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六年级英语上册Unit11 I like the spring festival知识点归纳.docx

1、六年级英语上册Unit11 I like the spring festival知识点归纳六年级英语上册Unit11 I like the spring festival知识点归纳 六年级英语上册Unit11 I lie the spring festival知识点归纳Unit 11 I lie the Spring Festival best123 their prn他(她,它)们的124 eah ther互相12 gift n礼物126 lu ad幸运的127 lu ne 压岁钱128 ish vn希望129 *iazi n饺子130 idautun Festival中秋节131 nae

2、n月饼132 n n月亮133 *dragn n龙134 *Dragn Bat Festival 端午节13 *zngzi n粽子136 rae n比赛137 *hngang Festival重阳节174 festival,?节日17 Spring Festival 春节 the Spring Festival 春节176 during prep当;在期间177 sund v听起 178 untain n大;脉Unit 11 I lie the Spring Festival best【单词回顾】他们的_ 礼物_ 幸运的_希望_月饼_ 月亮_ 龙_ 粽子_ 比赛_ 互相_ 压岁钱_ 中秋节_端

3、午节_ 重阳节_一、短语:the Spring Festival, lu ne, eah ther, the id-autun Festival, the Dragn Bat Festival, hngang Fesvital二、句子:1 hats ur favrite festival?2 I lie the Spring Festival best3 hat d peple d during the Spring Festival?4 hen is the Spring Festival? It sunds great三、重点精析:1 e ish the a happ Spring Fes

4、tival 我们祝愿他们春节愉快。辨析:ish和hpe的区别:ish表示“希望”(大多难以实现或与事实相反),往往带有“祝愿”意味。而hpe表示的“想”和“希望”是可以实现的。hpe后不能接动名词作宾语,也不能用hpe sb t d sth结构。它们后面可以接从句。如: 我想见你们的经理。_但愿我能象鸟一样飞。_I hpe he an d that 我希望他能干那事。(本句表示有可能实现的一种希望,an不能用uld代替。)2 It sunds great 那听起很棒。Sund在这里作感官系动词,意思是“听起”,后面常接形容词。但它还可以作名词,表示“声音”,“响声”,还作形容词,表示“(睡眠)

5、香甜的”。3 ait fr 等待 如:他们正在等你。_4 hats ur favrite festival? 这句话是用询问对方爱好的。favrite的意思是“最爱的;最喜欢的”,如果询问其他事物可以用“hat is sbs favurite?”回答时要用“lie(s) best”或者“Sbs favurite is / are”如:-hats ur favrite anial? -I lie at best【即时演练】 单项选择( )1 id-autun Festival _ing A ill B ill be is( ) 2 Peple eat_ at id-autun Festival

6、A naes B zngzi eggs( ) 3 hats ur _ fd? A lie B favurite lve( ) 4 I lie apple _ A best B uh ver( ) The Spring Festival is _anuar r Februar A n B in at( )6 Tat Da is the_ppular in Ital A ver B st uh( )7 hristas _ lie ur Ne ears Da A sunds B sunding is sunding( ) 8 Sene is aiting _u at the gate A fr B

7、ith t( )9 “Happ ne ear t u “ “_ “ A The sae t u B Dnt sa t Than u( )10 I hungr Get e sething _ A eat B t eat eating 翻译句子1圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日。_2你在春节的时候会做什么?_3父母会给一些压岁钱小孩们。_4他最喜欢儿童节。_用所给词的适当形式填空1 Tree planting da is ing e _ (plant) trees2 L! Se girls _(sit) n the benh under the tree3 ane ill _ (ath) up ith

8、 thers4 grandpa seties _ (fish) ith e in the river ie is 3g I a 40 g I a _ (heav) than ie6 hih d u lie _ (uh), pasta, ndles r burgers?7 It _ (bl) ver hard last night S the ung tree as bren8 hina is _ (three) biggest untr in the rld9 _ (sheep) are lvel anials10 _ (ar) granda is 94 n, but she is still

