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高中英语 Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析 外研版必修2.docx

1、高中英语 Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析 外研版必修22019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析 外研版必修21Facts About Smoking关于吸烟的事实吸烟可以导致死亡,而在英语中表达死亡的用法有很多种,可以用die,也可以用cause death,be killed等,因患病而死,可以使用die from illnesses。例如: During the 1990 s,(21 thousand21 million)people died as a result of smoking cigarettes20世纪90年代,(2,1002

2、1,000,000)人因为吸烟而死亡。 A quarter of young people who smoke more than(1020)cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of smoking每天吸烟(10支20支)的年轻人,有四分之一的人会因吸烟而夭折。 In the United Kingdom,smoking causes(12,000121,000)deaths a year在英国,吸烟每年造成(12,000121,000)人死亡。 Thirteen people die(every hourevery day)fr

3、om illnesses related to smoking tobacco,such as cancer,bronchitis and heart disease(每小时每天)有十三个人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,如癌症、支气管炎和心脏病。 Every year,about(20200)people are killed and(2002,000)are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking吸烟引起的火灾每年造成大约(20200)人死亡、(2002,000)人严重受伤。2Thirteen people die(every hourevery d

4、ay)from illnesses related to smoking tobacco,such as cancer,bronchitis and heart disease(每小时每天)有十三个人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,如癌症、支气管炎和心脏病。 1)英语中,表示“与什么有关”的短语有:be related to,be connected with,be associated with等。例如: This case was related to drug dealers这一案例与贩毒者有关。 Language teaching is connected with the nature of

5、language and the nature of language learning语言教学与语言属性和语言学习属性有关。 This is a phenomenon associated with physical change这是一个与物理变化有关的现象。 2)for example与such as的用法及区别:for example和such as都可当作“例如”解。但such as用来列举事物,插在被列举事物之间。例如: The farm grows various kinds of crops,such as wheat,corn,cotton and rice 这个农场种植各种各

6、样的庄稼,例如麦子、玉米、棉花和稻米。 要特别注意:such as一般不宜与and so on连用,对前面的复数名词部分起列举作用,一般不全部列出。如不可以说He knows four languages,such as Chinese,English,French and German在这种情况下,应将such as改成namely,后面加逗号。 for example用来举例说明,有时可作为独立语,插在句中,不影响句子其他部分的语法关系。例如: A lot of people here,for example,Mr John,would rather have coffee这儿的许多人,例

7、如约翰先生,宁愿喝咖啡。 3)heart disease心脏病 心脏病还可以用heart attacks来表示。英语中表示疾病的常用词汇有:have a(cold患感冒:have a toothache牙痛;have a headache头痛;have a fever发烧;等等。除了与have连用外,表示疾病的名词还通常与suffer from和die of连用。例如: He suffers from a chest cancer他患有胃癌。 He died of a heart disease last year他去年死于心脏病。 3Im 19 years old and I used to

8、 be a drug addict我19岁,过去是一个吸毒者。 used to和be used to的用法与区别:1) be used to为被动语态。意为“被用来”,to为动词不定式符号,其后跟动词原形。例如: Golden trumpets are used to express public opinion here这儿金喇叭是用来表达公共舆论的。 Bamboo can be used to carry water竹子可用来输水。2)“used to”后接动词原形,意思是“过去惯常”,表示过去经常发生的动作(或存在的状态)现在已不再发生(或存在)了。例如: People used to

9、think the sun travelled round the earth人们过去曾经认为太阳绕地球转动。(暗指人们现在并不这样认为了。) used to的否定式可用didnt use to,也可以用used not to(缩写为usednt to或 usent to读音为)。2) 若“be used to+名词或v-ing意思是“习惯于”。试比较: He used to walk to school他过去总是步行到校。 He is used to walking to school他现在习惯于步行上学了。 值得注意的是: used to只用于过去时,不能用于别的时态;be used to

10、则可用于各种时态。例如: He is(was,will be,has been,etc)used to walking to school be used to中的be可以用get,become,grow代替,用这些动词构成的动词词组表示由不习惯到习惯的过程。如: Youll soon get used to the life in the countryside你很快就会习惯乡下的生活的。4I continued to buy cannabis from the same man for about six months我继续不停地从那个人那里买了大约6个月的大麻。continue常用作及物

