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本文(环境职业健康和安全协议书nvironment Health and Safety Agreement.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

环境职业健康和安全协议书nvironment Health and Safety Agreement.docx

1、环境职业健康和安全协议书nvironment Health and Safety Agreement环境、职业健康和安全协议书Environment Health and Safety Agreement本承包商环境、职业健康和安全管理协议(以下简称“协议”)由以下双方签订:This Contractor Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Management (hereinafter as “Agreement”) is enter into by between:业主(总承包商):Owner(Head-Contractor):(以下简称

2、“甲方”) (hereinafter as Party A) 承包商:Contractor:(以下简称“乙方”) (hereinafter as Party B) 现为了贯彻“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方针,根据中国有关法律法规和地方政策,明确双方的环境、职业健康和安全(以下简称“EHS”)的工作职责,确保全面安全作业,双方在签订项目合同的同时,签订本协议。Now, in order to implement the policy of “safety first, prevention crucial, treatment comprehensive” and according to

3、 laws and regulations of China and local rules, both Parties signed this Agreement together with the Project Contractor to define the environment, safety and occupational health (hereinafter as “EHS”) responsibilities of both Parties and to ensure the safety during all works.一、 承包项目Project:项目名称:Name

4、 of project:工程位置:Location of project:承包范围:Scope of contract:二、 项目期限Term of project: 年 月 日 年 月 日From to三、 甲方的责任、义务和权利 Obligation, liabilities and rights of Party A1. 严格控制入场员工身体健康状况,要求工作人员必须经过体检合格方可进行培训、办理入场许可证。 Strictly monitor the job site workers physical health status, all the workers shall perfor

5、m the health check, if qualified then go to education and entrance permit procedure. 2. 在项目施工之前,甲方应对乙方项目人员进行安全生产进场教育培训,有权监督乙方的人员定期或不定期参加有关安全的或其它的特殊性培训。 Before construction of the project, Party A shall provide safe production training and education to Party Bs Project Personnel before entering the s

6、ite of project. Entitled to supervise and urge Party B to attend the regular or irregular safety or other special training sessions. 3. 甲方应向乙方提供甲方认定必要的技术帮助,协助乙方做好安全技术交底工作;Party A shall provide necessary technical assistance which is seemed necessary by Party A to Party B, and assist Party B in safet

7、y technical disclosure work;4. 甲方在项目施工中,甲方应将地下管线和高压架空线路的详情和要求告知乙方,要求乙方应根据该要求实施项目。During the project construction, Party A shall provide the detailed information and requirement of such underground pipelines and high pressure overhand line to Party B and require Party B implement the project accordin

8、g to such requirements.5. 甲方有权制定有关工作现场的安全管理制度、安全违规惩罚细则,乙方应当遵守。 Entitled to formulate site work safety management regulation and safety violation penalty rules, which shall be observed by Party B. 6. 有权在整个合同履行期间对乙方进行全方位的安全监督和管理。有权对乙方的工作现场进行安全检查并将检查发现的各种不安全问题及隐患及时通知乙方限期整改或停工整改。 Entitled to have all-ro

9、und safety supervision and governance to Party B during the whole work period. Entitled to conduct safety check on job site of Party B and notify the found safety risks and problems timely to Party B, demanding corrective measures to be executed in limited period or work suspension until finish rect

10、ification. 7. 有权对不服从管理、严重安全违规以及对抗管理、报复、偷盗、打架斗殴的人驱逐出厂,并移交相关政府部门处理。 Entitled to oust the people who do not follow the instructions, seriously violating against safety regulations, defying the management, getting involved in retaliation, stealing & burglary, fighting out of the site, and send to the re

11、lated government.四、 乙方的责任、权利和义务 Obligation, liabilities and rights of Party B 1. 乙方在施工工程中必须严格遵守国家和地方的各项安全、环境、职业健康的法律、法规、条例、规章、方针、政策,并必须严格遵守甲方在现场安全生产、安全施工、环境保护和职业健康方面的管理和技术要求等等。In the course of project construction, Party B shall strictly comply with laws, regulations, ordinances, rules, principles i

