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1、泵机设备安装工程施工方案1. 编制说明本方案主要针对所有的机械设备安装(包括各类卧式容器、立式容器、泵、风机、换热器及压缩机)。本工程的所有设备制造、试验及试车在合同范围之外,所有动设备不进行解体检查,只进行现场安装、找正。设备安装首先要符合设备图纸和说明书的要求,对设备图纸和说明书没有要求的则遵守本方案。2. 编制依据1) 项目合同文件2) 总承包单位及澄清会议内容项目招标文件3) 总承包单位提供的施工图纸(包括复印件)及随机资料4) 由总包单位提供的设备安装规范5) TCC质量管理手册6) SH3505-1999石油化工施工安装技术规程7) SH3508-96石油化工工程施工及验收统一标准

2、8) SH3514-2001石油化工设备安装工程质量检验评定标准9) HGJ207-83化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范(化工用泵)10) HGJ211-85化工塔类设备施工及验收规范11) HGJ203-83化工机器安装工程施工及验收规范(通用规定)12) HGJ226-87管式炉安装工程施工及验收规范13) HG20236-93化工设备安装工程质量检验评定标准3. 工程概况本工程由设计,由中石化三建公司承担装置建安工程。工程于年月日正式开工,计划于年月日完工。本工程具有施工工期紧,安装要求高,高空作业多等特点,且交叉作业多。4. 施工方案4.1总体施工方案 根据项目合同文件,我方只负责少部分

3、压力容器的制作,其它设备只负责到货的安装,因此总体施工方案是采用设备到货后整体吊装的安装方法。(需制作的容器、锅炉安装除外)。对特殊的设备需要在现场组装。4.2卧式设备安装方案 Installation Procedure for Horizontal Equipments1、 适用范围 Scope of Use 本方案适用于过滤器、换热器(冷却器)、卧式容器等设备的安装。2、 施工准备 Construction Preparation 施工技术人员以及施工班组在施工前认真仔细阅读设备图纸,了解设备的结构特点以及其他安装的特殊要求。 Engineer and worker study draw

4、ings carefully before construction to grasp the equipment structure and other special requirement. 准备安装用平垫铁30010020 100块和楔型垫板300100 205 200块用于设备找正。 Prepare 100 pieces shim 30010020 and 200 pieces cuniform shim 300100 205 to align the equipment. 施工班组在设备安装之前,由设备责任工程师对班组进行技术交底,班组在施工过程中,一定要严格按照施工方案的要求以及

5、技术交底的要求进行施工,不得违反施工工艺纪律。 Engineer will teach work team how to work and emphasize attentions before installation. Workers must abide by the instruction and no deviation to construction procedure. 施工班组准备常用的施工机具。 Work team must prepare often used tools.3、 设备验收 Equipment Acceptance 到货设备及其附件,必须符合设计要求,并附有出

6、厂合格证明书、竣工图等技术文件。本工程总承包商不提供设备出厂合格证明书于我方,所以如总承包单位无特别指出,我方可默认为设备合格,如在安装过程中发现任何问题,应向总承包商汇报。The delivered equipment and attachments must accordance with design and files, a qualified certificate and complete drawing . For this project we regard the delivered equipment qualified if TPT will not send me th

7、e hereinbefore files and have no responsibilities if we find detectives during installation the equipment,but we will report it to TPT.对到货的设备,主要检查如下几点:the following will be checked for delivered equipment: 设备本体尺寸以及管口方位是否正确。 Are the equipment dimension and nozzle orientation correct or not? 设备附件的规格和数

8、量是否正确,验收后由专人存放、管理。 Are the size and quality of the equipment attachment correct or not?and it will be stored and kept by special people. 表面损坏、变形以及锈蚀状况是否超标。 Are the surface detective ,distortion and corruption exceed permission? 所有管孔、人孔应封闭。 All nozzles and manhole should be closed.4、 基础验收 Foundation

9、Acceptance 基础上应有明显的画出标高基准线、中心线,且误差在允许范围之内 There are clear center lines and foundation elevation sign.and the error should within permission. 基础外观不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞等缺陷。 There are no hole ,crack and other disfgurement.5、 设备吊装就位lift the equipment to right location. 设备吊装方案将由起重工程师根据现场的具体情况而提供。 The lift procedur

