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1、邯郸市201高三年级质检文理英语邯郸市2018届高三教学质量检测英语试卷第一部分 听力(共两节) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有2分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A19.15.B9.18.C9.15.答案是C。1Where is the woman going with her children?ATo Australia.BTo C

2、anada.CTo Japan.2What will the man buy for Sarah?AA plant.BChocolate.CA birthday-card.3How will the speakers go to the restaurant?ABy car.BBy bus.CBy taxi.4What did the two girls do yesterday?AThey went to meet Jeff.BThey went to the English Evening.CThey became friends at the English Evening.5What

3、does the woman suggest?ALeaving early for the airport.BChecking the flight schedule the next morning.CListening to the weather forecast the next morning.第二节(共15小题) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6How old was pr

4、obably the man when he got his PhD?A18.B26.C28.7When did the man begin his research on the cancer drug?AWhen he got a job in a medical lab.BWhen he worked at a medical company.CWhen he was in the process of getting his PhD degree.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8What is the most important thing in an interview?AFrie

5、ndliness.BHonesty.CQuickness.9Where are the speakers speaking?AOn the phone.BOn the street.CIn the classroom.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Where is the camera?AIn the womans bag.BIn the mans hand luggage.CIn the womans hand luggage.11What is the womans attitude towards the mans words?ANervous.BHappy.CImpatient

6、.12What did the woman probably forget?AThe tickets.BThe passports.CThe travellers cheques.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What are the speakers doing?ALooking at some pictures.BTaking a trip abroad.CMaking a trip plan.14Where is the mans first stop?ABali.BIndia.CThailand.15What happened to the man in Fiji?AA man

7、 hurt him.BA girl asked him to marry her.CA man asked him to marry his daughter.16Where does the Argentinean girl work now?AIn Argentina.BIn Switzerland.CIn Thailand.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Where does the speaker most probably make the speech?AAt a family get-together.BAt a reception.CIn a class.18What

8、is Mr. Brown?AAn assistant manager.BA clothing businessman.CA government official.19When did the speaker start to do business with Mr. Brown?AIn 1998.BIn 1989.CIn 1988.20Why are Mr. Brown and his party coming to England?ATo visit some business partners.BTo pay an informal visit to some cities.CTo se

9、ek new opportunities for cooperation.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节)第一节(共15小题) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A As families get ready to head back to school for the fall, parents are on a tight budget to get all the right supplies purchased, paperwork filled out and physicals(体检) scheduled. It can be a

10、 tough time of year and many parents struggle to find the time and money to make it happen smoothly. Thats where Heartland Community Health Center can help. In order to get kids off to a healthy start to the school year, Heartland, with support from Connect Church, will be focusing on the back-to-sc

11、hool needs of families during the week of Aug. 711, and beyond. During the event week, Heartland will offer reduced-cost school physicals by appointment only. Free backpacks filled with various school supplies and free toothpaste to protect teeth, along with other helpful information, will be availa

12、ble on a walk-in basis during event hours. The 2017 Back To School with Heartland event will be held: MondayThursday 2:00 p. m.5:00 p. m. and Friday 1:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. , Aug, 711However, reduced costs for physicals will be available through Sept. 30 this year, for those who are unable to schedule

13、 an appointment during the event week. Heartlands regular clinic hours are as follows: Monday & Wednesday: 8:00 a. m.5:00 p.m.; Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00 a. m.7:00 p.m.; Friday: $:00 a. m.3:00 p.m. Heartland is a Level 3 Patient-centered Medical Home and a Health Center serving Douglas County and sur

14、rounding areas with primary care, behavioral health and assistance programs. Services are available to all, regardless of income or insurance status. Heartland is located at 346 Maine St., Ste. 150 in Lawrence, KS, and also offers an office inside the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department at 200

15、 Maine St.21What can people get from Heartland during event hours?APick-up service.BFree school supplies.CReduced-cost technical training.DHelp in the form of money.22When can you visit Heartlands clinic?AAt 5:00 p.m. on Friday.BAt 7:00 p.m. on Monday.CAt 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday.DAt 7:00 a.m. on Thur

16、sday.23What information about Heartland can we get from the text?AIts development history.BThe number of its members.CIts founder.DIts address.B I stood in a noisy group of sixth grade students, waiting for the answer to our burning question: What type of crazy tie would Mr. Miller be wearing today?

