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1、同等学力英语真题阅读理解精选50句经典句型分析同等学力英语真题阅读理解精选50句经典句型分析1. I want so much to give my children the freedom that I enjoyed having when I was growing up but I hesitate to do so because there are dangers around every corner.我非常希望能够给与我的孩子们我在成长过程中享受过的自由,但是我却对是否应该这么做犹豫不决,因为在每一个街角都有太多的危险存在了2. Thus learning a foreign

2、language today has become essential for an individual whether it is for careers, growing a business, or even to make an impression.因此,在今天学习一门外语对个人来说是必需的,无论是为了职业,创立生意,还是仅仅为了树立一个形象3. All that one needs to possess these days is a drive to learn a foreign language and there are all kinds of institutes a

3、nd courses that teach various foreign languages like French, German, Spanish, and Japanese.如今,一个人所需要拥有的仅仅就是一个去学习外语的动力,社会上有各种各样的教授各种外语的机构和课程,比如:法语,德语,西班牙语和日语4. In Canada an official rule also says that all commercial establishments must have their websites created both in English and French, the offi

4、cial languages of the country. 在加拿大,一条官方条例就规定:所有商业机构都必须有自己的同时用英语和法语做成的网站。而这两种语言是这个国家的官方语言。拆句难词分析难句解析In Canada an official rule also says thatofficial adj.官方的,公务的;rule n.规章,条例;say通常表示后面是调理内容主句,主谓宾结构,宾语是从句all commercial establishments must have their websites created both in English and Frenchcommerci

5、al adj.商业的; establishment n. 建立;企业,机构ssxxc这个是that引导的宾语从句,是前面条例的内容。宾语从句中的句子的宾语websites被后置定语修饰,过去分词短语作定语,表被动the official languages of the countryofficial language 官方的语言这是一个同位语,表示说明前面的两种语言句法考点【 串联句型主语谓语宾语从句(包括同位语)【 名师分析】 典型的宾语从句句型,say 加that 结构可以表示前面的内容。在宾语从句中有一个过去分词短语作后置定语,可以考查分词短语作后置定语的用法,注意主动(ing)和被动

6、 (ed) 的区别。后面的同位语表示补充说明前面的词。5. People in these countries immediately respect you and think you care about their culture as much as they do because in any culture language is the key identity.这个国家的人民会立刻尊重你,他们认为你差不多像他们一样关心他们的文化,因为在任何文化中,语言都是关健的特征拆句难词分析难句解析People in these countries immediately respect y

7、ouimmediately ad :立刻,马上简单并列句and think you care about their culture as much as they docare about 关心;as much as 像 那么多;差不多as much as 连接两个并列的成分,表示像 那么多;差不多because in any culture language is the key identity.key adj. 心关键的;identity n.身份,一致性,特征原因状语从句,表原因句法考点【 串联句型主语谓语并列句原因状语从句【 名师分析注意as much as 连接两个成分,既可以是

8、句子也可以是词,表示既又6. But supermarkets know shoppers know this , so they use other tricks , like placing popular items halfway along a section so that people have to walk all along the aisle looking for them . 但是超级市场知道顾客了解这些,所以他们使用其它的计策,比如将一些受欢迎的物品沿着某个区域一部分的摆放,使得人们不得不沿着整个过道到处找这些商品拆句难词分析难句解析But supermarkets

9、 know shoppers know this ,shopper 顾客主句,but 后的从句,主谓宾语从句,第一个know 后面省略了thatso they use other tricks , like placing popular items half way along a sectiontrick n.把戏,泥计;item n 物品;half-way adj.adv. 半途的,小部分的so 引导的结果从句;后接介词,介词后是动名词短语so that people have to walk all along the aisle looking for themso that 使得,

10、以至于aisleail n. 走廊,过道so that 引导结果状语从句句法考点【 串联句型主语谓语宾语从句结果从句介词动名词短语(包括一个结果状语从句)【 名师分析so和 so that引导的结果状语从句要知道使用,引申到so that 从句的用法,都要掌握,容易考查so that 和、such that 的用法区别。7. Path Intelligence, a British company tracked peoples phones at Gunwharf Quays , a large retail centre in Portsmouthnot by monitoring cal

11、ls , but by plotting the positions of handsets as they transmit automatically to cellular networks . 路径情报,一家英国公司在Gunwharf 码头 普英茅斯一家大型的零售商业中心,追踪人们的电话所依靠的并不是监听他们的谈话,而是依靠他们的手机向蜂窝网自动发出的信号来绘制出他们手机所在的位置拆句难词分析难句解析Path Intelligence , a British company tracked peoples phones at Gunwharf Quays , a large retai