12、n relation to safety, environment, occupational health, which are promulgated by state and local government. And Party B shall also strictly follow the management and technical requirement, etc. of Party B for site safe production and construction, environment protection and occupational health.2. 乙

13、方应具有安全管理组织体制,包括但不限于,分管安全生产的领导,各级专职和兼职的安全管理人员,应有各种的操作规程,特种作业人员的审证和考核制度及各级安全生产岗位责任制和定期安全检查制度,安全教育制度。并且,乙方必须将其上述安全管理制度以书面的形式提供给甲方。Party B shall have a safety management system, including but not limited to leaders who are in charge of safety production, full-time and part-time safety staffs of all leve

14、ls, safe operation regulation for all posts, license verification and test system of special operator, responsibilities assignment of all safety production-related posts and regular safety check and education system etc. In addition, Party B shall provide the above safety management system to party

15、A in written form. 3. 乙方入场前必须向甲方提供施工安全负责人姓名及联系方式,超过10人现场作业必须配备专职安全员,乙方应确保其指派的乙方项目人员每30名就必须配备1名有资质的全职安全管理人员,亦即,在项目施工期间,如果乙方项目人员为30-59名,那么必须在现场安排1名全职安全管理人员,如果早60-89之间,必须有2名全职安全管理人员,并向甲方备案。Party B shall provide Party A with the name and contact of the person in charge of construction safety prior to en

16、tering the site; in case more than 10 people engage in onsite work, Party B shall assign a full-time safety officer, Party B shall ensure that there shall be a qualified full-time safety manager every 30 persons of Party Bs Project construction, if there are 30-59 persons of Party Bs Project Personn

17、el, there shall be 1 full-time safety officer, if there are 60-89, there shall be 2 full-time safety officer, and keep record in Party A;4. 乙方在施工前必须认真勘察现场,编制令甲方满意地项目施工组织设计,并制定令甲方满意地针对项目的专门安全技术措施和安全施工技术(以下简称“安全要求”),严格按照施工组织设计和安全要求施工。Party B shall survey the site with care before project construction,

18、 make special safety technical measures and safe construction scheme for the project to the satisfaction of Party A (hereinafter “safety requirements”)and conduct the construction strictly according to the construction organization design and safety requirements.5. 乙方必须认真地对其指派到甲方场地实施项目的管理和施工人员(以下简称“

19、乙方项目人员”)进行安全生产制度和安全技术知识教育,增强乙方项目人员的法制观念,提高他们的安全生产思想意识和自我保护的能力,监督乙方项目人员自觉遵守安全生产纪律、制度和法规。Party B shall provide the education of safe production system and safe technology knowledge to the management and construction workers (hereinafter “Party Bs Project Personnel”)designated by Party B to Party As si

20、te to implement the Project, enhance the legal awareness of Party Bs Project Personnel, increase their awareness of safe production and self-production, supervise the observance of safe production disciplines, rules and regulations by Party Bs Project Personnel.6. 在项目施工之前,乙方应确保乙方项目人员接受甲方的安全生产进场教育培训,

21、并应定时组织召开乙方项目人员安全生产教育会议,并通知甲方委托有关人员出席会议,介绍项目施工中有关安全、防火等规章制度及要求;乙方必须检查,督促乙方项目人员严格遵守、认真执行安全要求和甲方的现场安全和其他管理。Before construction of the project, Party B shall ensure that Party Bs Project Personnel accept the safety production education and training and hold regular safe production education meeting to P

22、arty Bs Project Personnel, inform relevant personnel of Party A to attend the meeting, introduce the rules, regulation and requirement for safety and firefighting during projection construction; Party B shall examine and supervise Safety Requirement and site safety and other management of Party A. 7

