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1、真相探寻者第1季第2集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语Professor Barkley, run it past me again. 巴克利教授 再和我说一遍Soldier scans the skies above ground, 士兵盯着上方的天空they alert us to the air raid. 发现空袭来袭就提醒我们We fire up the Abexitron and jam their communications. 我们便启动阿贝可西特朗 屏蔽他们的通讯The Gerrys wont know right from left. 德国人到时连东南西北都分不清Wont i

2、t interfere with our own radios? 这不会干扰到我们自己的无线电吗No, itll only block the frequency its sent to. 不 这只会阻断指定的频率What Hitler wouldnt give to get his filthy Nazi mitts on this. 希特勒肯定愿意不惜一切代价得到这个装置What Hitler wouldnt give to get his filthy Nazi mitts on this. 薯片Good God. 老天Come on, Professor Barkley, pick u

3、p. 快点 巴克利教授 快接啊- Is this a test? - No, this is the real thing! -这是测试吗 -不是 是真正的空袭This is the real- 是真正的.Is it meant to do that? 这种反应是正常的吗Private Atkins? Private Atkins? 阿特金斯士兵 阿特金斯士兵Alfie? Are you there? 阿尔菲 你还在吗Professor! 教授.nine, seven. .97第一季 第二集 真相探寻者Okay, I dont think Im ready for this. 我觉得我还没有准

4、备好- You couldve just had toast. - No, not the breakfast, -你可以只吃吐司的 -我说的不是早餐what happened at Miss Connellys. 我是说康纳利女士家发生的事Elton, Ive been a paranormal investigator for 20 years. 艾尔顿 我做灵异现象调查员这行已经20年了Ive never seen anything like we saw yesterday. 我从来没有见过昨天那种情况The spirit dog, number five. 幽灵狗 数字5This c

5、ould finally get me into The White Sheet. 我也许终于能凭这个上白床单白纸了Whats The White Sheets? 白纸是什么No, no, no, The White Sheets is a Neo Nazi magazine. 不不不 白纸是新纳粹杂志The White Sheet is a magazine about the paranormal. 白床单是超自然杂志Two very different things. Never the twain shall meet. 完全不一样 风马牛不相及Unless, of course, y

6、ou count the time 当然了 除了那一次someone spotted the ghost of Reichsmarschall Hermann G?ring 有人在塔尔斯山上看到了up on Tulse Hill. 赫尔曼戈林的鬼混Yeah, it set the paranormal world on fire. 那可是震惊了超自然界You ready for your second day? 准备好迎接第二天工作了吗Im not ready for my first day. 我还没准备好消化第一天呢Here we go. 走吧- A crisp? - What flavo

7、r? -薯片要吗 -什么味的- Uh, prawn cocktail. - Ugh, no. -鲜虾沙拉 -不了Suit yourself. 随你的便Listen, can we not have another day like yesterday? 听着 能不能不要再经历昨天那样的事了Relax. Its not like every place we go 放轻松 我们又不是只会去is gonna be haunted. 闹鬼的地方Sorry. Did you say haunted? 不好意思 你刚刚是说闹鬼吗I did. Yes. 是的Britains most haunted th

8、ree-star hotel, 英国最猛鬼的三星旅馆The Portland Beacon. 波特兰灯塔Now, I thought that might peak your interest, Gus. 我就知道你可能会很感兴趣 格斯Its nothing but a cheap tourist draw, believe me. 这肯定只是个老套的吸引游客噱头 相信我I- Ive looked into it. 我查过的Thorough as ever. 依旧是那么周密That is why you are my number one installer, Gus. 所以你是我的头号安装工

9、 格斯Ah, mea culpa. 我的错And you, mister, are my number. 28? 而你呢 先生 是我的第.28号Not- Not bad. 还.还不赖I have to take this because, uh, 我得接这通电话 因为Im breaking in a new assistant. 我正在教一个新助手Take the day off, Dave. Youre never not here, are you? 休息一天吧 戴夫 你天天都在这儿对吧Get out of here. 赶紧走吧Hello, Smyle, Dave speaking. 你好

10、 斯迈尔公司 我是戴夫Hello? 你好Hello- Bjorn, this has got- 你好 比约恩 这真是.Bjorn. Bloody- Bjorn! 比约恩 该死.比约恩Theres no way this dump is a three-star. 这垃圾堆绝对不可能是三星级酒店This is my home. 这是我家Oh. Its nice. 好吧 这里真不错You see, its nicer when you get close. 其实近看好多了Just want to show you something inside. 我就是想带你进去看点东西- Can I walk