12、l centre in Portsmouthintelligence n.智力,情报;track v.追踪;retail n. 零售主句,主谓宾结构 主语前有一个词组,后面主要解释这个词组;a large 同位语解释Gunwharf Quays ;not by monitoring calls, but by plotting the positions of handsetsmonitor v.监视;plot :测绘ha , handset n. 手机Not by , but by 不是通过 而是通过 介词by 表手段后接动名词短语as they transmit automatically

13、 to cellular networkstransmit v.传送 发射 cellular , network 蜂窝网络as 引导的表时间的状语从句句法考点【 串联句型主语谓语宾语(同位语)介词短语(包括一个时间状语从句)【 名师分析】 主句,主谓宾结构 主语前有一个词组,后面主要解释这个词组;a large 同位语解释Gunwharf Quays;Not by,but by 不是通过 而是通过 介词by 表手段后接动名词短语;as 引导的表时间的状语从句,掌握由when, as, before,after 等词引导的时间状语从句的用法。8. It recognizes the work o

14、f the doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases.它承认那些医生和科学家的工作,这些医生和科学家保证了那些在不久以前本来会因为各种当时不可治愈的疾病而死亡的人现在生存下来拆句难词分析难句解析It recognizes the work of the doctors and scientistsrecognize v.认识;承认主句,主谓宾结构who now keep alive

15、 peoplekeep alive 使 活着定语从句,修饰先行词医生和科学家who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases .a variety of 各种各样的;incurable adj. 无法治愈的上一个定语从句中又包含一个定语从句;not very long ago 插人语表时间;would have在此是虚拟语气,表示本来会而实际没有的事情句法考点【 串联句型主语谓语宾语定语从句定语从句【 名师分析】 串联后置定语是后置定语句法考点中常涉及到的一项内容。命题人员可以采用定语

16、从句,介词短语,形容词短语和非谓语动词充当后置定语,对一句话中的不同关键词进行修饰,从而构成串联后置定语。第二个定语从句使用了暗含条件句的虚拟语气要注意虚拟语气的用法,与过去事实相反的主句用would have。9. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that include farming methods and the control of deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. 通过各种各样的技术革新,包括耕作方法和

17、对致命疾病的控制,我们找到各种方法来减少死亡率拆句难词分析难句解析Through a wide variety of technological innovationstechnological innovation 技术革新介词短语,表示通过什么手段来做什么that include farming methods and the control of deadly diseasesdeadly adj. 致死的定语从句,修饰技术革新we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. reduce :减少主句,主谓宾结构加上不定式引导的

18、目的状语;其中包括一个定语从句,介词加关系代词which修饰先行词rate句法考点【 串联句型介词短语定语从句主语谓语宾语目的状语(不定式)定语从句【 名师分析关系代词which引导定语从句前面可有介词,使用什么介词,或者根据从句最后使用的介词提前,或者根据先行词和连接词的关系来判断。10. Instead, we are consuming its “capital ”its nonrenewable fossil fuels and other mineral deposits that took millions of years to form but which are now be

19、ing destroyed in decades . 然而,我们正在消费它的最重要的资源,即那些不可再生的化石燃料和其他矿物储备,而这些资源要花上数百万年才能形成,而现在在数十年里就将被耗尽。拆句难词分析难句解析Instead , we are consuming its “capital ”instead adv. 代替,顶替;capital n 首都,大写字母,在这里指主要的,首要的资源主句,前面是表转折的副词insteadits nonrenewable fossil fuels and other mineral depositsnonrenewable adj.不可再生的;fossi

20、l fuel 化石燃料;deposit n. 储备同位语解释前面的 capital that took millions of years to form but which are now being destroyed in decadesdestroy v.摧毁,消灭decades n. 数十年两个定语从句都修饰前面的先行词fossil fuels and other mineral deposits句法考点【 串联句型】 副词主语谓语宾语同位语定语从句【 名师分析】 同位语中有两个定语从句中间用but 连接表转折,两个定语从句都修饰一个先行部分,注意考察分析先行词是哪个。11. It

21、is a very common belief that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor people living in poor countries who do not know enough to limit their reproduction.人们普遍认为,人口爆炸的问题主要是由生活在贫穷国家的那些贫困人群造成的,那些穷人没有充分认识到要限制他们自己的生育繁殖拆句难词分析难句解析It is a very common beliefcommon普通的,普遍的 belief n. 相信

