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1、单词解释单词解释1manipulate: vt. make sb. think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skillfullydeceiving or influencing them 操纵,控制(某人的思想和行为)You have the constant feeling you are being manipulated by advertisements. 你总有一种被广告操纵的感觉。2defy:happen in a way that is different from what usu. happens or what yo

2、u expect 违反This celebration of Thanksgiving deft tradition. 这个感恩节庆典仪式没有遵循传统。 refuse to obey sb. or sth. 违抗;不服从Despite the strike vote, a few workers have defied the majority decision and returned to work. 尽管经过了罢工表决, 几个工人还是不顾大多数人的决定,回去上班了。NOTEDefy, DenyDefy和Deny都是及物动词,词形相近,但实际上两者词义有别,用法也不同。Defy主要表示“违

3、抗;反抗;蔑视”,后接名词;而deny主要表示“否认;拒绝承认”,后接名词或that引导的从句。Nearly 11 thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading, ifi; 近一万一千人因违抗在街上交易的禁令而被捕。The government has denied that the authorities have uncovered a plot to assassinate the president. 政府已否认当局发现了一个暗杀总统的阴谋。defy后接动词不定式表示“挑战;刺激某人做某

4、事”时,不能用动名词形式;deny表示“否认;拒绝承认”时,后面不能接动词不定式,只能接动名词形式。I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current prime minister. 我倒要看看你能否讲出一项现任首相作出的重大成就。He denied doing anything illegal. 他否认做过任何违法的事。3recession: n. C, U| a difficult time when there is less trade, business activity, etc. in a coun

5、try than usual (经济衰退,萧条)There is a deep recession in the UK. 英国陷入了严重的经济衰退。4UnlessHer version of the events was at odds with the police report. 她对事件的说法跟警方的报告不一致。7permissiveNOTEThe word permissive is an adjective, a derivative from permit. Being “permissive” implies a very easy and too relaxed positio

6、n on something and usually lacks good judgment. For example:They were permissive parents and their children grew up to be spoiled and ill-behaving adults. 他们是太过放任的父母,他们的孩子长大后会变成被宠坏、行为举止欠妥的年轻人。NOTEpermissive, tolerantThe synonym of permissive is tolerant, but tolerant is positive in meaning. Permissi

7、ve carries a negative connotation. Tolerant implies good judgment with a right balance of perspective or actions. For example:The employees tolerant position on the differences in working style meant that the team performed well. 员工对工作作风的差异持宽容的立场意味着这个团队表现出色。8perspectiven. C a way of thinking about s

8、th. (思考问题的)角度,观点,想法His fathers death gave him a whole new perspective on life. 父亲的离世让他对生活有了全新的理解。9urgevt. advise sb. very strongly about what action or attitude they should take 极力劝告;敦促;催促The charity urged everyone involved to take quick action. 该慈善机构敦促每个相关人员迅速采取行动。NOTEurge, persuade从词义上说,urge的基本意思是

9、“力劝;敦促”,引申可表示“强烈要求”等,比较正式;persuade主要表示“说服;劝说”,指通过劝说、感情交流等使对方做劝说者希望的事。urge语气强,但不一定“力劝;敦促”成功;persuade语气不如urge强,但强调不仅“劝”,而且使之“服”。例如:We will urge them to adhere to the Paris Agreement. 我们敦促他们遵守巴黎协议。My husband persuaded me to come. 我丈夫劝我来的。从用法上来说,urge和persuade都可用作及物动词。urge可用于urge sb. to do sth.结构,意为“催促某人

10、做某事”;persuade表示“说服”时,可用于persuade sb. to do sth.结构,也可用于persuade sb. into doing sth.结构,都表示“说服某人做某事”。它们也都可以引出that从句。urge引出that从句中用(should)+verb,而persuade用于persuade sb. that结构,不用(should)+verb。例如:His father urged him to speak his mind. 他父亲敦促他说出心里话。Were trying to persuade manufactures to sell their produc

11、ts here. 我们正努力说服制造商在这里销售他们的产品。Sir Fred urged that Britain (should) join the European Monetary System. 弗雷德爵士敦促英国加入欧洲货币体系。We had managed to persuade them that it was worth working with us. 我们已设法说服他们,与我们合作是值得的。10. suspend: vt. officially stop sth. From continuing, esp. for a short time 暂停,中止Sales of th

