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1、中考英语情景交际用语归纳 初中英语常用交际用语归纳 2015年中考英语交际运用 36个考试热点总结 谈论颜色(Talking about color) What color is it? Its red. Whats you favourite color, Jenny? My favourite color is blue. How many colors do you like? Three. 谈论年龄(Talking about age) How old are you? Whats your age? Im fourteen years old. She is very young.

2、谈论规格(尺寸)(Talking about size) What size does your friend wear? Its too big small. I think he is the same size as Brian. 谈论材料(Talking about materials) Is your shirt made of cotton? whats the table made of? .Straw hats are made from the stems of grass plants. He made a large wooden ship 问候 /打招呼(Greetin

3、g) .How are you ? 你好吗? Im fine, thanks.很好,谢谢 /very well ,thank you.我也很好,谢谢/just so-so也过得去 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 ! Nice to meet you, too.见到你也很高兴 ! good morning/good afternoon/ good evening! 早上/下午/晚上好 ! hello/hi! 你好 ! 介绍(Introducing people) 1.自我介绍.my name is . 我是 . Im a student/worker.我是一名学生/工人 2.介

4、绍他人this is Mr/Miss.这是.先生/小姐 Id like you to meet. 我想让你认识.may I introduce .(to you)?请允许我向你介绍 ,好吗? 3.对初识者的问候 how do you do? 你好? nice/glad/pleased to see you.很高兴认识你 告别(Saying Good-bye) 1.告别时,客人表示要离开的客气用语 I think its time for us to leave now.我想我们该离开了 I am sorry I have to go now.对不起 ,我该走了 I am afraid that

5、 I must be leaving now. 恐怕我得离开了 2.双方告别时的用语 goodbye!/bye-bye ! 再见 good night!再见 see you later/then/soon/tomorrow.一会儿见/明天见 感谢(thanks) 1.感谢对方 thank you(very much).谢谢 thanks(thank you)for 因谢谢你 Many thanks.非常感谢 I appreciate your help 我非常感谢你的帮助 its very kind/nice of you你真是太好了 thanks a lot.多谢 2.回答对方的感谢 not

6、 at all.不用谢 thats all right/ok.不用谢 you re welcome.不用谢 its a pleasure.不客气 Dont mention it不客气. 道歉(Apologies) 1. 表达道歉 Pardon? 对不起? Excuse me! 打扰一下/劳驾 I beg your pardon.对不起/请原谅 Im sorry/sorry.对不起 Im sorry for/about. .因 .对不起 Im sorry that Im late 对不起 ,我来迟了 Im sorry to interrupt you. 对不起,打扰你了 2.当要打扰别人或麻烦别

7、人时的用语 excuse me,please.打扰一下/l劳驾 excuse me,may I ask you a question/use your pen? 打扰一下,我可以问你一个问题/j借用一下你的笔吗? 3.回答别人的道歉的应答语 Thats all right/Ok. 没关系 It doesnt matter./Thats nothing./Never mind.没关系 No problem./Dont worry about it!没问题/别担心 邀请(invitation and reply) 1.表示邀请的用语 would you like to ? 你愿意做 吗? will

8、 you come to ? 你愿意做来 吗? may I invite you to dinner?我可以请你吃饭吗? what/how about having a swim? 去游泳怎么样? 2.接受邀请的用语 yes,Id love to.是的,我愿意 that would be nice.那太好了 Yes,its very kind/nice of you.是,你真是太好了 Id like that ,thanks.我愿意,谢谢 that sounds great/fun.听起来够棒的/蛮有意思的。 3.拒绝邀请的用语 Im sorry I cant.what about anoth

9、er day? 对不起,我不能。改天怎么样? its very kind/nice of you.but 你真是太好了,可是 no,thank you.我不想,谢谢你 Id love to,but我愿意,但是 请求允许(Asking for permission) 1.请求允许的用语 May I have some donuts, please? 我可以吃一些面包圈吗? is it all right if I sit here?我坐这里行吗? can /could I drink some water/use your phone ?我可以喝水/用你的电话吗? would/do you mi

10、nd if I open the window/close the door?你介意我打开窗户吗 I wonder if I could smoke here.我想知道我是否可以在这里抽烟 2.表示肯定的答语 yes./certainly./sure可以/当然可以 of course ,you can.当然可以 yes, do please . 你请 thats ok/all right.没关系 go ahead,please.你请 3.表是否定的答语 Im Sorry,but you mustnt/can. 对不起,那不允许/你不能 Im Sorry,but its not allowed.

