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2、牌照的发放也进一步推动了通信设备的投资需求,中国政府为了加快发展拥有自主知识产权的民族工业,在政策上大力推TD-SCDMA 的 3G 标准和扶持兼容这一标准的国内通信设备商,如华为、中兴等。2、经济环境世界信息经济和互联网产业的迅猛发展,为通信设备制造业提供了难得的发展机遇和巨大的发展空间,使其成为目前发展速度最快的行业之一。中国电信业重组后,3G建网逐步展开,TD、CDMA和WCDMA的建设尤其快速壮大,市场规模有望继续扩大,这给通信设备商,尤其是中国厂商带来了巨大的机会。3、社会环境经济结构调整发挥重要作用,通信业保持持续、健康发展将为实现全面建设小康社会的目标做出新贡献。这一系列的发展战

3、略举措为我国的通信业包括设备制造商和电信运营商在内的各相关产业链提供了良好的发展契机和大环境。4、技术环境 随着科学技术的发展,信息技术使信息传递更快、更便捷,促进了全球经济协调机制的形成。科学、技术、生产之间以及各门科学和各项技术之间的关系更加紧密,科技成果转化为生产力的速度空前加快,极大地提高了劳动生产率。三、微观环境分析1、竞争环境Sony通讯无线设备全球市场占有率33%,技术先进,在业内属于技术和商业模式的引领者,有最为强大的科研能力,早在2005年就发布了节能降耗的基站产品和与电信运营商共同运营的商业模式等等,成为华为等业界竞争者的模仿对象。在近期的“2010中国通信人才发展论坛”上

4、被评为“最佳雇主”。Juniper网络公司的客户来自全球各行各业,包括主要的网络运营商、企业、政府机构以及研究和教育机构等。Juniper网络公司推出的一系列联网解决方案,提供所需的安全性和性能来支持全球最大型、最复杂、要求最严格的关键网络。目前,Juniper仅在中国设有办事处,未设立分公司,它不仅是华为的主要竞争对手,同样也是思科的主要竞争对手。2、企业内部环境(1) 企业资源 2013财年华为实现销售收入395亿美元,同比增长8.5%,净利润为34.7亿美元,同比增长34.4%。而根据之前爱立信公布的年报,2013年爱立信营业收入353亿美元,与2012年基本持平,净利润为19亿美元。从

5、营收数据来看,2013年华为的销售收入首次超越爱立信,成为全球最大的设备商。在专利方面,截至2008年,华为在国际专利申请量排名榜上居于首位。而且华为与众多世界领先的运营商建立了长期、稳固的伙伴关系。截至2008年,全球50强运营商中,包括Telefonica、法国电信、沃达丰、中国移动、英国电信、中国电信、中国联通和中国网通等在内的31家选择了华为作为合作伙伴。(2) 企业能力 华为全球有48%的员工从事研发工作,每年将不低于10%的销售额作为研发投入,这些保证了公司的技术领先和储备,同时,由于华为人力资源成本比发达国家低,产品较之便宜很多。华为在国际通信运营商中已逐渐树立一个性价比高、快速

6、响应的形象。(3) 企业核心能力 华为的“狼性”文化强调团结、奉献、学习、创新、获益与公平,更强调积极进取,以绩效为导向。有着一套独特的人力资源管理方法,为华为保持其“狼性文化”、“奉献精神”提供了保证。先进的生产工艺体系缩短了产品的生产周期,提高了生产效率和生产质量。完整的供应商认证流程保证了产品和工程实施的质量,赢得快速、高质量、低成本的比较竞争优势。四、SWOT分析1、优势(1)产品和技术。华为能在高端市场上站住脚靠的是自主研发了全球尖端核心技术。华为是“世界少数几家能提供下一代交换系统的厂家”是申请专利最多的企业,3G坐拥数项行业创新者。(2)低价优势国内低廉的劳动力使得华为在产品成本