9、 ver health11I_(see) his nae in the nespaper esterda12here_ he_ (live)? - He_ (live) in Naning13I uld lie _(be ) ur penfriend14 father _(lie)_ (pla) basetball1e _(visit) the far next ee16Its t l in the afternn e_ (have)an English lass17Septeber is _(nine) nth f a ear完形填空 D u lie t shp n the Internet

10、? Things nline are ver heap I ften get _31_nline Let e tell u h t bu ne hen I ant t n sething abut a b Firstl, I rite an e-ail t the nline shp Then the ill _32_ e se pitures f the b I thin this is ver helpfulnline shps are _33_ pen I an d shpping even at idnight if I ant t Real shps usuall lse _34_

11、nine l in the eveningAfter u pa the nline shpeeper hat u ant, u an have ur things in 3 das hen u g shpping in a shpping all, u have t 36 uh ith the shpeeper and al a lt I dnt lie it, beause I get tired _37_I a teahing grandther _38_ nline She annt al ver far(远), _39_ it is eas fr her t shp nline brt

12、her ants t learn h t d it t He is alas ver _40_ hen he has a little free tie, he an shp nline S u see, shpping nline saves tie( ) 31 A shes B bs fd D ts( ) 32 A tell B sh give D sell( ) 33 A seties B ften alas D usuall( )34 A in B n at D fr( ) 3 A a fe Bfe a little D little( ) 36 A sa B tell tal D s

13、pea( ) 37 A eas B easil happ D happil( )38 A h t shp B here t shp h t shp D hen t shp( ) 39 A beause B fr s D but( ) 40 A health B free laz D bus阅读理解 A ung an as getting read t finish his llege stud He lved a beautiful sprts ar and he tld his father that as all he anted ne rning, his father alled hi

14、 int the stud He tld his sn h prud he as t have suh a gd sn, and tld hi h uh he lved hi Then he gave his sn a b, Suess Stries, ith the ung ans nae n the ver The ung an gt ver angr and ran ut f the huse, leaving the ban ears later, the ung an as ver suessful in business He had a beautiful huse and a

15、nderful fail He thught f his father and thught he shuld g t see hi He had nt seen hi sine that rning Unluil, he as tld that his father had died hen he ae int his fathers stud, he began t tid up his fathers papersHe fund the b, ust as he had left it ears ag ith tears, he pened it and turned the paper

16、s Suddenl, a ar e drpped fr the ba f the b That as the e t the sprts ar he anted s uh( )1hat did the ung an ant his father t bu hi?AA b BA beautiful huse A sprts ar DA gift bx( )2h did the ung an run ut f the huse angril? Beause_ Ahis father didnt lved hi Bhis father gave hi nthinghis father said se

17、thing rng t hiDhe thught his father nl gave hi a b( )3an ears later,the ung an _Ahad a hard life Bbeae a suessful businessanent t see his father quite ften Das tld his father as still health( )4hat des the underlined rd “stud” ean in hinese?A书房 B学习 研究 D学问( )hih f the flling is true arding t the pass

18、age?AThe father as unhapp ith the ung anBThe ung an didnt lve his fatherThe father as ver angr hen he sa his snDThe father as brught the ung an a sprts ar 小升初面试1D u n hih untr is the third largest in the rld?2The b is _ sister is _ in reading it Ainterested, interesting Binteresting,interesting inte

19、resting,interested3h dnt u _ t the inea ith us A g B t g ging D ges4Be quiet! The students _ a aths test in the next rAhad B have had ere having Dare havingIn the US,Sunda is the _ da f the eeA seventh B first send 小升初综合( )1Peter as bus ith his r esterda He didnt get_ A uh sleep B an sleeps re sleep