11、 对不起,那是不允许的 Im afraid not.恐怕不行 you had better not你最好别 祝愿与祝贺(Wishes and Congratulations)1.常用的祝贺 Good luck! 祝你好运 Best wishes to you祝福你 Well done! 干得好 Congratulations! 祝贺你 Wish you all the success!祝你成功 Enjoy yourself/yourselves!祝你快乐 Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐 Wish you good health and lots of happines

12、s!祝你身体健康,幸福快乐 2.节日祝贺用语 Happy New Year! 祝你新年快乐 Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐 Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐 Happy Mid-Autumn Day中秋节快乐! 3 常用应答语 Thank you.谢谢 You, too.也祝你快来 The same to you.也祝你快来注意:对共有节日的回答用“the same to you”或“you ,to”而其余的则用“thank you ” 提供帮助(Offering help),旅店等服务机构为对方提供帮助时的用语 Can I help you? 我能帮

13、忙吗?What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么? 2.一般情况下为对方提供帮助或服务的用语 would yo like me to help you?你愿意我帮你吗? here you are.给你 let me for you 让我为你 here ,take this/my到这儿来,拿 would you like some ?你想要点 吗? 3.应答用语 1)肯定答语 Thanks for your help/thank you. 谢谢你的帮助 Yes, please.是的 Thanks for helping me./thank you.谢谢你的帮助 yes,tha

14、nks.是的,谢谢你 Thanks.that would be nice/fine谢谢,那太好了 2)否定答语 Thank you all the same.仍然谢谢你 no,thanks/thank you 不用了,谢谢 Thats very kind of you,but I dont need it(I can manage it myself ) 那太好了,可是我不需要(我自己会处理) 约会(appointment) 1.约会前询问对方有无空闲的用语 1)问句 are you free this afternoon/evening? 你今天下/j今晚有空吗? do you have t

15、ime this afternoon?今天下你有空吗? 2)应答用语 yes,Ill be free then.是的,那是我有空 no,I wont be free then.but Ill be free 不,我那是没空。不过我有空 2提出约会时间,地点以及征求对方意见 1)问句how about tomorrow morning/evening?明天上午/晚上怎么样? shall/could we meet at 4:30? 我们4:30见面行不行? lets make it at 4:30. 咱们定在4:30吧 2)应答用语yes ,thats all right.好吧,就这样吧 all

16、 right. See you then.好吧,到时见 打电话(Making telephone calls) 1.通话后找人 Hello! May I speak to.?喂,请接电话好吗? Hello! Id like tospeak to Mr Green ?喂,我想找格林先生 Is that speaking?你是吗? 2.接电话人应答语 Hello! This/Its.(speaking)喂,我就是 hello ,who is that(speaking)? 喂,你是哪一位?注意:接电话时,询问对方是谁时,不能用“who are you?”或“are you.”,回答自己是某人时,不

17、能“Im.”说 3. 告诉对方要找的人目前不在时,马上就去叫,请对方稍后的用语 Hold on, please./Please wait a moment. 请稍后 hold the line ,please 请别挂机 4. 告诉对方要找的人目前不在,请对方留言的用语。 Can I take a message for you? 我可以为你捎口信吗? Im calling to tell/ask you我会打电话告诉你 he isnt here right now.他目前不在 sorry ,but .is out.对不起,.出去了 5.听不听对方说话,线路不畅或告诉对方拨错号码时的用语 sor

18、ry,I cant hear you .对不起,我听不清你说的话 Sorry,Im afraid you have the wrong number对不起,你拨错号码了/你打错了 the line is bad/busy.线路不畅/忙、占线 I couldnt get through我打不通 6.通话结束后用语 goodbye./bye.再见 Ill ring him up again.我会再给他打电话 就餐(Having meals) 1.主人征求或建议对方吃什么 Would you like something to eat/drink? 你想不想吃/喝点什么? What would yo

19、u like to have?你想不想吃点什么? Would you like some more.? 你还想来点什么吗? which do you prefer, rice or noodles?你更喜欢哪一样,米饭还是面条? What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?你喜欢喝什么,茶还是咖啡? 2.主人让客人随意用自己喜欢的食物或饮料 Help yourself/yourselves请随便. Help yourself/yourselves to.请随便吃点.3.客人的应答语 .Im full, thank you.我吃饱了,谢谢你 Just

