My Favourite Season My favourite season is summer.Its hot and sunny. In summer ,I like to put on my T-shirt,shorts and sandals.I like to wear my beautiful dress very much.I like to swim in the poor.I like to wear my sunglasses and sit in the sun.What a hot

15、,su. I am a happy little mouse Hello!I am a little mouse Jack.I live in a wealthy family.I like to eat cheeses,sausages,and cookies.I have five brothers.They are:Jim,John,Mike and William.We are very friendly.I am very happy.I was a happy little mouse!. My friend My best friend is a lovely girl, her

16、 name is Chen Xiaoxian. She has long hair and big eyes.Her hobby is drawing pictures and reading books.She likes to draw ducks and fish.She likes to read many books,such as story books and English books. The Hares Bride There was once a woman and her daughter who had a beautiful garden with cabbages

17、. A hare got into it, and during the winter he ate all the cabbages. So the mother said to the daughter, Go to the garden, and chase the hare away. Last Spring festival Spring festival is a traditional festival in China. Its also my favorite festival. At the last spring festival, all my relatives go

18、t together in my grandparents home. My cousins and I played games happily. In the evening, all my relatives ha. My family I have a warm family . there are four people in my family, my Grandmother, father, mother and I. My Grandmother was retired some years ago. Shes a housewife now. My father is a p

19、oliceman , my mother is an Accountant The fairy in the forest One day, I went to the forest with my dragon and little dolphin. Look, said the little dolphin. Theres a fairy over there!. I saw her. So I rushed to the fairy and said: Can you take me my dragon and my, little dolphin to the fairy world?

20、. 生活情景英语会话(上)1、早间(Morning)场景一:早上七点lMom: Johnny, get up!Johnny: Oooook.Mom: Hurry up, sweety. Its late.Johnny: What time is it, Mom?Mom: Its seven.场景二:好玩的梦lJohnny: Mom, I had a dream.Mom: Oh, really? What was it about?Johnny: Mashi Maro.Mom: How nice!场景三:刷牙洗脸lMom: Hurry up, Johnny, or youll be late.J

21、ohnny: O.K, Mom, Ill brush my teeth.Mom: Dont forget to wash your face.Johnny: O.K.场景四:早餐lMom: Johnny, breakfast is ready.Johnny: Mom, please pass me some bread.Mom: Here it is.场景五:整理书包lMom: Dont forget your books.Johnny: Let me see, Chinese, English, maths and music. All in, Mom.Mom: Good.场景六:上学去lJ

22、ohnny: Dad, Mom, Im going to school.Mom: Take care.Dad: Dont be late.Johnny: I wont. Bye, Dad. Bye, Mom.2、上学(On the Way)场景一:一起上学lJohnny: Good morning.Anny: Good morning.Johnny: Whats your name?Anny: Anny. And you?Johnny: I am Johnny. Lets go to school together.Anny: O.K, lets go.场景二:过马路(红绿灯)lAnny: W

23、atch out! The light is red.Johny: O.K. (half a minute later)Anny: Its green now.Johnny: Lets go.场景三:等车lAnny: The bus is late.Johnny: Wait a bit.Anny: Look, its coming.Johnny: Lets get on the bus.场景四:绑好鞋带lAnny: Look at your shoe lace, Johnny.Johnny: Oh, its loose. Let me tie it up.场景五:认识新老师lJohnny: A

24、nny, this is my teacher, Miss Lin.Anny: Hello, Miss Lin.Miss Lin: Hello.3、课前(Before Class)场景一:今天值日lJohnny & Anny: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: Good morning. Why so early today?Anny: We are on duty.场景二:擦黑板lAnny: Oh, its out of my reach.Johnny: Let me give you a hand.Anny: Thanks.场景三:打扫教室lJohnny:

25、Lets clean the floor.Anny: See? Its so dirty.Johnny: Lets clean it.场景四:文具盒lJohnny: I have a pen and a ruler. And you?Anny: I have a knife and an eraser.Johnny: May I see it?Anny: Sure.场景五:早读lJohnny: Excuse me, Anny, can you spell this word for me?Anny: O.K. Which one?Johnny: Apple.Anny: A-P-P-L-E.Jo

26、hnny: Thanks.4、课堂(In Class)场景一:起立问好lMiss Gao: Good morning, class.Class: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: Is everyone here?Tome: No, Mary is not here. Shes sick.Miss Gao: Oh, Im sorry to hear that.场景二:铃响过后lAnny: Johnny, the bell is ringing.Johnny: Oh, hurry up. Class has begun.Johnny & Anny: Excuse

27、me.Miss Gao: Come in, please.场景三:加法练习lMiss Gao: Whats six plus four?Anny: Eight!Miss Gao: Are you sure? Think again.Johnny: Let me try. Oops! Its ten.Miss Gao: Well done.场景四:减法练习lMiss Gao: Whats five minus three, Johnny?Johnny: Two.Miss Gao: Right.场景五:乘除法练习lMiss Gao: Anny, whats eight times two?Anny

28、: Its sixteen.Miss Gao: Wow, youre clever! Whats six divided by three?Johnny: I know! Two.Right?Miss Gao: Yes, you got it. 场景六:借橡皮擦lJohnny: Anny, can I borrow you eraser?Anny: Im sorry. I dont have one.Johnny: Thats O.K. Thanks anyway.场景七:下课lMiss Gao: Class is over.Class: Goodbye, Miss Gao.Miss Gao:

29、 See you next time.5、课间(Break)场景一:排队lMonitor: Stand in four lines, please!Johnny: Hurry up, Anny.Anny: Ouch, you are stepping on my foot.Johnny: Im sorry.场景二:升旗lMonitor: Attention, please! Salute!场景三:我的红领巾咋不见啦lMiss Gao: Class is over. Time for morning exercises.Johnny: Anny, hurry up.Anny: Wait! Whe

30、re is my red scarf?Johnny: Gosh! I cant wait.Anny: Go ahead then! Who cares?场景四:上厕所lJohnny: I cant help.Tom: You cant help what?Johnny: I wanna go to the restroom now.Tom: Too bad! You have to wait.Johnny: Oh, no!场景五:下节课上什么lJohnny: Anny, whats for next class?Anny: Music. Can you sing?Johnny: I can sing many songs.Anny: Cool.场景六:认识新朋友lJohnny: Hi, my names Johnny. Whats your name?Nancy: Im Nancy. Where are you from, Johnny?Johnny: Xiamen. And you?Nancy: Im form Fuzhou.Johnny: How old are you?Nancy: Seven. What about you?Johnny: Oh, were of the same age. 6、午间(At Noon) 场景一:肚子好饿哇lJoh

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