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1、深圳二模英语docx保密启用前试卷类型:A2021年深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试英语2021.4试卷共10页,卷面满分120分,折算成130分计入总分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在 答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂 黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草 稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题

2、卡一并上交。第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ALondon and Paris are two of Europes biggest tourist destinations, just a few hours away fi*oin each other by road or rail and an hours distance by air. What about the train-ferry combination that many recall fondly fro

3、m their childhoods? Well, though ifs budget-saving, this option is too time-consuming today, so better leave it to your memories. Since the UK is not part of the Schengen Area, passengers need to go through passport control prior to boarding.Air trips:Though flying between London and Paris is by no

4、means recommended, there are still a few people traveling between the two dynamic cities by air. A very low one-way fare is possible through advanced booking, but of course its rare, and that doesn5t include the taxi and rail fai*es2021年深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试 英语试题 第1页(共10页) traveling to and from the airport

5、s.One-way fares from Paris can be as low as 49;From London, Air France flies with fores as low as 39 (46), and British Airways as low as 48 (56).Rail trips:The only direct ti*ain between London and Paris is the Eurostar, which travels 15-17 times per weekday. Eurostars 2015 edition trains can make t

6、he journey in two hours at speeds of up to 320 kni/li. Besides, they offer good seating space.Fares begin at a reasonable 58 (68), round trip;The earlier you book, the more you save.Bus trips:The bus is by far the least expensive and longest way to travel between Paris and London. Eurolines and OLJI

7、BUS are two major bus lines ti*aveling between the two capitals. The journey takes between seven and nine hours. Both lines advertise free Wi-Fi.One-way Eurolines fares begin at 15;One-way OUIBUS fares begin at 15 too, but early bird sales can even lower the fare.21.Which way is probably the most ex

8、pensive fbr a round trip?A.By train-ferry. B. By air. C. By rail. D. By bus.22.What special service does the bus trip provide?A.Passport free boarding. B, Taxi pickup.C. Good seating space. D. Free Wi-Fi.23.What do the trips have in common with each other?A.They are cheaper if booked ahead of time.B

9、.There are different competing companies.C.They are more expensive fi-om the Paris end.D.There are still additional fees to be included.BAs a boy, I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided Id like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I havent done either. It had taken me 31 years t

10、o just make it to the Arctic.I was traveling with a film crew from Northern Ireland, following the footsteps of Lord Dufferin who, in the 1850s, sailed from Scotland to the Arctic. As an early adventure tourist, he 2021年深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试 英语试题 第2页(共10页) was diiven by tlie desire to see what lay at the e

11、nds of the world.As we sailed nortli, icebergs of the size of buses floated past our small boat. Finally, we reached our destination English Bay, where Dufferin landed and stepped off onto the horseshoe-shaped beach.This was what Id dreamt of: standing somewhere so pure and primitive. However, fbr m

12、any early polar explorers, the results were far less pleasant. The south, in particular, was a source of extreme danger.My childhood interest in the South Pole was fueled by the unsuccessful yet heroic adventures of Ernest Shackleton. He died in 1922 while preparing fbr his fourth adventure. The sto

13、ries of Robert Falcon Scott are also well-known; he and four companions died on their way back fi-om the South Pole.So why do explorers put themselves at such risk?Much of it seems to lie in the purity of the challenge. Scott talked of the appeal of a place that had been unreached and unseen by huma

14、ns. With a view over shining lands covered by ice-sheets of inconceivable extent, you have the feeling of living over the control of death, said Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer.On the homeward journey the weather turned and we were left for a few days at the mercy of a storm. We experienced a

15、small taste of helplessness when faced with the raw power of nature. We should be grateful fbr the great explorers5 spirit and stories. I know I am.24.Why did the author begin his adventure tour?A.To assist a film crew. B. To realize a childliood dream.C. To memorize Lord Dufferin. D. To challenge a

16、 world record.25.Which of the following best explains inconceivable55 underlined in paragraph 7?A.Hard to control. B. Too far to reach.C. Hard to imagine. D. Too bright to view.26.What happened during the writers journey?A. They were trapped in icebergs. B. They were kept off the destination.C. They