17、 Our teacher walked around the corner with a GREEN ELEPHANT TIE that matched his large elephant coffee cup! Oh, the satisfaction in our young heartsa green elephant tie! With his glasses at the tip of his nose, he greeted us cheerfully, Good morning, folks! He was strange and unique and he brightene

18、d every day for us. He was the most dynamic teacher I had ever met. I loved music, so I remember how excited I was when he said he was going to give us music lessons. But when he turned on the music, my classmates and I slowly turned our heads toward the sound of.Peter Paul and Mary singing If I Had

19、 a Hammer. Snickers(窃笑) filled the room. If it wasnt rap or hip hop, we didnt recognize it. What were these people singing about? My classmates were not into this at all. But for me, a girl of 12, it was a discovery. An awakening. Twenty years passed and now there are forty little eyes stating at my

20、 wild musical-note shirts as I greet them with a joyful, Good morning, class! I wonder if my students wait and wonder what crazy music clothes I will wear each day. I glance at my 2015 Teacher of the Year Award, which I received for being a dynamic teacher. And I smile to myself, wondering which chi

21、ld in front of me will carry this onas Ive carried on the legacy (遗产) of Mr. Miller. One teacher, who dared to be different and open new worlds to kids like me, threw the significant stone into the pond of my life. I pray the ripples(涟漪) never end.24What can we infer about Mr. Miller?AHe was an anim

22、al lover.BHe didnt take his work seriously.CHe often dressed up in an unusual way.DHe often asked his students burning questions.25How did the author react to the song If I Had a Hammer?APuzzled.BDisappointed.CUninterested.DExcited.26What does the underlined word this in the text refer to?AA kind he

23、art.BThe smile.CA gift for music.DThe love for teaching.27What is the authors purpose in writing this text?ATo prove her love for music.BTo show a teachers effect on her.CTo call on students to take up teaching.DTo share her experience in music learning.C To fight for the conservation of forest ecos

24、ystem, several ecologists including Daniel Janzen convinced Del Oro, an orange juice producer, to donate part of their forestland to a national park. In return, Del Oro was allowed to throw large amounts of waste in the form of orange peels (皮) on a 3-hectare piece of land within the national park a

25、t no cost. Dealing with tons of leftover peels usually involved burning them or paying to have them poured into a landfill, so the proposal was very attractive. But a year later, another juice company challenged the deal in court, arguing that their competitor was polluting a national park. They end

26、ed up winning, and the deal between Del Oro and the national park fell through. Then in 2013, while discussing possible research avenues with Timothy Treuer, Daniel Janzen mentioned the orange peel story. Feeling interested, Treuer decided to stop by that piece of land that had been covered with fru

27、it waste 15 years earlier. What he found shocked him. While I would walk over exposed rock and dead grass in the nearby fields, Id have to climb through undergrowth and cut paths through walls of vines(藤) in the orange peel site itself, said Timothy Treuer. Treuer and his team spent months picking u

28、p samples (样品), analyzing and comparing them. They found great differences between the areas covered with orange peels and those that were not. The area with orange waste had richer soil. The effect that the orange peels had on the land is probably not that surprising to people familiar with compost

29、ing(施肥), but what is really shocking is that a judge actually thought the waste of orange ruined a national park and stopped it from going forward. Now that Timothy Treuers study has received worldwide attention, this type of ruining is being seriously considered as a way of bringing forests back to

30、 life.28What did Del Oro usually do with orange peels?AAdd them to fuel.BFeed them to animals.CBurn or bury them.DMake them into cakes.29What can we know about the deal between Del Oro and the national park?AIt lasted 15 years.BIt was signed by Treuer.CIt was made in about 1998DIt was broken by Del

31、Oro.30What was Treuers finding?AOrange peels contain much fibre.BOrange peels can make soil richer.COrange peels rot away in a short time.DOrange waste rained the national park.31What is the authors attitude toward the judge mentioned in the last paragraph?ADisapproving.BPositive.CWorried.DAdmirable.D In the mid-20OOs, Waze Mobile co-founder Ehud Shabtai received a cutting-edge (尖端的)gift from his girlfriend: a GPS. The expensive gift was suppo

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