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1、英文说说心情八个字英文说说心情八个字【篇一:英文说说心情八个字】 :英文说说心情短语是由作业高手网()为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是英文说说心情短语的正文:qq说说心情短语英文第一篇 英文说说心情短语qq说说心情短语英文1、人生,始终充满战斗激情。life is always full of passion for battle.2、玩就大方的,爱就稳妥的。play is easy, the love is safe.3、你给她的爱,我羡慕不来。you give her love, i envy not to come.4、艰难的道路经常通往高处。d

2、ifficult path often leads to the heights.5、我爱的人、不是我的爱人。i love the people, not my lover.6、心累了,何须再来打扰呢?heart tired, why to bother again?7、允许你画黑我彩色的人生。allows you to draw the black color my life.8、幸福如河流,愈深愈无声。happiness like a river, the deeper the more silent.9、不是你不行,而是路不平。is not you cant, but the road

3、is rough.10、爱你是我做过最勇敢的事。love you is the bravest thing ive ever done.11、有一种草,一开就是十年。a grass, a drive is 10 years.12、一花一世界,一叶一菩提。a flower a world, a bodhi leaf.13、不要让你的梦想沦为空想。dont let your dream a dream.14、随风入我身,从此留我心。the wind in my body, from my heart.15、你尽管来伤,我各种坚强。although to hurt you, i all kinds

4、of strong.16、将相本无主,男儿当自强。there is no main group, man be striving to improve.17、爱就是肯握住你冰凉的手。love is willing to hold your cold hands.18、心中有爱,才会人见人爱!there is love in the heart, will people see people love!19、那什么整死你。我的爱人。what the whole dead you. my love.20、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。be ling extremely, see the mountain

5、s small.21、青春是一种飘扬在空气中。youth is a kind of flying in the air.22、庸人自扰之,我却是凡人。much ado about nothing, i was mortal.23、玩就大方的,爱就稳当的!play is easy, love is secure!24、原来,我们一直都很幼稚。it turns out that we have been very naive.25、天生就是属黄瓜的,欠拍!are born of cucumber, owe beat!26、你不勇敢,没人替你坚强!you dont brave, no one for

6、 you strong!27、自欺欺人到最后遍体鳞伤。at the end of the day was black and blue all over.28、因为太在乎,所以才会痛。because too care about, so pain.29、志高山峰矮,路从脚下伸。mountain dwarf, road stretching from the foot.30、花开为谁谢,花谢谁人殇。thanks for who flowers, flower xie who ruin.31、我要是妞,我早爱上我了。if i were girl, i fall in love with me ea

7、rlier.32、我的妒忌,闷得没有道理。i envy, dull makes no sense.33、有时候、无奈也是一种美。sometimes, but also is a kind of beauty.34、爱情已死,只剩半两相思。love is dead, only half acacia.35、寡人不死,尔等终究是臣。i then i die, such as, after all.36、XX搜不到你,我去搜狗。i went to sogou baidu search less than you.37、向往平淡、却不甘于平凡。aspire to insipid, but it is

8、not willing to ordinary.38、人有见识,就不轻易发怒。people knowledgeable, slow to anger.39、你若爱,生活哪里都可爱。if you love, where life is lovely.40、守得住初心,得的到永心。keep to beginners mind, the heart forever.41、贱人好比狗,见人就乱吼。bitch is like a dog, people roar.42、让未来到来,让过去过去。let the future arrival, let the past pass.43、你一直在我心里不曾离开

9、。you have been in my heart never leave.44、疯狂的想念,哪里都是你。crazy miss, where are you.45、你若安好,便是晴天霹雳。if you are ok, it is a bolt from the blue.46、你看不到,我小心的想念。you cant see, i be careful of miss.47、走的人,留下的只是背景。go, leaving only background.48、你说的话,句句刺痛我心。what you say, nothing but hurt my heart.49、漠然回首,身后一群贱狗!

