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1、仁爱版八年级上册英语知识点八年级上学期英语知识点八年级英语短语总汇Unit1 going to do 打算做某事2.See sb do sth看见某人做某事(全过程)See sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(正在进行)3.cheer sb on为.加油4.Play against=fight against 与.对抗/大战5.¥6.Be against-Be for 反对赞同7.practice+doing 练习做.8.Prefer+doing 跟喜欢.9.Quite a lot/bit=often 经常10.which=what kind of那一个;pref

2、er=like better 跟喜欢 11.Join+某人/组织Join in+活动/比赛 加入Take part in+活动/比赛,Be in+活动/比赛12.Perfer+doing/ doing/n. 比起后者跟喜欢前者13.Perfer to do 宁愿做.14.Know about. 知道/了解有关于.15.时间状语从句:主句(一般将来时)从句(一般现在时)when后是从句,前是主句16.It takes sb+时间/钱 to do sth Spend+时间/钱+(in) doing sth 在某方面花费多少Spend+时间/钱+on+n.,物+cost+时间/钱17.There b

3、e going to be=there will be 这里将会有.18.Be good at+(doing)sth=Do well in+(doing)sth 擅长做.19.Be sure that+宾语从句 确信.20.Be sure to do 肯定要做.21.Be sure of/about 对.有把握22.At the weekend 在周末23.Make sb/sth+adj 使.处在什么状态 24.*25.Keep+adj 保持.;keep sb/sth+adj 使.保持什么状态 26.A way to 一种.的方法27.Relax oneself 使某人自己放松28.Play

4、for 为.效力29.Arrive in=get to=reach+大地方;Arrive at+小地方30.Excited(人);exciting(物)31.Leave for动身做某地 ;leave A for B 离开A地去B地Unit1 Topic21.(2.Could you(not).=cuold/would you please(not)do=would/do you mind(not)doing=Would you mind (not)+if+从句 3.fall ill=be ill 生病4.One of+n.复数 .其中之一5.Keep+doing继续做;keep on doi

5、ng 反复做(有间隔)6.Help sb.=give sb a hand 帮助某人7.V.+间宾(人)+直宾(物)=V.+直宾+to/for+间宾8.Sure=certainly=of course 当然9.,10.Not at all=certainly not=of course not 不介意11.Never mind=its nothing=its doesnt matter 没关系12.Throw.around/about 乱扔13.Adj.修饰不定代词放其后14.Be sorry for/about. 对.感到内疚15.What do you mean by.=what does.

6、mean=whats the meaning of. 意思是什么16.Shout at sb. 斥责某人17.Do/try ones best to do sth 尽某人做大的努力做某事18.【19.Be angry with sb. For doing sth 因为某人做某事而生气 angry at/about sth 因某事而生气 angry with 因.而生气22.With the help of sb.=with onehelp 在某人的帮助下 sb. 对某人说.24.Come into being=be born 形成/产生25.So.that

7、. 如此.以致.=to.too. 太.而不能.26.A century=one hundred year 一个世纪27.28.Over=more than 超过29.Through(中间)=aross(表面) 通过30.Throw.through. 通.扔.;throw.into. 把.扔/投入.31.Stop.from doing 阻止.做某事32.Its+adj+(for sb.)+to do (对某人来说)做.是.33.Another+基数词 又一,在一; other+n.复数 另外的34.Around=all over 到处35.Just for.只是为了

8、o. 使.变成.38.Sit around 围坐在39.Get from doing 得到.40.Such as 后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西41.A number of+n.可数复数 许多的;the number of+n.单数 .的数量42.Hero Unit1 Topic31.连字符后不加s2.:3.名词作定语修饰名词一般用单数形式,但sport,woman用复数4.Have fun=enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩的开心5.Have fun+doing 做某事有趣6.Its ones 序数词 time to do 是某人第几次做某事7.Be/get r

9、eady for=perpare for 为.作准备8.Make friends with sb. 和.交朋友9.Be in=be at home 在家10.shall用于第一人称 I,We(一般用于疑问句) will用于全部人称11.?12.Make it +时间 约定在几点,不加at13.Take a message 捎个口信14.At the school gate在学校大门;at the theater在剧场;at the bus stop在公交站15.Catch up with 赶上.16.Neck and neck 肩并肩17.Run into 撞到18.A symbol of .

