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孝感市中考英语 英语阅读理解专题练习附答案.docx

1、孝感市中考英语 英语阅读理解专题练习附答案孝感市中考英语 英语阅读理解专题练习(附答案)一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 A few months ago, a friend of mine told me something about a woman named Virginia Feigles. Virginia Feigles had always planned to go to college. She couldnt make her dream come true when she was young because her parents were poor. She

2、got married early, and soon became a mother. Year after year, time passed quickly. But Feigles never forgot her dream. After working as a hairdresser (理发师) for twenty years, she finally decided to change her life, when she was already forty-four. Feigles first went to a night school to learn high sc

3、hool lessons. After a few months, she applied (申请) to Bucknell University. It was hard for her to study in the university. She couldnt understand what the teacher taught in class. She also had to work at night. After work, she kept learning until very late. She thought about giving up many times, bu

4、t she never really did that. After a lot of such hard days, Feigles graduated (毕业) successfully and soon became an engineer! I heard this story when I was at the bottom of my life. I was no longer young and I lost my job. Feigles story inspired (激励) me a lot! If Virginia can do it, I can too! I deci

5、ded to make some change to my life, too!(1)How old was Virginia Feigles when she started working as a hairdresser? A.20.B.24.C.30.D.44.(2)The underlined part did that can be replaced by _. A.stopped studying in the universityB.gave up her jobC.stopped teaching in the schoolD.worked as an engineer(3)

6、It can be inferred(推断) that _. A.Feigles family was rich when she was young.B.Feigles didnt have children.C.It was easy for Feigles to study in the university.D.Feigles story made a difference to the writers life.(4)From the passage we can learn that_. A.its expensive to go to collegeB.its never too

7、 late to learnC.anyone can be an engineerD.parents are the best teachers【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)D(4)B 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述了几个月前,我的一个朋友告诉我关于Virginia Feigles的故事。她直到44岁才开始下决心改变自己的生活,并开始学习高中和大学的课程,通过自己的努力奋斗,最终成为了一名工程师。(1)细节题,题意:Virginia Feigles开始当美发师的时候多大年龄了?根据第二段,After working as a hairdresser (理发师) for twenty y

8、ears, she finally decided to change her life, when she was already forty-four.可知她44岁的时候已经当理发师20年了,所以她最初开始当美发师的时候是24岁,故选B。(2)推断题,题意:划线部分did that 可以被下列哪个选项替代?根据划线词前面的but,可知表示转折 , but前后意思相反。联系上文Feigles申请在大学学习,她有很多次都想放弃 , 但是从来没有真的这样去做 , 指她没有停止在大学的学习 , 故选A。(3)推断题,题意:根据文章内容,下列哪个选项可以被推断出来。根据第二段She couldnt

9、make her dream come true when she was youngbecause her parents were poor.可知A项错误。根据第二段 She got married early, and soon became a mother. 可知B项错误。根据第三段she applied (申请) to Bucknell University. It was hard for her to study in the university.可知C项错误。根据末段Feigles story inspired (激励) me a lot!和 I decided to ma

10、ke some change to my life, too! 可知Feigles的故事对作者的生活起到了作用 , 所以D项正确 , 故选D。(4)主旨题,题意:从这篇文章中我们可以知道什么。本文主要讲述Virginia Feigles直到44岁才开始决定改变她的生活 , 不畏困难地开始学习高中和大学的课程 , 并努力奋斗 , 最终成为了工程师的故事。所以B项“活到老 , 学到老”最符合本文的主旨 , 其他三项并不能从文中得出 , 均错误 , 故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题和主旨题三种常考题型 , 注意细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文 , 推断出需要的信息

11、;主旨题需要通读全文 , 了解大意之后找出中心思想。2阅读理解 Students in Kenya are returning for their third term. They begin their school year in January and it is broken up into three terms. In Kenya, in the past, students were not required to attend school and the education was not free, either. I taught math, English and ph

12、ysics at Chamasiri Secondary School while I was a teacher in Kenya. This school had four classrooms one for each grade, Form 1, Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4. They are the equivalent(对等) to our 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades. Teachers traveled from classroom to classroom instead of the students going f

13、rom room to room. The Form I class had 60 students, Form 2 had 45, Form 3 had 30, and Form 4 about 12 students. The class sizes became smaller as the grades continued on. Why did this happn? Many families were very poor and could not afford the school fees(学费). Most countryside schools in Kenya did

14、not have a lot of money. As a result, there were very few textbooks for the students to use. I had seven math texts for my Form 2 class and 14 for the Form I class. Anything the students needed to know was put up on the blackboard and the students copied it down into their notebooks. The notebooks b

15、ecame the students textbooks. Kenyan students study ten different subject areas. Some of the students spend over an hour running home. They do chores at home and hopefully manage to find some time to study before it gets dark. Most families do not have electricity and may not even have candies for t

16、heir children to study by. Luckily, Kenyan education has been becoming better and better in the past few years. Im sure it will have a good future.(1)Which grade does Form 3 refer to(指的是) in the writers country? A.Grade 9.B.Grade 10.C.Grade 11.D.Grade 12.(2)Why did the notebooks become the students