10、indifferent to look back, behind a group of mean dog!50、时代姐妹花,永远不分家。times sisters flower, never separation.51、只要有斗志,不怕没战场。as long as there is spirit, not afraid of no battlefield.52、别跟我虚伪,我懒得敷衍。dont tell me false, im too lazy to elaborate.53、朋友用心交,父母拿命孝。friends pay attentively, parents with filial p

11、iety.54、滚罢。带着我最后的慈悲。roll. with my last mercy.55、与寂寞有染,和幸福无缘。had an affair with lonely, and happiness.56、因为一个人,爱上一座城!because of a person, fall in love with a city!57、最美的,不拥挤,不遥远。the most beautiful, not crowded, not far away.58、原来最后的吻,如此冰冷。the last kiss, so cold.59、不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?do not experience wind a

12、nd rain, how see rainbow?60、爱就一个字,我只说一次。love is a word, i only say once a year.61、思往事,惜流芳,已成伤。think of the past, cherish that lasts, is hurt.62、社会路难走,交人别交狗。social road difficult to walk, pay people dont pay the dog.63、承诺太虚伪,充斥着谎言。promise is too hypocritical, full of lies.64、用青春,弹奏爱情的绝响。英文说说心情短语with

13、youth, love to play.65、带刺的玫瑰,最终伤到谁?the thorny roses, who eventually hurt?66、伤口一旦有,很难不留疤。wound once, its hard to leave scar.67、想念最伤心,但却最动心。miss the most sad, but the most tempted.68、我不会再打扰你的生活了。i wont disturb your life again.69、生活不简单,尽量简单过。life is not simple, as simple as possible.70、山不转路转,境不转心转。moun

14、tain not turn road turn, dont turn heart turn.71、交浅别言深,情深别刻薄。dont mean to shallow dont put it deep, deep.72、从长远来说,我们都死了。in the long term, we are all dead.73、大丈夫当雄飞,安能雌伏?the gentleman male fly, ann can cifu?74、目标越接近,困难越增加。target the closer it gets, the more difficult to increase.75、大家都是国产货,别犯贱。everyo

15、ne is a chinese-made goods, dont make mean.76、向日葵的花语,沉默的爱。sunflower says, silent love.77、重拾起时,生命温暖如昔。heavy picked up, warm life.78、人生来如风雨,去如微尘。life such as wind and rain, such as dust.79、世界有尽头。只牵你的手。the world has an end. just hold your hand.80、以后的以后,都想有你陪。later, all want to have you accompany.81、我在怀

16、念,你不再怀念的。im miss, miss you no longer.82、逃不过,最后都会变苍老。escape, finally will become old.83、想让我低头,那你跪下吧!want to let me down, that you kneel down!84、男子千年志,吾生未有涯。man who, in one thousand we did ya.85、明天领证,我们爱了五年。tomorrow to license, we love for five years.伤感心情短语第二篇 英文说说心情短语伤感心情短语1、感情像头发,长了就会分岔。feelings lik

17、e hair, long will bifurcation.2、曾经美好过,最后却伤心走了。once a good, but sad to go.3、我们唯一的关系,是没有关系。our only relationship is no relationship.4、本欲起身离红尘,怎奈影子落人间。this is to get up from the dust, but the earth shadow falls.5、习惯寂寞以后,一个人就是全世界。after the habit of loneliness, a person is the world.6、疼都是别人给的,但伤都是自己好的。th

18、e pain is others give, but the injury is their own good.7、每一次的自欺欺人,我都做的很完美。every time i have to do is self deception, perfect.8、就算离开一小时,我也会想念好几天。even if i have to leave for an hour, i will miss a few days.9、那悲伤藏得那么好,不愿被任何人看见。the sadness was so good that no one would see it.10、如果上天知道我心诚,就让石头发芽吧!if go

19、d knows my heart is sincere, let the stone sprout!11、他日嫁得如意郎君,谢君当年不娶之恩。we find marriage, xie jun did not marry.12、这个没有你的地方,再美丽都只是荒凉。this is no place for you, then the beauty is only a desolate.13、谁能告诉我, 恩恩 后面该怎么回复?who can tell me, you behind how to reply?14、青春是一段容易动情却总是受伤的年龄。youth is an age that is

20、easy to get excited but always hurt.15、明明很在乎,却没心没肺的说着无所谓。i care about, but heartless said.16、太喜欢一个人那个人会越来越不喜欢你。too like a person that person will be more and more do not like you.17、没资格吃的醋最酸,最先动心的人最惨。not qualified to eat the vinegar acid, the first one of the worst.18、有的人曾经无话不说,最后,却无话可说。some people

