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1、英语即兴演讲经典题目1. Now in the age of the Internet, reading books does not seem as important as it once was. Do you think people can learn as much on the Internet as they can by reading books? Which method do you prefer? 2. Its been said that technology creates more problems than it solves and may threaten

2、 or damage the quality of life. Is this statement reasonable? What problems does technology bring us? Use specific examples in your answer, please. 3. Literature is a significant part of human culture and some say it can help form aesthetic taste. However, is it necessary for everyone to read poetry

3、, novels, and other types of imaginative literature? 4. Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it when it comes. So how do you define success and how would you make the best use of it? 5. Do you agree that the people who make important contributions to socie

4、ty are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others And please give examples to illustrate your views. 6. Most people agree that buildings represent a valuable record of the past for any society, bu

5、t controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground which modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, should modern development be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served? 7. It is often asserted

6、 that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. However, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. Do you think university education should be more open-minded and free? And what aspect of your university life should be improved? 8. In tod

7、ays technological society, were becoming busier and busier. But the primary goal of technological advancement is to increase peoples efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time. How do you evaluate this situation? How can we improve it? 9. Strict laws are important for the security of our soci

8、ety, but there are many cases of injustice based on rigid laws. Should laws be fixed or flexible? Please explain your vies with examples. 10. One typical feature of the young generation is overconfidence. As a result, they lack the patience to do a basic job, dreaming that they can accomplish great

9、things is misleading and/or potentially harmful? 11. which qualities do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? 12. What would be your major consideration in choosing a job and why? 13. what is more important in your career, to make money or to be satisfied with your work? 14. Which is more importan

10、t for you: knowledge from books or personal experience: 15. If you could live in a different time and place, what time and place would you choose? 16. What is your view on public displays of affection such as kissing on campus? 17. If we dont want to give money to individual beggars, what charities

11、would you recommend that we support in China: 18. Do you think married couples have a better life without children? 19. why do you think Valentines Day has become so popular in China? 20. Could you please tell us, in your opinion, what makes life worthwhile? 21. Are we allowing the Internet to intru

12、de too far into our private lives? 22. Do we need so many television channels? 23. Is it time to scrap the May and October golden week holidays? 24. Is marking western holidays a sign of a modern China or of traditions sacrificed to commercial interests? 25. Should linguistic diversity be preserved,

13、 even at the expense of effective communication? 26. Are we becoming too susceptible to advertising? 27. Do you think people today are any closer to achieving a peaceful and harmonious future or harmonious world than Confucius, who lived 2000 years ago? 28. Should bargaining be outlawed and traders

14、be required to advertise a fixed price for what they sell? 29. Should it be left to university students to balance their private lives and their studies? 30. Can the sacrifice of modesty in the interests of achieving success be justified 31. What do you think is more important for a child, a happy c

15、hildhood or top marks at school? 32. Who should be the focus of investment in sport, the general population or potential Olympic champions? 33. Are boarding schools a good idea or are students better off at home? 34. Should Peking Opera remain true to its roots or change with the times? 35. Does mod

16、ern society place too much emphasis on physical beauty? 36. Should Beijings historic main avenue be open to all, big cars and small cars? 37. Is it right for major cities to lift the ban on firecrackers? 38. Is a dependent husband a role model or a cause of embarrassment? 39. Should Beijing introduc

17、e a congestion charge to encourage drivers to use public transport and leave their cars at home? 40. Who should take responsibility for the poor diet of children, fast-food restaurants or parents? 41. Is the Olympic ideal still relevant today? 42. Should China introduce a complete ban on smoking in

18、restaurants and bars? 43. Is Beijing a better or a worse city, as a result of the disappearance of the hutongs? 44. Are retirement homes the answer in caring for Chinas aging population? 45. If you could invite one historical figure to dinner, who would that be? What would you want to discuss with h

19、im or her? 46. If you could choose one thing that China could share with the rest of the world, what would that be? 47. Should postgraduate study be a means of improving job prospects, rather than pursuing academic interests? 48. Is it right that success in the sporting arena should open doors to a

20、career in entertainment? 49. Do you think big cities need more public transport instead of more private cars? 50. Do you think that pretty female students have an advantage in job interviews? 51. Do the benefits of the Internet for students outweigh the potential harm? 52. Should the Yuan Ming Yuan,

21、 also known as the Old Summer Palace, be restored? 53. Do you think schools, including primary schools, should permit students to carry mobile phones? 54. Do you think a policy of not allowing visitors on campus will harm a universitys image? 55. Is the risk of exploitation too high a price for chil

22、dren to pay for fame? 56. Whats more important, job satisfaction or money? 57. Which attribute is more important for an Olympic champion, technique or mental strength? 58. Which is better for the arts, private investment or government funding? 59. With about 4200 languages spoken worldwide, would it

23、 be more convenient if a universal language were adopted? 60. Do famous people deserve constant public scrutiny, or should they have more protection from intrusive reporting? 如何应对即兴演讲来源:21英语网作者:Stephen Lucas(为成功而演讲)日期: 2010-09-19到目前为止我们讨论了适用于各种公众演讲的普遍原则。现在我们来看即兴演讲,也被称作临场的、即席的或是无准备的演讲。在“21世纪杯”比赛中,选手们








31、、简洁,在三个观点上分配了几乎平等的注意力。在整个演讲的过程中,他从没有徘徊不前或偏离主题。他给人的印象是一个很好地控制自己思维的自信的演讲者。的确,即使这篇演讲由一位母语为英语演讲者创造,也称得上是非常出色的。当然,针对不同的题目要有不同的回答。但任何一位演讲者针对任何主题发表即兴演讲,其成功的基本要素都是一样的。如果你能牢记我们所讨论的成功要素进行练习,你将有更大的机会在即兴演讲中取得成功。从辩论题目和作文题目看即兴演讲的解题范围(1)1.13Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.(2)1.14是否要在繁忙时间对繁忙路段课税(3)1.19 Agree or disagree: Most people often let others make decisions for them rather than make decisions by themselves.(4)1.26speaking important or writing important?

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