17、textbooks? A.The students did not pay the schools.B.The schools couldnt afford the textbooks.C.The students preferred to use their notebook.D.The teachers asked the students to take notes.(3)Why do some students run home from school? A.They arent allowed to stay at school.B.They dont like studying i

18、n the school.C.They hope to have more time to study.D.They want to get candles in the stores.(4)According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE? A.In Kenya, a school year has three terms.B.The Form I class had the most students.C.Each family has electricity in Kenya.D.Kenyan education h

19、as been improving.【答案】 (1)C(2)B(3)C(4)C 【解析】【分析】本文介绍Chamasiri Secondary School的情况,这个学校有四个班,一个年级一个班,到这里来就读的学生一般都是穷人家的孩子,学生在这学习10门科目。 (1)细节理解题。根据Form 1, Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4. They are the equivalent(对等) to our 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades. 第一组、第二组、第三组和第四组,他们分别对应9、10、11、12年级,故选C。 (2)细节理解题。 根据Mo

20、st countryside schools in Kenya did not have a lot of money. 肯尼亚的大多乡村学校没有很多钱,故选B。 (3)细节理解题。根据Some of the students spend over an hour running home. They do chores at home and hopefully manage to find some time to study before it gets dark. Most families do not have electricity and may not even have c

21、andies for their children to study by. 一些学生花费一个多小时跑回家,他们在家做家务并希望天黑之前找到一些时间去学习,大多家庭没有电,甚至没有蜡烛供孩子们学习用,因此孩子们跑回家是为了有更多的时间学习,故选C。 (4)细节理解题。 题目问以下哪一个选项是不对的,根据Most families do not have electricity and may not even have candies for their children to study by.可知,大多家庭没有电,甚至没有蜡烛供孩子们学习用。C选项意为肯尼亚的每个家庭都有电,与原文不符,故

22、选C。 【点评】考查阅读理解能力,细节题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题要从文中寻找答案。3根据短文内容,判断句子正误。 Alice was a student in a secondary school. The school was on the other side of the street from my house. Every day. I watched her play basketball after school from my house. She played very well, much better than any other of her classmates

23、. And she never stopped. She practised over and over again, sometimes until it was very dark. One day, I asked her, why do you practise so hard? You are playing very well. Thats because I want to play in the city basketball team, she looked at me and said proudly. But Im still not good enough. I mus

24、t work hard. I was moved by her great courage. Another day, I saw her crying on the grass, instead of playing basketball. I walked across the street and sat down by her side. Why are you crying, girl? I asked. The coach of the city basketball team told me that I couldnt go on playing basketball beca

25、use I was too short. But some days later, I saw her playing basketball again, practising even harder than before. I was curious(好奇的) and asked her the reason. My father told me if my dream is big enough, nothing can stop me. I was moved again.(1)Alices school was not far away from the writers home.

26、(2)The writer was touched when he heard what Alice said in the third paragraph. (3)From the passage we know Alice was a hard-working girl. (4)Alices father told her that she was too short to go on playing basketball. (5)Alice might give up playing basketball according to the last paragraph. 【答案】 (1)

27、1(2)1(3)1(4)0(5)0 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了Alice因为不能继续打篮球,非常难过。 (1)推理题。根据 I watched her play basketball after school from my house 放学后,我在家看她打篮球 , 可知爱丽丝的学校离作家的家不远 , 故正确。 (2)细节题。根据 I was moved by her great courage , 可知当作者听到爱丽丝所说的话时,他很感动 , 故正确。 (3)推理题。根据She practised over and over again, sometimes until it was ver

28、y dark她一遍又一遍地练习,有时直到天黑 , 可知从文章中我们知道爱丽丝是一个勤奋的女孩 , 故正确。 (4)细节题。根据 The coach of the city basketball team told me that I couldnt go on playing basketball because I was too short 教练告诉我,我不能继续打篮球,因为我太矮了,可知爱丽丝的父亲告诉她,她太矮了,不能继续打篮球是错的 , 故错误。 (5)推理题。根据 nothing can stop m没有什么能阻止我,可知爱丽丝可能会放弃打篮球是错的 , 故错误。 【点评】考查阅读

29、理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。4阅读理解 Earlier this year, China achieved a new milestone (里程碑) in space research. On January 3, 2019, Change-4 became the first lunar probe (月球探测器) in history to successfully land on the far side of the moon. The Earths gravity (重力) slows the moons rot

30、ation (自转), matching it to the speed of its orbit (公转). Therefore, the far side of the moon is almost dark and has never been seen. Its this sense of the unknown that makes the far side of the moon such an interesting place for scientific and space research. Being blown by solar (太阳的) winds, the far

31、 side may have the special minerals (矿物质). For this reason, Change-4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any mineral found by the spacecraft. Change-4 is also carrying flower seeds, potatoes and silkworm eggs to see whether life is possible on the moon. If it is, then the moon w

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