20、 D st sleep( )2- hats the _tda? -Its une26 A tie B date hur D da( )3I nder h an_ I shuld pa fr the servie A dllars B ne ent D nes( )4_f ur parents ent t the part beause _ f the ere ver bus esterda A Neither,eah B Nne, bth Bth, Neither D Neither ,bth( )Please tell an this gd nes as sn as she _ba A il

21、l e B es ae D t e( )6ar_arefull but _nthing hat a pit! A ls, sa B led, led sa, led D led, sa( )7ud better _ in bed Its bad fr ur ees A dnt read B read nt t read D nt read ( )8uld u please _e ur nteb? A brr B t lend lend D t brr( )9Its said that the b _t Aeria next nth A ill g B uld g g D ent( )10Sii

22、ng is _in inter A a great fun B great fun great funs D great a fun后作业据句意及首字母提示,将句子所缺单词补充完整The nths f inter usuall are N_ ,D_ ,and _ 2Shanghai is in the e_f hina3en Da is n the e_f _4The ball is 200 uan It is e_This plane f_t Guangzhu ever da6Beiing is a b_it7The bx is h_ I ant arr it单选1 hat _ useful

23、 ditinar it is!A a B an the D /2 r Green has little tie tda, _?A have he B hasnt he des he D desnt he3 The ill g t the Great all if it _ trrA isnt rain B rains desnt rain D nt rain4 This bx is _ heav fr e _ arrA t t B t t t t D t t There _ an English fil trr eveningA ill have B ill has is ging t hav

24、e D is ging t be6 Hurr up, _ ell iss the trainA but B r and D s7 brther plasftball ver ellAa Bthe all D /8I an see an apple _ the apple tree and a bird _ the banana treeAn, in Bin,in n,n Din,n9I have a red bxIts full _ ts,s its ver _Af, light Bfr,big lie,sall Df,heav10ur ftball shes are under the ha

25、irPlease _Aput aa it Bput it aa put aa the Dput the aaBen: hats ur favrite festival?Xialing: I lie the Spring Festival best【脱口而出】这句话是用询问对方爱好的。Festival的意思是“最爱的;最喜欢的”,如果询问其他事物可以用”hat is sbs favurite?”回答时要用“lie(s) best”或者“Sbs favurite is / are”如:-hats ur favrite anial? -I lie at best当我们询问对方最喜欢的节日是什么的时候

26、,可以说:_ _ _ festival?回答:_ _ the Spring Festival _ _ _ is Spring FestivalXialing: It is s uh funXialing: S an things【添砖加瓦】S an如此多,修饰可数名词复数。S uh 如此多,修饰不可数名词。【牛刀小试】hina has _ _ il fields In ur vie, there is _ _ il here He didnt ae _ _ istaes e havent _ _ ffeeanet: hen is the Spring Festival?Xialing: Usu

27、all its in anuar r Februar【有有法】注意表示时间的介词搭配:1 in和年、季节、月搭配;2 n和星期、日期以及有da的节日搭配;3 at 和点钟及没有da的节日搭配。【牛刀小试】 _10:00 a _ nn _ Sunda_ night _ Spring Festival _tber 12th_Sunda rning _ autun _ the rning_ the rning f t 12th _ tber _ 2014_ a ld rning _ the afternn _ id-autun Dae ish the a happ Spring Festival 我

28、们祝愿他们春节愉快。【添砖加瓦】辨析:ish和hpe的区别:ish表示“希望”(大多难以实现或与事实相反),往往带有“祝愿”意味。而hpe表示的“想”和“希望”是可以实现的。Eg: I ish I uld fl lie a bird 但愿我能象鸟一样飞。(从句中的uld表示其动作不可能实现,不能用an。)I hpe he an d that 我希望他能干那事。(本句表示有可能实现的一种希望,an不能用uld代替。)【牛刀小试】 I _ I _ be a rbt I _ I _ be the tp studentI _ I _be a reprter I _ I _be the Father hristasI _ I an finis

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