12、e new drug will be suspended until more tests are completed. 这种新药在完成进一步检验之前将暂停销售。make sb. leave their school or job for a short time, esp. because they have broken the rules (尤指因违规)使暂时停学(停职)Dave was suspended from school for a week. 戴夫被停学一个星期。11. disguise: vt. Change ones appearance so that people c

13、annot recognize him 装扮;假扮Maybe you could disguise yourself as a waiter and sneak in there. 或许你可以假扮成待应生混进去。12. do ones utmost: try as hard as possible 竭尽全力(做某事)The medical staff did their utmost to save the patients life. 医护人员竭尽全力挽救那位病人的生命。13. cement: vt. Make a relationship, idea, etc. stronger or m

14、ore certain 加强,巩固(关系、看法等)Our union leaders want to cement a good working relationship between the government and labor unions. 我们的工会领导想加强政府和工会之间良好的工作关系。n. U 水泥14. derive: vt. receive or obtain sth. from sth. else(从某物中)获得,得到Medically, we will derive great benefit from this new technique. 从医学角度讲,我们将从这

15、一新技术中受益匪浅。v. develop or come fom sth. else 源自;源于Many words in the English language are derived from Latin. 英语中很多词来源于拉丁文。15. take in: understand and remember new facts and information 领会;理解;记住I had to read the letter twice before I could take in all of the information it contained. 我得把这封信读两遍才能领会信里的所有

16、内容。16. echo: vt. repeat an idea or opinion because you agree with it 附和(别人的观点)Lily and Lucy are twins, and their views often echo each other. 莉莉和露西是一对双胞胎,她们的意见常常互相呼应。vi. if a sound echoes, your heart it again because it was made near sth. such as a wall or hill(声音)回响;发出回声The sound of an engine echoe

17、d back from the thick forest. 从茂密的森林里传来引擎的回声。17. take stock (of sth.): think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order to decide what to do next(对形势)做出估计(判断)We had to take stock of our position before we could decide what to do next. 我们在决定下一步做什么之前,必须对我们的处境作出判断。18. retain:

18、 vt. keep sth. or continue to have sth. 保留;保有;继续拥有You have the right to retain the goods you bought. 你有权保留你买的这些物品。19. hinder: vt. make it difficult for sth. to develop or succeed 阻碍;妨碍;阻止People are very frustrated that these new policies will hinder rather than help families. 人们感到十分沮丧,这些新政策将阻碍而不是帮助家

19、庭。NOTEhinder, preventhinder和prevent都有“阻碍;阻止”的意思,都可以用于hinder/ prevent sb. from doing sth.结构,但两者有区别。hinder表示“使受阻;使做起来困难”(make sth. difficult)。例如:His poor health hindered him from going to work daily. (= He continued to work but with difficulty.)身体欠佳让他每天上班很困难。prevent表示“使不发生;使不做”(make sth. impossible)。例

20、如:His poor health prevented him from going to work. (= He stopped working.)他的健康不佳,令他无法继续工作。20. consult with sb.: discuss sth. with sb. 与某人商量I need to consult with my lawyer before I can sign this contract. 在签这份合同之前,我需要与我的律师商量一下。21. on track: in a situation that is likely to lead to success 在(可能通向成功的

21、)轨迹上Everything is running according to our plan, so were still on track for 10% growth. 一切都按照我们的计划进行,所以我们仍有可能达到10%的增长率。22. derive sth. from sth.: get sth., esp. an advantage or a pleasant feeling, from sth.得到,获得(优势或愉快的感受)e.g. Medically, we will derive great benefit from this new technique. 从医学的角度来讲,

22、我们将从这一新技术中受益匪浅。23. put off: delay doing sth. or arrange to do sth. at a later time or date, esp. because there is problem or you do not want to do it now 推迟某事;使某事延期e.g. The soccer game has been put off until tomorrow because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,足球比赛推迟到明天。24. take in: understand and remember new f