7、上比国外厂商更具有价格优势。 (3)立足中国用户,本土化的服务,今天的中国不仅是全球网络设备需求增长最迅速的地方,同时也在成为全球仅次于北美的网络设备供应基地。 (4)研发投入,在研发投入上,华为的投入比例已达到国际高技术公司的平均水平之上。市场领先度与跨国公司基本达到一致。80%以上主要产品采用前沿技术。2、劣势(1)身为民营企业,领导人的个人色彩浓烈,决策失误很容易出现;华为推崇狼性,竞争残酷。(2)财力资源比较薄弱。由于华为没有上市,其财力与阿尔卡特,思科等相比要薄弱的多。 (3)由于人们对中国企业创新能力的怀疑,使得华为生产出来的产品遭遇到质疑。同时,华为的低价策略,也容易使人怀疑产品

8、的可靠性。 (4)低调的公关风格和不足的宣传力度不利于提高企业形象 (5)华为的“床垫文化”和“狼性文化”违背了人性化管理要求,不利于员工的身心发展,势必会影响工作效率。3、机会电信业的快速发展,给华为带来了机遇,华为的优势在于WCDMA。早在1998年,华为就开始了WCDMA测试终端产品的研发工作,并陆续在中国的北京、上海、深圳以及全球范围的欧洲、美国、韩国等区域建有研发分支机构。从2000年开始,WCDMA测试UE已成为各3G网络设备厂商重要的网络测试工具。当时全球3G网络尚处于大规模商用的前夕,外国电信巨头还未形成垄断市场的局面,所以在时间上对华为大力发展3G终端非常有利。依据国外的经验

9、来看,在以数据增值应用服务为主的3G市场,3G手机终端作为运营商语音与数据服务的载体和差异化竞争优势的集中体现,将会越来越多地走向定制,这将提高手机终端产业的门槛,拥有研发技术优势等核心竞争力的国内通信设备厂商将抢占先机。4、威胁(1)与思科,阿尔卡特等企业相比,华为在人力资源,以及设计、部署网络这些方面处于劣势。 随着电信运营商更加考虑网络功能和性能,华为的“价格杀手锏”有可能失去吸力。 (2)全球电信提供商正把更多业务活动转移到中国,以利用中国低成本的工程和制造能力。这将使华为的低价优势不再明显,竞争压力加大。 (3)金融危机过后,各国为促进本国经济发展必将采取各种严格的保护措施,可能对我

10、国通信产品出口造成较大的影响。 (4)国内电信市场的日趋开放和进口关说的下调,使得华为将面临国际上实力雄厚的企业的全面挑战五、战略选择 综合以上分析,我认为华为公司应采取发展战略,通过产品多元化的转变,抓住通信行业飞速发展,中国人力资源廉价,中国企业逐步得到国外客户认可这一些有利条件,把握机会,发挥自身企业规模大服务质量高等等优势,加快步伐,向更高水平迈进。继续秉承“以客户为中心”,基于客户的需求,逐步建立在电信网络、全球服务和终端三大业务领域的综合优势,为客户提供云、管、端产品和解决方案,帮助运营商改善收益、提升带宽竞争力和降低总拥有成本,实现商业成功。六、战略实施 1. 基于客户需求驱动,

11、华为逐步建立起包括电信基础网络、业务与软件、专业服务和终端四大业务领域在内的端到端综合优势,致力于为客户提供有竞争力的通信解决方案和服务,帮助运营商改善收益、提升带宽竞争力和降低总拥有成本,实现商业成功。2. 立足电信行业,在相关行业实行横向多元化发展。 3. 通过兼并与收购的手段,调整产业结构,利用收购突破贸易壁垒、突破新的市场。 4. 持续内部组织变革、流程重整,根据产业结构调整组织结构,使之更有效、更有针对性。5. 加强在研发创新方面的投入,资源向原创性创新倾斜。Huawei mobile environment analysisCompanies to introduceHuawei

12、technologies co., LTD is a production and sales headquarters is located in shenzhen guangdong China telecom equipment of private technology companies. Is the worlds largest telecom network solutions provider, the worlds second largest telecommunications base station equipment suppliers. Huaweis main

13、 business scope is switching, transmission, wireless telecommunication and data communication products, to provide customers around the world in the field of telecommunications network equipment, services, and solutions. In 2011, published in 2011 came out first in the list of top fortune 500 compan

14、ies, Chinas private enterprises. At the same time, huawei is also the only one not listed in the fortune 500 companies, is also the worlds sixth-largest handset-maker.Macro environment analysis1.The political and legal environment After our country entered the stage of twelfth five-year plan, increa