11、动词,意为“继续”;后跟名词、不定式或动词-ing形式。例如: We made up our minds to continue the experiment我们下决心继续进行这项实验。 He continued his study of Chinese in some college他继续在某所大学学中文? She continued to teach us English then她那时继续教我们英语。 They continued walking along the river after a short rest他们休息了一下,继续沿着小河散步。 The hot weather con

12、tinued for a long time this year今年炎热的天气持续了好长一段时间。(本句中continue用作不及物动词,意为“延续”。)5One dayhe offered me some crack cocaine一天,他给了我一些强效纯可卡因。 offer用作动词,意为“提出,表示提供”,可以说“offer(sb)sth” (提供某物),offer to do sth(提出主动做某事)。例如: When they arrived at our school,we offered them warm reception当他到达我校时,我们热情接待了他们。 I offered

13、 him a cup of tea我给他上了一杯茶。 When we meet with difficulties he always offers his help当我遇到困难时,他总是提供帮助。 He offered to help me with my English, and I made great progress他主动帮助我学英语,我进步很大。 When she gets home from school she offers to do housework当她放学回家时,就主动做家务活。6Users who inject the drug are also in more da

14、nger if they share needles with other users注射毒品者,如果与其他人共用注射针头,他们将更加危险了。1)in danger意为“处境危险”。例如: The little girl is not in danger now这个小女孩脱离了危险。 While in danger you may ask the police for help处于危险情况时,可向警察求助。注意比较以下短语:be in great danger处境极其危险;be in no danger处境不危险;be out of danger脱险(脱离险境);be in danger of

15、处于危险之中;be in safety(处境)安全; cannot do sthwith safety做某事不可能没有危险。又如: He has been out of danger,that is to say,he is in no danger or he is in safety他已经脱离了危险,也就是说,他的处境不危险了,或者说他处于安全之中了。 2)if引导的条件状语从句 Users become addicted to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it如果吸毒者吸了这种强效可卡因,他们将更容易吸毒上瘾。 If you

16、call wait two minutes,you wont want to smoke如果你能等上两分钟,你就不想吸烟了。 If youre sitting down,take a short walk如果你在坐着,就起来走走。 If you drink wateryou reduce the need to have something in your mouth如果你喝水的话,你就减少了吸烟的需求。3)share意为“分享;共用;共同具有”,通常与with连用。例如: He shared the food left with his father他和他爸爸分享了剩下的食物。 I dont

17、 want to share the room with a stranger我不想和一个陌生人同居一室。 Now that there are not enough seats for everyone;we can share some of them 既然没有足够的座位,有些我们可以合用。 They share the same interests他们的兴趣相投。 Who can share(in)my troubles as well as my joys?谁能和我同甘共苦?7Remember to record these “topic” sentences carefully in

18、 order to understand the main idea of the passage为了理解段落大意,记住要仔细记录主题句。 1)本句是一个祈使句,表示指令性。其中,remember to do sth意为“记住去做某事”(事情还没有做),注意区别于remember doing sth (记得做过某事)。例如: Please remember to post the letter for me请记住为我寄封信。 I remember posting the letter for you我记得为你寄了那封信。 2)in order to是固定词组,后接动词原形。既可用在句首,也可用

19、于句中,表示目的。例如: She went to the hall early in order to get a good seat她很早就到大厅去了,以便找到一个好座位。 3)in order that相当于so that,用来引导目的状语从句,句中常用的情。态动词can,may,could,might,will等。例如: She got up early in order that she could catch the first bus她起床很早,以便能赶上第一班汽车。 注意:in order that引导的从句的主语如果和主句的主语一致,那么可改为in order to引导的状语短

20、语。上个例句可改为:She got up early in order to catch the first bus8But he asked me for a lot of money但是他向我索要大量的钱。ask for意为“要求得到”,在不同情况下有不同译法。例如: You can write to VOA English and ask for any information you need你可以写信给VOA英语询问一些你所需要的资料。 If you get into trouble,dont hesitate to ask for help你要是碰到麻烦,要赶快向人求助。 She

21、sent me a postcard asking for your address她寄给我一张明信片,要你的地址。9I was in terrible pain我痛苦得要命。 1)pain用作名词,指“痛苦”时,常用作不可数名词。但有时可与不定冠词“a”连用,指“辛苦”“努力”时,常用其复数形式“pains”。例如: You will forgive me if I have given you pain如果我给你带来痛苦,请原谅我。 He has been in pain since he returned from Hong Kong自从香港回来,他一直处于痛苦之中。 He is in

