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1、flow3dprepininp常用参数详解讲解$xputTWFINTime to end calculatio n. Default is TWFIN=10.0 uni ess thermal cycli ng is activated (see Thermal Cycli ng Op ti on s).计算结束时间,在热循环开启的情况下默认值为10.0 (参 考热循环选项)计算完成时间ITBIn dicator for free surfaces or shar p in terfaces =0, no free surface or shar p in terface=1, free su

2、rface or shar p in terfaceDefaults to 0 if IDRG 5; defaults to 1 if IDRG=5.自由表面或粗糙界面的指示器=0表示二者都没有=1表示二者有其一是否考虑熔汤表面与空气的影响GY0.0Gravity component in y direct ion. See GRAVin n amelistMOTN for orie ntati on vary ing gravity. Note: For cyli ndrical coordi nates, use GRAVX, GRAVY.考虑重力对压铸影响,g的方向且为-980,单位为C

3、GS。GRAVX 0.0坐标系为极坐标时用上述参数In itial x-directi on component of gravity.IFENRGFlag for in ternal en ergy evaluati on=0, no en ergy solutio n=2, solve transport equati on for internal en ergy (1st _order advect ion)=3, solve energy transport equation using monotonicity p reserv ing,sec ond order method.D

4、efaults to 0 if ICMP RS=0 and IHTC=0; defaults to 2 if ICMP RS=1 or IHTC0.选择能量方程用于计算=0, local viscosity evaluation no turbule nee model)=1, Pran dtl mixi ng len gth=2, turbule nt en ergy model=3, two-equati on (k- ) turbule nee model=4, Reno rmalized Group Theory model (RNG)IFINSelects the basis for

5、 term in atio n of the calculatio n=1, termi nate whe n tTWFIN=2, term in ate whe n fill fract ion exceeds FRCFIN orno cells are empty or TTWFIN=3 term in ate whe nsolidified fracti on exceeds FRCFINor TTWFIN.确定终止计算过程,FRCFIN2为以充填百分比为计算终止标准。1.0 Fill fraction (IFIN=2) or solid fraction (IFIN=3)for ter

6、m in ati on of the calculati on充填完成百分比,一般为 100%= 1DTMAX 1.e10 Maximum permitted time-step size.DTMIN 0.0001 ?/FONTDELT Minimum permitted time-step size.分析时间间距最大及最小EP SADJ 1.0 Mult ip lier for the calculated p ressure iterati oncon verge nee criteri on(alt : EP SI). WherE PSAD0, the conv erge nee cri

7、terio n,EP SI, is set automatically at each time ste p.=0, use con sta nt EPSI set by user=1, sta ndard con verge nee criteri on 标准的收敛标准1, coarser con verge nee 粗糙的收敛MU1?/FONTCV1 Thermal conductivity of fluid #1. (RMKisin namelist XPUT.)Thermal conductivity of solidified fluid #1.流体的热传导率 THCS1 THC1

8、凝固后流体的热传导率。TSTAR . Reference temperature for temperature dependentfluid properties.If TS10, TSTAR=TL1; otherwise, TSTAR defaults to 373.15.流体最初的参考温度。CSTAR 0.0 Reference solute concentration forconcentration-dependent density. CSTAR also corresponds to TS1 and TL1 on the phase diagram. 参考溶质的浓度由密度决定al

9、t : CLHT).CLHT1 0.0 Latent heat of fusion in fluid #1(熔汤 1 熔化潜热。TS1 0.0 Solidus temperature of fluid #1 固相线(液体凝固的临界温度) TL1 0.0 Liquidus temperature of fluid #1. (Used only whenTS10.) 液相线(固体熔化温度) DRATIOCritical solid fraction above which metal has no fluidity.在金属没有流动性上面临界的固态分数FSCO 0.0 Fraction of sol

10、id at coherency point. Whenthe value of the solid fraction is below FSCO, then the solidified material is assumed to increase the apparent viscosity. When solid fraction is above FSCO, the solidified material forms a coherent structure which is accounted for by using a drag force.在临界点的固态百分数。当固态百分数小于

11、临界值时,凝固的物质粘度明显增加MU1 MUI Dynamic viscosity of fluid #1.流体 1 的动态黏度。Coefficie nt in stra in rate-de pendent viscosity model.相依存的张力比率粘度模型1的系数。MUC0MUCOO0.0Coefficie nt in stra in rate-de pendent viscosity model.Coefficie nt in stra in rate-de pendent viscosity model.(MUC10.0 activates model.)Note: See th

12、e Theory Man ual (Section 3) for the use of these variables and the shear dependent viscosity equatio n.Coefficie nt in stra in rate-de pendent viscosity model.Coefficie nt in stra in rate-de pendent viscosity model.Coefficie nt in temp erature dependent viscosity model. MUT MP 10.0 activates model.