20、a little, please来一点点. Thank you. I ve had enough.谢谢,我吃饱了 Id like . 来点 Its delicious, but I cant eat any more很好吃/喝,但我不能再吃/喝了 就医/看病(Seeing a Doctor)1.医生询问病情 Whats the matter(with you) /whats wrong?/whats your trouble?你怎么了? Do you have a fever? 你发烧了吗? Have you taken your temperature?你量过体温没? How long ha

21、ve you been like this?你想这样多久了?2.病人陈述病情 Theres something wrong with my (eyes)我的眼睛不舒服 Ive got a cough(fever/stomachache/headache/backache/sore throat) 我咳嗽/发烧/胃疼/头疼.背疼/喉咙痛 Ive got a pain here.我这儿疼 This place hurts.这个地方痛 I feel terrible(bad/awful)我感到难受/不舒服/糟糕透了 I dont feel well.我感觉不舒服 I cant sleep well.

22、我睡不好 I dont feel like eating anything我不想吃东西 It hurts here.伤着这儿 .3.医生的遗嘱、安慰及建议 Take this medicine three times a day, after the meal.这药饭后一天服三次 Its nothing serious.没什么严重的 Youll be all right/well soon.你很快会康复的 Get up early and take more exercise早起,多锻炼 Eat less fat food and more vegetables.少吃含脂肪的食物多吃菜 购物(

23、Go Shopping)1.售货员用语 What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么? Heres your change.给零钱 May/Can I help you?我能为你做点什么? How much/many would/do you like?你要多少? What color/size would you like?你要什么颜色/尺寸? What(How) about this one (pair)? 这个/双怎么样? 2.顾客购物用语 I want/Id like.我要买. Thats fine. Ill take it.好的,我买下了 Thats too much

24、/expensive, Im afraid.恐怕有点太多/贵了 Let me havekilos/box(es),etc我要买公斤/箱 Do you have any other kind/size/color?你有其他种类/尺寸/颜色吗? How much is it/How much does it cost?多少钱? 问路及指路(Asking and directing the way) 1.问路者的礼貌用语 Excuse me,how can I get to the ?请问,我怎样去 ? Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the ?请问,去

25、的路怎么走? Excuse me. Wheres the men s/ladies room?请问,男/女厕所在哪里? Excuse me.which is the way to ?请问,哪一条是去 的路? Excuse me.which bus goes to ?请问,哪一趟车去 ? 2.应答着用语 its over there.在那边 You bad better take a bus.你最好乘出租车 From there, you can see the movie theatre.从这儿,你就可以电影院 Turn right /left at the second/first cros

26、sing.Go down this street 在第二/一个十字路口向右/左转,沿着这条路走 sorry,I dont know ,either.Im a new comer/stranger here. 对不起,我也不知道。我是一个陌生人/新来者 its about meters from here .距离这大约 米远 you can take bus NO.103.你可以乘坐103路公交车 谈论天气(Talking about weather) How is the weather today?Whats the weather like today?今天的天气怎么样 It sunny

27、/rainy/ snowy /windy.今天晴天/下雨/下雪/刮风 Is it snowy?今天下雪吗? No , its hot today.不,今天很热 whats the temperature?温度是多少? Its 0 degrees.零摄氏度 Is it rainy? 今天下雨吗? Yes, its rainy.是,今天下雨 Its warm and windy in spring.春天天气暖和多风 Whats the temperature outside, Kim? Its minus fifteen degrees. 外面温度是多少? 15摄氏度 Whats the temp

28、erature today? Is it warm or hot? Its very cold hot today, isnt it?今天非常冷/热,不是吗? It s a cold day!今天是一个寒冷的日子 what a cold day! 多冷的天呀 Its getting warmer.天变的更暖和了 提醒和警告(Reminding and warning) 1.表示提醒用语 Danger! 危险 No smoking/parking!不许吸烟/停车 Dont feed the animals!不要喂动物 Slow down! 慢下来 Nont forget to water you

29、r plant! Entrance/Exit!入口/出口 Dont climb too high别爬得太高. Never offer to teach fish to swim! 2.表式警告的用语 Be careful! 当心 watch out! 当心 Take care! 当心 look out! 当心 建议和劝告(Giving suggestions) 1.表达建议的用语 Wed better go now. 我们最好现在走 What/How about playing badminton now?现在打羽毛球怎么样? Why not put off the meeting till tomorrow?为什么不推迟会议至明天? Would/Could you do it, please?请你做好吗? Shall we go to the park?我们去公园好吗? Lets go to school.2.应答建议的用语肯定回答:Yes, please./Ok./Certainly/All right

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