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1、届湖北省宜昌市高三年级五月摸拟测试英语试题宜昌市2015届高三年级五月调研考试 英语试题听力录音原文及答案解析一、听力理解 1-5CABCA 6-10ACBAB 11-15CBBCB 16-20AABCB二、多项选择 2125 BAACB 26-30 CDCDB三、完形填空 31-35BADCB 36-40 ACCDD 41-45 CABCD 46-50 BCDAB四、阅读理解 51-54 DBAC 55-58 BCBD 59-62 CADB 63-66 ACBD 67-70 CADA五、完成句子 71. equipped with the knowledge 72. would/could

2、have been caught in 73. It is predicted 74. did I know 75. taught 76. should sell well 77. to have been destroyed 78. which (there) flows a river/ it flowing a river 79. What he proposed80. as we say 六、书面表达We should take a curtain call gracefully on condition that we have tried our best. Never regre

3、t, even if there is no applause.My heart is kind of stirred when I look back on my failure in the speech contest last year. Being desperate for success brought about extreme nervousness, which further affected my presentation on stage. No matter how hard I struggled, words still failed me. As a cons

4、equence, my speech ended with no applause. Had I not spared no efforts to cherish the chance, I would feel regretful now. Thus, my whole-hearted efforts contributed to my inner peace.Hardship shapes a man. I strongly hold the belief that our efforts, together with failure, will result in a wonderful

5、 process and a glorious mind. (130w)答案解析多项选择21. B. “工作时间做的事决定我们拥有什么,闲暇时间做的事决定我们成为什么样的人。”academy 研究院,学会;leisure闲暇,空闲;moral道德;profession职业,专业。22. A. “这个问题还有你没有考虑到的一面,所以你不应该匆忙下结论。”dimension方面,维度;division分开; sequence一连串,顺序;signature签名。 23. A. “当他看到女儿在毕业典礼上领奖时,他满腔自豪。 ”swell肿胀,增加,增大,充满(激情等); slap打,掴耳光;sin

6、k 沉入;split分裂,分开,分摊。24. C.“尽管在过去的几年里这个国家的经济增长很慢,但是超富裕的人群数量却扩大到历史新高。”deposit存钱,放下,放置;decline下降,衰退,婉拒;expand扩大,扩展,增加;spray喷洒。25. B. “随着女性承担了更多的高薪职业,人们不再不假思索地认为他们会呆在家带孩子。”take on承担,呈现,雇佣;take down记下,写下;take in欺骗,吸收,理解,收留;take off起飞,脱掉,成功,(产品)突然受欢迎。26. C. “去年他退休了,把公司的责任移交给了年轻一代。” take over接管;hand over移交;

7、leave over剩下,残留;get over越过,克服。27. D. “首席执行官说他的公司处在发展的关键时期,因为他在寻找方法使他的商业应用软件保持长期的增长。”adequate足够的;substantial大量的,重大的,牢固的;contradictory互相矛盾的;critical批评的;极重要的,关键的。 28. C. “在第一次世界大战中,野战电话代替了旗帜和电报成为了高效的通讯方式,但是按今天的标准,战争时使用的方法还是非常简陋。”tricky难办的,难对付的;effective有效的;primitive原始的,发展水平低的,落后的;superior更好的,更高级别的。29.

8、D “单脚保持平衡的舞者不断地调整自己,但是他们的调整从远处几乎注意不到。”virtually事实上,几乎;eventually最终;slightly稍微,略微;dramatically戏剧性地,大大地。30. B. “我是按照和自然和谐相处的能力来衡量智商的,照这个标准,动物比我们更聪明。”in common with和一样; in harmony with与和谐相处;in connection with与有关; in line with和一致,紧密相关。完形填空文章来源:英文阅读网 发布时间:2015-3-30大意:小女孩纯真的童心,她把每晚亲吻她道晚安的父亲当成了她的第一个男朋友。31.

