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本文(学年浙江省Z20新高考研究联盟高一尖子生第二次学程检测英语试题解析版.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学年浙江省Z20新高考研究联盟高一尖子生第二次学程检测英语试题解析版浙江省Z20新高考研究联盟2020-2021学年高一尖子生第二次学程检测英语试题第I卷(选择题部分)第一部分 听力略第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15个小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI remember as a young child bringing a bunch of brilliant yellow flowers to my mother. It didnt matter that the stem

2、s felt sticky or that both my parents cursed(诅咒) the presence of these flowers in the lawn. I thought they were beautiful!And there were so many of them! We spent hours picking the flowers and then popping the blossoms off with a snap of our fingers. But the supply of dandelions (蒲公英) never ran out.

3、 My father or brothers would chop off all the heads with the lawnmower (割草机) at least once a week, but that didnt stop these hardy wonders.And for those flowers that escaped the honor of being hand-delivered to my mother or the sharp blades of the lawnmower, there was another level of existence. The

4、 soft roundness of a dandelion gone to seed caused endless laughter of delight as we unconsciously spread this flower across the yard.As I worked in my garden last week, pulling unwanted weeds out of the space that would become a haven(避风港) for tomatoes, corn, peas and sunflowers, I again marveled a

5、t the flower that some call a weed.And I thought, if only I had the staying power of a dandelion. If only I could stretch my roots so deep and straight that something tugging on my stem couldnt separate me completely from the source that feeds me life. If only I could come back to face the world wit

6、h a bright, sunshiny face after someone has run me over with a lawnmower or worse, purposely attacked me in an attempt to destroy me. If only I could spread love and encouragement as freely and fully as this flower spreads seeds of itself.The lawns at my parents home are now beautiful green blankets

7、. The only patches of color come from well-placed, well-controlled flowerbeds. Chemicals have managed to kill what human interference couldnt. I hope you and I can be different. I hope that we can stretch our roots deep enough that the strongest poison cant reach our souls. I hope that we can overco

8、me the poisons of anger, fear, hate, criticism and competitiveness.1. The authors parents probably viewed the dandelions in the lawn as _.A. supplies of seeds B. beautiful wondersC. unwanted weeds D. unexpected luck2. What does the author mean by “another level of existence” in paragraph 3?A. The fl

9、owers were meant as a joyful gift to her mother.B. The flowers developed into a stronger species because of frequent mowing.C. The flowers were tough enough to spread new lives themselves.D. The flowers that some called a weed were difficult to recover.3. What can we learn from the article?A. The au

10、thors family enjoyed the dandelions as much as she did.B. The author purposefully replaced some dandelions with crops.C. The dandelions were never successfully removed from the lawn.D. The author felt sorry but encouraged by the fate of the dandelions.4. Through the article, the author mainly wants

11、to _.A. share the inspirations and she acquired from the plain dandelionsB. arouse public awareness to pay close attention to the beauty in lifeC. show the importance of considering things from diverse anglesD. express the regret that few people could figure out the beauty of the dandelion答案1. C 2.

12、C 3. D 4. A解析本文属于夹叙夹议文。作者想起了孩提时代作者把几束鲜艳的黄色花朵送给妈妈的事。作者记得那些花的华茎很黏,作者的爸妈当时都在埋怨草坪里怎么会长出这些花,并将这些花用割草机除掉。但时,作者都没在意。因为作者觉得这些花非常美丽,并且生命力和忍耐力特别顽强。本文以此展开,借物抒情。希望自己也能像蒲公英一样顽强,能抵抗的住生活中的愤怒、憎恶、批判和攀比等毒物;也希望自己如蒲公英一样传播对他人的爱和鼓舞。1题详解推理判断题。由第一段“both my parents cursed(诅咒) the presence of these flowers in the lawn.”可知,作者

13、的父母是讨厌蒲公英的。所以,作者的父母将蒲公英视为不需要的杂草。并且在第二段中也提到作者的哥哥和爸爸每一周就会用割草机割一次蒲公英。故选C项。2题详解词义猜测题。划线短语所在句子的句意为“对于那些无缘被拔掉送到我妈妈那里或是被割草机锋利的刀锋割掉的蒲公英以另一种生命高度存活了下来。”划线部分所指的另一种生命高度在该句后的句子进行了解释。“The soft roundness of a dandelion gone to seed caused endless laughter of delight as we unconsciously spread this flower across th

14、e yard.”蒲公英那柔软的圆圆的蓬松的绒球里结满了种子,逗得我们不停地又喊又笑,我们无意中把这种花儿播撒到了整个院子里。由此可知,蒲公英有顽强的生命力。C项:这些花很顽强,能自己传播新的种子。符合题意。故选C项。3题详解推理判断题。A项,作者的家人和作者一样喜欢蒲公英。根据第一段中“my parents cursed the presence of these flowers in the lawn. ”他的父母诅咒这些花的存在可以看出他的父母是讨厌这些花的。所以,A项说法是错误的;B项,作者是故意用庄稼来代替蒲公英的。文章第四段说到“As I worked in my garden la

15、st week, pulling unwanted weeds out of the space that would become a haven(避风港) for tomatoes, corn, peas and sunflowers, I again marveled at the flower that some call a weed.”作者在花园里拔杂草,但并不是代替蒲公英;故,B项是错的;C项,草坪上的蒲公英从未被成功清除。根据文章第二段“My father or brothers would chop off all the heads with the lawnmower (