10、e will be supplied by lifting engineer according to site conditions.6、 设备安装找正 Equipment Installation and Alignment 在基础螺栓两侧以及设备鞍座地下垫垫铁,用U型管调整其上表面的水平度,要求在3mm之内。 Put the shim and cuniform shim on both sides of bolts and under the bicycle saddle strengthen plates of equipment. And use U tube to level it

11、 and make these shims upside level within 3mm. 降落设备,使每一组垫铁都受力,再次调整垫铁高度,使设备的水平中心线水平,其误差允许值为设备长度方向的0.1% Down the equipment and make every shims forced. Adjust .the shims height to make the equipment horizontal line level ,which permit error is 0.1% of the lengh. 将垫铁组内的相邻两块垫铁进行点焊,注意:垫铁不得和设备鞍座点焊。 Dot we

12、lding between two shims within a group shim. Note:do not dot weld between shim and equipment bicycle saddle. 设备基础二次罐浆。 Equipment foundation second grouting. 将活动端的螺母松开。 Loose the nut on bicycle saddle freedom side. 检查验收。 Check and acceptance.7、 设备保护 Equipment Protection根据总承包商的具体要求,需要对设备进行保护。We will p

13、rotect the equipment to avoid damaging according to TPT contractor requirements.8、 设备验收 Equipment Acceptance 设备安装完毕,经过设备工程师以及质量经理自检合格后,以书面形式向监理工程师提交设备安装工程报验手续,经监理工程师以及总承包商相关人员检查确认合格后标志设备安装完成。We will report to supervisor and TPT to check the equipment after finished the equipment installation and it

14、is qualified as we checked by engineer and QC manager.4.3立式设备安装方案 Installation Procedure for Vertical Equipments9、 适用范围 Scope of Use 本方案适用于塔类、反应釜、搅拌机、立式容器等设备的安装。This procedure is suitable to equipments: E351TW01BA001(potable water buffer tank),E351TW01BA002(potable water tank),E251CT11WK001(cooling

15、tower),E211KU11BA001(chilled water buffer tank),E351IA11BA001(instrument air receiver),E531IA11VA004(adsorption dryer),E111IT01FA003(resin exchanger), E111IT01FA004(resin exchanger) ,E111IT01BA002(soft water tank), E111DA02BA008(blowdown tank),E111DA02KM001(stack)10、 施工准备 Construction Preparation 施工

16、技术人员以及施工班组在施工前认真仔细阅读设备图纸,了解设备的结构特点以及其它安装的特殊要求。 Engineer and worker study drawings carefully before construction to grasp the equipment structure and other special requirement. 准备1mm,2mm,3mmm,5mm等不同厚度平薄垫板,用于设备安装找正。 Prepare some shims, whose thickness is 1mm,2mm,3mmm,5mm and so on,to align the equipme

17、nt. 施工班组在设备安装之前,由设备责任工程师对班组进行技术交底,班组在施工过程中,一定要严格按照施工方案的要求以及技术交底的要求进行施工,不得违反施工工艺纪律。 Engineer will teach work team how to work and emphasize attentions before installation. Workers must abide by the instruction and no deviation to construction procedure. 施工班组准备常用的施工机具。 Work team must prepare often use

18、d tools.11、 设备验收 Equipment Acceptance 到货设备及其附件,必须符合设计要求,并附有出厂合格证明书、竣工图等技术文件。本工程总承包商不提供设备出厂合格证明书于我方,所以如总承包商无特别指出,我方可默认为设备合格,如在安装过程中发现任何问题,应向总承包商汇报。The delivered equipment and attachments must accordance with design and files, a qualified certificate and complete drawing . For this project we regard t

19、he delivered equipment qualified if TPT will not send me the hereinbefore files and have no responsibilities if we find detectives during installation the equipment,but we will report it to TPT.对到货的设备,主要检查如下几点:the following will be checked for delivered equipment: 设备本体尺寸以及管口方位是否正确。 Are the equipment

20、 dimension and nozzle orientation correct or not? 设备附件的规格和数量是否正确,验收后由专人存放、管理。 Are the size and quality of the equipment attachment correct or not?and it will be stored and kept by special people. 表面损坏、变形以及锈蚀状况是否超标。 Are the surface detective ,distortion and corruption exceed permission? 所有管孔、人孔应封闭。 A

21、ll nozzles and manhole should be closed.12、 基础验收 Foundation Acceptance 基础上应有明显的画出标高基准线、中心线,且误差在允许范围之内,立式设备的基础中心线误差小于15mm. There are clear center lines and foundation elevation sign.and the error should within permission. The center line error of vertical equipment foundation should less than 15mm. 基