17、 were attacked by a stonn. D. They were rescued by explorers.27.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.The Appeal of the Ends of the WorldB.The Dream of Traveling to the ArcticC.The Victory over the Control of DeathD.The Gratitude to Great ExplorersJ Spiritc“It has nothing in common

18、 with anything else on the Bund (夕卜滩)said Ben Wood, the American architect behind Shanghais famous Xintiandi District, commenting on the Fosun Foundation after its completion in 2016. The great thing about the Bund is that ifs grand. Perhaps a building that can stand out is needed here to show that

19、a company is progressive. But its not grand.”For now, however, the Fosun Foundation a new theatre is proving popular with riverside tourists.Located in the Bund Finance Center, the theatre was designed by co-operation of two world-known British design firms: Foster + Partners and Heatherwick Studio.

20、 The architectural highlight is the outward appearance a golden, three-layered (层),steel bamboo curtain that hangs from the third floor. But what makes the architecture really unique is that it dances”: repeatedly each day, the curtain slowly moves 一 opens and closes 一 with music. This visual elemen

21、t, combining East and West, looks like both an ancient Chinese crown and a Western harp (竖琴).The buildings ground floor entrance looks unclear, but once inside, youll see the space reveal a hall and cafe, and ti*aditional Chinese theatres on the upper floors. Although there5re only four stories abov

22、e ground, the building houses several music halls on its three underground floors.The opportunity to make something new in this culturally historic location was extraordinary, said Thomas Heatherwick, Heatherwick Studio founder. We tried to make it an interesting addition to show Shanghai5s mix of m

23、odem and historic architecture.”The Fosun Foundation is only part of a bigger plan for this economic and cultural center in China. Along the Huangpu River, a massive waterfront art area is being built. Shanghai hopes to play a larger role in the global art industry in the coming years.What Shanghai

24、makes of this new riverside project remains to be seen. But with the Fosun Foundation open to the public, the areas rapid transformation is bringing up discussions in Chinas arts scene and beyond.28.What did Ben Wood mainly talk about?A.How to keep the Bund area progressive.B.Why the Bund area doesn

25、t stand out.C.How to make the Fosun Foundation grand.D.Why the Fosun Foundation doesn5t fit the area.2021年深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试 英语试题 第4页(共10页)29.What makes the theatre unusual?A. The colour of its appearance. B, he material of the building,C. The movement of its curtain. D. The music of a different type,30

26、.What is Shanghais bigger plan for the Bund area?A. To improve its influence in arts. B. To bring up more traditional building?,C. To strengthen its economic role. D. To mix modern and historic elements,31.Which word best describes the authors attitude to the plan?A. Worn cd. B. Pessimistic. C. Caut

27、ious. D. Confident,DIf all goes well, a balloon will soon rise from Esrange Space Center in Kiruna. Sweden, Jt will float high into the upper atmosphere and then return to Earth, However, environmentaJists have arrived to stop this from happening.The campaigners are against the balloon because of wh

28、at occurs in flight. The balloon will shoot dust into the Earth*s upper atmosphere, causing more sunlight to reflect back into space. The dust, known as stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), is part of a solar geoengineering (地球 工程)program named SCoPex which is being conducted by Harvard University

29、. The aim of the program is to purposely change the Earths atmosphere to fight climate change.Those who oppose worry about two things. Firstly, the moral risk if solar geoengineering works, talks on reducing greenhouse gases will be challenged. The second concern is the amount of SAI in the atmosphe

30、re. To keep temperatures low, the need of the reflective dust to be released high above Earth will be endless, and a sudden stop could result in rapid wanning. Raymond Pierrehumbert, a physicist at Oxford University, says solar geoengineering is even too risky to research beyond computer models.Not

31、all environmentalists are opposed to it. Since the world is unlikely to achieve the 1.5C global warming target set in the Paris Agreement, some green organizations favour small-sized geoengineering research.Regardless of the criticism, the research continues. Geoengineering is increasingly gaining i

32、nternational attention. A recent report about climate change suggested that SAI could help keep warming below 1.5C. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in the USA has developed a research plan for solar geoengineering and received govemmenial funding totaling $9 million. Both China and India have also launched research programmes of their own. Activists may oppose the experiments, but balloons will likely fly anyway.32.What is t

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