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1、届高考英语必备高频单词三2020高考英语必备必备高频单词(三)1. absorbv吸收;吸引;使专心:Water and salts are absorbed into our blood stream.水分和盐被吸收进我们的血液中。I was completely absorbed inthe book.我完全沉浸在书中。2. blockn街区;v堵住;挡住:She took the dog for awalk around the block.她带着狗绕街区散步。I tried to get through,butthere were people blocking my way.我想过去

2、,但是有人挡着路。parev对比;比较;比得上;相比:Ive had some difficulties,but they were nothing compared to yours.我遇到了一些困难,但与你的困难比起来就算不上什么了。The flowers here do not compare with those at home.这儿的花比不上家里的花。4. devotev把用于;致力于;献身于:She devoted most of her spare time to tennis.她将大部分空余时间都用来打网球了。5.equaladj相同的;同样的;相等的;平等的:There is

3、 an equal number of boys and girls in the class.这个班男女生人数相等。We will be demanding equal rights at work.我们将要求工作中的平等权利。6.figuren常用复数 数字;位数;算术;v计算:His salary is now in six figures.他的薪水现在是六位数。We figured the attendance at 150,000.我们估计有15万人参加。7.graspn(对知识等的)理解;领会;v抓住;紧握:He has a good grasp of German grammar

4、.他德语语法掌握得很好。He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.他热情地抓住我的手握了起来。8.hono(u)rn常用单数荣幸;v正式用语 给予荣誉:It isan honor tohave you here.大驾光临,深感荣幸。He was honored with the Nobel Prize for Medicine.他荣获诺贝尔医学奖。9.involvev包含;需要;涉及;影响:The project will involve working abroad.这个项目将需要到国外去工作。These changes will involve ever

5、yone on the staff.这些变化将影响每一位职员。10.indeedadv当然;确实:Would it help if you had an assistant?It would indeed.你要是有个助手,会有帮助吗?那是肯定的。11.jamn堵塞:Sorry were late.We got stuck in a traffic jam.对不起,我们来晚了,路上堵车。12.lecturen(尤指大学中的)讲座;讲课;v讲课;作讲座;演讲:He gave a series of lectures on French literature.他作了有关法国文学的系列讲座。Forte

6、nyearsshelecturedinlaw.她教了十年的法律课。13. leveln水平;水准;级别:He studied French to degree level.他的法语学到了拿学位的水平。14.likelyadj可能的:They might refuse to let us do it,but its hardly likely.他们也许不会让我们做这工作,但这可能性太小。15.measuren常用复数 措施;办法;v量;测量:The government must take measures to reduce crime.政府必须采取措施来减少犯罪。We can measure

7、 the energy that food provides in calories.我们可以用卡路里来测量食物提供的能量。16.methodn方法;办法:This is the simplest method of payment.这是最简单的付款方法。17. occurv发生:If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.如果头痛只发生在晚上,缺少新鲜空气和氧气常常是其原因。18.puzzledadj困惑的;迷惑的:Alice read the letter with a

8、puzzled expression on her face.艾丽斯脸上带着迷惑的表情读了那封信。19.quarreln争吵;吵架;v争吵;吵架:I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers.我和其他几个兄弟大吵了一架。I always seem to be quarreling with my parents.我好像总是在和父母吵架。20.rareadj稀有的;罕见的:It is very rare for her to miss a day at school.她上课很少缺席。21.requirev不用于进行时 需要;要求:Regulati

9、ons require that students attend at least 90%of the lectures.规定要求学生的听课率至少要达到90%。22.normaladj正常的;平常的:Its normal to feel tired after such a long trip.这样长途旅行之后感到疲劳是正常的。23.standardn标准;水准;adj标准的:Students have to reach a certain standard or they wont pass.学生必须达到某一标准,不然就无法通过。The shoes are available in all

10、standard sizes.这款鞋子各种标准尺码都有售。24. strugglen斗争;奋斗;v(与某人)搏斗;斗争:Life became a struggle for survival.生活变成了一场争取生存的斗争。James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.詹姆斯在同几个劫匪搏斗时嘴上挨了打。25.typicaladj典型的;有代表性的:Thismeal is typical of local cookery.这是有当地风味的饭菜。26.voyagen(乘船 / 宇宙飞船的长途) 航行:The Titanic

11、sank on itsmaiden voyage.泰坦尼克号首航便沉没了。27.wisdomn智慧;明智:BeforeIwentofftouniversitymyfathergavemeafewwordsofwisdom.在我上大学之前,父亲告诉我一些至理名言。28.producen(总称)产品;(尤指)农产品;v生产;创作:The shop sells only fresh local produce.这家商店只售当地的新鲜农产品。The children produced some wonderful paintings.这些儿童创作了一些精彩的画作。29.educatev常用于被动语态

12、(在学校)教育:He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.他先在地方综合学校上学,然后在牛津大学接受教育。30.introducev介绍;引见:Please allow me to introduce myself.请让我自我介绍一下。31.reducev缩减;减少:Theyre trying to reduce the number of students in the college.他们正试图减少学院里的学生人数。32.ensurev确保;保证:Please ensure (that) all

13、 lights are switched off.请确保将所有的灯都关掉。33.unsureadj无把握;不确知;犹豫:I was unsure how to reply to this question.我拿不准该如何回答这个问题。34.insurev给购买保险:The painting is insured for1 million.这幅油画投了100万美元的保险。35.insurancen保险;保险金:He took out insurance against unemployment.他买了失业保险。36.advertisev(为)做广告 / 宣传;(为)登广告:Colleges an

