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1、15春北交英语一下在线作业一答案辅导资料15春北交英语(一)(下)在线作业一答案辅导资料一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.The teacher _ favour some children more than others.A. cantB. mustntC. dontD. dont have to 满分:2.5分2.Some passengers complain that it usually takes so long to _in travel insurance documents.A. finishB. fillC. completeD. write 满分:

2、2.5分3.I want to look up a new word. Could you lend me your dictionary?_A. Yes, I can.B.Here you are.C. Sorry, I dont think so.D. You can take it. 满分:2.5分4.The new English book I bought yesterday (_) me almost twenty yuan.A. spentB. paidC. costD. owned 满分:2.5分5.All the characteristics that distinguis

3、h birds (_) other animals can be traced to prehistoric times.A. toB. betweenC. forD. from 满分:2.5分6. Mom, Im very sorry for having broken the plate. Oh, boy, doesnt problem.C.thats right.D.thank you. 满分:2.5分7.In todays paper, it _ that there will be a new government soon.A. tellsB.

4、statesC. writesD. records 满分:2.5分8.He (_) the children so badly that they were terrified of him.A. behavedB. treatedC. dealtD. acted 满分:2.5分9.The (_) the little boy smiles reminds me of his grandfather.A. methodB. styleC. appraranceD. way 满分:2.5分10.I _come yesterday, but I couldnt.A. was to haveB. m

5、ustC. oughtD. have to 满分:2.5分11.He studied hard in his youth, (_) contributed to his great success in later life.A. thatB. itC. whatD. which 满分:2.5分12.- What would you like to have, meat or fish? - _.A. Either will doB. Yes, I like meatC. Yes, I like fishD. No, they are not my favorite 满分:2.5分13.11.

6、 She is a pretty _.A. animalB. beastC. creativeD. creature 满分:2.5分14.This is the material _ in the laboratory tomorrow morning.A. testedB. testingC. being testedD. to be tested 满分:2.5分15.Peter _you if you _ to see him this afternoon.A. might tellwere goingB. might tell.was goingC. might have told ar

7、e goingD. will tellwill have see 满分:2.5分16.Professor Wang tried to _ the two philosophers with each other.A. comparedB. accusedC. sugggestedD. speak 满分:2.5分17.Last year Mary earned _ her brother, who has a better position. twice as much as twice more than twice as many as twice as more as Last year

8、Mary earned _ her brother, who has a better position.A. twice as much asB. twice more thanC. twice as many asD. twice as more as 满分:2.5分18.7. The proposal seems quite good, but I cant easily _ without all the facts.A. joinB. judgeC. sayD. speak 满分:2.5分19.Urban mothers had difficulty _ their into chi

9、ld care facilities.A. in gettingB. to getC. getD. for getting 满分:2.5分20.My opinion is as good _.A. as he isB. as or better than heC. as or better than hisD. or better than his 满分:2.5分21.Although the pay is not good, people usually find social work (_) in other ways.A. payableB. respectfulC. grateful

10、D. rewarding 满分:2.5分22. Mr. Smith, must we hand in our composition next Monday?_A.Yes, you will.B.Yes, you must. Its the deadline.C.No, you mustnt.D.You can wait. 满分:2.5分23.I had a pleasant talk with those passengers; _ came from France.A. two of them, , ,B. two of whomC. two of whichD. two of who 满

11、分:2.5分24.He needs time and funds to _ his own business.A. work onB. fit inC. build upD. feed on 满分:2.5分25.In those miserable days, her kind words gave me great _ .A. concernB. considerationC. comfortD. comfortableness 满分:2.5分26.The advertisement said that an expanding company wished to (_) a secreta

12、ry at their head office.A. exploreB. exploitC. employD. accept 满分:2.5分27.The village was (_) two or three groups of simple houses, a church, a post office and a small general store.A. composed ofB. consisted ofC. made ofD. built with 满分:2.5分28.About 40% of the land of the country is situated (_) sea

13、 level.A. underB. overC. beneathD. below 满分:2.5分29.We told you that he would come tonight, _ ?A.didnt weB.did weC.would heD.wouldnt he 满分:2.5分30.Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which _ increase the risk of heart chanceD.

14、by turnse 满分:2.5分31.To drive a car safely it is _good brakes.A. essential withB. essential havingC. essential to haveD. essential have 满分:2.5分32.You (_) me,because i didnt say that.A. must have misunderstoodB. must misunderstandC. must be misunderstoodD. had to misunderstand 满分:2.5分33. What is your

15、major, Jack?_A.I study very hard.B.Im learning course.C.I major English.D.Im majoring in computer science. 满分:2.5分34.The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly ,_.A. her long hair flowed in the breezeB. her long hair was flowing in the breezeC. her long hair flow in the breezeD. her long hair flow

16、eing in the breeze 满分:2.5分35.I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of work (_) before lunch.A. doneB. being doneC. to doD. to be done 满分:2.5分36.They were lucky to get two tickets for the evening _ of Hamlet.A. act, , ,B. performC. showD. play 满分:2.5分37.About 40% of the land of the country

17、is situated _ sea level.A. underB. overC. beneathD. below 满分:2.5分38.- I believe weve met somewhere before. - No, _.A. it isnt the sameB. it cant be rightC. I dont think soD. Id rather not 满分:2.5分39.They took the injured straight to the hospital. Otherwise some of them_A. might have diedB. might dieC. would dieD. could die 满分:2.5分40.The ship set out for the _ of the ocean depths.A. explorationB. explosionC. exposeD. exposition 满分:2.5分

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