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1、新视野大学英语视听说2Passage汇总新视野大学英语视听说2Passage汇总Unit1Passage 1I began learning Spanish when I was in high school, using a traditional academic method of studying verbs, sentence structures, and grammar by using textbooks and not much else. I found it very easy to learn, but was frustrated with the slow pace

2、 and repetitive nature of all my Spanish classes. So I worked extra hard in my spare time and asked my teacher if I could skip a level by the end of the semester.This was unsuccessful, however, because the school was not willing to test me or otherwise prove that I could be successful in the top lev

3、el after skipping a level. This made things even more frustrating, as then I was stuck in a class where I already knew the material!Then I went on to college where I then used the language extensively both in and out of the classroom. I studied Spanish literature, culture, and linguistics and very m

4、uch enjoyed the cultural and linguistic elements, but found the in-depth study of literature a very unbalanced way to study Spanish.I got a lot out of using my Spanish outside of the classroom, including a trip to Mexico with a church group, where I found myself acting as an interpreter. It was cert

5、ainly challenging, but it was also a lot of fun.I then also volunteered to be an interpreter in the community schools and also used my Spanish to teach English to some Spanish speakers. This is probably where I learned the most! Passage 2Have you ever heard of homeschooling It is a legal choice for

6、parents in most countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an 1) alternative to public or private schools outside the home. Parents cite 2) numerous reasons for homeschooling their children. The three reasons that are selected by the majority of parents in the United States a

7、re the concern about the 3) traditional school environment, the lack of religious or moral instruction, and the dissatisfaction with the 4) academic instruction at public and private schools. Homeschooling may also be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling can be a choice for famil

8、ies living in isolated 5) countryside or living briefly abroad. Also many young 6) athletes and actors are taught at home.Homeschoolers often 7) take advantage of educational opportunities at museums, libraries, community centers, athletic clubs, after-school programs, churches, parks, and other com

9、munity resources. 8) Secondary school level students may take classes at community colleges, which typically have open admission policies.Groups of homeschooling families often join up together to create homeschool co-ops. These groups typically meet once a week and provide a classroom environment.

10、These are family-centered support groups whose members seek to pool their talents and resources 9) in a collective effort to broaden the scope of their childrens education. They provide a classroom environment where students can do hands-on and group learning such as performing, science experiments,

11、 art projects, foreign language study, spelling contests, discussions, etc. Parents whose children take the classes 10) serve as volunteers to keep costs low and make the program a success.TestMany people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, (1) political methods, geography,

12、 physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Others go to school to learn skills in order to make a living. (2)Traditional education is very useful and important. Yet, no one can (3)acquire everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, cannot teach his students everything they want to kno

13、w. The teachers main job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.It is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to (4)bear in mind some facts or some skills. It is q

14、uite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very (5) difficult to use a formula in working out a math problem.Great scientists didnt get everything from school. Edison didnt even finish junior school. And yet, he (6) invented so many new things. These scientis

15、ts were so (7)successful, but their teachers only showed them the way. The (8) reason for their success was that they knew how to study. They read books that they were not taught at school. They would ask many questions as they read. They did (9)thousands of experiments. They worked hard all their l

16、ives, wasting not a single moment. Most important was that they knew how to use their (10)brains. Unit 2Passage 1I believe watching nature programs on television is not going to give us and our children a real experience of nature. On the contrary, they may distance us from nature actual nature even

17、 further.Because real nature experiences mean contact with nature. It means being with and within nature, to experience it with all five senses.True, TV programs give us joy but they will never be able to help us form a relationship with nature. We watch our small screens come alive with the vivid c

18、olors and we all let out aahhhh. and wooooow. But, never once will we feel the pleasure of being close to nature.Worse still the programs such as those on the Discovery Channel make nature seem so strange, and so far away, in the forests of the Amazon or in the wilds of Africa. Children may grow up

19、without even realizing that the flowers, plants or a couple of trees in their backyard are nature and they are equally precious. The truth is nature is so close to us. We dont need to go anywhere far to enjoy such experiences. It is right there in our backyards. Or, in parks, gardens, forests, or na

20、tional parks.All we need to do is make an effort to get closer to nature know it, appreciate it, and explore it. Feeling the soil under our feet and the wind in our hair; listening to the sound of the fallen leaves and taking in the smell of the wet soil all these are pure joy to the senses that we

21、must experience. Passage 2I have never been able to understand people who dont see the point in traveling. The common reason is that traveling is a waste of time and money. Ive heard some are 1) scared to travel too far away. I cant help but feel sorry particularly for those who 2) perceive the expe

22、rience of seeing a new place as a 100 percent 3) negative one. Telling them stories about unusual encounters doesnt 4) result in the expected curiosity but a Why would you wanna go there! It makes me 5) lose faith in humanity. Experience is the best teacher and knowledge is power. The things traveli

23、ng can teach you are beautiful because you learn to trust in what you see rather than what you are told.It was Mark Twain who said, Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, which in my mind 6) goes down as the closest to the truth about traveling. Too bad there arent enough peopl

24、e with the means to travel actually doing it. If you have the means to go abroad, you should do it despite going out of your comfort zone. You might realize why you loved it once youre back home.I think traveling is also the best thing you could do if you feel 7) depressed at home, dont know what to

25、 do with your future, your life, your partner anything. Once you are away, 8) preferably somewhere very new and unknown, you are forced to 9) adapt and meet people. This works especially if you travel alone. A new life and especially the new relationships you build, even if only for a short period o

26、f time, 10) reveal opportunities and views you never would have thought of and had otherwise.TestNowadays it is very common for people to get away on a (1)vacation trip any time. People from all (2)walks of life, both young and old, enjoy traveling. Some even consider traveling as part of their (3)r

27、outine lifestyle. Most of the younger travelers tend to seek fun, discovery and (4)adventure in their travels. They prefer to visit strange and exotic (异国情调的) places. The older travelers, on the other hand, tend to look for a more pleasant and enjoyable trip. In fact, it was not too long ago that an

28、 increasing number of older people started to go for leisure trips more often. It could be that after spending a major part of their life working so hard, they felt that they needed to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Leisure traveling has become a (5)treat they give to themselves for the years of h

29、ard work they have done. Perhaps, the reason for the (6)popularity of traveling is that more people have come to realize its benefits. When we visit other countries, we (7)gain a better understanding of the people living there. We learn about their culture, history and background. We discover the (8

30、)similarities they have with us, as well as their differences from us. Also, traveling helps to enrich our lives. It increases our knowledge and widens our (9)perspective. When we visit interesting places, we discover new people and things, which not only provide us fun, but also provide us (10)marv

31、elous insights and enlightens our minds. Unit 3Passage 1Since Im a student, I go to school on weekdays and so I dont have too much free time. I usually spend six or seven hours at school. After that I either go downtown for some shopping or go home and study. If I have some free time during the week

32、 I might read a book or watch TV. Lately my evenings have been spent preparing for my graduation examination, which takes up a lot of time.Even though I have a lot to do, I still have some free time for leisure activities. On weekends I like to go with my family to our cottage. I like taking long walks around the countryside and I like watching the seasons change. I have the most free time during the summer months. One of my favorite activities is to go canoeing with my friends. We borrow a couple of canoes and choose a nice spot on the river to begin. We spend the day floatin

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