15、se the intensity of information industry development, actively carry out 3 g construction and business applications; The restructuring of the communications operators and mobile 3 g licence issued also further promote the communication equipment investment demand, the Chinese government in order to

16、speed up the development of national industry with independent intellectual property rights, in policy vigorously push the td-scdma 3 g standard and compatible with the standard support domestic communications equipment business, such as huawei, zte, etc. 2.The economic environment World information

17、 economy and the rapid development of Internet industry, to communication equipment manufacturing industry has provided the rare development opportunity and huge space for development, make it become one of the fastest growing industry at present. After China telecom restructuring, the 3 g network c

18、reation gradually unfolds, TD, CDMA and WCDMA construction especially rapidly expand, the size of the market is expected to continue to expand, the communications equipment business, especially the Chinese manufacturers are of great opportunity. 3.The social environment Play an important role in the

19、 economic structure adjustment, the telecommunication industry will maintain sustained, healthy development to achieve the comprehensive construction affluent societys goal to make new contributions. This a series of development strategy for our countrys telecommunication industry, including equipme

20、nt manufacturers and telecommunications operators, each related industrial chain provides a good opportunity of development and the environment. 4.Technical environment With the development of science and technology, information technology, the information transmission faster, more convenient, promo

21、te the formation of the global economic coordination mechanism. Between science, technology, production, and each of the relationship between science and technology more closely, unprecedented acceleration of scientific and technological achievements into productivity, has greatly raised Labour prod

22、uctivity. The micro environmental analysis1.The competitive environmentSony communication wireless equipment market share of 33%, advanced technology, in the industry belongs to the leading technology and business models, the most powerful scientific research ability, as early as 2005 issued a base

23、of energy saving of the product and the operations of the business model, etc., together with the telecom operators become the industry competitors such as huawei mock objects. In the recent 2010 China communications talents development BBS was named best employer. Juniper networks of customers from

24、 all walks of life around the world, including the main network operators, enterprises, government agencies, as well as research and education institutions, etc. Juniper network company launched a series of networking solutions, to provide the necessary security and performance to support the worlds

25、 largest and most complex, the key to the most stringent requirements of the network. At present, Juniper only has offices in China, did not establish a branch, it is not only the huaweis main rival, is also a ciscos main rival2. Enterprise internal environment2.1 Enterprise resourcesIn fiscal year

26、2013 huawei sales income of $39.5 billion, up 8.5% from a year earlier, net income of $3.47 billion, up 34.4% from a year earlier. And according to annual report published before Ericsson, Ericsson in 2013 operating income of $35.3 billion, essentially flat with 2012, the net income of $1.9 billion.

27、 From the point of sales data, in 2013 sales revenue for the first time Ericsson, as the worlds largest equipment business. In terms of patents, by the end of 2008, huawei in the international patent filings rankings in the first place. And huawei, with many of the worlds leading operators set up lo

28、ng-term and stable partnership. By 2008, the global top 50 operators, including Telefonica, France telecom, vodafone, China mobile, British telecom, China telecom, China unicom and China netcom, 31 chose huawei as a partner.2.2 Enterprise competenceHuaweis global 48% of workers engaged in research a

29、nd development work, as r&d spending will not be less than 10% of annual sales, these ensure the companys leading technology and reserves, at the same time, due to huaweis human resource cost is lower than the developed countries, the product is much cheaper than. Huawei in the international communi

30、cations operators has gradually set up the image of a cost-effective, rapid response.2.3 Enterprise core competenceHuaweis Wolf cultural unity, dedication, learning, innovation, benefit and fairness, and more emphasis on the positive enterprising, performance oriented. Has a unique set of human reso

31、urce management method, for huawei to maintain its Wolf culture, dedication provides a guarantee. Advanced production technology system shortened product production cycle, improve the production efficiency and production quality. A complete supplier certification process to ensure the quality of the

32、 product and project implementation, win the fast, high quality and low cost more competitive advantage.SWOT 1Strength1.1 product and technology. Is the research and development, similar manufacturers in the country, the strength of huawei in this respect is recognized as second to none. Huawei can stand in the high-end market thanks to the independent research and development of the global advanced core technology. Huawei is the minority several offers of next generation exchange system manufactur

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