11、 on the grass? - No. -能踩草坪吗 -不行Elton. 艾尔顿Elton. 艾尔顿Hey, look at that. 你看The White Sheet. 白床单Okay, read this. 看这篇The Portland Beacon is a horror-themed dump. 波特兰灯塔就是个恐怖主题的破烂堆Zero ghosts, but plenty of bedbugs. 没有一个鬼 床虱倒是不少One ghoul. Theres a ghoul? 一个食尸鬼 还有食尸鬼吗No, no, they use a five ghoul rating sys

12、tem. 不不 他们用食尸鬼打分 五个最高This is not gonna be another Connellys Nook, okay? 不会又闹康纳利隐秘角落那一出的- Whos this? - Elton John. -这是哪位 -艾尔顿约翰- Dont be facetious. - Dad, hes my new partner. -别没正经 -爸 他是我的新搭档- So, uh, you off out again? - Yes, yeah. Just off to work. -你又要出门了 -对 出去工作While Im out, will you not go in my

13、 study? 我出去的时候 你能别进我的书房吗Its not a study, its the bloody dining room! 那才不是书房 那是饭厅Anyway, I never come in here. 反正我也从来不到那里去You say that, but sometimes when I come back, 你话是这么说 但有时我回来的时候everythings kind of been touched and moved some. 所有东西都有被碰过或者挪动的迹象Oh, well, maybe its a ghost. 也许是鬼干的Your dad seems ni

14、ce. 你爸看着人不错Hes not nice, hes horrible. 他才不好 他糟透了No, seriously. 不 我没开玩笑No, seriously. One, five, nine, seven.No, seriously. One, five, nine, seven.Yeah, remind me again. Where are you from? 再提醒我一次 你是哪里人来着- Uh, Norfolk. Why? - Norfolk. -诺福克 怎么了 -诺福克Just, uh, I hope you dont mind, 希望你别介意I did a little

15、online search on you last night. 我昨晚上网查了查你Not many Elton Johns. 没太多叫艾尔顿约翰的人Hell, theres only one other. None in Norfolk. 其实除了大歌星就还有一个 不在诺福克Im not really on social media, so- 我不怎么玩社交媒体Well, youre not- not really on anywhere, are you? 你真的几乎什么都不接触 是吧No. 对Who was that woman in the picture? 照片里那个女人是谁It w

16、as, uh, my wife, Emily. 那是我妻子 艾米莉She looks nice. Love to meet her. 她看上去人不错 我很想见见她She died. 她死了Sorry, man. 抱歉Sorry. 我很遗憾What happened? 发生了什么事Its complicated. 一言难尽Its complicated. One, five, nine, seven.Helie? Whats wrong? 海伦 怎么了My costume for CovCo CosCon. 我参加克夫科变装展的服装Its next week and its not even r

17、eady yet. 下周就开展了 还没准备好Okay, Helie, whatd you need? 好吧 海伦 你需要什么A plunger. 一个马桶搋子You havent blocked the toilet again, have you? 你不会又把马桶弄堵了吧For my costume. 是服装要用的Oh, come on, Helen. 拜托 海伦Try going to the shop, its only a couple doors down. 自己去商店买一个啊 就隔着几户而已Yeah, right, yeah. Just send the agoraphobe 对哦

18、 就让一个有广场恐惧症的人down a busy High Street. 去繁忙的商街Oh, yeah, look out for me on the news tonight. 你就等着我今晚上新闻吧Okay, Ill get it. Ill get it. 好吧 我去买 我去买Okay. Okay. 好的 好的Bye. 拜Is that your wife? 那是你妻子吗Ugh, no, its my sister. 呕 是我妹妹- She okay? - Yeah. -她没事吧 -嗯Shes quite an anxious person. A bit fragile. 她这人很容易紧

19、张 有点脆弱And angry. 还有易怒She hasnt always been like that, though. 不过她以前不是这样的What happened? 发生了什么Its complicated. 一言难尽Behold, The Portland Beacon. 看好了 波特兰灯塔A ministry of defense research and development facility 一个二战期间国防部建造的during the second world war. 研发设施Now a seaside sideshow for weekend horror dinks.

20、 现在成了海边一处恐怖迷的周末小据点So youre sure its not haunted? 你确定这没闹鬼吗Have to be pretty gullible to be taken in by this place. 要是被这地方骗到 肯定傻到一定程度了Hello? 有人吗Hello? 有人吗Are you looking for ghosts? 你在找鬼吗Wifi viability. 无线网络信号Hello, welcome. I am Jack, 你们好 欢迎 我是杰克proprietor of The Portland Beacon, 波特兰灯塔的业主the only hor

21、ror themed hotel on Dorsets Jurassic Coast. 这里是多塞特郡侏罗纪海岸唯一的恐怖主题旅馆What do you think of the old eye in the painting gag? 你们觉得油画鬼眼这个小桥段怎么样- That- Thats new. - Very good. -这是新加的 -非常好- Good- Good fun. - Oh, right. Of course. -很有趣 -对了 当然Lovely. Hello, uh, my name is Gus Roberts. 好极了 你好 我叫格斯罗伯茨Im from Smyl