22、pare since he was injured in that accident自从在那次事故中受伤以来,他一直在痛苦之中。 I have a pain in my head我头痛。 I have a continued pain in stomach我腹部连续的疼痛。 No wonder he has taken the first placefor he has been at the pains of learning他一直学习刻苦,难怪获得第一名。 No pains,no gains(No gains without pains)不劳则无获。 You may save your p

23、ains你不必费心。 It was done with pains它是艰辛所为。 We have been demanded to spare no pains to finish it要求我们不遗余力地完成这项任务。2)pain用作动词,“作痛,觉得痛”,“使疼痛,使痛苦”。例如: She was pained to hear of his death听到他的死讯,她很痛苦。 His head pained this morning他今天早晨头痛。 pain作为名词,主要指肉体上的痛苦(常与介词in连用),或精神心理方面的苦痛;而“ache”作为名词,只指具体意义的疼痛,常与表身体部位的名词

24、构成一个复合名词。如: I was absent from school because of my headache因为头痛,我没有去上学。 Not all persons think that toothache is a serious illness并不是所有的人都认为牙痛是一种严重的病症。 wound,injure,hurt: wound可用作名词,一般指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤,尤其指战争、战斗中的受伤。wound用作动词时,注意与injure,hurt的区别。 wound指战争,战斗中受伤,有时也可指“(感情)伤害”。 injure一般指由于意外或事故而造成的损伤,有时也可指“(感情)

25、伤害”。hurt为一般用语,可指肉体上伤害,也可以指精神上的伤害。另外,hurt还可作为不及物动词,是“痛”的意思。例如: Since he had a headache,he have been in pain from time to time自从他患了头痛病以后,他不时地处于痛苦之中。 He went on fighting though he was badly wounded他受了伤,但仍然继续坚持战斗。 I was sorry to hear that he had been badly injured in that accident听到他在事故中受了重伤我很难过。 He hur

26、t his leg when he fell from the ladder他从梯子上摔下来伤了腿。 What he said hurt me他的话伤了我的心。 -Whats wrong with your legs?你的腿怎么了? -They hurt much疼得很厉害。 How I wish I hadnt injured her我是多么希望我没有伤害她的感情啊! What you have said has wounded me你所说的话已经伤害了我。1May this country never again know the _of war Aache Bpain Churt Dwo

27、und2Chocolate gives me _ Atoothache Btooth hurt Ctooth wound Dtooth pain3His unkind behaviour caused his parents _(许多痛苦)4A hibernating animal can not feel any _(疼痛)5 _(他腿部受了伤)when he was shot at6 _(受伤的人)lay on the carts7Since the old mans daughter died,he has always been in _ Aache Baches Cpain Dpai

28、ns8My feelings _(hurt)when he didnt invite me to the party Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析(2)10The next day,I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder第二天,我闯进一户人家,偷了一台电视机和一部录像机。1)break into意为“强行而入;闯入”。例如:The robbers broke into his house and robbed him of many possessions强盗们闯入他的家里,抢走了许多财物

29、。A house was broken into between midnight and 5 am在午夜到早上五点这段时间内,有人强行进入一家房子。They broke into the prison and set free more than 200 prisoners他们攻入监狱,释放了200多名犯人。2)break into还可以表示“突然开始”。例如:Everybody broke into roars of laughter大家哄堂大笑起来。On hearing the terrible news,they broke into tears一听到这一可怕的消息,他们都哭了起来。T

30、he people broke into loud cheers at the news人们听了这个消息,都大声欢呼起来。 3)steal(stole,stolen)“偷,窃”,作及物动词。例如:My bike was stolen while I was in the shop我进了商店后,自行车被偷了。She used to steal money from her fathers desk drawer她以前常从父亲的办公抽屉里偷钱。He stole a look at the pretty girl across the table他偷偷地看了一眼桌子那边那个漂亮的女孩。 “偷,做贼,

31、偷偷行动”,作不及物动词。例如: He was arrested for stealing他因偷窃被拘捕。 Its wrong to steal偷窃是错误的。 He stole into the room他溜进了房问。 偷东西的结构为steal sthfrom sbsome place或steal sbs sth;steal sbsth的含义并不是“偷了某人的东西”,而是“偷东西来给某人”;rob(robbed,robbed,robbing)意为抢劫。常用于结构:rob sbsome place of sth或sth+be+robbed of(即“偷”的宾语是“物”,“抢劫”的宾语是“人地点”)。1)steal与rob含义上的区别 2)二者结构上的区别1Jean had his purse _on the back home from

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