23、acts and information 领会;理解;记住e.g. I had to read the letter twice before I could take in all of the information it contained. 我得把这封信读两遍才能领会信里所有的内容。1. classic a.经典的;典型的,标准的 n.文学著作;杰作classical a.古典的;经典的区别:1 classic用作形容词表示“经典的;精彩的;一流的”。例如:Death on the Niles is one of the classic works of Agatha Christie

24、. 尼罗河上的惨案是阿加莎克里斯蒂的经典作品之一。口语中也会用到classic这个词。当你看到一场精彩的演出时,就可以说“Thats classic!”来表达赞美。classic也可以用作名词,表示“文学名著;经典作品;杰作”。例如:We have all the standard classics of Hayao Miyazaki at home. 我们家有宫崎骏的所有的经典作品。2 classical不能用作名词,只能用作形容词,表示“古典的,经典的”。例如:Classical music is music written by composers such as Mozart and

25、Beethoven. 像莫扎特和贝多芬所创作的音乐成为古典音乐。2. cautious a.小心的;谨慎的;慎重的3. dynamic a.精力充沛的;有创新思想的;志在成功的。例如:He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader. 他似乎是一个充满朝气和活力的领导者。不断移动的;不断变化的。例如:Markets are dynamic and companies must learn to adapt to the constant economic changes. 市场是动态的,公司必须学会适应持续不断的经济变化。4. tempt vt.怂恿;利诱。 例

26、如:They tempted him to join their company by offering him a large salary and a company car. 他们为他提供高薪和一辆公司的汽车来利诱他加入他们的公司。5. tempting a.诱人的;吸引人的。 例如:At first glance, the contract was tempting; however, upon closer examination it became clear that the contract had many problems. 乍一看,合同是诱人的,但仔细检查后发现该合同有许

27、多问题。Note:Tempting is a present participle of the verb tempt, used as an adjective to describe the effect that something has on someones feelings. For example, if you find something tempting/charming/disgusting/frightening, it means it tempts/charms/disgusts/frightens you. In English there are a grou

28、p of words describing an effect that something has on your feelings and ideas. For example:A tempting job offer 一个诱人的工作机会An alarming increase in racial hostility 种族仇视的惊人增长A welcoming smile 热情的微笑A surprising number of 数量惊人的6. superior a.更好的;更强的;更有效的。 例如:She got the job because she was the superior ca

29、ndidate. 她得到了此工作,因为她是更好的候选人。7. stale a.不再有趣的;没有新意的;乏味的。例如:Many marriages might go stale, but not the marriage of her parents. 很多婚姻可能会变得乏味。但他们父母的婚姻不会。2 不新鲜的。例如:French breads goes stales(=became stale) very quickly. 法式面包很快会变得不新鲜。8. ambitious a.有抱负的;有雄心大志的;野心勃勃的。例如:She is a very ambitious woman and pla

30、ns to expand her business as soon as possible. 她是一个很有野心的女人,并计划尽快扩大自己的生意。9. immune a.不受影响的。例如:Few women were immune to his charm. 很少有女人对他的魅力无动于衷。2 免疫的;有免疫力的。be immune to 对免疫的;无动于衷例如:Most people whove had chickenpox once are immune to it for the rest of their lives. 大多数曾经出过水痘的人都会终生对谁都有免疫力。10. disgust

31、n.厌恶;气愤;反感disgust toI threw the book aside in disgust. 我气愤地把书扔在一边。11. proceed vi.继续进行;继续做。例如:The city government was running out of money but was determined to proceed with repairing all of the roads as planned. 市政府的钱快用完了,但政府决定继续按计划修复所有该修的道路。(向某一方向)前进,移动。例如:When the airplane from San Francisco lande

32、d in New York, passengers for Madrid were instructed to proceed to gate 26 for boarding. 当从旧金山来的飞机在纽约降落后,去马德里的乘客被要求继续前往26号登机口登机。 proceed to/to do sth. 进而做(参加)某事(活动)。例如:He accepted my invitation and then proceeded to the comment that people shouldnt own cars because they damage the environment. 他接受了我的邀请,然后继续他的评论:人们不应该拥有汽车,因为汽车会破坏环境。12. behalf n.代表某人on ones behalf/on behalf o

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