22、e. 来自斯迈尔公司Yeah, were here to fix your broadband. 对 我们是来修你的宽带的Be great if I could see your router. 能看一下你的路由器吗Oh. There it is. 就在那里That is an SMR430. 那是SMR430型号的I mean, in theory, you could beam a signal through 理论上信号能穿透eight inches of solid lead. 8英寸厚的固态铅Yeah, well, thats why we got it. 所以我们才选择它This

23、place has never had a signal. 这地方从来没信号You know, people we took over from had the same issue. 我们接手前的原房东也有这问题Kind of been using mobile. 一直用移动路由器Well, lets see if we cant find out why. 我们看能不能找到原因Righty-O. I shall give you the tour. 好咧 我带你们到处看看- Oh, uh, no need. - Follow me. -不用啦 -跟我来Perished loved ones

24、 who are unable to break the tie 逝去的亲人如无法打破between the world of the living and the. 人世间和.的束缚.Oh, no. Dont go into my study. 不行 别擅自进我书房Ah, whats all this rubbish? 这都是什么垃圾Its my house too, you know. 这里也是我家啊Oh, yeah. 这个好So, this is the Amityville Lounge. 这里是阿米提维尔酒廊Dont have any food in here. The flies

25、love it. 没放吃的 会招苍蝇Whats that about? 那是怎么回事Whats that about? 禁止进入Oh, yeah, room two. Yeah, 二号房啊 对we dont let guests stay in there. 我们不让客人住这间Too dangerous. 太危险了Something to do with the wiring, we think. 好像是因为线路有问题Its always freezing in there. 里面总是很冷Anything you touch, you get shocked. 碰到什么都会被静电电到Weird

26、 bumps and noises all night. 整晚会有奇怪的碰撞声和响声You sure its not haunted? 你确定不是闹鬼吗Oh. Yeah, well, thatd be ironic, wouldnt it? 要真是闹鬼就讽刺了 对吧The only room in the hotel that is haunted, 旅馆里唯一真有鬼的那个房间and we cant let the guests stay in there. 却不能让客人住Come on. 来吧Room 237. Its a twin. 第237号房间主题房 是双床的Nightmare on

27、Elm Suite. 猛鬼街主题房And over here, we have the Psycho room. 这边是惊魂记主题房Read about this place. 我读过关于这地方的文章There is absolutely no signal at all. 这里一点信号都没有Rest assured, sir, I shall crack this nut. 放心吧 先生 我会解决这个难题Oh, wonderful. Cup of tea? 太好了 喝茶吗- Yes, please. - Yeah. -好啊 麻烦了 -好的Make em a tea, love. 给他们泡茶

28、亲爱的Love? 亲爱的Oh, sorry, this is my wife, Wendy. 抱歉 这是我妻子温蒂Youve ruined the scare now, havent you? 我精心准备的惊吓都让你毁了- Just get the kettle on. - You do it. -去烧水吧 -你自己去- Right-O. - Stupid. -好咧 -蠢死了Okay, I would like you to take this signal tester, 好了 你拿着信号测试仪go back to the Psycho room, and prepare to run th

29、e test. 回惊魂记房 准备运行测试- Alone? - Not alone. -我一个人吗 -不是Your walkie-talkie. 有对讲机陪着你Youre never really alone with a walkie-talkie. 有对讲机就不算一个人- Okay. - Bye. -好吧 -拜拜All right. 好了Help- 救命Gus, is that you? 格斯 是你吗That- 那.That ones locked, Im afraid. 那一间上锁了 恐怕开不了Uh, yes. Im looking for the Psycho room. 是的 我在找惊

30、魂记房Oh, well, thats down there on the right. 从走廊过去 在右手边Im Byron, the caretaker. 我是管理员拜伦Are you staying with us? 你是这里的住客吗Oh, no, no, Im just here to fix the internet. 不是 我只是来修网络的The signal is being blocked for some reason. 信号不知为何被阻断了Maybe somethings jamming it. 也许有什么东西在干扰Something like what? 比如什么Daft

31、if I know. 我怎么知道Toodle-oo. 再会Elton, can you confirm you are in position, 艾尔顿 请确认你已就位and ready to run the test. Over. 准备好运行测试 完毕Papa Bear to Little Bird, come back. 熊爸爸呼叫小鸟 请回复Elton, come back to Papa Bear. Over. 艾尔顿 回复熊爸爸 完毕Elton, come back to Papa Bear. Over. One, five, nine, seven.Gus! 格斯Elton, where have you got to? 艾尔顿 你去哪了Gus- 格斯Say again, where are you? 再说一遍 你在哪

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