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1、译林牛津版九年级英语上册期中测试题及答案译林牛津版九年级英语上册期中测试题及答案期中测试卷时间: 120 分钟 满分: 120 分 第一部分 听力(四大题, 20分)一、 短对话理解(共 5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1.How old is Catherine now?A.Eight. B. Eleven. C. Thirteen.2.What will Peter most probably do in the future?A.An accountant.B.A teacher.C.A singer.3.What colour are they talking about?A.White

2、. B. Blue. C. Red.4.Whats the girls opinion?A.The boys classmates shouldnt laugh at him.B.The boy should work hard at English.C.The boy should stop learning English.5.Whats Daniel good at?A.Swimming. B. Skating.C. Dancing. 二、长对话理解(共 5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第6、7 小题。6.How long has the girl had the c

3、omputer?A.For one year.B.For two years.C.For three years.7.Why does the girl want to give up the computer?A.Its old and slow.B.The screen is too small.C. It doesnt work any longer. 听下面一段对话,回答第8 至10小题。 8. Why is Amy nervous?A. She is seeing the doctor.B. She has kept on working for a long time.C. She

4、 is worried about her competition.9. When is Amy going to Mr. Whites office?A. This afternoon.B. Tomorrow afternoon.C. Next week.10. What does Mr. White mean at the end of the conversation?A. He can offer any help to Amy if nece.ssaryB. He asks Amy to go to the office with him.C. He wants to take pa

5、rt in the competition himself. 三、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分 5分) 11. Why do people all over the world enjoy sports?A. Because sports are very common.B. Because sports can make people healthy and happy.C. Because sports are thousands of years old.12. What do sports change with?A. The season. B. The weather.13

6、. Which of the following sports is the oldest?A. Running. B. Basketball.14. What do people in all countries near the sea prefer?A. Football. B. Jumping.C. The time.C. Volleyball.C. Swimming.15. Why do people from different countries often become good friends after a game? A. Because the game is exci

7、ting.B. Because sports help them understand each other.C. Because they begin to know each other.四、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)PerS onsACtiVitieSTwo boysPlayi ng With their 16. over there.Two ChiIdre nMaki ng a toy 17. .A man18. near the lake.A woma nWateri ng the flowers 19. the garde n.Some menPlay ing Ca

8、rdS Un der a big 20. .第二部分 英语知识运用(两大题,30分)五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21.How is your grandpa now? HaS he been better SinCe he fell Off the wall?A little bit better but he will have to in the hospital for at least two B. Wait C. remai n D. live22.Daniel is to buy gifts all of us.A.gen erous

9、 eno ugh; toB.eno Ugh gen erous; forC.eno Ugh gen erous; toD.gen erous eno ugh; for23.The rich woma n always her We财富).Nobody is willi ng to make frie nds With her.A. shows off B. shows UPC.shows around D. shows over24.Y)U look . What do you _A.worry; worry aboutB.worry; WOrried aboutC.worried; worr

10、y aboutD.worried; WOrried about25.SteVe Jobs has in flue need US tee nagers most because he has devoted most of his effort it POSSibIe for poor ChiIdre n and poor wome n better educati make; to recei maki ng; to make; making; to accept26.China doesnt have a

11、 strong football team. Maybe it will be hundreds of years theChinese team wins the World Cup.A.before B. since C. after D. when27.There are so many kinds of sweaters in the shop . I cant decide buy what B. to buy whichC. what to buy D. which to buy28. our teacher i,s i_ll_ he still comes to ou

12、r class to teach us.A.Although; but B. Although; /C. Because; but D. Because; so29.Do you know this afternoon?I am not sur,e but I will tell you as soon as she will Betty arriv;e Betty will arriv;e will startC.what time will Betty arri;vewill startD.what time Betty will arriv;esta

13、rts30.I tried my best to prepare for the English exam in yo,urbwuat yI still got low marks.Dont worry. . Continue to work hard and Im sure youll get higher marks next time.A.Its still early B. It dependsC. It is hard D. It doesnt work六、完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1 分,满分 20 分)ASpending time with your family is an

14、 excellent way to keep your relations closer. And it is very relaxing and happy to talk and laugh with one another. Here are some ideas for enjoying the most of your _31_ at home.Do some home improvement projects. A family enjoyment to consideris home improvement projects. These can be as_32_as coll

15、ecting the leaves together in the yard or as COmPIeX复杂的)as PIa nti ng trees, Pain ti ng outdoor things Or builhOgse_33_ani mals.These activities create a lot of family memories. It is valuable time spent together, and children can_34_a lot from these projects.Prepare a meal together. When Mom or Dad

16、 or whoever is in the_35_preparing the meal for the family, get everyOneinVOIVed有关的)by giving them a USeful duty This_36_activityhelps all family membersto be together.And it is well worth while reminding everyOne that they are_37_tO the whOle. familyHave a game night. ChOOSe One night a week aS t“h

17、egame nigh”t . Pull_38_yOur favOurite gameS, pOpcOrn and pillOwS. And yOu can play with yOur favOurite_39_. It iS very enjOyable tO Sit with yOur family arOund a_,40l_a_ughing tOgether and having cOnverSatiOnS. ItS a great way tO play with yOur family memberS.31.A. wOrk32.A. difficultB. timeB. uSele

18、SSC. hOuSewOrkC. eaSyD. mealSD.intereSting33. A. fOrB. withC. abOutD.Of34. A. teachB. giveC. makeD.learn35. A. dining rOOmB. Sitting rOOmC. kitchenD. bedrOOm36. A. SchOOlB. familyC. SOcietyD.public37. A. differentB. educatiOnalC. SpecialD.impOrtant38. A. OutB. dOwnC. upD.intO39. A. StOrieSB. bOOkSC.