10、的象征19.Stand for 代表.20.21.Ever+一段时间 每隔多久22.Do sth in turn 轮流做某事23.Its ones turn to do 轮到某人做某事24.Have the chance to do sth 有机会做某事25.For the 序数词 time 第几次26.Win first place 获得第一名,考试/比赛获得名次时序数词前不可加 the27.Some day(将来)=one day(过去、将来) 某一天28.Can(本身具有)=be able to(后天努力达到的) 能够29.。30.Do exercise=do sports 锻炼31.L

11、isten (过程);hear(结果)听32.Send a message 发信息 把.当做Unit2 Topic11.Have the flu患流感;Have a sore throat 喉咙痛2.Whats the matter(whith sb.)/whats wrong(with sb.) (某人)怎么了3.Boiled water 开水4.、5.Stay in 待在6.Too much+n.不可数/too many+n.可是 太多;much too+adj./adv. 太.7.In the sun 在阳光呀8.Take/have some medicine 吃

12、药带.去.10.Brush ones teeth 刷某人的牙11.Happen to 发生 12.Call a taxi 打的13.、14.Look after=take care of 照顾15.Ask for+时间s leave 请几天的假16.Look after/take care of+oneself 照顾某人自己17.Be worried about=worry about 担心18.When(时间点)/while(时间段) 当.的时候Unit2 Topic21.Ask do sth 请求某人做某事2.Give up+doing 放弃做某事3.|4.系动词+ad

13、j.=系表 5.动名词做主语,谓语用第三人称单数6.Stay up 熬夜7.Put.into. 把.放.8.Be bad for对.有益;be good for 对.有害9.On the newspaper(表层);in the newspaper(内容)10.Show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某物11.Without-with 没有-有12.13.Be careful (not) to do 注意(不)做14.Force do 强迫某人做某事15.Have to do 不得不做16.Make sb./sth do sth 让某人/某物做某事17.Be surprised to do

14、 惊讶地做.18.Be surprised at 对.感到惊讶19.To ones surprise 使某人惊奇的是20.Have a bath洗澡;take a shower淋浴21.!22.In public 在公共场所23.As soon as possible 尽可能快地(放在句末)24.Not only.but also. 不但.而且.25.西红柿,马铃薯,英雄,黑人Pl.加es26.Need to do 需要做某事27.Run to 跑向28.a piece of advice 一条建议29.Get mad 发疯30.31.As soon as. 一.就Unit2 Topic31.

15、Build 增强某人的体质2.Ask/answer the question 问/回答问题3.All the time=always 一直4.Keep away from=get away from=stay away from 远离5.At once=right now=right away 立刻6.Take ones advice 采纳某人的建议;give sb. advice 给某人建议7.8.ask advice 向某人寻求意见9.A:May.B:Yes,.may/No,mustnt10.A:Must.B:Yes,.must/No,.neednt=dont/doesnt have to

16、11.Finally=at last=in the end 最后12.Could I speak to. 我能和.讲话吗13.Ring sb. up=call sb.=telephone/phone sb.=give sb. a call14.Leave a message 留言15.Tell sb. (not) to do 告诉某人(不要)做16./17.Forget to do忘记做过什么(已做).;forget doing sth 忘记做某事(还没做)18.Give a talk(to sb.) (给某人)做报告19.Do sth by oneself 某人亲自做20.Stay away

17、 from+doing 远离.21.Say no to+doing 对.说不22.In order to 为了.23.Warm up 热身24.Instead of+doing 代替做.25.26.Have right to do sth 有权做某事27.Fly over 飞过28.Run after 追赶29.Put up/down 向上/向下30.Be afraid of+(doing)sth害怕(做)某事=be afraid to do 害怕做某事Unit3 Topic11.In ones free/spare time 在某人空闲的时间2.Why not=why dont you 为什

18、么不.3.)4.表示喜欢的词都加 to music 随着音乐跳舞6.May be可能是; can be可以是;must be应该是7.Learn.from. 从.学习.;learn from. 从中学习8.Get started 着手开始9.Start/begin with. 以.开始10.Cut out 剪下 把.粘贴在.12.-13.Share sth to sb. 与.分享.14.Used to do过去常常做某事;get/be used to doing 习惯于做某事15.It is fun to do/doing 做是很有趣的16.Keep

19、 warm 保暖17.May be也许是(系表结构) ; maybe 也许(副词,放在句首)18.Provide sb. With sth=provide sth. For sb. 为某人提供某物。19.Whether.or not. 是否.(固定词组)20.Take sb. Out for a walk 带某人出去散步21.。22.Be special to 对.特别23.There used to be 某地过去曾有某物24.Decide to do 决定做某事25.In ones life 在某人的生命里 就像.一样27.Keep ones mind on doi

20、ng 专心的做某事28.介词+doingUnit3 Topic21.2.What+a/an+adj.+n.单数;what+adj.+n.不可数/复数3.How+adj./adv.;how+adv.+主+谓4.At the concert 在演唱会上5.Lend sth. to sb.=lend sb. Sth. 把某物借给某人6.Borrow.from.从.借来.7.What kind/type of.什么种类8.Hate doing 讨厌做某事 all 根本不;not at all 没关系10.11.Cone and go quickly 来去匆匆12.Be popular