14、d universities have found that it pays to advertise.大专院校已发现做广告是有用的。37.advertisementn广告(ad) :They put an advertisement inThe Morning News,offering a high salary for the right person.他们在晨报上刊登了一则启事,出高薪寻找合适的人选。38. conversationn谈话;会谈:Hes a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him.他是一个健谈的人,我

15、和他聊了起来。39. universen常与the连用 宇宙:Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?宇宙中其他地方存在有智慧的生命吗?40.universityn综合性大学;大学:Hes studying geography at university.他在大学里攻读地理。41.divorcen离婚;分离;v(判)离婚;(与)离婚:They have agreed to get a divorce.他们已同意离婚。Davids parents divorced when he was six.戴维的父母在他六岁时离婚了。42.d

16、ividev划分;分割;分配;分开:The teacher divided the class into groups.老师把全班同学分成几个小组。43. individualadj只用于名词前 单独的;个人的;n个人;个体;人:We interviewed each individual member of the community.我们采访了社区中的每个成员。The competition is open to both teams and individuals.团队和个人均可参加比赛。44. provev证明;证实:Just give me a chance and Ill prov

17、e it to you.只要给我个机会,我会证明给你看。45.approvev 批准;认可; 赞成;同意:We are waiting for our proposals to be approved.我们正在等待我们的提议获得通过。Do you approve of my idea?你同意我的想法吗?46.approvaln赞成;同意:I was always trying to win my fathers approval.我总是想方设法赢得父亲的赞许。47.improvev改善;提高:I thought the best way to improve my French was to

18、live in France.我认为提高我的法语水准的最好办法是到法国生活。48.affectv影响:Your opinion will not affect my decision.你的意见不会影响我的决定。49.affectionn喜爱;钟爱:She was held in deep affection by all her students.她的学生都十分爱戴她。50.effectn结果;效应;作用;影响:I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights.我当然能感觉到熬夜太多产生的影响。51.effectiveadj有效的

19、:Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment.阿司匹林药片治疗方法简便,效果却非常显著。52.affordv 买得起; 承担得起(时间、后果等):We cant afford to go abroad this summer.今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。We cant afford to wait any longer or well miss the plane.我们再也不能等下去了,否则会赶不上飞机的。53.forcen武力;暴力;v强迫;迫使:We will achieve much more by persuasion th

20、an by brute force.我们通过说服会比使用暴力更有成效。I had to force myself to get up this morning.今天早晨我不得不逼迫自己起床。54.promisen诺言;许诺;承诺;v许诺;保证;答应:Do I have your promise that you wont tell anyone about this?你保证不把这事告诉任何人吗?Ive promised myself some fun when the exams are over.等考试完了,我打算好好玩玩。promisen妥协;让步;和解:To stop the argum

21、ent they decided on a compromise.为停止争吵,他们决定作出妥协。56.respondv正式用语 回答:He responded that he didnt want to see anyone.他回答说不想见任何人。57.responsen回答;反应:I knocked on the door but there was no response.我敲了门,但是没有回应。58.responsibleadj有责任的;尽责的:Mike is responsible for designing the entire project.迈克负责设计全部工程。59.respo

22、nsibilityn责任;职责:Its your responsibility to inform us of any changes.如有任何变动,你有责任通知我们。60. wanderv闲逛;漫步:She wandered aimlessly around the streets.她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。61.wonderv 对感到惊讶 / 诧异; 想知道;琢磨:Sometimes I wonder about his behavior.有时我对他的行为感到惊讶。I wonder where she lives these days.我想知道她现在住在哪里。62.reflectv通常

23、不用于进行时 反映;反思;回想;仔细考虑:The drop in consumer spending reflects concern about the economy.消费支出的下降反映出人们对经济的担忧。We should all give ourselves time to reflect.我们都应该给自己时间来深思。63. reflectionn反映:The increase in ticket sales is a reflection of the popularity of the competition.门票销售量的增加反映了比赛很受欢迎。64. flexibleadj可变通

24、的;灵活的:Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.我们的计划必须足够变通,以满足每个人的需要。学后检测一、根据汉语释义写出英文单词。1. 堵住;挡住 2. 数字;位数;算术 3.(对知识等的)理解;领会 4. 无把握;不确知;犹豫 5. 喜爱;钟爱 6. 强迫;迫使 7. 吸引;使专心 8. 相同的;同样的;相等的 9. 涉及;影响 10. 当然;确实 11.堵塞 12. 水平;水准;级别 13. 措施;办法 14. 困惑的;迷惑的 15. 争吵;吵架 16.(与某人)搏斗;斗争 17.

25、典型的;有代表性的 18. 智慧;明智 19. 缩减;减少 20.(为)做广告 / 宣传 21. 单独的;个人的 22. 赞成;同意 23. 改善;提高 24.有效的 25. 诺言;许诺;承诺 26. 妥协;让步;和解 27. 有责任的;尽责的 28. 比得上;相比 29. 标准;水准 30. 谈话;会谈 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. I was always trying towinmy fathersapproval. 2. He hasa good grasp ofGerman grammar. 3.BeforeIwentofftouniversitymyfathergav

26、emeafewwordsofwisdom. 4. Hegavea series oflectureson French literature. 5. They might refuse to let us do it,but itshardly likely. 6. Students have toreacha certainstandardor they wont pass. 7. The Titanic sank on itsmaiden voyage. 8.I can certainlyfeel the effects oftoo many late nights. 9. The government musttake measuresto reduce crime. 10. This is the simplestmethod of payment. 11. The shop sells onlyfresh local produce. 12. Hetook out insuranceagainst unemployment. 13. Our plans need to be flexible enough tocater for the needsof everyone.

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