21、have no words, finally, have nothing to say.19、后来,我再也没有说不要走这种好笑的话。later, i did not say that do not go this funny.20、想起曾经对你百般挽留的样子我自己都笑了。think of you have to stay in a variety of way i laugh.21、1见面少没拥抱没关系,你别喜欢上别人就行。1 to meet the little did not embrace the relationship, you do not like other people on

22、 the line.22、我也有心酸和委屈,我说给谁听,谁又听我说。i also have bitterness and injustice, i say to who listen, who listen to me.23、一刀一刀划着我的心脏说爱我,爱人你真幽默。a knife and a knife cut my heart love me, love you really humorous.24、我还喜欢你,只是少了当初非要在一起的执着。i also like you, just less than the original to be together.25、感谢你陪我走过那一季的繁

23、花似锦,落英缤纷。thank you to accompany me through the season of flowers blooming like a piece of brocade, fallen petals lie in profusion.26、属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。belong to your own, do not give up. have lost, stay for the memories.27、将回忆酿成烈酒入喉,从此不再挽留,不再回头。will be the memories of the spirits into the throat

24、, no longer retain, no longer back.28、我说没关系,然后你就肆无忌惮伤我到体无完肤。i said never mind, then you will hurt me to unscrupulous injured all over the body.29、那首你最爱的歌。落得有一些凌乱。俄怎么拾起?the song that you love most. get some messy. how do i pick up?30、寂寞是听见某个熟悉名字,不小心想起某些故事。loneliness is heard a familiar name, do not t

25、hink of some of the stories.31、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。deep feeling that i can not afford the burden, if only occasionally.32、离开你,我就不相信我会笨到忘不了,赖着不放掉。leave you, i cant believe im going to forget, dont let go.33、左眼没有见过右眼一面,不懂安慰,只懂陪它落泪。left eye has not seen the right side of the right eye, do not unders

26、tand comfort, only know to accompany it to tears.34、据说,每一个爱傻笑的人,心里都有着放不下的痛。it is said that every love your people, my heart is not pain.35、再热情的心也经不起冷漠,再爱你的人也经不起冷落。and then the enthusiasm of the heart can not afford indifference, and then love you can not afford to be left out in the cold.36、你是我猜不到的不

27、知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。i guess you are at a loss, i think you are of no importance.37、我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。i have passed your heart, not i dont want to stay, but you would not shelter.38、纵使我低声下气的求你别离开也抵不过她的一下皱眉。the humble even if i beg you not to leave her over but also a frown.39、别因为知道我等你,就把我晾在那儿等,也许我会

28、走的。dont make me wait for you just because you know im waiting for you, maybe ill go.40、走不进的世界就不要硬挤,既为难了别人又作践了自己!go not into the world dont squeeze, which embarrassed others and humiliate himself!41、当一切都结束了,爱还在,这是最让人痛不欲生的事情。when everything is over, love still, this is the most people hardly wished to

29、 live.42、有些话,说与不说都是伤害;有些人,留与不留都会离开。some words, and did not say are hurt; some people leave and will not leave.43、你走之后,我身边又有了很多人,只是没再对谁那么上心。after you left me with a lot of people just didnt care less about who.44、有些话,适合烂在心里,有些痛苦,适合无声无息的忘记。some words, for rotten in the heart, some pain, soundless and

30、stirless forget.45、爱上你,只用了一瞬间,忘记你却用了一辈子,甚至还不够。fall in love with you, only for a moment, forget you have spent a lifetime, not even enough.46、放弃的,往往是曾经拥有过的。沉默的那一刻,我们都累了。give up, often once owned. the silence of the moment, we are tired.47、每个人都有爱上另一个人的可能,想爱就不能害怕会有伤痕。everyone is in love with another ma

31、n may love, dont be afraid there will be scars.48、你夸我百毒不侵,那你知不知道万箭穿心以后,什么都不怕。you praise me not, after you know what all not afraid in extreme grief.49、孤单,是因为你心里没人,寂寞是因为你心里有人却不在身边。lonely, because you are no one, lonely, because you are not in your heart, but not in your heart.50、你给了我所有希望。却又遮住了我的阳光。you gave me all hope. and covered my sunshine again.51、如果太阳永远的炙热,如果彩虹不会掉颜色,你能不能不离开呢。if the sun always hot, if the rainbow will not fal

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