16、割草机) at least once a week, but that didnt stop these hardy wonders.”可知,虽然蒲公英的生命力很顽强,但是作者的父亲和哥哥每一周清理一次杂草,还是有作用的。故C项是错误的;D项,作者对蒲公英的命运感到遗憾,但也是感到鼓舞。由文章第5段的几个假设“And I thought, if only I had the staying power of a dandelion. If only I could stretch my roots so deep and straight that something tugging on m

17、y stem couldnt separate me completely from the source that feeds me life. If only I could come back to face the world with a bright, sunshiny face after someone has run me over with a lawnmower or worse, purposely attacked me in an attempt to destroy me. If only I could spread love and encouragement

18、 as freely and fully as this flower spreads seeds of itself.”(假如有除草机在我身上碾过或是更糟糕些,有人意图摧毁我,而我能像蒲公英一样微笑着面对这个世界,那该有多好)可知,作者被蒲公英的耐力和顽强打动。故选D项。4题详解推理判断题。通读全文和最后一段此句“I hope you and I can be different. I hope that we can stretch our roots deep enough that the strongest poison cant reach our souls. I hope th

19、at we can overcome the poisons of anger, fear, hate, criticism and competitiveness.”可知,我希望你和我能与众不同。我希望我们能把根扎得足够深,让最强大的毒药无法到达我们的灵魂。我希望我们能够战胜愤怒、恐惧、仇恨、批评和竞争。由此判断出主要是想与大家分享蒲公英带给我们的启发和鼓励。故选A项。BLimited to a narrow seat for hours with just a tiny bag of cookies and orange juice to comfort yourself, the las

20、t thing you feel like doing when you get off a plane is to wait around for your bags. The easy option when traveling has been to limit yourself to a carry-on suitcase and pray it fits in the overhead bin. Not only does it get you out of the airport faster but its also free. Not any longer. however.R

21、ecently, some airlines are starting to charge for carry-on bags, and travelers arent at all happy about it Packing light might not be an option anymore when looking for tips to get the best airfare possibleSome smaller airlines such as Frontier and Spirit have always charged customers for carry-on b

22、ags, but now bigger name airlines, such as United, are starting to do it too. When you purchase a Basic Economy ticket through United youre not allowed a full-size carry-on bag unless youre a MileagePlus Premier member. Should you forget to check your bag before security and bring it all the way to

23、the gate, not only will you pay the checked-bag fee, but youll have to pay an additional $25 gate handling charge. Not the best way to start off a trip. Dont miss these additional things airlines dont want to tell you but every flier should be aware of.You might assume that the new carry-on bag guid

24、elines are due to space limitations in the overhead bins, but it has more to do with on-time rates, Aviation economies expert and senior vice president of ICF Aviation Samuel Engel told Vox that the biggest bottleneck when it comes to boarding is carry-on luggage. For every minute a plane isnt in th

25、e air, its losing money. A delayed departure makes the flight crew look bad and passengers very angry.So, the next time you fly, plan to check your bag before security, pay a bit more for your ticket so you are allowed a carry-on, or try rolling a week s worth of clothes into a backpack, a still-all

26、owed “personal item.”5. What does the first paragraph intend to convey?A. People feel comfortable when they are taking a flightB. People are unwilling to wait for their bags after getting off the planeC. People tend to choose the carry-on suitcases for convenience.D. People will no longer have the o

27、ption for free carry-on suitcases6. Which of the following is NOT the reason why more airlines begin to charge for carry-ons?A. Space limitations. B. Passengers supportC. On-time rates D. Increasing budget.7. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Carry-on bags are affecting on-time ratesB. What sh

28、ould you do before taking a flight?C. Carry-on bags are increasing budget-busting delaysD. More Airlines are starting to charge for carry-on bags答案5. D 6. B 7. D解析这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了最近一些航空公司开始对随身携带的行李收费,旅客对此一点也不高兴。以及收费的具体情况,并同时分析了这一行为的原因。5题详解推理判断题。根据第一段中Not only does it get you out of the airport faster

29、 but its also free. Not any longer. however.(它不仅能让你更快地离开机场,而且还是免费的。然而,现在不是了。)可知第一段想要传达人们将不再有免费随身携带行李箱的选择。故选D。6题详解细节理解题。根据第四段中You might assume that the new carry-on bag guidelines are due to space limitations in the overhead bins, but it has more to do with on-time rates(你可能会认为新的随身行李指南是由于行李架的空间限制,但它更

30、多地与准时率有关。)以及For every minute a plane isnt in the air, its losing money.(每有一分钟飞机不在空中,它就在赔钱。)可知越来越多的航空公司开始对随身行李收费的原因是空间限制、准时率和预算的增加。没有提到乘客的支持。故选B。7题详解主旨大意题。根据文章第二段第一句Recently, some airlines are starting to charge for carry-on bags, and travelers arent at all happy about it.(最近,一些航空公司开始对随身携带的行李收费,旅客对此一


32、后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的:段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。如第二小题,根据第四段中You might assume that the new carry-on bag guidelines are due to space limitations in the overhead bins, but it has more to do with on-time rates(你可能会认为新的随身行李指南是由于行李架的空间限制,但它更多地与准时率有关。)以及For every minute a plane isnt in the air, its losing money.(每有一分钟飞机不在空中,它就在赔钱。)可知越来越多的航空公司开始对随身行李收费的原因是空间限制、准时率和预算的增加。没有提到乘客的支持。故选B。CGlobal warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses ea

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