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1、写秦始皇的作文篇一:关于秦始皇的英语作文关于秦始皇的英语作文 标签:秦始皇,英语作文 简单点的。不要太难。我很急!“稀”陽回答:4人气:32解决时间:2008-12-05 18:33满意答案好评率:52% 希望一楼的不要把 Wikipedia 的发过来,二楼的也不要写华佗扁鹊了,专业一点。Qin Shi Huang ,personal name Ying Zheng, was king of the Chinese State of Qin from 247 BCE to 221 BCE (during the Warring States Period). He became the fir

2、st emperor of a unified China in 221 BCE. He ruled until his death in 210 BCE, calling himself the First Emperor . He was known for the introduction of Legalism and also for unifying China.Qin Shi Huang remains a controversial figure in Chinese history. After unifying China, he and his chief adviser

3、 Li Si passed a series of major reforms meant to preserve unification. Together, they undertook gigantic projects, including the first version of the current Great Wall of China, the now famous city-sized mausoleum guarded by a life-sized Terracotta Army, and a massive national road system, all at t

4、he expense of many lives. To ensure stability, Qin Shi Huang outlawed Confucianism and is reported to have buried alive many of its scholars. All books other than those officially decreed were banned and burned.Despite the tyranny of his autocratic rule, Qin Shi Huang is regarded as a pivotal figure

5、 in Chinese history whose unification of China has endured for more than two thousand years.好:13一般:7不好:5原创:11非原创:3回答采纳率:%2008-12-04 14:42的感言:。我有更好的回答收藏转载到QQ空间相关内容关于秦始皇的100字英语作文英语作文 关于感恩节的跪求英语作文关于秦始皇的!帮写一篇五百、六百的作文秦始皇墓为什么不挖 秦始皇墓之谜 秦始皇朝攻略 秦始皇陵墓被盗过吗 秦始皇墓挖掘直播 探索发现古墓秦始皇其他答案Shihuangdi or Shih Huang-ti orig

6、. Zhao Zhengborn 259 BC, Qin state, northwestern Chinadied 210 BC, Hebei provinceFounder of the Qin dynasty (221207 BC).His father was king of Qin, which was regarded as barbarous by the central states of China but had developed a strong bureaucratic government under the philosophy of legalism (see

7、Hanfeizi). Aided by Li Si, Zheng eliminated the other Chinese states until in 221 BC Qin ruled supreme. He proclaimed himself Shihuangdi (First SovereignEmperor) and initiated reforms designed to create a fully centralized administration. He was interested in magic and alchemy, hoping for an elixir

8、of immortality; his reliance on magicians was strongly condemned by Confucian scholars, many of whom he executed. The scholars also advocated a return to old feudal ways; their obstinacy led him to order the burning of all nonutilitarian books. Traditional histories regarded him as the ultimate vill

9、ain, cruel, uncultivated, and superstitious. Modern historians stress the endurance of his bureaucratic and administrative structure. Though the Qin dynasty collapsed after his death, future dynasties adopted his structures. He was buried in a massive tomb with an army of more than 6,000 terra-cotta

10、 soldiers and horses.秦始皇 Shihuangdi亦作Shih Huang-ti。本名赵政(Zhao Zheng)。(259?中国西北地区 秦国210BC,河北省)秦朝(221207BC)的创建者。其父是秦国君王。尽管中原国家认为秦国过于野蛮,但秦国仍然在法家(参阅韩非子Hanfeizi)思想的指导下,发展出强大的官僚政府。赵政在李斯的协助下,于公元前221年之前,消灭了其它国家,取得最高的统治权。他自称为始皇帝(第一位至高无上的皇帝),发动改革,计划创造出一个完全中央集权的行政体系。秦始皇帝对于法术与炼丹术颇有兴趣,希望求得长生不死的仙丹。他对方士的信赖遭到儒家学者强烈谴

11、责,其中许多儒生因此而被处决。儒家学者并倡导回归到旧有的封建制。由于他们毫不屈服,导致秦始皇下令焚烧所有非实用性的书籍。在传统历史上一致认为他彻底的恶劣、残酷、粗野与迷信。现代的历史学者则强调其官僚与管理架构的持久性。虽然秦朝在秦始皇死亡后崩溃瓦解,但后世的朝代仍采用其行政架构。秦始皇被埋葬在一座巨大的陵墓中,其中附带一支超过6,000具赤陶兵马俑所组成的军队。神行太保回答采纳率:%2008-11-19 19:16The right picture is the famous Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang in a kneeli

12、ng archer. It was found at Lintong County in Shaanxi Province to the east of Qin Shi Huangs tombLet me introduce this kneeling archer. kneeling archer on the pit hole; His right knee down, against his right hip, his hands holding Gongnu like to do. Hes about meters high, the lower part of the body w