22、础外观不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞等缺陷。 There are no hole ,crack and other disfgurement.13、 设备吊装就位lift the equipment to right location. 设备吊装方案将由起重工程师根据现场的具体情况而提供。 The lift procedure will be supplied by lifting engineer according to site conditions.14、 设备安装找正 Equipment Installation and Alignment 检查设备牛腿位置基础的上表面水平度,在矮的位置处垫

23、上合适的薄垫板。 Put the suitable thin shim on lower foundation if the equipments foundation not level. 降落设备,使每一组垫铁都受力,再次调整垫铁高度,使设备垂直,其误差允许值为设备高度方向的0.1% Down the equipment and make every shims forced. Adjust .the shims height to make the equipment vertical , which permit error is 0.1% of the height. 拧紧地脚螺栓,

24、复测设备垂直度 Screw down the bolts and measure the equipment verticalness again. 将垫铁组内的相邻两块垫铁进行点焊,注意:垫铁不得和设备牛腿点焊。 Dot welding between two shims within a group shim. Note:do not dot weld between shim and equipment leg. 如必要,设备基础二次罐浆。 Equipment foundation second grouting if necessary. 检查验收。 Check and accepta

25、nce.15、 设备保护 Equipment Protection根据总承包商的具体要求,对设备进行保护措施。We will protect the equipment to avoid damaging according to TPT contractor requirements.4.4反应釜设备安装方案 Installation Procedure for Reactors16、 适用范围 Scope of Use 本方案式用于CA10RA110, CA10RA210, CA10RA310, CA20RA110, CA20RE210, CA20RA310, KF11RA110, KF1

26、2RA110, KFRA110, KF22RA110, KF31RA110, DT92RA110, DT90RA110, DT30RA110, DT20RA210, DT10BA210, DT10BA310, DT91BA110, WS10BA610 等19台设备的安装。This procedure is suitable to total 19 reactors as the following : CA10RA110, CA10RA210, CA10RA310,CA20RA110,CA20RE210,CA20RA310, KF11RA110, KF12RA110,KFRA110,KF22R

27、A110,KF31RA110,DT92RA110,DT90RA110,DT30RA110,DT20RA210,DT10BA210, DT10BA310, DT91BA110, WS10BA610 .17、 施工准备 Construction Preparation 施工技术人员以及施工班组在施工前认真仔细阅读设备图纸,了解设备的结构特点以及其他安装的特殊要求。 Engineer and worker study drawings carefully before construction to grasp the equipment structure and other special re

28、quirement. 准备安装用垫铁303013mm 600 块用于设备找正。 Prepare shim 303013mm 600 pieces to align the equipment. 施工班组在设备安装之前,由设备责任工程师对班组进行技术交底,班组在施工过程中,一定要严格按照施工方案的要求以及技术交底的要求进行施工,不得违反施工工艺纪律。 Engineer will teach work team how to work and emphasize attentions before installation. Workers must abide by the instructio

29、n and no deviation to construction procedure. 施工班组准备常用的施工机具。 Work team must prepare often used tools.18、 设备验收 Equipment Acceptance 到货容器及其附件,必须符合设计要求,并附有出厂合格证明书、竣工图等技术文件。本工程TPT总承包商不提供设备出厂合格证明书于我方,所以如TPT无特别指出,我方可默认为设备合格,如在安装过程中发现任何问题,应向TPT汇报但不负任何责任。The delivered equipment and attachments must accordan

30、ce with design and files, a qualified certificate and complete drawing . For this project we regard the delivered equipment qualified if TPT will not send me the hereinbefore files and have no any responsibilities if we find detectives during installation the equipment.对到货的设备,主要检查如下几点:the following

31、will be checked for delivered equipment: 设备本体尺寸以及管口方位是否正确。 Are the equipment dimension and nozzle orientation correct or not? 设备附件的规格和数量是否正确,验收后由专人存放、管理。 Are the size and quality of the equipment attachment correct or not?and it will be stored and kept by special people. 表面损坏、变形以及锈蚀状况是否超标。 Are the surface detective ,distortion and corruption exceed permission? 所有管孔、人孔应封闭。 All nozzles and manhole should be closed.19、 基础验收 Foundation Acceptance 基础上应有明显的画出标高基准线、中心线 There are clear center lines and foundation elevation sign. 基础外观不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞等缺陷。 There are no hole ,crack and other d

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