23、. 乙方项目人员必须穿戴符合甲方要求的合格的个人防护用品(以下简称“PPE”),且PPE必须满足可以穿戴和可以有效使用的最低质量要求。乙方须自备安全帽、安全鞋、安全带、安全眼镜及工作服等防护用品。Party Bs Project Personnel must wear the qualified personal protective equipment (hereinafter as “PPE”)required by Party A. And the PPE should meet minimum quality requirements so that PPE can be worn a

24、nd used effectively. Party B must provide hard cap, safety shoes, safety harness, safety glasses and work clothes etc.8. 乙方应对在施工过程中自备的操作设施设备、工具用具等进行认真检查,必须保证进入工作现场的机电设备的安全防护装置齐全、灵敏可靠、有效,符合安全管理规定的要求。乙方自带的施工过程中使用的电气工具(如:手枪钻、磨光机、电焊机等)、安全设施(灭火器、安全网等)须经甲方检查确认合格后方可进场使用。During the construction, Party B sha

25、ll carefully check its own operation equipment, facilities, tools and appliances. Secure the mechanical and electrical equipment on the job site shall be well equipped with safety protection, with good reliability and efficiency and complying with safety management requirement. For the Party B owned

26、 electrical tools. (e.g. pistol drill, grinder, welding machine and etc.)and safety facilities(fire extinguisher, safety net and etc.)used during construction period must be checked and approved by Party A before entry for work.9. 对于机械设备、脚手架等设施,在搭设、安装完毕使用前,乙方应严格按照甲方相应作业指导书的要求进行检查验收,并做好验收及交付使用的书面记录,严

27、禁在未经检查货检查不合格的情况下投入使用,否则由此发生的后果概有乙方负责。Before use of installed mechanical and built scaffolding facilities, Party B shall check and accept strictly according to the related requirements of working instruction from Party A, and make written record of the acceptance and handover. It is strictly prohibit

28、ed to put the above facilities and equipment into operation without check or under unqualified situation, otherwise, Party B shall be responsible for the consequences incurred thereby.10. 乙方应自行配备项目实施所需使用的工具。甲乙双方如需相互借用或租赁,甲乙双方有关人员办理借用或租用手续,制定有关安全使用和管理规定。借出方应保证借出的设备和工具完好并符合安全要求,借人方必须进行检验,并做好书面记录。接入使用方

29、一经接收,设备和工具的保管、维修应由借入使用方负责,并严格执行安全操作规程。在使用的过程中,由于设备、工具因素或使用操作不当而造成伤亡事故,由使用方独立负责。Party B shall prepare the tools required for project construction. If either Party needs to borrow or lease tools from the other, the Parties shall handle borrow or lease formalities by relevant personnel of both Parties,

30、 and establish relevant safe use and management rules. The lending Party warrants that its tools and facilities are in good condition and meet the safety requirements. The borrowing Party shall check and make written record. Once accepted by the borrowing Party shall be responsible for the custody a

31、nd maintenance of the facilities and tools, and strictly comply with the safety operation regulations. The using Party shall be solely responsible for the casualty accident caused by the facilities or tools or improper use during the operation.11. 未经甲方人员及相关单位的许可不得擅自动用甲方和其它单位的设施和物品,否则,由此引起的任何事件、事故及损坏

32、均由乙方承担全部责任。 Shall not arbitrarily use the facilities and objects of the Party A or other units without prior permission, otherwise the incurred incident, accidents and damage will be fully borne by party B.12. 乙方若需用甲方提供的电气设备时,须征得甲方同意后方可使用。在使用过程中,乙方应严格执行甲方的管理制度及作业指导书,因乙方违章使用造成的损失由乙方承担相应的责任。违反本规定或不经甲方许可,擅自乱拉电器线路造成的一切后果均由乙方独立负责。In case of using Party A owned electrical equipment, Party B shall get Party As permission before using. Party B shall strictly follow Party As management rules and working instructions when using the e

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