21、with 以.流行13.Be famous for.因.而著名;be famous as. 作为.而出名14.Here is a/an+n.单数/are+n.复数 这边有.15.Be over 结束16.Go up to 走上前去17.All kinds of+n.复数 各种各样18.Jump out 跳出去, oneself in+(doing)sth 沉迷于什么18. Such+(a/an+adj.+n.单数/adj.+n.复数/adj.+n.不可数)+thatSo+adj./adv.+that 如此.以致于.Unit3 Topic31.Hold on,please 请稍等2.Chat w

22、ith sb. 与某人聊天。3.Do some packing 打包行李4.Pass the time 打发时间5.|6.Agree with sb. 同意某人看法 7.Pass by 经过8.By chance 偶然9.Fall down on. 摔倒在.10.In the street在街上;on the road在路上11.Warm .up 使.温暖 ones arms抱着.怀里13.Knock at .敲.14.15.Without+doing不做16.In the early 年代+s 在什么年代早期17.Stop doing sth停止做某事(正在做);stop

23、 to do sth停止去做某事(想要去做)18.Voice(人声);sounds(全部声音);nois(噪声)19.In the low voice 低声地说20.Follow.order 遵守.命令21.Get lost 迷路22.Long long ago 很久很久以前23.24.Last night=yesterday evening 昨晚Unit4 Topic1 1.Think about (doing) sth. 考虑做2.In the countryside /city 在农村/城市3.On the farm在农场上4.Live a life 过着的生活5.As we know

24、众所周知6.&7.Cover .with . 用覆盖8.On Earth = on the earth在地球上9.Play a part in ( doing ) sth. 在(做)某事中起作用10.Die out 灭绝11.Thousands / hundreds of 数以千/百计 12.Control the climate 调节气候13.In fact 事实上,实际上14.Protect from .保护免受的伤害15.#16.Feed on 以为食 17.Fewer and fewer 越来越少(修饰可数名词)18.Less and less 越来越少(修饰不可数名词)19.More

25、 and more越来越多(可数,不可数都可以)20.In danger 处于危险中 21.Out of danger脱险22.In the south of China 在中国南部23.A type of = a kind of 一种24.,25.Kill . for 为杀死26. ;sheep-sheep; mouse-mice27.Cut down 砍伐28.On the land;in the sea;in the sky 在陆地上;在海里;在天空29.数字% 读作:数字 percentUnit4 Topic21.Fall on 掉在上2.Be missing / lost失踪,丢失3

26、.4.Lose ones life / lives失去生命5.Lose ones homes失去家园6.Ask sb. for help = turn to sb. 向某人求助7.Stay/keep calm 保持冷静8.Protect with 用保护9.Take a lift 乘电梯10.In the middle/center of 在中间11.A way to do sth. = a way of doing sth.做的方法12.%13.Remember to do 记得做某事14.Remember doing 记得做过某事15.In a doorway 在过道16.Turn on/

27、off 打开/关闭17.Turn up/down 调高/调低18.Jump off 从跳下19.The whole day = all day 整天20.Return to = go back to 回到21.22.Over again 再次,重新23.Millions of 数以百万计的24.Move around 走来走去,走动25.On+具体某一天 26.Send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 发送给某人某物27.Send for 派人去请,召唤28.In the fire在火灾中29.Ask/call sb. For help 请求某人的帮助/打电话给某人求救

28、30.#31.Hear about 听说有关于.32.In the army 在军队33.Run out of. 跑出.外34.Protect.from+doing保护.免受.的伤害35.Close to 靠近Unit4 Topic31.on the Internet 在网上2.face to face 面对面;neck and neck 齐头并进;hand in hand 手;back to back 背靠背 3.#4.find out 查明,找出5.let/make/have sb. do 让某人做某事6.make into use 使投入使用 the 1960s 在二十世纪六十年

29、代 not sure +whether/if 不确定是否9.put into 把放进10.for the better 向着较好的情况(转变)- for the worse 向着较坏的情况(转变)11.use sth. to do 用来做12.、 the Internet 上网14.change into = turn into 把转变成15.look up 查找,向上看 different from 和不同17.lose oneself in (doing) sth. 沉迷于,专心致志于 for 搜寻,寻找19.if so 如果是这样 if not 如果不是这样20.visit a website 访问一个网站21.) sb.(to) do 帮助某人做 八年级语法汇总1.一般将来时: Be going to do/will be 的用法 Will用法: 肯定句:主+will+V.原型+其他 否定

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