22、,信仰主句,it 作主语表示世人所公认的;主系表指出一个公认的想法that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor peoplepopulation explosion人口爆炸;cause v.导致,引起;be caused by 由什么引起的同位语从句,说明这个belief 是什么;living in poor countries现在分词短语做后置定语修饰poor people ,表主动who do not know enough to limit their reproduction.limit

23、v.限制,限定;reproduction n. 复制,繁殖定语从句,修饰先行词People, 句中一个不定式短语作目的状语句法考点【 串联句型主语谓语宾语同位语从句定语从句【 名师分析】 可考察分词作后置定语的用法,现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动。同位语从句由that 引导,不作成分。主语不好处理时,如表示公认的事情可以用it 作主语,在中翻英的题目里要知道这种结构的译法。12. Over the past few years,scientists have made a series of exciting discoveries about how these deep patterns

24、influence daily life. 在过去的几年里,科学家们对有关于这些深层模式是怎样影响日常生活的情况有了一系列令人兴奋的发现拆句难词分析难句解析Over the past few years,scientists have made a series of exciting discoveriesa series of 一系列的exciting adj. 令人兴奋的主句,前面表时间的介词短语做状语,主谓宾结构about how these deep patterns influence daily life.pattern n. 模式,样式;influence v.影响; dail

25、y adj. 日常的介词 宾语从句,how 引导句法考点【 串联句型介词短语主语谓语宾语介词宾语从句【 名师分析】 介词后可接连接代词或副词引导的的宾语从句13. It could lead policy makers to finally reject policies built on the assumption that people are coldly rational profit - maximizing individuals.它会导致政策制定者最终驳回那些建立在假设人们是客观理智的利益最大化的个人的基础上的政策(或:基于此,那些建立在假设人们都是利益最大化的冷酷而理智的个体

26、的基础之上的政策将最终被其制定者们摒弃。)拆句难词分析难句解析It could lead policy makers to finally reject policieslead to 导致 结果;reject v.驳回,拒绝主句,主谓间接宾语加不定式短语的直接宾语built on the assumption thaton the assumption that 连接短语,(建立)在的假设之上built 是过去分词作后置定语修饰policies;that引出后面的同位语从句修饰assumptionpeople are coldly rational profit maximizing ind

27、ividuals.coldly adv.冷淡的,客观的rational adj.理性的,合理profit maximizing(使)利益最大化的接在on the assumption that 后面的同位语从句,副词coldly 是修饰形容词rational 的句法考点【 串联句型】主语谓语间接宾语直接宾语连接成分+从句【名师分析】注意直接宾语和间接宾语这种双宾的用法,引申到复合宾语的用法。翻译时会用到。on the assumption that 的意思和用法要掌握。14. But when asked whether they agreed with the statement, Brea

28、thing air in a room today where people smoked yesterday can harm your health , only 65 % of nonsmokers and 43 % of smokers answered yes . 但是当被问起他们是否同意下列声明,“今天在有人昨天抽过烟的地方呼吸会损害你的健康”时,仅仅有65 的非吸烟人群和43 的吸烟者回答:“是的”拆句难词分析难句解析But when asked whether they agreed with the statement ,whether 引导选择性宾语从句,是否;statem

29、ent n.陈述,声明When 引导的状语从句开头,里边包括一个whether 引导的宾语从句 Breathing air in a room today where people smoked yesterday can harm your health , harm v.损害同位语成分,说明陈述的内容;此句中动名词breathing 短语作主语后面的地点状语后接一个定语从句where 引导,先行词roomonly 65 % of nonsmokers and 43 % of smokers answered yes . nonsmoker n. 非吸烟者主句,主谓宾结构句法考点【 串联句型

30、状语从句宾语从句同位成分定语从句主句【 名师分析】whether引导的宾语从句要掌握,会使用。关系副词引导的定语从句,连接词在句中只能做状语。Where , when , why;百分数加of 加名词的顺序。15. Friendships among Americans tend to be shorter and less intense than these among people from many other cultures. 美国人之间的友谊比起那些来自其他国家文化的人之间的友谊来说往往持续的时间较短,且也不那么强烈拆句难词分析难句解析Friendships among Amer

31、icans tend to be shorter and less intensefriendship n. 友谊;tend to 趋向于;intense紧张的,热情的主句,主语包含一个介词短语限定范围,主谓宾,宾语部分是一个比较从句than these among people from many other cultures.culture n. 文化比较状语从句 与来自其他文化的人民比较句法考点【 串联句型主语谓语宾语比较从句【 名师分析】 掌握比较状语从句的用法,形容词副词比较级加than 从句16. Stereotypes seem unavoidable given the way the human mind seeks to categorize and classify information, so it is not realistic to suppose people can forget their stereotype

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