19、 muSicD.newS40. A. cityB. carC. bOxD.tableBBill, a thirteen-yea-rOld bOy, thOught he had grOwn up tO be aman.But hiS parentS tOldhim,“YOu wOnt be a real man until yOu begin tO_41_helping O”therS.One mOrning, hiS parentS gave him SOme mOney tO_42_SOme milk fOr them. OutSide a ShOp he Saw a hOmeleSS O

20、ld man whO lOOked very_43_. Bill went tO him ,a“ndWahSakteSd wrOng with yOu?”The Old man anSwer,e“dIm hungry.I havent had any fOOd fOr twO da”yAS.t the thOught Of hiS parentS wOrdS, Bill Said tO the Old,“maLnetS gO tO the_44_”_. When they gOt there, Bill aSked the waiter tO bring Out bread and cOffe

21、e tO the Old man. The Old man finiShed the meal quickl.yAfter the waiter_45_the plate and the cup, the old m,a“n Ssaoirdry for givingyou too much_46_. Im fine now. Ill_47_forget your kindnoeussa!reY a very good youngman. ”Bill was_48_whenhe heard this. Just when he wanted to pay for the meal,the_49_

22、came. Bill and the old man learned in surprise that the food was free_50_it was the birthday of the bo,ssand they were the first customers tha.t day41. A.think aboutB. depend onC.give upD. go on42.A.lendB. buyC. drinkD.borroW43.A.afraidB. gladC. SiCkD.angry44.A.bankB. libraryC. hoSpitalD.reStaurant4

23、5.A.Sent outB. got doWnC.gave baCkD. took aWay46.A.exCuSeB. adviCeC. troubleD. diffiCulty47.A.neverB. alWaySC. uSuallyD.SometimeS48.A.nervouSB. pleaSedC. SorryD.Shy49.A.WaiterB. SingerC. oWnerD.Stranger50.A.WhenB. untilC. unleSSD.beCauSe第三部分阅读理解(两大题,45分)七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分 5分)A:Hi, Becky. We

24、lcome to our program. 51. B: Well, Im having trouble With my dad. EaCh time We talk about SOmething, WfeRaI)g ue(A: 52. Its impolite.B: I knoW. But he iS alWayS making deCiSionS for me. I Cant even have the right to ChooSe What to Wear.A: That SoundS terrible. 53. B: I tried, but he hardly ever liSt

25、enS to me. He thinkS that Im young, So I muSt folloW hiS adviCe.A: Well, thatS a big problem. 54. B: ThatS a good idea. 55. Thank you!A.I WiIl have a tryB.Whats your problem?C.Hi, Where are you from?D.I thi nk you should lear n from him.E.Y)U should nt argue With your Pare nts.F.Why not have a good

26、talk With your dad?G Maybe you Can ask your mother for help.八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)APlaying video games and getting money from it SeemS like a dream job for many of todays teen agers. BUt is it all fun and games?Big bus in essPro (PrOfeSSiO nal ) gam ing is Certai nly big bus in ess. In 2017, ther

27、e Were mor000a n 3 gam ing COmPetiti OnSand over 10000 PrOfeSSi onal PIayerS WOrldWide. A large nu mber of people WatCh their COmPetitiO ns on Ii ne, and SUCCeSSfUI gamers Can get mor00tQa000 dollars from PriZe money and ads. The in dustry is Clearly thriv ing.What it takesBeco ming a PrOfeSSi onal

28、is not just about being good at play inga IaieO takes a lot of hard Work. Some pro gamers PraCtiCe for fourteen hours a “Yyu need to SPend much time and PUt all your efforts inO it SayS exgamer George.Not all fun and gamesIt Can be a diffiCult job as Well. StreSS is a big problem for gamers. Tiredne

29、ss is another, and injuries受 伤)are com mon. Top PIayer Hai Lam had Wri 手手腕)problems after years of pro gam ing. Careel生涯 )are short, and many gamers退休Qbefore they are 30 and try to find ano ther job.HOWeVer, the bad POintS PrObabIy Wont Cha nge the dreams of many tee nage gamers. And angry Pare nts

30、are still likely to hear the eCiBet rm just PraCtiCi ng for my future jOb56.How many PrOfeSSional PIayerS Were there around the World in 2017?A.130,000.B.More than ,3 000.C.Over 1,000,000.D.More than 1,0 000.57.What does the underlined word “ thriving ” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Getting worse.B.Doing well.C.Developing slow.lyD.Changing quick.ly58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.More and more teenage gamers may give up playing video games in the future.B.Playing video games is a lotenrgm- career.C.Stress and tiredness a

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