9、 B考查动词。饲养动物用raise32. A考查动词短语。宁愿和他的朋友一起玩。33. D考查动词。被允许离开农场。34. C考查动词。骑自行车到邻近的农场和同龄男孩一起玩耍。35. B考查名词。见第4题解析。36. A考查连词。她明白只要可以每天乘校车到城里去上学,她就可以和其他女孩成为朋友。37. C考查动词。达到年龄。38. C考查副词。可是她却没有交到朋友。39. D考查形容词。珍妮有一个充满爱的家庭。40. D考查名词。bedtime 就寝时间.41. C考查介词短语。她非但没有忧郁,反而欢蹦乱跳的。42. A考查代词。她已经找到与其他女孩的一些共同之处了。43. B考查名词。你和那

10、些女孩有什么相似之处呢?44. C考查形容词。她的父母很好奇。45. D考查动词短语。我听其他女孩说,她们盼望能长大一点。46. B考查名词。问老师。47. C考查副词。我非常自豪地告诉。48. D考查形容词。她们都很羡慕我。49. A考查形容词。现在珍妮的父母有些担心了。50. B考查动词。他就是我的第一个男朋友。阅读理解A篇 (英语阅读网)51. D. 细节理解题。由文章第二段的The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could stand, and he turned to alcohol for help. 可

11、知选项A、B不全面。选项C应为Al turned to alcohol for help之后的结果。52. B. 推理判断题。由文章第一、二段可知,他的疾病不是致命的,只要慎重对待,本可以治愈。由文章倒数第二、三段可知B正确而C、D错误。53. A. 推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段As a child until I left home at 18, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, love you, son. 可知his father showed love to him.54. C. 作者态度题。选项A、B

12、是曾经的观点。由文章第二段he turned to alcohol for help. In time Al became an alcoholiche had been a kind loving father可知选项D错误。由最后一段he had been a kind loving father可知选项C正确。B篇 (英语双语阅读网)55. B. 文章第一段可知答案B. A在文章中没有比较的论述,最后两段的叙述可以排除,是错误论断。 56. C. 利用所学的猜词法可知uneventful的基本意思是无事的,再结合句子下文可知,没有电话的工作日很平静无事,C选项意思相符。57. B. 读第

13、四段可以知道没有手机可以专心欣赏到平时没有关注的事情,B选项符合题意58. D. 阅读文章开头第一段可知,作者的意图是建议关掉手机一天。C篇 (新东方双语阅读)大意:芬兰学生将不再按学科学习。很快,学生们的课堂就会像开会一样进行话题讨论。59. C. A ,B两个选项是C 的一部分,把两者结合起来就是正确的。D选项是正确的,但不是文章的主题。60. A. 根据这段后面的具体内容,所举的例子可以推断出划线的词是“实施,执行”的新方法的意思。61. D. 根据第三自然段Those in their late teens可以看出A错。根据第五自然段第一句话中and work collectively

14、 to solve problems 是“collectively”而不是“individually”可以看出B错。根据第四自然段第一句话可以看出是slowly而不是at once所以C错。第二自然段中What we need now is a different of.working life,以及We therefore have to make the changes in education that are necessary for industry and modern society.第五自然段all the while improving upon their communi

15、cation skills等都是在讲新教育体制的好处。因此D正确。62. B. 分别在第一自然段despite enjoying the distinction of being one of the best in the world.第二自然段all the while improving upon their communication skills最后一自然段中traditional teaching techniques were based onprimitive tools that were quite limited in availability and accessibi

16、lity.可以看出A,C,D都是事实题。B是根据第二段what we need now is a different kind of education to prepare people for working life 推断出来的。D篇 (XX文库)63. A.根据第二段中“The only factor that could be causing the fluctuations was the Monday-through-Friday grind”64. C. 根据第三段中“ Both contribute to the amount of particle pollution in

17、 the air.”65. B.“ fluctuation”意思是“在某方面的突然变化”66. D. 根据第四段中“But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re-considered”E篇 (英语阅读网)67. C.事实细节题。根据第一段的The UA teams new model improves the accuracy ofseasonalhurricane forecasts for the North Atlantic and the Gulfof Mexico by 23 percent.可知正确答案。68.