13、Note: See the Theory Man ual (Section 3) for the use of these variables and the temp erature dependent viscosity equati on.Coefficie nt in temp erature dependent viscosity model.Coefficie nt in temp erature dependent viscosity model.上述参数当选择了流体后自动产生,(如铝合金、镁铝合金等)CANGLE -90?/FONT Static con tact angle

14、(in degrees) for fluid #1 wall adhesi on.0 CANGLE 90 in dicates wetti ng situatio n90 CANGLE 180 in dicates non-wett ing situatio n CANGLE 0 in dicates no wall adhesio n.流体与模壁的静态接触角度。( (TMELT-TEUT) / (TMELT-TL1); otherwise, defaults to 0.0.Eutectic temperature ( alt: CEUT). If CEUT is set,then TEUT

15、defaults toTEUT=TMELT-(TMELT-TL?/Font CEUT/CSTAR; otherwise, defaults to 0.0.Solutal expansion coefficie nt.$scalarNSC 0 数量种类的数目。 IDFCT 0Number of scalar species.Index of scalar species used to record defects. A non-zero value activates the defect tracking option. 数量种类索引经常记录缺陷。一个非零值激活缺陷跟踪选项。DFTSRF 1

16、.0 Coefficient of proportionality for freesurface-generated defects (defects created per unit time per unit area). 流体与空气表面接触产生缺陷的比例系数。$bcdataBoundary condition type at maximumz side (top) of mesh (see WB). 在网孔的最大 z 边(顶端)的边界情况类型。Boundary condition type at minimum z side (bottom) ofmesh 在网孔的最小 z 边(底端)

17、的边界情况类型。1, = symmetry plane 对称平面2, = rigid wall 硬的墙壁3, = continuative boundary 边界条件4, = periodic boundaries (must be applied at opposite sides of mesh) 周期的边界,一定在相反边被应用 5, = specified pressure boundary 指定压力边界6, = specified velocity boundary 指定速度边界7, = boundary values obtained from previous calculatio

18、n using grid overlay (GO)procedure 使用网格重叠程序,从 先前计算获得边界值。8, = outflow boundary that minimizes wave reflections. 8将波浪反射减到最小后的溢出边界。 WFWTWB在网孔的最小WL在网孔的最小WR在网孔的最大1 Boundary condition type at minimum y side (front) ofmesh (see WB).y 边(前面)的边界情况类型。1Boundary condition type at minimumx side (left) of mesh (se

19、e WB).左面)的边界情况类型。Boundary condition type at maximum x side (right) of mesh (see WB).右面)的边界情况类型。WBK1 Boundary condition type at maximumy side (back) of mesh (see WB).在网孔的最大 y 边(后面)的边界情况类型。WBCn() 0.0 Z velocity at mesh boundary n ( alt: WBCT).在网孔边界n的z方向速度。TBC(n)$meshx direction1 Total number of real c

20、ells inn-th location in x direction for a mesh plane. If NXCELT=1, PX(2) defaults to PX(1)+1.0; otherwise defaults to 0.0.PY(n)PZ(n)n-th location in y direction for a mesh plane. n-th location in z direction for a mesh plane. If NZCELT=1, PZ(2) defaults to PZ(1)+1.0; otherwise defaults to 0.0.Px (n)

21、表示产生网格的区域点,通过多个点可以在不同区域产生不同的网格密 度。这样在重要区域可以加密网格,不重要的区域可以稀疏些,减少网格数量, 增加分析速度。$obsAVRCK -5.1AVRCK0, mesh cells with area/volume ratios exceeding this value are listed in preprocessor output. 有超出数值的网格单元在预处理输出时被列出。AVRCK0, a negative value flags preprocessor to adjust cell volume fractions so ratio does n

22、ot exceed magnitude of AVRCK. 负值标志调整单元体积百分数的预处理,使得网格纵横比不超过 AVRCK的大小。(This option allows larger fluid convective time steps for certain situations.) 这个参数在某种特定情形下,允许更大的流体对流时间步距。(压力计算调整量?) 必须为负值!IAVRCK 1 FAVOR volume adjustment for stability with larger=2, I-DEAS CAD data file=3, stereolithography (STL

23、) CAD data file=4, ANSYS tetrahedral or surface triangle geometric data files=5, topographic file.模壁区域产生标志,为区域 n 指出几何数据来源。Heat-transfer coefficient to fluid #1 for obstacle m. If HOBS1( m)=-1.0, the solver will calculate a heat-transfer coefficient.If HOBS1( m) =0.0, then no heat transfer to osbacle

24、s occurs.For a lost foam obstacle (IFOB( m)=1), HOBS1m() is the foam/metal heat transfer coefficient and must be specified.HOBS2m() -1.0 Heat-transfer coefficient to fluid #2 for obstacle m. If HOBS2( m)=-1.0, the solver will calculate a heat-transfer coefficient.金属液与模具间的传热系数。n.MAGNn() 1.0 Magnification (scaling) factor for region 区域 n 的比例常数。TWOBSt (, m) TBCD Time-dependent heat transfer surface temperature at time TOBS( t ) for obstacle m.If TWOBS=0.0, no contribution to the heat flux is calculated from hA(T w-T f ). Values must be positive.

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