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1、商业计划书英文模版Company NameBusiness PlanConfidentialConfidentialityThis business plan is the property of the Company and is considered to be strictly confidential. It contains information intended only for the person to whom it is transmitted. With receipt of this plan, recipient acknowledges and agrees t

2、hat: i) in the event recipient does not wish to pursue this matter, this document will be returned, at the address listed above as soon as possible; ii) the recipient will not copy, fax, reproduce, divulge, or distribute this confidential plan, in whole or in part, without the expressed written cons

3、ent of the Company; iii) all of the information herein will be treated as confidential material with no less care than that afforded to your own company confidential material.This Business Plan contains forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. The Companys actual results cou

4、ld differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of certain factors, including those set forth under Risk Factors and elsewhere in this Business Plan.Table of ContentsBibliography.15Executive Summary(2-3 pages) The purpose of this section is to provide a sh

5、ort introduction to the company and clearly define the unique competencies of the company, which will ensure its success.This section should include the following: A summary of the mission statement & the vision. Company background (if relevant) including date of establishment, financial and marketi

6、ng achievements etc. Industry and Market Summary. The Business Opportunity. A summary of the Innovation. Business Strategy summary. Marketing and Sales. Research and Development. Operations/ Manufacturing. Management and Ownership. Funds Required. Financial Summary.Mission Statement(1-3 page)The pur

7、pose of this section is to provide the mission and vision of the company.This section should include: Who we are What we do (product/service) How we do it (technology) For whom we do it (customer segment, needs) Vision Company background (if relevant) including date of establishment, financial and m

8、arketing achievements, etc.Industry and Marketplace Analysis(4-6 pages)The purpose of this section is to provide the investor with background on the industry and its growth potential. Description of the Industry and MarketThis section should include the following: Description of the industry Industr

9、y size today (in $ and or units), Forecasted industry size in 3-5 years What are the major drivers for growth? For example, are products becoming more affordable, easier-to-use, faster, greater performance? Is there increased awareness about the industry that might be driving growth? Is positive use

10、r experience driving growth? What trends are emerging in the industry? For example, are there standards in the industry? Are there new technologies coming out? Are big companies becoming interested in the industry? Is there a tendency towards consolidation? Where is the market heading? Industrys val

11、ue chain (a diagram is recommended)Customers and Market Segmentation How is the market segmented? By price, application, etc.? What is the size, the growth rate and the needs of the targeted market segment? Who are your immediate customers, who are the end users?CompetitionThe purpose of this sectio

12、n is to present factors that influence competition in your industry, to present who your main competitors (or competitors groups) are and your strengths / weaknesses vis-a-vis each competitor (or group). What are the crucial competitive factors in your industry? Price, reliability, compliance with s

13、tandards, installed base, time-to-market, technological innovation, availability of customer support? Who are the main competitors groups? Provide a short description of each group, the differentiating aspects of their products, corporate resources, market positioning, etc. Who are their customers?

14、Include a summary table that compares the competing solutions and your proposed solution.The Business OpportunityThe purpose of this section is to explain the market need for the product / service. The idea is to show what is lacking in the industry and the business benefits that will be gained by r

15、esolving these issues. Note that these issues should correspond with the problems that your new product will resolve.This section should include the following: What are the key needs of the customers in the target segment? What are the challenges that the industry is facing (that the new innovation

16、responds to)? For example, are products unreliable, highly fallible, incompatible, require long training periods, provide poor performance, expensive, not broadly available? What will be the business results for users if these challenges are overcome? For example, greater productivity, lower costs,

17、shorter time-to-market What will be the business results for users in $ / % terms? For example, costs will be cut by $x, productivity will be increased by x%. Who has the most to gain for these improved business benefits? Who is hurting the most from the fact that the industry has not yet overcome t

18、he challenges described above? Who will be willing to pay for the improved business benefits? What is the revenue opportunity?The Innovation Product or Service Description(3 5 pages)The purpose of this section is to present the new product or service and show how it will overcome the challenges pres

19、ented above.Overview of the Product or Service What is the new product / service which the company is proposing? What stage of development is it in? What is the quantum leap that makes your solution superior Product Benefits What are the benefits of the new product / service to the different markets

20、? How does it resolve the challenges described above? Who will reap these benefits?Technology On which technology is the product/service based? Is this technology unique? How central is the technology to the product? What is its expected life cycle and future generations? Is it patented? Are there s

21、ubstitute technologies?Product ComparisonConduct a comparative analysis of your product and resources vs. the competing solutions. This should include comparison of track record and reputation, market penetration, technological capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of each product, target markets,

22、ability to meet customer requirements, feature comparison, price comparison, etc. (presenting in a table is recommended) Future Product Roadmap What is the future product roadmap? What additional products might the company develop in the future?The Business Strategy(3-5 pages)The Business Strategy S

23、WOT analysis Porters Model - 5 competitive Forces You should discuss your competitive advantage, how is it achieved, what are the resources that you have or willing to develop in order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. What will the company sell and to whom? How is it going to make money

24、? Which stages of the value-added chain does the firm occupy? Who are its suppliers, who are its immediate customers, what marketing channels does the firm use? How does the production, marketing and after-sales servicing? How do you chose your gereic strategy? How is the firm going to position itse

25、lf in the industry: niche player, differentiator or cost leader?Methods of Doing Business What are the revenue streams?Future Opportunities What are the plans for the future? Market expansions, new products, new directions.Marketing and Sales(4-5 pages)The purpose of this section is to define the ma

26、rketing strategy: the specific market segments the company will be operating in and how the company will penetrate those segments.Market Research What are the main results of the market research? What are the conclusions derived from the market research results?Marketing Plan Marketing mix 4Ps. How

27、will the company achieve its sales / market share goals? What are the distribution channels? What will be the pricing policy? What advertising / PR activities will be required? What is the advertising and PR budget and its allocation to the media channels?Target Markets Have potential customers in e

28、ach market segment been contacted? What feedback has been received from potential customers in each target market segment? Any signed agreements? Which markets will the company focus on first and why? What are the market share goals for the company short term and long term?Research and Development(2

29、-3 pages)The purpose of this section is to present a detailed plan of the R&D program including milestones and a description of the time and resources required to achieve those milestones.This section should include: What R&D has been done to date? What stage is development at: alpha, beta, stage I-

30、IV? How long will it take to develop the product / service until it is ready for commercial use? Following is a sample Gantt chart for this purpose:MilestonesQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Detailed DesignRegulatory testsIntegrationTesting + DebugAlpha SiteBeta Site1st Shipments What resources will be required equipment and manpower? How much will it cost? This can also be provided in graph form. How does the technical support program work? What kind of support is needed?Operation / Manufacturing(2-3 pages)

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