18、 A. 推理判断题。根据第五段和第六段内容可知:这种新方法利用1950-2013年飓风季的数据,来追算1900-1949年飓风数量的正确性。69. D. 推理判断题。根据第七段的damages from U.S. hurricanes from 1970 to 2002 cost $57 billion in 2015 dollars - more than earthquakes and human-caused disasters combined for the time period.可知正确答案。70. A. 写作意图题。本文为说明文体裁。完成句子71. equipped with

19、the knowledge 考查非谓语动词和equip的用法。equip形式用错零分,掉冠词扣0.5分, 介词用错扣1分。72. would/could have been caught in 考查虚拟语气。would/could have done结构正确得1分,介词错扣1分。73. It is predicted 考查it的用法。时态用错扣1分。74. did I know 考查倒装。时态用错扣1分。75. taught 考查时态。时态错零分。taught拼写错扣0.5分。76. should sell well 考查情态动词和sell用法。 77. to have been destro

20、yed 考查非谓语动词。78.which (there) flows a river/ it flowing a river 考查定语从句和倒装。 79. What he proposed 考查主语从句。80. as we say 考查状语从句。听力录音文稿(Text 1)W: Would you like to come over to my house for dinner tonight?M: Thanks, but Im afraid I cant. Dont get me wrong. I dont mean I dont want to go with you, but I rea

21、lly have something urgent to deal with.W: Well, in that case, lets make it another time.M: OK, thank you very much.(Text 2)M: I dont feel myself today.W: Your forehead is very hot and it seems that you have a fever. I should take you to see a doctor. M: OK, then Ill teach you some emergency English

22、on the way to the hospital so you can help me talk to the doctor in English.W: All right. Lets go.(Text 3)W: Hi! Nice to meet you. I believe we work in the same business area.M: Yea. It seems an interesting field to be in. Every organization needs IT. Its a very good area for worka lot of opportunit

23、iesW: I couldnt agree more (Text 4)W: Hi! Ill just be a few moments Im expecting an e-mail from my friend and I want to reply.M: No problem. Ill check my e-mail, though I imagine most of it is junk mail. I hate it when I get a lot of junk mail.(Text 5)W: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. Im

24、looking for Heping Museum. I dont know where it is.M: Oh! Its just next to the Friendship Hotel. You can take the No. 24 bus to get there.(Text 6)W: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?M: Yes, Id like to buy a white shirt. I usually take a size 34.W: OK. Here are some in that size. These are very fi

25、ne shirts, just 39.95 dollars each.M: Thats a little more than I wanted to pay. Do you have any less expensive shirts?W: Sure. Here are some for 34.95, and then we have some here for 32.95.M: 32.95 will be all right. Ill take one of those.W: OK. By the way, have you seen our new ties? They cost only

26、 eight dollars each.M: Yes. I just bought one here last week.W: Very well, sir. Here you are. That will be 32.95, plus thirty cents tax. Thank you, sir.(Text 7)W: Happy New Year!M: UhIm a bit confused; New Years Day was weeks ago.W: Its Chinese New Year, silly!M: Oh, right, I forgot its Chinese New

27、Year already! Why do you celebrate two New Years?W: Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar. The Chinese have been celebrating the lunar New Year for thousands of years.M: I noticed that our company was rather empty the past couple of days.W: That is because most people have gone home for Ch

28、inese New Year. It is a family holiday, not so much a holiday for partying. Would you like to come to my house for New Years dinner?M: Sure, Id love to! Will you set off fireworks afterwards?W: Of course, but the most important thing that we do during New Years is eat! So be sure to bring your appet

29、ite!(Text 8)W: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?M: Yes, I booked a room one week ago.W: May I have your name, sir?M: John Smith W: Just a moment, sir. Let me look through our records. Yes, we do have a reservation for you. A city view single room with a bath. Youve paid 2,000 yuan as a deposit. I

30、s that correct?M: Thats it. But I would like to change the reservation to a double room, because my wife is coming to the city to join me. Are there any double rooms still available?W: Let me check now. Youre lucky -we still have one! Would you please fill in this card, sir?M: Sure. Hum, I think Ive

31、 filled in everything correctly. Here you are.W: Let me see, name, nationality, passport number, signatureand the date of departure. Here, sir. You forgot to fill in the date of departure. May I fill it in for you? You are leaving onM: On October 24.W: OK. Here is your key, Mr Smith. Your room numbe

32、r is 1107. Its on the 11th floor.(Text 9)M:Wow, I cant believe its already November 10th. Lisas birthday is just a week away and Toms is just three days after hers. We should think about birthday gifts for them.W:Actually Im looking for birthday presents for them right now on this website. Come and have

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