13、as solid, the upper part of the body was was made by a local mixture made of clay.archaeologists found 120 kneeling archers in pit , kneeling archer can help us to understand about royal guards of Qin Shi Huang聖也回答采纳率:%2008-11-19 19:29Hua Tuo was a famous doctor who lived 1,700 years ago during the

14、Three Kingdoms Period. He not only read widely but travelled extensively in his medical practice. His keen powers of observation, tireless penchant for research and ability to accurately sum up his experiences enabled him to perfect his healing art ceaselessly.Like Bianque* before him, he had a tale

15、nt for making diagnosis by observing the patients outward symptoms. Once he found a group of people drinking in a tavern and was struck by the complexion of one of them. He went over to ask the man how he felt. The reply was that he felt quite alright, just as usual. Hua warned him that he was serio

16、usly ill and that he must not drink any more. The man died soon afterwards.A versatile practitioner, he was expert in acupuncture. The discovery of jiaji, an acupoint on the spine frequently used today, is attributed to him. He wrote Hua Tuos Book on Acupuncture, which remained one of the most autho

17、ritative works on the subject for many years after his death.One of his great contributions was the development of an oral anaesthetic for use in surgical operations. The prescription consists chiefly of datura blossoms and certain other wild poisonous herbs, all of which grow abundantly in Chinas s

18、outhern regions. His method later spread to the Arab world.A famous patient operated on by him was General Guan Yu (see stories from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms). In a battle Guan Yu had been injured in the arm by a lethally poisonous arrow. Invited to give treatment, Hua Tuo cut open the lesi

19、on and scraped the poison off the bone. All the while, the general went on playing chess without a wince. His wound soon healed and the patient suffered no disability whatever.With the use of his oral anaesthetic, he is said to have performed many successful major operations involving internal organ

20、s. He must have had a fine grasp of anatomy and physiology.He was also an early exponent of physical exercise for its curative and preventive value. By observing and imitating the movements of certain animals (like the tiger, bear, monkey and deer) and birds, he designed a set of callisthenics which

21、 he called The Game of Five Animals. Whit this, he cured certain chronic diseases, notably disorders of the digestive system, and the game became quite popular in certain regions of the country during his lifetime.But this giant in Chinese medicine did not come to a happy end. Called in by Cao Cao,

22、the Prime Minister, to treat his migraine, the doctor relieved him of his pain instantly with the application of a single acupuncture needle at the effective point. Cao Cao wanted him to remain at court as his personal physician. Unwilling to spend his time in the service of a handful of people, Hua

23、 Tuo declined on the excuse of an ailing mother who needed his constant attention. When Cao Cao found out this was an evasion, he had him arrested and finally put to death.While in prison, the doctor asked his gaoler to help smuggle his medical works to the outside world for the benefit of the peopl

24、e. Unable to persuade the gaoler, who was afraid to take the risk, Hua Tuo committed his works to the flames. This was a great loss to the medical heritage of the country篇二:写历史人物的作文写历史人物的作文篇一:评价历史人物千古一帝秦皇赢政秦始皇是中国历史上一位赫赫有名的君王。但古往今来,人们对他的争论不断,褒贬不一。在大多数人的心目中,他不仅是一个至高无上的皇帝,更是一位昏庸无道的暴君。人们可以众说纷纭,百家争鸣,但面对历




28、个又一个14年。因此,对于历史人物功过自可评说,但必须尊重历史,尽可能还以历史人物一个基本真实面目。篇二:走进历史人物朱棣中华五千年的历史源远流长,五千年的文明,有过繁荣,有过晦暗,也有过战乱,每一个时代都有一定的背景,在一些特定的时间里,各种人物,时代的伟人,横空出世,应运而生。俗话说:乱世出英雄。在复杂的背景下,像秦王嬴政,成吉思汗,毛泽东这些人都是当时所谓的“救世主”,而且都是家喻户晓的名人。而我最感兴趣的历史人物莫属朱棣了。 明史曾这样记载:“文皇少长习兵,据幽燕形胜之地,乘建文孱弱,长驱内向,奄有四海。即位以后,躬行节俭,水旱朝告夕振,无有壅蔽。知人善任,表里洞达,雄武之略,同符高祖


30、世称为永乐皇帝或永乐大帝。当然,不同的人有不同的看法,仁者见仁智者见智,某网友对朱棣的评价是这样的: 第一,他继承了明太祖的事业,对明太祖的政策有所调整,完善了明朝的文官制度,使明朝的事业建立在更巩固的基础上,把明朝的事业推向新的高度。第二,在中华民族发展历史上,明成祖是一个关键人物,他推动了中华民族多民族统一国家的发展,推动了中华民族多元一体民族文化的进程。第三,明成祖既有雄才大略的一面,也有残暴的一面。他的残暴不仅仅体现在他夺取政权以后对于政治反对派的残酷镇压和杀戮,也表现在他夺权以后建立的东厂对于全国政治、官僚队伍加强控制,同时造成以后宦官擅权的弊病。第四,我们说永乐盛世是一个远迈汉唐的



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